
Chapter Two

I woke up to the buzzing sound of an alarm clock, buzzing continuously. I quickly hit the clock to stop getting irritated by the sound.

I cuddled myself back in bed, hugging a pillow close to my chest, as I felt the softness of the bed. Trying to get myself back to sleep, after many vain attempts, I struggled to my feet.

I looked around but couldn't find Donald. Where could he have gone this early and in such a haste that he forgot to turn off the alarm?. Well, not like I really cared anyway; he just better off the alarm next time.

I took a quick stare at the large room I was in; it was like twice the size of my room back at home, and a lot more beautiful, I thought to myself.

The room was neatly arranged, apart from some litter of papers on the ground and some of Donald's clothes lying carelessly all over.

I was tidying up the room when I heard a light knock on my door. Without hesitation, I opened the door. It was the cook.

"Food is ready, ma," she said.

"Thanks," I said, shut the door, and returned for a shower.

Miss Lily was such a nice cook; I couldn't help but compliment her as I gulped down the contents of the plate she placed before me.

I was enjoying my breakfast before my mind suddenly went back to Ronin. I paused, the spoon slipping from my hand, tears welling up in my eyes at the thought of him.

I still couldn't understand why he would do this to me and leave me to this fate when we could have eloped and lived a happy life together.

It was my life's biggest betrayal, I thought. Many questions ran through my mind: Was this a game? Did Ronin ever even love me? I couldn't control the tears anymore. I burst into a wail.

I was weeping bitterly, not minding the workers who were looking at me.

"I'm sorry, ma," came Lily's tiny voice. She was barely 20 and looked cute in her white apron and ponytail hair hanging over her shoulders; her face carried the innocence of a child.

I felt tenderness when she placed her hand on my shoulders. "What is it, ma?" she inquired.

I looked at her face. She was still a child; she wouldn't even understand if I told her, so I rather ignored her.

I became very fond of Lily; she made me less bored when she came around to cook. She was, in fact, my only companion.

It was two weeks of being in Donald's mansion, and every day seemed just like the other. I haven't seen my family since the day I was traded out; no calls, no texts.

It seemed I was left all alone to suffer my ill fate. Donald never had time; he was out every morning and only came home drunk every night and acting weird.

The worst of all was Ronin. I tried calling him several times, but he never picked up. It was obvious he didn't care about me anymore.

My phone rang one evening. I hurriedly picked up my phone, hoping it was Ronin. I was rather disappointed to see it was my mom's line.

Immediately,anger started to boil inside me. Why would she be calling me now after all this time? She never really cared about me; she forced me into this nightmare of a marriage. What else did she want from me?

I rejected the call, but then it kept coming again until I just decided to pick it up. My anger subsided when I heard the tiny voice at the other end of the phone. It was Ralph.

"Hello, sis," he giggled.

I was so glad to hear his voice again. I really missed him. I was about to say it when I saw Ronin walk in through the door.

I hung up and sprang to my feet to confront Ronin.

"What are you doing here?" I ranted angrily.

Ronin shrank back and looked away, uttering no words.

I clenched my fist, my face red with fury.

"Go away!" I yelled at him, my voice breaking.

"Cecilia" He started

"I said go away," I barked.

My heart could no longer contain the grief. I turned away, my heart heavy.

"Ceci, please listen to me," he pleaded, but I didn't stop. I hurried to my room, shutting the door loudly behind me.

I sank to my knees, tears flowing freely down my cheeks.

Ronin banged at the door, begging me to open up.

After much hesitation, I finally opened the door.

My eyes met with his' I looked him sternly in the face for a while, and he ducked his head.

"I'm sorry, Cecilia." With a bit of remorse in his tone, his head was bowed, staring blankly at the floor.

I could tell he was sincerely sorry. He knitted his fingers together, as he was fond of doing when shy or in an uncomfortable situation.

I would have expected him to apologise more, but I knew Ronin to be shy, especially when it came to love.

He hasn't changed much in that aspect since the day we first met.


It was a sunny Monday morning. My first day at Columbus High School, where I just got transferred. I hated leaving my former school but had no choice. I almost shed a tear when my dad dropped me off.

The first person I saw as I entered the school premises was a slim boy sitting alone on a bench beside the gate, his face buried in a hymn book.

At first sight, I was attracted to him. He suddenly stopped and lifted his face to reveal his cute, boyish face.

He noticed I was looking at him, and he stared back at me. I later learned he was Ronin Coleman and was in the same class as I was.

It took me just a week to make a whole lot of friends at my new school. Everyone in the class seemed jovial and related to me freely, except for Ronin, who never seemed to like anybody or anything. I hardly saw him talk.

I loved him, but it was quite difficult to get close to him; he never seemed interested in discussions. With the way he always looked at me, I knew he liked me too, and I was patiently waiting for the day he would open up.

But the day didn't come until our fifth grade; I'll never forget that Christmas carol night. It was no shock to see Ronin in the school choir; I had seen him practice a lot of times alone with his hymn book.

I was staring at him all through the carol, and a few times I could see him staring back at me.

He sang melodiously, except for a few times I made him lose focus and miss his lines. I found that quite fun.

I quickly rushed out to meet him after they left the stage, but I couldn't see him; he had gone just as soon as he finished. Just then, Mira walked up to me, holding an envelope in her hands.

Mira was my best friend in high school. She was a short, chubby girl with a round face. Though she wasn't really beautiful, boys were always flocking around her because of her rich background.

Mira passed me the envelope; it was a letter from Ronin, a sweet love letter.

Since then, I and Ronin have been lovebirds until he chose to betray me.


"Trust me, it's not what it seems.

I..." he choked. He raised his head slowly to meet my steady gaze.

"I still love you, Ceci," he mumbled.

I felt my heart melt immediately when he said that. I knew he meant it from the bottom of his heart.

Ronin pulled me into a kiss, and I gave in cheaply.

"Everything will be okay, Ceci, I promise," he assured.

I nodded in affirmation. I wasn't sure if things would ever be the same between us, but I just hoped they would.

I felt gladness in my heart that I hadn't felt for days. It was rather unfortunate he wouldn't stay for long; Donald will soon be back, and he had to go.

I sighed deeply as I retreated from his embrace. He pecked me on my forehead before making for the door.

It wasn't long after Ronin left that Donald returned, his presence announced by the long blaring of the car horn.

It was not strange to me how weirdly he behaved when he came home drunk, but horning after parking the car in front of the mansion was too abnormal.

I decided to go check him out. I was stunned when I opened the

car door to find Donald unconscious, his head pressed forward on the car horn, and blood gushing out from his left shoulder.