
Naruto: The rise of Uzumaki Kingdom

As a family that built a country, with huge chakra and vitality, but was actually destroyed by others, Uzumaki Ryuto had something in his heart that he didn't know whether to say or not. Therefore, Uzumaki Ryuto decided to vigorously develop national power. "Ninjutsu is the source of progress." The future development trend is one superpower with multiple powers. Only under the leadership of the Kingdom of Whirlpool can the ninja world achieve true peace.

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52 Chs

This kind of surface-level brotherhood is better severed sooner!

The first step of the great war was to reassure the people's hearts. After all, for an all-out national war involving the entire clan, if there were internal conflicts, it would cost lives!!

Facing the confused citizens suddenly gathered before him, the advantage of being a small nation with few people became apparent - it was very convenient to assemble all the citizens...

Uzumaki Ryuto felt a pang of pain. Though the Land of Whirlpools was a nation, it was still too small. Glancing at the clan leader and daimyo by his side, he took a deep breath and stepped forward. 

The clan leader and others exchanged looks before following behind him.

Though the people below did not know why the ninja were gathering them, especially with young lord Ryuto standing before the clan leader and daimyo!

This...could it be war?!

Seeing the solemn expressions of the elders, the citizens fell silent, sensing something was amiss.

The clan leader came out from Ryuto's left side first, announcing loudly, "First, we apologize for our erroneous decisions that brought the Land of Whirlpools to the brink of destruction." Taking a deep breath, he and the elders behind him all bowed, saying together, "We're sorry."

"No, no, it's not the Clan Leader's fault."

"That's right, it's all the Hidden Mist's fault."

"Blame them!"

The clan leader's eyes welled with tears hearing the forgiveness below. The reason for this situation was their mistake - not heeding their own clansman's words but believing an outside village's promises. This led to their current dire straits, yet their clansmen, the citizens of the Land of Whirlpools, still trusted them. The clan leader clenched his fists tightly, a cold glint flashing in his heart towards Konoha...

Seeing the concerned, uneasy looks below, he said, "Thank you all for forgiving us. Thank you for still trusting us."

Wiping his tears, the clan leader raised his head solemnly. "Second, from this moment, the entire Uzumaki clan will follow Lord Ryuto's orders. Those who disobey..." His stern gaze swept over everyone as he enunciated, "will be exiled from the Land of Whirlpools and stripped from the Uzumaki clan registry."

Keep in mind they had just emerged from the Warring States period, where clan-based survival was the norm, so being exiled from the clan was an extremely severe punishment.


A murmur arose below, but seeing the clan leader's stern expression, they knew he was not joking. Everyone quickly calmed themselves, awaiting his instructions.

Seeing them settle, the daimyo stepped forward. "By the authority of the Daimyo of the Land of Whirlpools, from now on the entire nation will be under Uzumaki Ryuto's command in all matters. Everyone, including myself, will follow Ryuto's arrangements."

Though his words shocked them again, after their surprise, they remained calm this time - the clan leader had said something similar earlier. Then...

"Yes!" Everyone loudly affirmed.

Seeing the atmosphere was set, Uzumaki Ryuto stepped out, his youthful face uncharacteristically stern. "I'm sure you all recognize me, the first in line to inherit the Land of Whirlpools."

"But what I want to say now is not that. From this moment, I will be temporarily taking command of the Land of Whirlpools to resist the Hidden Mist Village's invasion together with you all." 

"When you heard of the Hidden Mist's invasion, I'm sure you felt confused and worried, but not afraid."

His tone paused.

"Because you knew - in fact, the entire Uzumaki clan thought this - that Konoha was the Land of Whirlpool's closest friend, like brothers. You believed they would absolutely come help us. But..."

Ryuto sighed heavily. "You were wrong. We treated them like brothers, but they saw us as tools. They made the Uzumaki clan bleed, cry, and sacrifice everything for them. We lost so many loved ones helping them in the war. Yet when we asked for their aid..."

Ryuto's gaze hardened, his voice weighed down. "They refused."

"Woah--" Everyone showed disbelieving expressions as a rumble of shock spread through the crowd.

"How is that possible, this was a promise made with Lord Hashirama himself!"

"How could they betray their word like that?"

"Those bastards, do...do they have no honor for our friendship? No respect for Lord Hashirama?"

"Silence!" The clan leader clenched his fists tightly, bellowing at the sounds of despair below. His heart was in turmoil - they had trusted Konoha so much, only to be...

Truly just surface-level brothers!

His shout instantly quieted them, though despair filled their eyes. Relying only on the Land of Whirlpools, they had no hope - especially after sacrificing so many clansmen to help Konoha during the war. Was the nation truly doomed to...

"Yes, hearing this, you became hopeless and afraid," Ryuto said, seeing the impact his words had. Going further may rob them of all courage - then what war could they fight? The Uzumaki clan may be utterly wiped out, leaving only a few strays. 

Perhaps it was because they didn't properly prepare earlier. Seeing how ferocious the Hidden Mist was later, their morale instantly crumbled, allowing the enemy to grind them underfoot.

Ryuto's tone shifted, deadly serious. "But I swear on my honor as the future Daimyo of the Land of Whirlpools and acting Clan Head of the Uzumaki - the Land of Whirlpools will absolutely not perish. The Uzumaki clan and I will stand together with the nation through life or death."

Hearing Ryuto, a glimmer of hope appeared in their eyes, but it quickly faded - who would believe the words of a seven-year-old child?

Seeing this, the daimyo stepped forward. "By my authority as Daimyo of the Land of Whirlpools, I swear the nation will absolutely not perish under Uzumaki Ryuto's leadership. The Uzumaki clan and the Land of Whirlpools will share a common fate."

"By my authority as Clan Head of the Uzumaki, under Ryuto's leadership, the Land of Whirlpools will absolutely not perish." 

"By my authority as the Great Elder of the Uzumaki clan, under Ryuto's leadership, the Land of Whirlpools will absolutely not perish."

"By my authority as..."

One by one, the other Uzumaki clan elders stood forth.

Seeing even the elders, clan leader, and daimyo believing a seven-year-old child, hope flickered in the citizens' eyes too. If the leaders trusted him, why shouldn't they?

"Now, citizens of the Land of Whirlpools, clansmen of the Uzumaki, listen to my command," Ryuto quickly said. "From this moment, forget our former 'brothers' - Konoha. The Land of Whirlpools can only rely on ourselves to avoid destruction and grow stronger."

This kind of surface-level brotherhood is better severed sooner! Otherwise, who knows when we may get betrayed again...

"Yes!!" The citizens loudly affirmed after his words.

"Ninja, arrange for the village's elderly, women and children to enter the underground shelter. Whether Uzumaki clansmen or not, as long as you are a citizen of the Land of Whirlpools, all must go inside. Do not come out until the war ends. I have prepared enough food inside for you to last half a year, while we drive out the Hidden Mist ninja within that time."


"Then all jonin and chunin, come forth and receive your orders."

Ryuto shouted firmly, "I hereby declare the Land of Whirlpools has officially entered a state of war. The citizens of the Whirlpool will absolutely not become slaves of a destroyed nation!"

"We will not become slaves of a destroyed nation!"



(End of Chapter)