
Nephalem in supernatural AU

A young man has the opportunity to be reborn as a nephalem in an alternate supernatural universe, where supernatural beings are really strong.

FanboyDeowerpower · TV
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17 Chs

10 years

After that walk through the forest, time passed smoothly, the months passed, when I was 5 months old I was already crawling and holding on to things.

To stand up on my own, when I was 6 months old I was walking gently on my own, at 7 months old I said my first words.

"Mommy" I called my mother as she stretched out her arms to hug me, which strangely I came to really enjoy...

When I was 1 year and 2 months old, I started trying to learn to read and write. My parents didn't find it very strange, as I am a supernatural being, we are anything but normal.

It's been 10 years since Mael was reincarnated in Supernatural,

Currently, he was meditating at his residence in a special room, reinforced with obsidian and many containment runes. It was a complex a little far from the main cabin where he lived. His parents were very surprised by his powers of creating all things (Minecraft System).

Note: the Minecraft system will only be used for building bases around the country, potions to help other people, magic books to explain certain things, to get money honestly? It's also for other little things like, it won't appear all the time, so don't worry.

In the early years, it was quite difficult for him to control the enormous power he possessed since birth. Even a veteran in energy manipulation, like his mother, who is a Nephlim was surprised by the enormous amount of celestial and demonic energy that Mael had. Unsurprisingly, this became his focus until he was 5 years old.

Since then, he was educated by his mother in basic studies. They included subjects such as mathematics and literature, but also studies on magic, on facts and history of the supernatural world and on the values it had to have in order not to abuse the weakest, etc. It wasn't his favorite pastime, but even death's father Cain thinks twice before going against his mother, that woman was fierce! Is this the true power of a God?

Cain was responsible for the physical aspects of his training. From what Mom told him, even important figures from other factions, such as the Princes of Hell and the 1st Class Angels, fear him, even to the point of avoiding contact or combat with him. Dad used to say, "A strong mind comes with a strong body." Mael must admit that he agrees with him, but Cain's definition of strong body is probably far from the generally accepted definition.

Mom was the strictest when it came to training, it was probably because she is a nephilim and knows the challenges she used to face to survive.

The constant pursuit of angels and demons made her wary of everything around her. Dad said she's just worried about it happening to me, hence the strict training.

Swordsmanship was taught by Dad, he himself is a master swordsman, seriously, you have to see what he does with a sword in his hand. Poor trees, so many of them were cut down during training, it got to the point where I had to plant new ones in their place. Needless to say, after that, mom punished dad, it was quite comical for a man considered the father of death to be grounded in the corner of the room... I'm sure mom is omnipotent!

While my father taught me sword fighting, he also taught me hand-to-hand combat.

Mael got up and stretched, after meditating on his thoughts for a while longer, a magic circle expanded in his training room, Mom came out of it.

"How are you, little miracle? Looking forward to your birthday presents, your father and I went to great lengths for your 10th birthday present."

Mom always calls me a little miracle, because she said that my existence is like a constant miracle in the lives of my parents, especially Dad after we went through the same family bonding ritual that he and Mom have, now it's almost impossible for darkness to corrupt again even if he kills.

"Ugh...please mom, not my hair." Mael quickly distanced himself. "Of course, I'm looking forward to my birthday gifts, my dad even said this would be the best gift anyone could ask for.

"Hahaha, you seem to be very excited, I want to see your face when you see your gifts." Ariel responded without revealing anything.

Mael just grimaced in annoyance before his mother spoke again: "Come on, take my hand, let's walk a little through the woods. Call Xerneas and Yveltal to walk, come with us, I swear to you those wolves are very spoiled." , Mael.

Mael then went to a room next to the bedroom where a couple of wolves were sleeping in a huge bed, with the most varied blankets, bears and toys.

Upon reaching the room, Mael looked around, And called the two wolves to wake up.

"Xerneas! Yveltal! Wake up, you lazy ones!

The two wolves as if it weren't This dialogue is not strange, as it has happened many times since they were born, the two wolves are the result of the Minecraft system together with the domestication of bones and the Minecraft name tag for them, they are not surprised, the name is also small fragments of Mael's power. Xerneas is the Light and Yveltal is the darkness.

Mother and son and wolves then began to return to the cabin, to celebrate Mael's 10th birthday.

After spending time with his family, Mael turned to his father with expectation in his eyes.

"What's up son, I didn't know you were so eager to receive your gifts" Cain feigned ignorance and focused on the changes in expression on his son's face before laughing loudly.

Mael just bit his lip lightly, clearly looking forward to the gift. "Dad, please..."

"Alright, alright, let's see where I put it." He placed his hand to the side before seemingly searching another separate space. Before long, he pulled out 2 sheathed longswords with a blade of around 110 cm. The swords were beautifully crafted with a long handle and crossguard. Cain then handed the swords to his son.

Mael practically ripped them out of his hands in excitement before showing an embarrassed face and focusing on them.

Swords again. He took the swords out of the sheath a little and analyzed it. It was the best craftsmanship he had seen in his ten years of life. The blades themselves looked ridiculously sharp.

"Your mother and I have been collecting the materials for the last 3 years, your mother even took us to other different universes to get the best materials.

Several legendary items were used to create the blades. Next to the blades was a paper with the names of the items used to create the sword. Just by reading the names, he already knows that his parents are totally crazy in the head, seriously melting the first blade from another universe, an archangel's sword, a hand of God and several other legendary items by themselves.

Cain and Ariel smiled, pleased that their gift was a big success.

"Thank you, dad, mom, it's wonderful." Mael exclaimed.

"Mel, how about you tell us what you've been doing the last few weeks?" His mother asked as she led them to a table with three chairs.

They talked about his training and other things, they also celebrated his birthday with a big perfect cake by his mother, in other words, a perfect day like almost every day since his rebirth.


Sword of Reshiram Items used in its creation:

A branch from the tree of life: to bring purity to life.

(The forbidden fruit came from the tree of life, the tree is in the garden of Eden).

Celestial fire: to gather all materials.

Sword of an Archangel: to bring the absolute strength of the Angels' light.

Grace of many angels: to bring forth the purest power of creation.

The hand of God: to bring the true power of light.

The power of the mother: to bring all the love and protection that a mother has for her child (this is Ariel's heavenly power in its purest form).

Zekrom's Sword Items used in its creation:

A leviathan flower: to bring the corruption of death.

Hellfire: to gather all the materials.

The first sword: to bring out the absolute strength of the darkness of demons.

Hellish power of many demons: to bring the purest power of destruction.

Fragment of the Mark of Cain: To bring forth the true power of darkness.

The power of the father: to bring all the love and protection that a father has for his son (This is the infernal power of Cain in its purest form).
