
New Life - Chapter # 9

The sun mercilessly burned and melted the air around, creating bizarre landscapes. The wind drove the sand from place to place, and even a makeshift mask did not save the eyes from it. My mouth was dry, I was mercilessly thirsty, but every drop of water counted, despite the sealed reserves. The desert does not forgive weakness and unpreparedness, these were the first words that three teenagers heard from their captain.

- How can you live here at all?

Sasuke wiped the sweat from his forehead that was filling his eyes and blocking his vision. He seemed proud, self-sufficient and purposeful, but few people knew that the parents spoiled the youngest child too much, putting the burden of the clan on the shoulders of his older brother, Itachi. Behind all the masks were weakness and laziness. The boy got used to the fact that he had everything - from money and servants, ending with genes. Everything that Sasuke had, he got not by hard work, but by an accident of fate.

- The first serious mission, and already so tired, - Uchiha threw a quick glance back at the second guy in the team, who was constantly looking in front of him so as not to lose sight of the whole group. From the very Academy, he saw Naruto as an opponent, who hid his potential from everyone. He considered him a mysterious element of his life, but now ... Much has changed: Sasuke was angry at his partner to the gnashing of his teeth, and only because he showed himself from a new side for everyone. Uzumaki knew things about which others did not hear, was more prepared, smarter and ... Most likely stronger. The Uchiha was not a fool and knew how to admit obvious things, but only in his head, not wanting to flaunt someone else's superiority. - You are just an upstart who is trying to take the bar is unbearable.

Naruto ignored the glimpse. He already understood what emotions did he experience. And this was good, because the Sasuke with whom he studied for four years was for Naruto an alien because of his humble behavior. And this guy knew as yourself. Envy mixed with anger and pride, forcing the Uchiha to move forward. Apparently, something in the universe should never change. And Sasuke was one of those things. Smiling, Naruto crouched down on the move and picked up a previously noticed pebble from the sand, which immediately aptly landed on the shoulder of the one in front.

- What do you want? - Asked a native of one of the strongest clans of Konoha without stopping. Black eyes crossed with blue ones, filled with amusement.

- I just noticed that you're kind of tense. Are you feeling okay?

- Amazing! - The Uchiha snarled, which pleased the Uzumaki even more. The masked boy's lips curled into a smirk. He felt that he would never get tired of pissing off this boy, because even in a past life, the former jinchuriki did not miss the opportunity to poke a friend, forcing his face to change into different grimaces.

- Are you Sure? - held out the son of the Hokage. - You're too pale.

- Back off, Namikaze! - Sasuke growled and buried himself in Hinata's backpack, not wanting to see his partner's face anymore.

Convulsively swallowing a dry lump that could have been called saliva a few hours ago, the owner of the Sharingan tried to distract himself with thoughts of Suna, who was intriguing with her secrets. But it didn't work. Uzumaki pissed him off more and overshadowed all thoughts about other things.

The guards studied the wall under their feet with measured steps for the thousandth time. The changing of the guard was not yet so close, and the night promised to be cold and long. Each of them now wanted to quickly unwrap their dinner and drink a cup of hot tea or coffee, but for now it was all a distant future.

No one could remember exactly when the last time the enemy tried to attack the Hidden Sand, but, nevertheless, the guards, day after day, year after year, guarded order in this village. Many were frankly bored, but no one would dare say that they were doing useless work. Each of these men and women took pride in being a shinobi. That he was the protector of his home.

This morning everything went according to an unplanned scenario. Order of the Kazekage on increased readiness to receive important guests, strengthening of security posts both day and night. Almost all high-ranking shinobi were given instructions on how to behave when meeting with a delegation from Konoha. But few people knew that the ambassadors were just a woman with three genin children. Therefore, when four silhouettes appeared near the walls of Suna, the guards tensed. They weren't expecting this at all.

- And here they take strangers more seriously, - Hinata remarked, examining the entrance to the village with the help of her Byakugan. She perfectly saw how the chakra of people who were watching them from their hiding places was activated. - Not what we have.

It could not be said that under the rule of the Yondaime, Leaf's defense had suffered. Anyone could visit Konoha, but they were sure to be watched from the shadows. It's just that Huga, like many others, did not see the situation from all sides. Since the time of Hashirama Senju, the village has not been financed almost completely by the Daimyo of the Land of Fire. Such was the price for the land that Senju and Uchiha received in an attempt to create the first hidden village for shinobi of different clans.

Liszt made money by any means, and tourism was no exception.

- Do not say anything superfluous, only if you are asked and you are sure of the answer. Forget about your clan and its influence. You will be reckoned with as long as you follow the rules, - Kushina removed her mask, noticing the approaching figure, and the students did the same behind her. - It's a different world. Alien culture and ethnicity. What may be commonplace for you in Konoha will be the strictest taboo here. So I advise you to remember about endurance and prudence. For us the whole hidden Leaf, but... When they arrive at these walls, it will be too late...

Shinobi Suna stopped ten meters from the group, not hurrying to say anything. Kushina chuckled knowingly: this man was a medium-to-long-range fighter, so he left himself room for maneuver.

- Identify yourself!

- Kushina Namikaze, - the woman slowly replied, noticing how the guard's eyes widened for a moment, - with students.

- We were waiting for a delegation from the Leaf, but we didn't think… - the man fell silent, trying to find the right words so as not to offend anyone, - that it would be a team of jonin and three genin.

- I'm not authorized to make any contracts," Kushina explained, understanding the shinobi's confusion. "Our goal is only to deliver the contract and, if we don't get a response within two days, come back to Konoha.

- Can I see the Hokage's seal?

Namikaze's index finger on her left hand glowed with blue chakra and she ran it along the length of her forearm. In the next second, literally out of nowhere, in her palm lay a thin scroll, which was decorated with sealing wax with the image of a burning fire. A banal drawing that can be easily faked, and both adults understood this. The jinchuriki smiled as she hooked the edge of the seal with her fingernail and she immediately reacted by releasing the chakra of the owner who placed it. Sweat beaded down the shinobi's back and he immediately raised his hands to stop the woman.

- That's enough, - he drawled, examining the stunned children, who had never experienced such pressure from the outside in their lives. His gaze caught on the blond, who tried to portray horror and incomprehension, but his cold blue eyes betrayed him - we don't want to seal everything within a radius of ten meters, right?

- I'm afraid it won't stop there... , - Kushina answered with a sly flash of emerald eyes.

- Please, go ahead. You will be met there and taken to the apartment. The Kazekage will receive you tomorrow morning. -

A group of four people moved into the depths of a foreign village, hoping for a comfortable rest. Tomorrow promised to be a hard day.

- Funny child, - the man accompanied the backs of the team from the Leaf with a slight smile. Next to him, a figure appeared from the sand that could only belong to the fair sex. The woman thoughtfully followed his example, but did not dare to break the silence. - Dangerous and cautious, like...

- Not a snake, a lizard, - she interrupted, getting a questioning look. - If this is the son of the Hokage, Naruto Namikaze, then he has a pact with the lizards of the Jade Valley, just like me. - The youngest summoner in the history of the ruling family.

- Ruling?

- Yes, their society is similar to ours. Politicians, warriors, different castes of artisans and other ordinary people. And this guy is under the tutelage of the ruling elite.

- Does he have special privileges?

- I doubt it, - she shook her head in response. - Even for me, senjutsu is a secret under seven locks. He is too young and inexperienced for them to train him.

- Are you Sure? - The man chuckled, chewing on his bottom lip. - I have such a feeling that if we start a fight, it is not clear who will be the winner.

- Nishiki-sama! - His interlocutor was indignant, marveling at the frankness of her commander. - He's a genin, albeit with a call. It is foolish even to regard him as a worthy adversary!

- You don't always have to believe your eyes and obvious facts, Mari. - Nishiki jabbed two fingers into the girl's forehead, causing her to snort in embarrassment. We are shinobi. Age doesn't matter, title doesn't matter either. Anyone can make a mistake and underestimate, stumble only once and lose. After all, in order to kill, you do not need to go through hundreds of missions. And this child, Marie... My intuition tells me that he is strong.