
Greed for Time

It all happened so suddenly, one day, i was simply walking home from my work, thinking about how being a manager is simply great, of course i was walking in the rain and all, but that was fine, I think that and suddenly i feel my self getting electrocuted, shortly after that, i heard the sky clap.


What are the chances, I just got hit by lighting, and guess what, looks like lightning do comes before thunder, but i guess that is because of 1 simple fact, light moves faster than sound, much faster. Now you might be wondering, how am i thinking if im dead, great question, the answer is... I don't know, i find myself in this dark area, and i feel the urge to move forward, it feels lime in a tunnel, a small tight tunnel, and the at the end of it there is light, all i can see is that light, all around me there is only darkness.

I want to reach the light, I must reach the light, being in the darkness is not great, you can't tell what is going on around you, you can't see anything, unpredictability is the worst thing you can have. Not knowing what will happen tomorrow is normal, no one knows what will happen tomorrow, what one should concern himself is, what am i doing today that will prepare me for tomorrow, what am i doing to plan out a better future for myself.

That's how i lived, and in the end, I had already become a manager for a multi-Billion company in the US, and if i had a few more years to live, perhaps a decade, I would have become part of the board of directors, and with a few more years of planning and scheming and some 'favors', i could topple the current CEO and take his place. if only i had more 𝙏𝙞𝙢𝙚.

Perhaps, Angie's need for time brought the pity of some random god up there, because the world Angie was going to was centered around time, a world where everything related to time, a world where the currency is time.

by the time she had reached that light at the end of the tunnel, Angie finally realised what had happened, she had been reborn as a ... baby, meaning that tunnel she was going through was her mama's pussy, how cool was that, Angie had always been a bit perverted, that was why she willing to sell her bo... ahem, willing to give out 'favors' in exchange for stuff that will benefit her.

As soon as she was born, and while she was being handled by the nurses and her mother looking at he happily and naming her, throughout that time, information was filling Angie's mind, she was born in a world where time was currency, everything was based around it, since the beginning of mankind, there was a a green counter on the back of his right arm, it would tell you the amount of time you had to live, but the counter wouldn't start ticking until a person reached the age of 25, where the body would stop ageing, and instead, the time on that counter would start ticking.

A person would be born with different amounts of time on their counter, the record was a 1000, while the minimum known was 2 weeks, well that has certainly changed, she, Angie, was born with 5 days. How cool was that.

In this modern world, mankind has evolved enough that it is able to store time in capsules outside their body, rather than being limited to 99999 years on their counter, they could store up to a million years in one capsule, that was the beginning of modern day capitalism. Anyway the cool thing about those capsules was that the amount in them wouldn't decrease as time went by, but time in a person's counter would always decrease, for every second a second, there was no way to get around it, or so it was thought. If one was willing to sacrifice 500 thousand years of time to a great Goddess, time on their counter would slow its ticking, for every hour a second would tick away.

That was the end of the information she got, and by the end of that she had noticed that she was being taken away from her mother, her mother whose gaze upon her had changed from one of love to one of absolute disgust and hatred, it was believed in this world that the less amount of time you had at birth,the worse you luck was, and if you were born with less than a month of time, you would be accompanied with disaster, although of course that was in no way true.

Anyway, she had still been put up for adoption as her biological mother didn't want her.

What Angie, and the rest of this world didn't know was that the less amount of time you were born with, the higher your greed for time was.