
chapter 5

"...I'll come with you, so please don't fight" I said. Kuromaru looked at me with worry in his eyes and I gave him reassuring look.


Itachi, Kisame and I walked out of the village. I turned one last time towards my village. It's undeniable, I feel sad. I can't even say goodbye to my bestfriend, they don't allow me to meet Akio before we leave the village.

"Do you live alone, Sarah?" Kisame asked. I nodded. "My parents died on a mission 4 years ago"

Kisame turned his head towards me. "I'm sorry"

"It's okay" I gave him a small smile. Even though Kisame is tall, big and looks scary, I think he's a pretty good person. He's kind to me, at least. Even though I just knew him, for some reason he was like a brother I never had.

We walked in silence for a few minutes.


I looked at Kisame. "Yes?"

"Do you... Hate us?"

I didn't know what to say. I don't blame them for this situation. No one can be blamed. Maybe this is what the universe planned for me, so i shook my head. "Hating people takes too much energy"

"Hatred makes you strong" Itachi interfered.

"Isn't love stronger? Hate can never defeat love"

"Loves makes you stronger among the people but makes you weak against the one you love"

I looked up to face him. "You're good with your words". Itachi just looked at me without saying a word.


"What is it, Pain? You're recruiting new people to our organization without discussing it with me first?" the masked man asked.

"I have my own reasons, Madara" Pain answered, his expression was cold as usual. Konan stood next to him.

"I am the leader, don't forget that" Madara, the masked man, stated."I am also the leader of this organization and I have the right to make decisions for our organization"

"Tch, I hope your decision doesn't make me disappointed"

"We'll see"


Itachi stopped walking and paid attention to his surroundings. "We rest here"

We have walked for about 3 hours and now it is midnight. Kisame sat on the grass and Itachi sat on a large rock not far from Kisame. I decided to sit near Kisame.

"Are you tired,Sarah?" Kisame asked.

I shook my head. "No, not really".

Kisame turned to Itachi. "Do we need a campfire?". Itachi nodded. "I'll gather firewood, stay here with Itachi" Kisame said to me.

"Do you need help?" I asked.

"No, you rest". Kisame walked into the woods and disappeared.

Now, it's just me and Itachi. A long moment spread between us withoutsaying anything. I don't know why but I always feel awkward around him.

Suddenly, I felt something draped over my shoulder. Itachi's cloak. "...Itachi?" I looked at him questioningly.

"It's cold here" He told me.

"Thanks"I said, putting my head down. My face grew hot as i felt my cheeks redden. What's wrong with me?Itachi coughed and I looked at him. "Are you okay?". Itachi lets out a sigh. "Don't worry about me".

A few minutes later, Kisame returned with firewood in his hand. Soon after, the campfire was already lit.

"You go to sleep. We still have a long way to go" Kisame said.

"Okay" I nodded then turned to Itachi. "Here's your cloak, thank you for lending it to me"

"Wear it as blanket"

I obeyed and lay on the grass, wearing Itachi's cloak as a blanket. I thought I wouldn't be able to sleep, but finally I fell asleep.

Kisame raised his eyebrow then laugh. "What a gentleman"