
Naruto: The Mechanical Sage

What happens when a man is reborn into Naruto and interested in researching the limits of chakra. Well, a legend is what happens.

LegendaryChaos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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77 Chs

Chapter 36 - Mission Crisis

Inside Konoha, both Maru and Taiyō were relaxing as they sat in front of their houses enjoying the sunshine. Their hands trembled a bit as they felt a crisis involving their beloved grandchildren. So both despite being far apart looked into the sky at the same time hoping their grandchildren will be alright.


In a fairly large area where a few trees and shrubbery covered an entrance to a small cave. Both Kagami and Mira looked around with small beads of sweat appearing on their foreheads. They arrived at the designated area, but soon realized it was a trap.

"This is bad isn't it." Mira said softly.

Kagami softly nodded his head as he too felt this was a very dangerous position to be in. For what happened when they arrived at the designated spot they were supposed to investigate. The two found them surrounded by various jonin with the lowest rank being elite chunin, as well the two leading them being Kumo two jinchurikis.

"Surrender or die, we got you surrounded, fool you fool. Yeah." Killer Bee announced.

Taking a deep breath, Kagami friendliness vanished as he pulled out his sword in a slow and dramatic manner. Then he glanced at Mira who pulled out her gunbai with a sickle attached to the handle as she also glanced at him. Which made Kagami really wish he could communicate with his eyes, but they seem to be on the same page.

"I will take Killer Bee and the ones by his side. You can take the other one and beware of her speed." Kagami said as Mira frowned but nodded.

Then in a burst of speed, Kagami and Mira vanished from their spots. When they reappeared they were slashing down at their toughest targets, Kumogakure two jinchurikis. However, while their targets seemed to panic a little at the sudden display of speed, they barely managed to block the attack.

So using the rebound, neither slowed their momentum and seemingly kicked off. A couple of unfortunate jonin ended up dying off the bat without reacting. Kagami and Mira continued to run about the battlefield. Their sharingan opened, spinning wildly as they began to reap the lives of the weaker ones in Kumo's group.

"Hurry and stop them." Yugito shouted angrily as she tried to pounce on Mira.

However, her claws connected with the gunbai, which was followed by a loud bang as Mira swung the fan at full strength. So Yugito who just attacked shot backward like a rocket slamming into her fellow shinobi with loud cracks emitting from them.

Throwing the large fan out at an elite chunin who was drawing close, Mira jumped up as her fingers flashed threw a series of hand seals.

"Blaze Release: Twin Fire Dragon."

Erupting from Mira mouth, two small streams appeared that soon turned into roaring dragons. Their bodies were long like a snake as they had short arms and small antlers on their heads as they rushed forward. With each millisecond the dragons grew bigger as they rampaged and burnt a few Kumo shinobi to death.

"Hurry and block."

A jonin shouted angrily as he made an earth wall, but beside holding on for a few seconds. The wall soon fell apart as the dragon seemingly crashed through it killing him and the elite chunin beside him. While nearby the second dragon went around a water wall and slayed three more elite chunin.

Yet, while this jutsu was wreaking havoc, Mira let out a small scream as six thin but deep wounds appeared on her. Yugito had used this small opening and landed a blow on Mira, but soon felt her head ringing as Mira used her gunbai and smashed it into the side of Yugito's head.

"Ahh!" Mira screamed as a kunai and a couple shurikens found their way to embed themselves into her back and legs.

Molding her chakra, Mira, while not as proficient as Kagami, clenched her fist after flashing through a series of hand seals. So a large black hand of black iron sand swept through the few jonin and elite chunin who threw the kunai and shurikens at her and a few who were doing hand seals.

Screams were heard as they were crushed and grinded to death as the black iron hand swept through them. However, Yugito, who slightly recovered thanks to the two tails, used this moment to attack. Thus, Mira who barely managed to miss the fatal strike saw ten long and thin fingernails piercing through her body.

A single tear ran down her cheek as she felt like she was going to die here and hoped Kagami would be fine in the future. Her mind raced as memories of meeting Kagami appeared in her mind, the times he spent teaching her various chakra natures and jutsu. Even the time when he had her testing the nanobots appeared in her mind.

'I'm sorry, Kagami.' Mira thought as she gathered her chakra as she made a heavy strike backwards.

Yugito's head was just behind her and a loud crack was heard as she fell like a bag of potatoes. Her body was slowly rising and falling showing she was barely alive, with her fingernails retracting allowing Mira to fall to her knees. Her blood coated the ground as her eyes blurred as she saw a few remaining jonin approached with their weapons drawn.

Then as she felt her vision go black due to blood loss, Mira saw the approaching jonin were all impaled with wooden spikes.


Returning a minute before, both Kagami and Mira slashed down at the Jinchurikis. Kagami was rapidly moving through the shinobi around him as his Sharingan flickered around. Then in a quick and fluid motion, he caught a kunai with an explosive tag and slapped it onto a Kumo shinobi before it exploded.

However, while he was reaping one or two lives each second, there were too many as cuts appeared on his body. Killer Bee who was also pressing down on him as he wielded seven swords. Kagami took one of the swords through his leg as he was nearly boxed in.

So while gritting his teeth, he clapped his hands together and black rods shot up from the ground impaling the ones around him. Thus leaving fifteen and Killer Bee behind as they back up barely dodging his latest attack.

So using this small moment where Killer Bee was on the back step, Kagami pulled out his large scroll and unraveled it. Then slamming his hand down heavily on the long black text, he slid his hand forward where large golden chains shot out and wrapped around Killer Bee tightly.

'Alright, that Killer Bee down, now it's time to finish the rest and help Mira.' Kagami thought as his eyes flickered over to Mira.

However, he just felt his blood go cold as Mira collapsed on the ground. Blood flowed out around her, as immense anger filled his heart as he looked at the Kumo shinobi approaching her.

Then in a burst of anger at how badly Mira was injured and dying. Kagami, not really caring about his own health, began to mold his chakra in such a quantity that it nearly ruptured his chakra network before he unleashed it. All while Kagami muttered in a very cold and emotionless tone.

"Wood Release: Sea of Spikes."

Then hundreds of wood spikes jetted out of the ground impaling everyone.

Thanks for Reading.

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