
The Day I Met You

Hi my name is Jack. I am a male who lives into the forest right next to a river. I am gay and a nice man. I have 4 tamed dogs and the others are just wolves. A wolf pack has let me join their pack so they come and go out of my house. Now onto the story

I was having a walk with the pack next to the river Asher was trying to have me pick him up. I picked him up and held him in my arms. His blond fur was like a sunflower in the sun. All the pups rarely get to see me. Only the adult wolves get to come to my home. I set him down on his mother's back and took off my shirt. I looked at the waterfall and saw a big fish tail. I dived in the water to see a mermaid under the waterfall. I slowly swam to him. The wind was loud that day so no one could hear me. The water was ice cold but I was used to it. When I got to him I reached out my hand and put my hand on his shoulder. His tail wrapped around my body fast. He started to feel my chest. His eyes glowing like a full moon with no clouds. His hair the same as a darkest night you have ever seen. When he was felling my chest he was petting my back. I took my hands off his shoulder and started to try to swim to air. He held me down and then kissed me. I was able to breath under the water. I gasped for the air. He looked me in to eyes saying -your mine now- he wrapped his tail around me harder. He put his chest on my chest. Our mouths were right next to each other. My mouth was open a bit he put his tongue in my mouth. I closed my eyes and let him take control of me. He sucked in my tongue into his mouth. I let go on him and he let go of me with a smirk. I looked at my body but then i saw my arm. It has the same color scales as him wrapping around my arm. I swam to the pack as fast as I could. I mean I just got marked by a mermaid! When I got back to the pack all of the pack gave me kisses/ licks. ( go look at the other book I made named The Human And The Dragon )

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