
Naruto: Uchiha’s Unserious Saga

Friend Shisui faces a life and death crisis. Meanwhile, Itachi, a devoted disciple, is on the brink of embracing his destiny as the epitome of 'filial piety' within the Ninja World. The eyes of the entire clan will soon become specimens for others, because they are consumed by an obsession they cannot get rid of. Under the watchful eye of the Konoha Corrupt Quartet, Uchiha Funan, a fifteen-year-old retired cadre of the Uchiha clan, deals with overwhelming pressure. This pressure leads him to make the decision to venture beyond the confines of the clan. --- This is a translation of a Chinese Novel, with minor changes in some parts of the original story. I don't own the picture in the novel cover.

TitoVillar · Anime et bandes dessinées
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151 Chs

Chapter 55: Danzo's Painful Memories

"Great Scar, what do you need? "I don't have time for detours." Funan said.

"Ok!" Shikaku said in a deep voice. "Sarutobi Hiruzen is no longer suitable for the position of Hokage."

"Not suitable for him, but suitable for you?"

"At least I'm more suitable than Sarutobi Hiruzen."

Funan looked at Shikaku and said: "What? Are you really interested in becoming Hokage?"

Shikaku looked directly at Funan and said nothing.

"Let's just talk about it. Who do you want to recommend?" Funan said lightly. "As for yourself, it's impossible! You won't stand in front of the stage stupidly."

Shikaku smiled slightly, it was convenient to talk to smart people. "Akimichi Torifu!"

Funan refused directly. "He's too old."

Can anyone over fifty become Hokage? How many days can it last?

Was Hokage a position that could be changed constantly? Did he really think the other clans had no opinions?

Shikaku spread his hands and said: "Mainly, there are no suitable candidates in Konoha at the moment. What do you think of an interim Hokage?"

Funan held up the tea cup, paused slightly, squinted his eyes, and stared at Shikaku. "You are clever."

The ideal candidates for Hokage were Tsunade and Jiraiya.

Funan looked at Shikaku playfully.

Being qualified to be Hokage and being able to be Hokage for many years does not mean that you are willing to be Hokage.

Those two had seen too much darkness in Konoha and didn't want to come back at all.

If those two people don't return, how long will Torifu act as acting Hokage?

It doesn't take much, two or three years is enough for Shikaku to do a lot of things.

If they continue to extend the time, what is the difference between the acting Hokage and the real one?

Funan smiled. "You are right, Great Scar, you calculated well."

Shikaku's brows twitched.

Every time he heard Funan call him Big Scar, he felt the urge to beat him up.

What did it matter if he had a scar on his face? That was what they called having a masculine nature!

Shikaku looked at Funan with an unkind look and said: "What's your answer?"

"What can I get in return?" Funan asked directly.

"Konoha will no longer oppose the Uchiha clan."

"Haha, walk slowly, I won't send you away!" Funan pointed outside the door.

Shikaku said angrily: "You can ask for anything, why end the topic?"

"Haha, what should I say?" Funan said sarcastically. "Should I thank you for not opposing my Uchiha clan? You are very generous. Does your family know how generous you are? Do you think I won't beat you up if you keep talking like that?"

Shikaku's face flushed red. "Okay then. During the period when Torifu-sama acts as acting Hokage, the Uchiha clan may have a position of Elder of Konoha. What do you think?"

"I'm not interested."

Shikaku was helpless. "Then what do you want?"

Funan stretched out a hand. "Five hundred million ryo!"

"You're crazy!" Shikaku almost jumped out of his seat. "Do you have any idea how much money Konoha's finance department has?"

"I don't know, and I don't want to know." Funan said lazily. "Anyway, that's the price if you want the Uchiha clan to support Torifu."

Shikaku's expression became more somber. This completely disrupted his plans.

Did the Uchiha want money? Didn't they want the Hokage position?

Originally, Shikaku had planned to offer an elder position as an incentive, but now the Uchiha didn't want power, only money.

Were they really Uchiha?

Shikaku felt like he had a severe headache.

Funan, as always, doesn't play by the rules.

It's not that he didn't want to give them what they asked for. Uchiha doesn't want power, this is better. However, the other party wants too much.

"Can it be less?" Shikaku asked cautiously.

Funan rolled his eyes and said: "When you go to the club to do that kind of thing, can you still negotiate the price?"

Shikaku frowned.

"In one sentence, fixed price, stop talking nonsense." Funan said calmly. "Uchiha can manage his small territory, for the rest, do what you want. Bring the five hundred million ryo. After Torifu becomes acting Hokage, you can even sell Konoha if you want, we won't mind."

Shikaku sighed helplessly and said: "Since I've known you, I've never come out on top."

"And you still play smart after getting a lead!" Funan said sarcastically. "If it weren't for Konoha not allowing an Uchiha to become Hokage, do you think it will be your turn, Ino-Shika-Cho?"

Shikaku smiled slightly, stood up and said: "The first deposit, one hundred million ryo, will be in your hands tomorrow. I hope you can cooperate with the rest."

"Of course, after all, we have fought side by side, you should believe in my character!" Funan smiled slightly.

Shikaku didn't say anything about this. Although Funan is always dishonest, his efficiency and credibility are still quite trustworthy.

Shikaku left.

Looking at his back, Funan curled his lips.

Is it everyone's consensus that Uchiha cannot become Hokage? Who are everyone? If all of them die, could Uchiha become Hokage?

Funan stood up, looked at the Hokage Rock, and smiled coldly. This time, he not only wanted to be Hokage, but also wanted to be the greatest Hokage.

It would even change Konoha.

Anyone who dared to stop him would be eliminated without mercy. Even if it meant destroying Konoha and rebuilding a new village.

"Somebody come!"


Tetsuhi approached Funan.

"How has the clan's strength improved recently?" Funan asked while drinking tea.

"The number of Jonin within the clan has increased to 37 people, but, according to your orders, we have not informed the village."

Funan nodded and said with emotion: "You have finally corrected yourself, and you will still be good children if you obey."

Tetsuhi were expressionless. 'If you weren't our leader, based on what you just said, you wouldn't be able to walk out of this house standing. We're twenty-something adults, and you're a fifteen-year-old brat, who's the kid here?'

Tetsuhi said: "Minister, according to your request, the clan members have begun to follow a unique path. Therefore, in just two weeks, the number of Special Jonin has begun to increase, most of them specializing in genjutsu."

"A war may break out at any time, so we must increase our strength as soon as possible." Funan thought for a moment and said: "Where's Shisui? What's happening with him recently?"

Tetsuhi was startled and said: "Nothing out of the ordinary. Minister, do you think that…"

"No, no, no!" Funan waved his hand. "After so long, although Shisui still has hope in the Hokage faction, he is more disappointed."

"Then you..."

"Shisui is a very innocent and simple person." Funan smiled. "He can't hide many things and his emotions are expressed on his face. Therefore, Itachi probably still has some of the Hokage's trust. Shisui on the other hand, has long since lost his trust."


"It is very likely that the Hokage faction will take action against Shisui."

Funan murmured: "What's more... the Kotoamatsukami, tsk, tsk, tsk, even if the Hokage trusts him, they will never allow him to stay in Uchiha with such power."

"Let Shisui come to my place!"


When Shikaku returned to his clan, two people were waiting for him.

One is Danzo. And the other is Akimichi Torifu, a burly man, or rather, a mountain of flesh. Standing over eight feet tall, he was covered in grease. Danzo next to him looked like a chick.

Seeing Torifu, Shikaku breathed a long sigh of relief. With him around, he felt safe.

Shikaku sat calmly next to Torifu.

"Danzo, what's the matter?"

Shikaku's first words made Danzo's eyes flash with coldness.

Torifu looked surprised, but then smiled evilly.

Danzo spoke slowly. "Looks like Ino-Shika-Cho is ready to go into the darkness with the Uchiha clan."

"If we don't do this, should we wait to be exterminated? Sometimes walking in the darkness can lead us to the light." Shikaku looked indifferent and directly admitted his relationship with Uchiha.

This time, Danzo couldn't sit still.

Danzo's cold gaze remained fixed on Shikaku, releasing intense killing intent.


A big hand fell, and the table was suddenly smashed into pieces.

The loud noise startled both Danzo and Shikaku.

"What are you doing?" Torifu stared at Danzo with cold eyes, and said with a smile: "Danzo, you are very capable. You dare to go to Ino-Shika-Cho's territory and threaten the leader of the Nara clan?"

"Who can give you the courage? Hiruzen? Let him try it in front of me. I'll eat monkey brain for dinner tonight!"

Danzo stared at Torifu with cold eyes, and said in a cold voice: "Torifu, are you going to follow Shikaku's mischief?"

"Go to hell!" Torifu cursed bluntly. "How dare you say that Shikaku is causing trouble? I've seen the list you gave to Ino-Shika-Cho, and if it weren't for Shikaku stopping me, I would have already beaten you with my staff!"

"What do you want? Do you want Ino-Shika-Cho to be exterminated?" The roar echoed as the towering figure approached Danzo.

Danzo's eyes twitched, and he felt really timid. When he served as the second-generation Hokage's bodyguard, he was often taught a lesson by the man in front of him.


I will post some extra Chapters in Patreon, you can check it out. >> patreon.com/TitoVillar
