
NLiHP Chapter 004

(AN: Note: ¢ = Credit, no matter what the voices say.)

A cheery voice then announces "Thank you for watching,

'The Things You Should Know.'

Would you like to watch another?"



The cheerful voice was back.

"Good choice. Now playing 'Useful Things You Would Like to Know.' Enjoy!"

The screen began again it showed the player harvesting apples with a pole and a wheelbarrow. Once it was full the scene skipped to the player selling the apples at an appropriate vendor point. Then it showed the player with a stack of credits going to a building called 'Money Exchange' once in side the player had several options appear. He then traded the stack of credits for 130 British pounds. The scene skipped to the player walking from the Hub down the return corridor. Once awake the player awoke with a bundle of cash in his hand. This series of events replayed with several different scenarios happening. From walking out with an apple and other items. The only stipulation seems to be that the item must be man portable and fit in the hand. When the player walked through with a shovel he cam back with a section of handle.

"As in a game things can be transported through the realms, as this is not a game the transport area is limited."

The Screen changes it now shows a farmer selling a pack of seeds with his account balance highlighted. After the sale is finished a brief fanfare sounds with confetti blasting up from around the player then falling down with sparkles before disappearing.

"As in a game, special actions or events are to be celebrated. As this is not a game there are no leader boards to facilitate competition between players. Instead achievements and mile stones will allow you to purchase inter-realm abilities. Some of the commonly purchased abilities are; shared inventory, level system, special abilities, and many others."

As that was going the screen was showing a flicker film of the different abilities that you could get. From the brief glimpse it appeared to be like the inventory ability allows you to take the Factory inventory system to the farm and the real world. The level up system appears to be similar to 'THE Gamer.'

once the voice was done the screens started up again this time split in to two. In the upper corner it had indicated 'Real' and 'Game' in the upper opposing corners. Then the players appeared in the same spot and same orientation and began to do a variety of tasks like enter a building. The game had a brief pause before the building interior appeared and a giant screen showed up with the different purchase options available. On the real side you either had a person/bot or an automated kiosk that would take care of your purchases or sale.

It then showed the player investigating the inventory of several storage containers and vehicles. In the game side the player just went near to it to access the inventory where in the real side the player had to use an attached screen or attach a dongle to the container to interact with the inventory through the use of an arm screen. Although when the arm screen showed up it had a pop-up saying available through the HUB system. For the small containers the player had to physically open and interact with the contents, though the contents appeared to be smaller then they should be.

"As in a game accessing systems and inventories has been simplified. As this is not a game you will have to look at appropriate indicators to check the readiness of vehicles and use appropriate terminals (if available) to check, modify, and transfer inventories between the player and storage."

The screen shows the player interacting with a person they then go to the players room and lay down. The player then transfers over to The HUB but the other person is now on a separate screen with a confused expression showing. A ticker tape add starts playing on the bedroom side. 'for more information please see The HUB system for more information. The screens then rewind to both of the characters interacting, the player proposes and the other accepts a fan fare goes off on the players screen. 'Congratulations, you are now married to-Insert name here-.'

They both then go to the room and they both fade to The HUB.

"As in a game you can play and enjoy the digital world with friends. As this is not a game the marriage system has been set up to allow this to occur. Please see The HUB systems for the process of marriage.

The screens were back. It showed the player in The HUB systems which then selected combat training.

The Player faded out and appeared in a waiting area for a coliseum like area. You can see the battle area through a barred window. On one of the walls you have a few weapons. There is a hand taser, a sword, a bolt gun, and a Rifle? It then shows the Player opening his inventory and placing a bow on a table with a blue glow, the bow disappears from the table and shows up on the wall. It is then followed by several different styles of arrows. The player then grabs an arrow that is on the wall and another appears in its place immediately. The Player ends up with 60 arrows and a bow, the Rifle, and the sword. Upon exiting the armory you enter in to another room that has a lot of floor plans with names. When the player touched the one labeled shooting range basic, an image of the range pops up showing a variable distance shooting range with targets out to 100 meters. The player takes that blueprint with him. At the next area there is a builtin board that is labeled 'Arena Layout' The Player then places the blueprint on the builtin board and it just stays there. There is a brief moment of noise. Upon exiting the tunnels you can see the arena again. It has changed to an archery range. The player walked over and placed the various weapons on the waist high table that sits at the firing line. The play then uses the bow to shoot the various targets each time The Player missed a mark would show up on the range map that sat on the table. After 10 shots The Play tapped on a mark which zoomed in to that spot so you could see what you hit with greater detail. The Player tapped on the map and it zoomed out. The player then Double-tapped a mark and it disappeared and an arrow appeared on the table. The player then pressed a Tab labeled 'RESET' and a pulse went out. The range was renewed and all spent arrows were returned to the table. The Player placed down the bow and picked up the rifle then began to blast the farthest target. Once the Rifle? Was emptied the Player tapped on the target He was shooting at. Its likeness appeared on the table. New Tabs appeared labeled 'Save, compare, and Reset' The Player pushed on the Save button, a name box appeared the player pressed OK. The player then pressed on Reset. The target did a bit of a flicker and its surface was renewed and a magazine filled with Rifle? Rounds. The Player reloaded and actually tried to hit the target in better locations and ended up drawing a smile face. Taping on the range target brought it in to focus. Pressing on the compare button brings up a list of saved target, there was only one target on the list. Once selected the smile face target was shown next to the first target. The Player dragged the two targets together and they were able to be over lapped allowing the two targets to be compared in more exacting detail. In this case it showed a smile face wearing a cowboy hat.

"As in a game allowances will be made in designated training areas for the expenditure of munitions. As this is not a game you must provide an example of any weapon and munition you would like to use in the training area. Please note that any item provided by the training area can not be taken out of the training area. For more information please see The HUB systems"

The Cheery voice came back. "Thank you for watching 'The Things You Should Know.' there are more tutorial videos available please use The HUB systems to search for and watch the various how-to videos on the many subjects.

Would you like to watch another video?"



I exited out of the various screens.

"OK that was a lot I wonder if the Medical treatment function can treat me or am I just a stand in for my real world self? From what I saw, it seems that my body in the real world disappears when I come here. Or was that just to emphasize the point of how to bring others with me in to this place?

After checking out the system for a bit I found the Milestones tab. So far I have unlocked 2 milestones. The first one was for entering the hub the first time. The second was for watching a tutorial video. The other tutorial videos… well lets just say if I was to watch them all back to back I would be watching videos for the next 7 weeks. I did watch the build tutorials for both the farm and the factory. Those were very beneficial. In the farm you have two types of structures. The first are permanent structures. These are houses, shops, infrastructure. The other are Farm/temporary buildings. These are the buildings like Sheds, fences, Barns, stables, Carports, and silos. In the farm it is limited to one permanent structure per lot. To tear down a permanent structure you lose 50% of its value while a temporary one is packed and can be sold at 80% or placed elsewhere.

In the factory it is a little different. None of the structures has a monetary cost instead it is a resource cost. If you use the Factory tool then you can get a 100% full refund. The resources will stack in your internal inventory until full, after which it just scatters over the area. Supper annoying to pickup afterwards.

Well lets check out the settings page.

The HUB settings

Player Name: Harry Potter

Age: 5

Race: Human

Current Cross over type: Consciousness only.

Real world inventory crossover: Right hand only

Time compression: 1 to 1

For more information please purchase it from the Achievement's shop.

Back to the real world.

In my cupboard. Well this sucks.

Yup there are locks on the door.

Looking thru the great in the door I can just see the clock. It looks like its 11p.m.

well back to the hub.

OK. so future knowledge says that Harry suffered from malnutrition, maybe blocks on his magic if its a fan-fic world, and Horecrux. Lets go to the medical station and check this out…

where was the medical station again?

Its in The HUB interface.

After selecting the appropriate settings and tabs a Low-powered glow surrounds me and pulses up and down for a few seconds before the screen starts to populate with my information and medical condition.


its not good.

I'm suffering from;

Magic leach. Which is draining 90% of my magic as it comes in. bad news, recovery takes longer. Good news, my magic well/core/what ever will steadily grow with faster replenishment as long as I use my magic in some way to activate my natural replenishment. Its just like a muscle, the more you use it the stronger it gets. Though magic seems to only operate in the one direction unless something happens.

Magic Block. My magic is 4 times harder to access at any given time. Helps to prevent accidental magic in small children.

Insignificant soul Leach/Possession. Its most likely the remnants of Voldemort aka Mr. Riddle. Currently its being contained by something.

Skeletal Fracture there are several areas showing up that indicate that the bones have been broken and set wrong with 3 ribs currently cracked. Most of the previous breaks happened on the lower arms and back, with one on the right femur.

Severe scaring. My back is just striped with scars. I can't count them as they are weaved in and out of each other. The other notable one is the lightning bolt scar.

Malnutrition and stunted growth. Due to the minimal intake of calories I am about an inch shorter than I should be. My muscles and bones are about 10% under mass.

Myopia. Poor eyesight partially caused by malnutrition and the soul leach.

That looks like that's it. Now how much to fix?

Magic leach. 10,000,000 ¢

Magic Block. 5,000,000 ¢

Insignificant soul Leach/Possession. 500,000¢

Skeletal Fracture 1,000¢

Severe scaring. 500¢

Malnutrition and stunted growth. 12000¢

Myopia. 130,000¢

Alright looks like my plan is going to be eyesight first then the soul leach. Once those are done we can do the rest in a first come first served basis.

Nothing I can afford at this time, lets go and check out the farm and see about the whole farming process. Maybe I can grow some food to off set some of the lack of food from the Dursley's.

To the Farm.

Upon Entering

The Cheery voice was back.

"Welcome to the Farm. As this is your first visit you are awarded with the achievement '1st Visit, FARM' Have a nice day."

"Thank you" Harry replied back.

"Hey look there is a General store. Lets go check it out." Harry begins to jog to the only building in the area. Opening the front door sets off a chime. A light "ting" resonates through out the are. There is no one here. All the shelves are bare, but it's clean. Like just after a renovation but before the store is restocked. After a brief search the only thing to find is a Terminal on the front counter. A bit of investigation latter allows Harry to activate it which brings up a virtual menu again.

"Welcome to the Farm Main management terminal. Here you can buy, sell, and manage properties. Purchase goods and small equipment. You can also sell produce of up to 1 cubic yard per day."

"and... My bank account balance is zero, zip, nada, zilch. Yeah, Vernon has only given me two pence so far… Well I am only 5, so for that he can be forgiven, but only that. Guess I'll have to figure out the grass rout to wealth, and a full belly.

So outside I collected a large bundle of grass strands each equaling at least 10 inches. With just a fist full the general store would not take it, but once my bundle was just over 14 inches high on the counter the system would recognize it as an item and give me one credit. That's 1¢. What can I buy with 1¢? a bottle of water… a sickle is 10¢, a scythe is 25¢. a wheel barrow is 25¢, a push cart is 150¢. Oh what's this? Looks like I have an achievement. I concentrate on it. And the fanfare shows up.

"Congratulations! You have made your first Credit!"

...and that was that I now have 2 achievement points.

I spent the remainder of the hour breaking off tall grass and piling it on the sales counter and each time I had enough I sold it. By the time I had enough for the sickle my hands were very raw from breaking the stems and hauling the grass around. Once I had that sickle work speed went up drastically. I then spent another hour just cutting tall grass before the system said I had reached my daily limit.

I left the last pile on the counter and went back to the purchasing terminal. And hear it is. Salvation. An MRE. Looking in the related box. I see some similar items

A-Ration 10¢

Fresh meal in need of preparation. Pleas specify. Contents will need refrigeration

B-Ration 8¢

A meal in need of preparation. Please specify.

C-Ration 6¢ (google C-4 Ration contents)

Caned meal. Comes in several small cans.

K-Ration 3¢

Dry meal bar(s) with a balanced nutrition. Comes in a set of 3 (breakfast, supper, diner)

MRE (random) 10¢

Fully contained and packaged meal with heating element

Haversack ration 7¢

random sandwich with sides, ready for travel.

24-Hour Ration 12¢

3 MREs in a single package offers more variety.

Composite Ration 100¢

14 24-Hour rations includes a few accessory units

I have 21¢ after I bought that bottle of water and sickle. I need to save up so I can be more effective at harvesting…

wait a minute. I just spent 2 hours harvesting grass an I maxed out my total I need to find the place to actually sell grass so I can get more than 27 dollars in a single day. Looks like I know what I'm doing tomorrow. Lets get a K-Ration. That should last a while.

The money gets deducted from my account and a set of Boxes appear on the counter. I pick them up and transfer to the HUB with them in my right hand and the now empty bottle of water in my left. It worked…

every thing transferred over. I check the system for an inventory perk

Up gradable. 5AP Get 10 inventory slots which can stack up to 10 items each purchase increases both cell size and stack size

Scale able(1) 1AP uses equipped equipment as inventory. The larger/Better a bag the more room. Don't feel weight unless 75% full or greater. Usable IRL

Scale able(2) 2AP uses strength stat to determine inventory can carry strength stat times 10 as if I had nothing. At strength stat times 10-15 speed and endurance is halved. At strength times 20 you are unable to move.

Cheat. 100AP If you can touch it you can store it.

And then I saw it Scale able(1) usable IRL. In Real Life. I'm getting that one. Sure I will have to get a bag but just running around with stuff and not feeling the weight is a real life hack.

"Congratulations you have purchased your first perk!"

and I got another AP. Back to two I am. Scale able(2) here I go…

Nope no fanfare. Just to test I go back to the farm and grab the pile of grass off of the counter and put it in my inventory. I then leave for the real world with the empty bottle of water in my left hand, the K-Rations in my right, and a pile of grass in my inventory.

Well I have a K-Ration in my right hand, nothing in my left, and I can access my inventory but not take any thing out. Well were getting there.


… and the whale is up…

Today is going to suck.

Chapitre suivant