
Naruto : Tsunade is enough for me

Engagement with Tsunade, Marry with Tsunade and having baby with Tsunade, All are shown in this novel. ___________________________________ Q: How to capture Tsunade? A: All you need to start is a piece of candy, plus a little bit of beauty, a little bit of steadiness, a little bit of humor, and a little bit of strength. Q: A little bit, right? A: I can't help it if you think so. (Little Bear spreads his hands) Q: Is Tsunade abusive after marriage? After all, her super-powerful punch can smash Susanoo. A: Not really, but I often... Anyway, Tsunade is very well-behaved and sensible. (Holding his waist) Q: As the fourth-generation Hokage, the chairman of the Konoha Group, and the god of gamblers in the ninja world, do you feel pressure to be with her? A: Not at all, after all, I have fulfilled my dream and become the man of the Hokage! NOTE :- This Is Chinese Translation !! [MTL]

_Baki_MTL · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Chapter 182 : Easily Solved, Uzumaki Awakened from the Blindness


Let me explain this on two sides.

When a team of Rock Ninjas were using Earth Style: Earthquake Core to completely destroy the Uzushiogakure Village, White Zetsu and his spore clones also took action.

The moment the Earth Release: Seismic Core was activated, the shelter of the Uzushiogakure Village was naturally affected. In addition to the elderly, the weak, women and children fleeing for their lives, the Uzumaki clan ninjas who were responsible for protecting them also engaged in a large-scale riot.

The earthquake caused by the Earth escape technique, the Earthquake Core, had a wide range, and the Uzumaki clan ninjas responsible for protecting the elderly, the weak, women and children were simply unable to cope with it in such a short period of time.

Since they are too busy, White Zetsu and his spore clones have favorable conditions for action.

Moreover, in addition to the Mayfly Technique and Spore Clone Technique, White Zetsu's innate ninjutsu also includes a transformation technique that is difficult to distinguish between the real and the fake.

As long as White Zetsu collects the other party's chakra, he can transform into anyone, no matter the appearance, inner qualities, or body odor. No matter what means he uses, others will not be able to tell the difference.

So in the chaos, it was too easy for White Zetsu to collect some chakra from the Uzumaki clan.

After collecting the chakra, White Zetsu immediately transformed into the appearance of a member of the Uzumaki clan, and took a red-haired boy who was only about one year old from a woman on the pretext of taking care of the boy.

This goes against Uchiha Madara's request, but White Zetsu has no other choice.

The other older children were surrounded by many Uzumaki clan ninja guards. If he went forward rashly, with his fighting ability, being exposed would be the least of his worries. If he was caught, he wouldn't even be able to escape.

For his own safety, Bai Zetsu could only choose the right target to attack. He naturally aimed at the little boy in the arms of an old woman.

"Please...keep him safe!"

The old woman handed the child in her arms to the White Zetsu, who was disguised as impeccable. She only had time to say a few words before she was buried by the rubble of the collapsed shelter.

White Zetsu could not feel, or could not understand, this kind of emotion between humans, so he nodded calmly, holding the boy in his arms and activated the Mayfly Technique, evacuating the Uzushio Village at an extremely fast speed, and rushed towards the mountain cemetery.

However, White Zetsu did not forget the other task assigned by Uchiha Madara, and left a lot of spore clones scattered around the Uzushiogakure Village in an attempt to collect various combat intelligence on Chiba.

When White Zetsu's real body had accomplished his mission and had already evacuated, the timelines also intersected at this moment.

The moment a spatial fluctuation appeared, Chiba's figure had appeared beside the Third-generation Uzumaki.

As soon as he showed up, Chiba noticed the dangerous situation around him.

"I can handle it here, you save people first!" shouted the Sandaime Uzumaki.

In fact, Chiba knew what he should do without the Sandaime Uzumaki saying anything.

A pair of golden samsara eyes suddenly widened a little, and the magic of the left eye was immediately activated.

Divine Art: Time and Space Travel Back!

Chiba didn't really want to reverse time and space. He came to the time point when the Uzushiogakure Village was attacked by the three major hidden villages.

Although it is possible to do so, it is not necessary at all. And considering the choice of the Third Uzukage and the concept of the construction of the Uzushiogakure Village, it makes no sense for Chiba to do so.

Chiba only needs to slow down the flow of time around him so that he has enough time to rescue.


When the divine art of time and space reversal was activated, except for the normal flow of time in Chiba himself, the time in the entire Uzushio Village was delayed.

One second passed for Chiba himself, but the delayed time around him was perhaps only about 0.1 second.

In an instant, under the dual influence of the difference in the speed of time flow and Chiba's own speed, Chiba's body movement speed looked like a human-shaped lightning in everyone's eyes.

Flashing to the center of Uzushiogakure Village, to the west was the collapsed or uplifted earth and sand, as well as residential buildings that had completely collapsed and turned into rubble. It was exactly like the post-earthquake scene.

Without hesitation, Qianye slammed the ground with one hand.

Chiba's black hair moved without wind, and the chakra in his body surged wildly, running along the meridians to the center of his right palm, and finally transmitted to the ground, and rapidly spread towards the west side of the Uzushiogakure Village.

Earth escape·rock and soil reinforcement!

In just a moment, wherever the majestic chakra passed, whether it was the ground or the soil and sand, all turned into a black reflective color, and its hardness was comparable to that of metal, or even exceeded that.


At the same time, Chiba's golden left eye flashed again, and the divine art of time and space reversal was lifted. The time turbulence covering the entire Uzushio Village calmed down again, and the flow of time around it also returned to normal.

In an instant, the deafening shouts of killing resounded through the world again, and the ninjas from the three hidden villages once again fought with the ninjas of the Uzumaki clan at a very normal speed.

However, the more than one hundred people from the Iwagakure Village who had launched a sneak attack on the Uzushiogakure Village from the west side all frowned at this time.

"Captain, the ninjutsu is ineffective!"

"It's not that it failed, it's that the Earth Style Seismic Core that we used reasonably was suppressed by another Earth Style Ninjutsu!"

"I see, it's Earth Escape: Rock and Soil Reinforcement!"

"Is it Uzushinobi?"

"Impossible. They don't have any extra personnel right now. How could they react so quickly?"

Just as these hundred Rock Ninjas were talking at once, Chiba was suspended in the air, walking on the ground as if on flat ground, with his feet on black lotus flowers. After only three or two steps, he was already standing above the heads of the hundred Rock Ninjas.

Magnetic escape: Black lotus step by step!

When Chiba stood above the Iwagakure ninjas, the black lotus under his feet suddenly shattered, and a large amount of iron sand marked with the Flying Thunder God technique fell from the sky, covering the positions of more than a hundred Iwagakure ninjas in an instant.

"There is no right or wrong in war, but if you attack the elderly, the weak, women and children, you are committing a crime."

A whisper-like sound echoed in the ears of more than a hundred Iwagakure ninjas. With horror on their faces, they formed seals with their hands, preparing to attack Chiba who was standing above their heads.


Qianye would not give them a chance!

And his whisper was just a verdict on them.


A crisp snap of fingers was heard, and the scattered Flying Thunder God techniques responded one after another, instantly forming the Flying Thunder God barrier.

Flying Thunder God Barrier: Dimension Slash!


When the Flying Thunder God barrier was erected, a sound similar to that of a mirror shattering was heard, and the space within the Flying Thunder God barrier was like fragments of a mirror, tearing apart the Kong family within the range, and also strangling more than a hundred Rock Ninjas living in the space.

Chiba couldn't bear to see such a bloody scene. The Rock Ninjas, who had been torn apart, twisted, and dead by the space cracks, were sent to a different space as the Flying Thunder God barrier disappeared.

At the scene, the space that had been shattered several times was restored to its original state, and nothing happened. Only the bloodstains scattered on the ground proved that a very tragic battle had taken place here.

But this was a one-sided massacre, and the instigator, Chiba, just snapped his fingers.

The crisis on the west side of the Uzushiogakure Village was resolved, and some old, weak, women and children were dragged out of the shelter by the Uzushio ninjas. However, looking at the grief-stricken faces of these people, it was clear that many of his own people must have been killed or injured in this sneak attack.

At the same time, Dodai, Kari, and Karutagi Yagura, who were fighting with the Sandaime Uzumaki, also attacked with all their strength, forcing the Sandaime Uzumaki to retreat and injuring him.

The three did not pursue the victory, but instead dispersed and went in three different directions.

The direction the three of them fled was exactly where the ninjas from the three hidden villages were.

The ninja team quickly returned to their village without saying much, only uttering one syllable that everyone could hear clearly.


The ninjas from the three hidden villages evacuated one after another, and many of them rushed into the Uzushio Village. The ninjas holding some scrolls and books were protected by three layers of protection inside and outside, and were escorted to board the ship and leave first.

There is no need to worry, these are the Uzumaki clan's sealing techniques books, and they are also the real purpose of the three hidden villages this time.

The Uzumaki clan ninjas from the Hidden Uzushio Village still wanted to chase them, but the ninjas from the three major hidden villages retreated in a very orderly manner and without chaos, so the Uzumaki clan ninjas who went to chase them did not gain any advantage.

"Why don't you chase after her!"

The Sandaime Uzumaki flashed to Chiba's side and questioned loudly.

Qianye's eyes narrowed, and a cold look flashed across them.

Without saying a word, Chiba just snapped his fingers in the direction of the Sandaime Uzumaki.


Expanding from the point to the surface, a powerful repulsive force formed from Qianye's fingertips, and then turned into an invisible fan-shaped repulsive attack wave, which suddenly slapped the third generation Uzumaki flying away.

Boom, boom, boom.

The Sandaime Uzumaki was completely defenseless, and he seemed to be a stone skipping on the water. He flew backwards for dozens of meters, crashed into a house, fell to the ground, bounced back, and continued to fly backwards.

After bouncing, hitting, falling, and bouncing again three or five times, the Sandaime Uzumaki's body was half embedded in the wall.


At this time, the Third-generation Uzumaki who had just been embedded in the stone wall had no time to make any follow-up moves before Chiba followed closely.


Chiba raised his right foot and stepped hard on the chest of the Sandaime Uzumaki, breaking two of his still intact ribs.


The Sandaime Uzumaki couldn't help but vomit blood, but he didn't spit it on Chiba's shoes, nor did he die immediately. He was just seriously injured and couldn't move freely for a while.

Using one foot to exert force, Chiba took a lunge stance and looked down at the Third-generation Uzumaki from top to bottom, with a cold light in his eyes.

"What did you say when I first came here?!

When I came with good intentions but was driven away with bad intentions, everything became different.

And the way out I leave for you is just to repay the kindness that Grandma Mito showed me.

The Hidden Uzushio Village was not destroyed by the Three Hidden Villages, and the favor has been repaid. So what makes you think you are still qualified to point fingers at me?"


With another hard stomption with one foot, the Sandaime Uzumaki's chest collapsed instantly, and several white and red bones pierced through the skin and were exposed.

At the same time, the Sandaime Uzumaki's eyes were wide open and he wanted to speak, but all that came out of his mouth was blood foam.

However, thanks to the powerful vitality of the Uzumaki clan, even though the Third Uzumakikage was badly injured, he was still a long way from death.

"It's hard to persuade the damned devil with good words!"

After leaving behind these words, Chiba retracted his right foot, raised his hand to flick off the floating dirt on it, and prepared to leave the Uzushiogakure Village and return to Konoha.

"You guys can handle the follow-up matters yourselves, as for the future, it's all up to you to decide.

But you must remember that our friendship was ruined by your stubbornness and arrogance. Neither I personally nor the Hidden Leaf Village owes you anything anymore."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qianye activated Flying Thunder God and disappeared from the spot in an instant. When he appeared again, he was already standing in his own mansion.

Instead of going to the bedroom immediately, Chiba chose to go to the bathroom, intending to clear the blood and energy in his body, and then go to sleep with Tsunade and his two children.

The scene changed, and the Sandaime Uzumaki, who was lying in the ruins with lifeless eyes, had been rescued by the Uzumaki clan ninjas who swarmed in.

The broken bones of the Sandaime Uzumaki were straightened out at the fastest speed, and the bright green light of the Palm Fairy Technique also lit up everywhere on the Sandaime Uzumaki's body.

Relying on his own strong vitality and the timely rescue of the surrounding Uzumaki clan ninjas, the Sandaime Uzumakikage was soon able to move freely.

But at this time, the Sandaime Uzumaki had lost his former spirit and energy.

He looked dejected and raised his right hand and made a snapping gesture.

"It's really... an incredible power..."

He muttered to himself, "I was wrong. Very wrong. Moreover, the foundation of the Uzumaki clan was also very wrong."

As if he had made a decision, he found a subordinate he trusted and asked him to coordinate the subsequent rescue matters, while he himself immediately set off towards the Hidden Leaf Village.

(End of this chapter)