1 The thing that disgust me the most

Disclaimer** I am not affiliated with any activist group especially the one of today's discussion.

I don't know how many are aware but there was a time when being Lesbian or gay was considered wrong both morally and socially.

Through the efforts of "LGBT" homosexuals gained the right to marry and much sympathy around the world.

I use the "LGBT" community as an example because

1. Through their efforts homosexuality was normalized

2. Homosexual marriage is subsidized and taught in schools (in America at least)

3. Was widely considered disgusting but now non homosexuals will get offended at statements or jokes about homosexuals

I want to bring your attention t NAMBLA those of you who don't know what they are you'll be happy you didn't.

They are comparable to the LGBT community in one way they wish to normalize their "sexuality"

even if your someone who doesn't like or agree with homosexuality I'm sure you can agree on which is worse.

NAMBLA stands for the North American Man Boy Love Association a group which pushes for the normalization of pedophilia as a "fet*sh."

The reason I brought up the points about the "LGBT" community is that I wish to make people aware of the possibility of it being normalized.

It's unlikely but still possible imagine children at school being Taught that an adult can touch them and it's fine!?!?

In my opinion the most disgusting person is a pedophile no r*pist or murderer is worse.

Imagine preying on children especially boy as they're more likely to be a victim of child molest*tion.

These boys are being sod*mized it's disgusting.

These animals are already allowed to walk the earth and now they're asking for human rights?

They've already forsaken their humanity where I live a pedophile would be killed by the communities.

To the parents reading imagine your children the joy you're proud of being sodomized or deflowered at the age of 10.

A scary picture.

In my mind there's no place for a pedophile on this earth and they deserve to die I don't care weather or not they seek out children to even think of a child like that is a death sentence.

Disclaimer** I am in no way think that pedophiles are comparable to homosexuals

homosexuals are human.

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