
Naruto: Time Control

Reborn as Kakashi's older brother with the power to control time. I do this translation just for pleasure https://www.patreon.com/inferno303

inferno303 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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525 Chs

Chapter 75: The Death of Pakura

Because of the explosion and the surrounding dust, it was somewhat difficult to see clearly.

Even Pakura suffered from the aftershocks of the explosion and was seriously injured, not to mention Yeruashi, who had taken the blast head-on and should be dead.

"It shouldn't be so bad that not a single fragment is left..."

Huge clouds of dust rose from the site of the explosion, and Munai, a Jounin, looked down into the deep crater left by the blast and walked towards its center.

Ninja usually carry a forehead protector of their village with them, so even if they die on the battlefield and the body is completely destroyed, the identity can be determined using the village symbol engraved on the forehead protector and the registration number engraved on a special plate.

These things are made of sturdy metal and are not so easy to destroy completely.

If they could find a forehead protector, they could determine the origin of this young ninja, and if they could find the registration plate, they could even determine his identity.

"Surely he was a ninja from Konoha..."

Munai quickly noticed some debris at the bottom of the crater and approached, finding a forehead protector with the symbol of Konoha carved on it.

But because she only found Yeruashi's forehead protector, she continued to investigate around it to find the nameplate that Yeruashi should be wearing on his body.


After taking a few steps, he froze in place.

Behind him, a sword flashed sharply, piercing Munai's chest, and blood spurted from his chest instantly, staining the charred earth red.

Munai's pupils contracted violently, revealing a hint of disbelief as he shook his head awkwardly and looked at the figure that appeared behind him, which unexpectedly was Yeruashi!

"How can you...?"

He opened his mouth with difficulty.

At that moment, Yeruashi's clothes were in tatters, but underneath the shredded pieces of clothing, Yeruashi's skin was intact, Without a trace of burns or wounds from the explosion!

There was no trace of damage to his body at all!

He survived such an explosion inside a small barrier without suffering a single injury!

"Clothes are a problem, then..."

Without answering his question, Yeruashi unsheathed his Kusanagi sword, looked at his tattered clothes on him and shook his head.

This is the difference between the reverse flow of time and Edo Tensei, he can't restore his damaged clothes and items, while Edo Tensei can.


Yeruashi's figure became a secondary image, and quickly stepped out of the crater.

The two Jounin supporting Pakura had already noticed that something was happening in the crater and looked carefully in that direction, feeling horror when they saw Yeruashi's figure appear through the clouds of dust.

A silver light shone.

The Jounin were in no better condition and before they could react properly, blood splattered and their figures were cut by Kusanagi's sword.


"How is this possible!"

Pakura's pupils contracted violently and she looked at Yeruashi in disbelief. She tried to mobilize the chakra in her body, but was unable to stimulate it at all due to her severe injuries, and barely managed to mobilize some of her chakra, she fell to her knees and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Pakura couldn't believe her eyes when she saw Yeruashi uninjured under his tattered clothes.

Pakura was stunned.

Pakura understood better than anyone else the power of his Shakuton, moreover it happened in a closed barrier, even the Fourth Kazekage, who is very good at defense, would have great difficulties to resist this attack, but Yeruashi didn't have a single wound!

How did he do it!!!

Yeruashi approached Pakura, who was on his knees, and dispelled the silver glow, ignoring the fact that he could see his body.

Pakura formed a seal with his hands, barely mustering the remaining chakra in his body to release a ball of flame towards Yeruashi.

But in the next instant, the Kusanagi sword in Yeruashi's hands slashed forward, with the sword entwined with lightning, cut off the incoming fireball.


Pakura didn't have the strength to resist, he spat out a mouthful of blood and raised his head with difficulty, looking at Yeruashi, wondering exactly how he managed to get out of the explosion unharmed.

But alas, his consciousness began to fade and it was impossible for him to tell.

With his consciousness fading, he slowly closed his eyes and his body swayed before falling backwards.

"He lost consciousness."

Yeruashi observed the scene and, instead of immediately approaching her, he scanned and observed his surroundings for a moment, and was slightly surprised when he perceived Pakura's aura gradually fading away.

Keeping his guard up, he moved in to check and Pakura didn't react no matter how close he got, it seemed that chakra depletion, along with her severe injuries, ended up taking her life.

"I was still planning to capture her alive..."

Yeruashi shook his head helplessly, he still wanted to capture her alive, but it seemed it was no longer possible.

If the time reversal could be used on someone else, he could try to revive her, but unfortunately, it wouldn't work, as she couldn't use her abilities on anything other than her body.

In such a situation, she showed great determination and a strong will, trying to kill him at the cost of serious injury, this is a true ninja. If she didn't have the ability to reverse the flow of time, this move would most likely have succeeded.


Without the ability to reverse the flow of time, he wouldn't have dared to enter this battle, but that doesn't stop him from recognizing Pakura's power and amazing abilities.

Yeruashi put away the Kusanagi sword and after thinking about it for a while, he did nothing with Pakura's body, it would be good to talk to her later when she was reborn through the Edo Tensei and no longer an enemy.

By the way, earlier, when he looked at Pakura, who fell to her knees and lost the ability to resist, dirty thoughts passed through his mind for a moment, it seems that the age of the physical body has reached the time when I start to crave for the carnal desires of her body.


Yeruashi looked up at the sky deep in thought.

But these impulses coming from the physical body could not affect Yeruashi's thoughts, because he is far from being in a position to indulge his desires.

When he ascends to the top of the ninja world and has an infinite amount of free time, perhaps in a moment of boredom, he will resurrect Pakura and talk to him about life.

The Third Ninja World War can safely be called the age of geniuses.

Pakura of Sunagakure, Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Shisui of Konoha, Yondaime Raikage and Killer B of Kumogakure, the strongest generation of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, the future Fifth Mizukage, Terumi Mei.... it is too difficult to list them all.

She is now on the battlefield of the Third Ninja World War, and will inevitably face most of them.

"With the exception of Minato, who wields Hiraishin and Shiki Fujin, the abilities of the others pose no threat to me.... Although the future Raikage could be a very difficult opponent, I still need to keep improving my strength. "

Putting these thoughts aside, Yeruashi searched Pakura's body and found a small metal plate engraved with the ninja registration number.

He also has a similar metal plate, the village uses them to identify deceased ninja, and if it falls into the hands of an enemy ninja, it will become a war trophy, proving its merits.

Usually, the use of these tablets is resorted to only in times of war.

Because war is too chaotic, too many ninja die every day, very often the bodies are badly damaged or no remains are left, making it impossible to determine the identity of the deceased.


Yeruashi quickly compiled the Jounin's registration numbers and narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked in the direction from which Pakura and the Jounins were chasing him.

Pakura and these Jounin should be the leaders of the group, the combat power of Sunagakure is not that great to put two Kage level ninja at the head of a group of a hundred ninja.

Only ordinary ninja should remain, unable to threaten him.

In that case....

...it is worth dealing with them.

After mending his own clothes with the cloth from the clothes of Pakura and the others, Yeruashi cut off some of the heads of the dead Jounins and sealed them, then used a transformation Jutsu, transformed himself into one of the slain Jounins and ran in the direction of the Sunagakure forces.