
chapter 3

"Organization's policy" Itachi answered shortly. "It's nice to meet you, Sarah, but i hope we never meet again" he said before turned his back.

"No offense, you're safer if you don't get involved with people like us" Kisame patted my shoulder and turned his back.

After the two of them left, I decided to start training. I threw my shuriken at the target hanging on the tree. Organization's policy? So they're members of an organization. The shuriken hit the target right in the middle.

I throw 3 shuriken at a time to a different target. I remembered the headband they wore, Konohagakure and Kirigakure. They come from different villages. The three shuriken I threw hit the target. I keep practicing with many questions that come to my head. Why did they cross out their headband? I would be safer if I didn't get involved with people like them... What does he mean by people like them??

I shook my head. I'd better focus on my practice. Besides, I won't see them again, right?


"You two have returned""Yes, Leader" Itachi nodded. "We have completed the mission"

"Good. Give the money to Kakuzu and rest" the Leader command. Itachi and Kisame nodded before turned back. "Wait. Kisame, what is wrong with your hand??" the Leader asked.

"Ah, I was injured whi-"

"No, that's not what I meant" the Leader interrupted. "Who has treated your wound?"

Kisame fell silent, worried that the Leader would get angry. Usually, injured members will be treated in their hiding base. Pain, the leader, doesn't like to involve outsiders to protect the organization.

"Medical nin from Getsugakure. She found us and decided to help us" Itachi explained. "She doesn't know about our organization, so she isn't a threat. She came from a small village, after all".

"How about her medical skill?" Pain asked.

"... Pretty good, actually" Itachi asnwered honestly."Explain" Pain ordered. Itachi paused, then explained how Sarah treated Kisame, about the poison and how she could sense an illness.

"Interesting" Pain commented. "You two, rest for 2 days then go to Getsugakure. Bring her to me"

Itachi and Kisame stunned. "You... You want her to join us?" Kisame asked.

"I have my reasons" Pain answered. "Now go"

After heard Pain's orders, Itachi and Kisame disappeared.

Paper flying around Pain. "Are you sure you want her to join us, Pain?" Girl with purple hair appeared beside Pain.

Pain glanced at her before nodded. "We need her medical skill, Konan"

"We already have Kakuzu and Sasori" said Konan, the girl with purple hair.

"Yes, but we need a real medic nin in our organization. Kakuzu and Sasori are rarely in our base because they usually on a mission. We need someone who always stand by here to heal injured member" Pain explained.

"Good point" Konan nodded. "I'll prepare her room" Konan turns into papers and disappear.




