
chapter 2

"Answer me" he demanded.

I hesitated before answering his question. "...My name is Sarah"

"Okay, Sarah. What do you want? Why are you here?"

"I came to practice" I answered. Is my voice always this low?

He pulled back his sword. "Well, it looks like you have to practice another day, unless you don't mind audiences".

I ignored his words and paid more attention on his left arm. "Why are you hurt?" I asked.

He gave me a short laugh before answering my question. "None of your business"

"I can heal you" I offered. Blame my heart for not being able to see other people hurt. He's completely a stranger and looks...dangerous.

He looks a little surprised. "Why would you do that?"

"I'm a medical nin and I just want to help"

He considered my offer and finally nodded. "Follow me"I nodded and walk behind him. We approached someone who sat on the training ground. Oh, apparently he's a man. His long black hair was tied into a low ponytail. He stared at me before giving his friend a questioning look.

"I'm not in the mood to be bothered by stranger, Kisame" He growled.

"Itachi, this is Sarah. She's a medical nin and wants to help us" the sharkman, which turned out named Kisame, explained.

Itachi, the blackhaired-man, eyeing me suspiciously. "How do we know that you don't have bad intentions towards us?" he asked. His low voice gave me goosebumps.

I. Just. Wanna. Help. I sighed. "Well.. I understand, it's hard to trust people these day. Go to the hospital, at least. Your friend's wound is quite severe and your lungs..."

"Wait" Itachi interrupted, "How do you know about my illness?"

"I can sense it"

He looks a little amazed by my ability. "It looks like you're a great medical nin""Whatever you say, Itachi. I trust this girl. Now, can you help me?" Kisame asked me.

I nodded, sat next to him and begin to heal his wound. "So... Kisame, right? May i ask you something?" I asked. "Go ahead" Kisame nodded. "Why do you trust me?"

"I see sincerity in your eyes" Kisame answered. "You're a good person"

"Helping the others is a normal thing. This world is filled up with cruel people, that's why i look like a good person even though I'm just an ordinary girl" I smiled.

"Heh, guess you're right" Kisame gave a short laugh.

Huh? I realized something strange in his wound. "When did you get hurt?" I asked.

"About 1 hour ago. Why?"

"There's poison in your body. This poison will be active 2 hours after entering your body. You're lucky". I stopped for a moment, concentrating. Water came out of my palm and surrounded his wound. After a while, the water turned purple. I spilled it on the ground and repeated the same process several times. After removing the poison, I took out a bandage roll from my hip pouch and bandaged his wound. "Done".

"You don't even need an antidote?" Kisame asked.

"As long as the poison isn't active yet, I don't need an antidote" I explained, then looked at Itachi. He just sat quietly and coughed a few times when I healed Kisame.

Iapproached Itachi and knelt beside him. I saw blood marks around his lips and his hands. This is not good. I took out my handkerchief and wet it with water from my palm. "I'll clean the blood" I said hesitantly. He hesitated for a moment before nodded. It seems like he has trusted me a little or tired facing my stubbornness.

I began to wipe the blood marks around his lips gently. "You're not in a good condition, you know?" I asked. Itachi nodded. "Why don't you go to the hospital?"

"... You know I can't be cured" he said.

"At least you can be treated". I wiped his hands and after everything was clean, I put both of my palms to his chest. Both of my palms begin to glow. I tried to repair the damaged cells, although it can't cure his illness, this will make him better for now. "Close your eyes, please" I said. Itachi closed his eyes and I began to heal his eyes.

"You also know about my eyes condition?" Itachi asked.


A few minutes passed and Itachi's condition is much better than before. "Feel better?" I asked. Itachi nodded. "Thank you and i'm sorry for my attitude earlier" he said. "That's okay. I understand" I smiled.

"Well, well.. We better leave now, Itachi Kisame stood up and looked at me. "Thank you for your help,Sarah"

"You're welcome. By the way... Why are you two wear the same cloak?" I asked, pointing the cloak they were wearing. Black cloak with red clouds. Both of them fell silent after hearing my question.

"Organization's policy" Itachi answered shortly. "It's nice to meet you, Sarah, but i hope we never meet again" he said before turned his back.




