
Chapter 831

As soon as they were done discussing the issue, Cedric had Yoyo return to his office from the lounge.

He could see that his son was not happy being excluded from all the adult talk, but the little boy didn't say anything.

Sometimes, Cedric didn't know if he should be happy or sad about having such a matured child. It made him happy because it showed how much potential his son had for the future, but at the same time he simply wanted Yoyo to be a child.

"Dominic is coming over." Cedric told Yoyo as he watched his son draw on his desk.

"Really daddy?" Yoyo asked his father.

"Yes, then after we will be having lunch with some people, would you like that Yoyo?" Cedric asked his son.

"Yes daddy!" Yoyo said with a big smile.

Cedric knew that it had been a while since his son had gone out with them. He was constantly worried that someone would recognize Yoyo if he was with them, so he decided to avoid being in public with the little boy.