

Jaxith, a monster slayer whose job is killing monsters for money, suddenly has a terrifying nightmare about a town nearby but the weird thing was a specific girl in this nightmare. The story goes on as Jaxith follow this nightmare until he finds Irene the young demon hybrid and starts protecting her from unknown enemies that gradually uncover some of his dark secrets. the story takes place in Plistura continent divided into six kingdoms with Reldret the head of the kingdoms regulating the relations between the other kingdoms, and the reason for that is due to long historical events. there is one large kingdom for elves called Yarnat, another one for dwarfs called Volgast, the four other kingdoms population are mainly humans and they are Reldret, Kozelsk, Legnica and finally Vidin, the main trading center in plistura, and that's where our story begins. Follow Jaxith and Irene as they face many dangerous situations and the secrets they're going to discover, a lot of enemies, few allies, betrayals and political schemes, will Jaxith be able to protect the young innocent hybrid that reminds him of his old good past? Or will he fail just like he failed before and became the monster he's now? Discord server: https://discord.gg/PQs2FMvt9W if you want to understand anything about the novel I'm available at discord

darkash · Fantaisie
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137 Chs


In a cold night in Reldret kingdom specifically in the holy church at the holy scepter chamber, Zathar, the grand priest of the church who was sitting right in front of the scepter positioned vertically, was closing his eyes and concentrating to see if there was any message from the sacred prophet conscious which was one of his private duties as the grandmaster and rarely something happens in these connections but this time something different happened which was even the first to happen ever.

Suddenly Zathar had a strange vision which made him feel scared and worried, Zathar hurried out of the chamber and told his assistant "gather all the high priests immediately at the meeting room and that's an order."

After thirty minutes all the high priests have gathered in the meeting room where Zathar was already waiting for them, Zathar nodded for his assistant who in turn apologized from the priests and left the room closing the door behind him, leaving the grand priest with the priests only.

"So your highness, I believe that summoning us after midnight is for something crucial, with due respect of course." said one of the priests.

"Yes of course, first of all I would like to thank all of you for coming at this time but, as Tollus and of course anyone here would expect that it's something urgent that can't be delayed."

"So what is it master?" said another priest.

"I had a vision from the scepter nearly an hour ago, of course I would never order an instant meeting for a normal vision."

"well it's rare to have a vision from the scepter as we all know but as you have said it mustn't be a normal one for a late emergency meeting like this, master." said another different one.

"Well, we all know that king Norman the third is in a bad health condition and sooner or later we are going to lose his majesty." Said Zathar.

"Yes, and prince Ernest is going to replace him and rule the kingdom and consequently regulating all the relations between the other kingdoms." Said Tollus.

"the normal thing, and why I'm calling it normal is because the second thing is abnormal by all the meanings, is that the royal bloodline is going to change." Said Zathar.

There was humming with simple disorder in the room as all the priests wasn't expecting to hear this.

"Your highness, I completely trust our beloved prophet, but are you sure of what you have seen? the Blackstone family has been ruling Reldret for nine consecutive generations! maybe prince Ernest doesn't look so promising but I think he will get hold of the situation with enough experience." Said an intense looking priest.

"I know Malvein, but believe me when I tell you that this is not the problem. Changing the ruling family happens from time to time is usual, depending on several factors that our beloved prophet with the knowledge from the great gods can decide who is the best, and the main factor of course is the strength of the bloodline of this new king or I should say for the first time, a queen." Said Zathar.

The crowd started getting nervous but they become afraid after they heard these last words.

"The newly chosen queen is a demonic hybrid girl!" Said Zathar.

There was a complete silence in the room with all the high priests looking at grandmaster Zathar in fear.

"Your highness, are you saying a demon hybrid? For real." Said Tollus who looks like he saw a ghost.

"Yes, in other words, this girl has the strongest bloodline right now which means she has the strongest power in the world." Said Zathar.

"Master, excuse my rudeness, but for a hybrid to have a strong power like that and to be recognized even by the prophet means that its demonic bloodline is very dangerous, of course you know what I mean." Said another priest.

"What are you trying to say Albert? the gods would never lie, shame on you to even think of it." Said Malvein angrily while the other priests started raising their voices in disorder.

"Silence, all of you, Malvein" Said Zathar then he looked directly to Malvein " no need for any harsh feelings, of course the cursed crimson mother was killed by the gods, specifically the greater god's son, and yes as all of us know she didn't have time to give birth after she was banished from the god's realm, so keep calm."

"I'm sorry master, I got carried away when I thought Albert talking nonsense, sorry Albert." Said Malvein looking at Albert. "No need for apology Malvein, it's just overwhelming to know about this weird vision." Said Albert.

"So what is the plan your highness?" Said Tollus.

"First, we need to get this girl in the least suspicious manner without anyone to know about it, if the people know about it they will start panicking and losing faith, so we just need to keep calm, she can't be the key, she never could." Said Zathar while holding his grey beard" I saw her, she doesn't look dangerous and even she doesn't know anything about her powers, unless of course we would have heard about her."

"Wise words master, I'm convinced with this, she simply can't be the one, there was even no signs about the crimson demons in our world which means they were never born." Said Malvein.

"Exactly, the girl is located in Vidin, I don't know where exactly but, I think that our simplest solution to not attract attention is to inform king Walt Haveron ruler of Vidin kingdom. I think he would know the best way to find her without any disturbance." Said Zathar.

"Master Zathar, I have a friend in Vidin maybe I could help if I know what she is like." Said Malvein.

"Of course Malvein, she is a young one 15 years maximum, white ethnicity, red short hair, blue eyes with strange eye slit pupil like cat eyes, lean body, about five and half feet tall, no demonic characteristics like horns and nails and finally she has a small upper fangs that aren't protruding out of her mouth but if you concentrated you will recognize it."

"Thank you master, I will see what I can do." Said Malvein.

"You are welcome, now does anyone has any other suggestions or objections about the steps that we are going to take from now on." Said Zathar.

"Your highness, I have a simple question." Said Tollus

"Go on Tollus."

"Thank you, what about prince Ernest situation now? what will we do about him."

"He doesn't need to know anything until we make sure of everything about this girl, king Norman Blackstone is still alive so nothing will change in the near term even if she appeared here instantly, understood?" Said Zathar.

"Understood." Said Tollus.

"Any other suggestions?" Said Zathar. there was a complete silence which refers to total agreement on what is to be done.

"So it's done, that's our plan for now, I will send a messenger by the teleporting circle to Vidin to deliver the message to king Walt tomorrow morning." Said Zathar before standing up.

"May the gods bless us all."

I'll leave the discord server link if anyone wanted to learn more about the novel, I have just made it as a way to narrow the distance between me and the readers:


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