
Chapter 92: Iwa's end

Onoki looked at the enraged Naruto in front of him, blood-red eyes with slit pupils glaring daggers at him and the barely functioning Orochimaru, "Damn you Orochimaru!" Onoki shouted at Orochimaru but the second he turned away from Naruto a giant Rasengan was already drilling into his body.

'Fuck, I should've gone all out from the start.' Naruto berated himself on the inside, he could've killed Onoki, and could've kept the reanimated Kage's busy with a few clones and helped Hiruzen take care of Orochimaru but it was too late now.

Naruto turned to look at Orochimaru but he was already gone, although he wasn't that far being only 5 kilometers away, but Naruto decided to take care of the more pressing matters first.

Namely Onoki, the old bastard would die today.

"Onoki you picked the wrong village to attack, we may have been lenient with Iwa in the past but I swear that after I kill you I will personally destroy your village." Naruto stated darkly.

Onoki glared at Naruto, his left arm completely disintegrated and his cloak gone showing his scarred upper body.

Naruto appeared in front of Onoki, Samehada immediately tearing into Onoki's flesh before he could even react siphoning out what little of his chakra remained.

Truthfully Onoki was barely a threat anymore, all he had left was his skill in Taijutsu and his vast combat experience but that would never be enough against someone of Naruto's caliber, especially since he was now out of chakra making his Dust Release unusable taking away any threat that Onoki could pose to Naruto.

"State your last words and I might deliver them to whatever family you have remaining." Naruto said and raised Samehada into the air like an executioner brandishing his axe to behead a criminal.

Onoki spat at Naruto "The will of stone will never be broken you may kill me today but my village will never give up!" Onoki glared at Naruto one last time and then closed his eyes, knowing he would never open them again.

Naruto swung Samehada at Onoki tearing him apart, Samehada celebrating about not having to take any more of the disgusting earth-flavored chakra.

An anbu squad immediately appeared in front of Naruto, looking sadly in the direction of the 3rd Hokages corpse.

Naruto decided to speak first, "Today's events are truly sad, we have lost a great leader today but we will not stop until we've shown the rest of the elemental nations that Konoha is not to be fucked with, defeat whatever rock ninja remain on our territory and set up medical tents for civilians and ninjas, I will temporarily be taking over leadership." Naruto handed over a scroll that he thought he would never have to show.

The scroll contained direct orders from Hiruzen that in the case of his death if the situation was unsafe or if there was a large battle or war going on that Naruto would take over as acting Hokage until the situation has been resolved and a new Hokage has been chosen.

The anbu squad read the scroll and 4 of the 5 members immediately left to tell everyone, the last remaining anbu member remained to take whatever orders Naruto would give.

Naruto crossed his fingers and summoned over a thousand clones, "Take them and help evacuate and heal any civilians or ninja, I will be back soon." Naruto said and disappeared so quickly that the Anbu barely saw a blur.

The anbu looked at where Naruto previously stood, he was known as Hawk the third fastest member of the Anbu but he could barely even keep up with Naruto's speed, 'It seems the Hokage has made a fine choice in his successor.' Hawk thought to himself.

Naruto immediately left in the direction of Iwa, after half an hour of running he was already at the border between Iwa and Konoha, it was a small piece of land where many fights between the two villages had been waged, it was also right next to the Land of Rain which explained why most Ninja Wars had been waged in the Land of Rain, at least between Iwa and Konoha.

Naruto could sense a few squadrons of Iwa ninjas patrolling the border, they didn't sense him so Naruto acted quickly creating a clone for each squad and sending them to kill the squads before they could report back to Iwa.

Naruto continued on reaching Iwagakure in record time, merely an hour after he left Konoha Naruto was already in attacking distance of Iwagakure, now he just needed to choose a way to take care of Iwa, he wondered what attack would work best, perhaps a barrage of giant Rasengan? Or would a Bijudama be enough to take care of them?

Most likely not, they had two Jinchuuriki themselves after all, but that merely meant that Naruto had to shoot more than one Bijudama's.

Naruto decided to try something new, he activated the first Heavenly Gate immediately feeling an immense power boost, he then created 8 clones who did the same.

Naruto then focused for a minute slowly merging his pure chakra with Kurama's chakra, creating a weird mix of colors a cloak chakra surrounded his body, starting a dark blood red and ending in a pure white, it was the same as a flame that started blue and ended orange, except far more beautiful and far more powerful.

His clones followed suit each gaining the same cloak as him, but what Naruto wanted was something else, he wanted to completely transform into full Bijuu mode while using the Heavenly Gates, but he didn't know if he had enough control to control such powerful chakra in that quantity.

But he had to do it.

So Naruto went through the usual process that was needed to turn into the full Bijuu mode, his clones copying his actions.

Soon 9 giant 9-tailed foxes surrounded Iwagakure, which was located in a deep valley surrounded on all sides by mountains making it an easy target for Naruto to attack with a Bijudama.

The 9-tailed foxes were made out of Naruto's pure chakra and Kurama's dark red chakra making it similar to the chakra cloak except the only white part were the tips of the 9 tails.

Of course this didn't go unnoticed by the populace of Iwa, a group of ninja immediately attacked Naruto, although it was all for naught, they wouldn't be able to do anything against Naruto.

Positive and Negative chakra started being gathered by all 9 foxes into a giant ball in front of them merely a minute later 9 giant balls of destruction were being aimed at Iwagakure from all sides, chaos ran through the village every single person running to the evacuation areas where they may have a chance to survive this attack.

Naruto decided to end this quickly so he could return to Konoha as soon as possible, so he and his clones simultaneously shot at Iwagakure each aiming at a different part of the large village.

There were countless shouts of horror echoing through the village, children crying from the oppressive feeling of Naruto's chakra, women crying holding onto their husbands who could do nothing but helplessly stare at the giant balls of chakra that were flying towards their village.

Then as soon as the Bijudama's impacted the ground they expanded into giant explosions of corrosive chakra evaporating anyone that it came in contact with, in a bright explosion that seemed to pass all too quickly huge parts of Iwa were disintegrated.

Silence ran throughout Iwa, the evacuated civilians could only stare in shock at the destruction that had overcome their village, many of them crying out in sheer sadness and pain at the loss of their homes and some of their families, although large parts of the population of Iwa survived there were bound to be countless deaths with the attack that Naruto used.

Naruto decided to leave them a message, "Survivors of Iwa hear my words, your Tsuchikage decided to attack Konoha and I killed him now I've come and dealt with Iwagakure, you may all blame your foolish leader for dooming you all, now, let this be a message to the world that Konoha will not hold back against her enemies anymore!" Naruto shouted out angrily declaring Konoha's strength to the rest of the world, he was sure that the news would reach every single village in the world, he could sense quite a few foreign ninjas observing him after all.

Naruto then let the chakra around him dissipate turning back into his base form.

Before Naruto could do anything he heard a shout and turned to see a girl with short black hair charging at him blindly crying her eyes out and glaring at him.

Naruto dodged her weak attempt at an attack and kicked her in the stomach immediately dropping her on the ground.

"You must be Kurotsuchi, your grandfather's last words were truly pitiful, the will of stone will never be broken, how foolish, Iwagakure as strong as it once was will cease to exist, you have not wronged Konoha yet so I will let you go, but if I ever hear or see you near the Land of Fire know that I will kill you and whatever remains of Iwa." Naruto released his killing intent freezing the girl in her place who eventually passed out, foaming at her mouth.

Naruto merely turned around and immediately headed back to Konoha.


Iwa is done for now, wonder who's gonna be the next Hokage?

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