
Naruto : The Flow Artist { On Hiatus }

This shi is getting a rewrite for obvious reasons.

The_Zen_Boy · Anime et bandes dessinées
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86 Chs

Chapter 61 : Angry Wench

After walking for sometime through the bustling streets together with the gang, we talked about many useless things with the boys like always until slowly, I could see a quite small and an unassuming appearance of the icharaku ramen shop.

"Eyy ! you sure this is the right place ?" Ken asked with some doubt.

"Well, maybe, I don't know, so let's find out I guess" I replied with a shrug and continued my way in.

"It better has something not toxic to eat" Ken said and followed me.

"Come on guys, don't judge a book by it's cover" I said to the doubtful crowd until I was inside and my eyes immediately fixed on the picture of a young Teuchi with still black hair sleeping on the counter with his hand supporting his head.

"Cough cough ! Wake up Teuchi" I coughed loudly and called him which made him flinch but still didn't wake up.

"So is he the guy you talked about ?" Tsunade asked behind me.

"Yes" I replied.

"Damn man wake up I am hungry as hell !" Ken shouted with irritation which made Teuchi wake up abruptly and hit his head on a hanged pan above the counter.

*Bam !* "Owww !"

He rubbed his head and wore and pained expression "You okay Teuchi ?" I asked with little concern and slowly sit on the a chair infront of the dude.

"Oww oww, w..who ar- GAROU-SAMA !!" Teuchi yelled at the top of his lungs in shock as he realised who I was.

"Calm down Teuchi, no need to be surprised" I said while giving Tsunade a glance and point at the sit beside me so she could sit on my right.

"Ayo !!" Suddenly Ken shouted while pointing at Teuchi which made us confused at why he yelled out of nowhere.

"Why are you yelling ?" Yuji asked tiredly and slowly sat down on my left without paying much attention to Ken.

"This dude was sleeping, right ?!" Ken asked us weirdly as he pointed at a nervous Teuchi rudely.

"Yeah" I replied in amusment as I knew what he was surprised about.

"Then why is his eyes still closed even after waking up ?! It doesn't make sense !" Ken said with exaggerated surprise which made the gang think for a second and look at Teuchi's eyes that clearly made the guy uncomfortable. 

*Bam !" "Aghhhh !" 

Then Ken's wife punched the top of his head which made him yell in pain and let out a tear as he touched the now bump on his head "Quite being rude hubby, and don't point at people like that, it's not nice !" His blonde wife said in an ominous tone and he fearfully nodded many times quickly.

'It seems you have not guts Ken' I thought with a slight disappointment at my coward friend.

After all of us sat down, I focused on the bewildered Teuchi who was shocked to see me after many years "You got a nice shop Teuchi, I am happy to see you are doing well" I said with a genuine smile.

"T..thanks Garou-sama !  Thanks to you I was able to have this ! It's all because of you" He said loudly with a huge smile and a tear running down his face while bowing repeatedly that made me and the gang uncomfortable for a second.

I nodded "It's alright my guy, you don't need to mention it and bow. So what do you have to eat ? we are quite hungry you see" I said while pointing at the gang.

"Ahh I am so sorry for forgetting that, we have Miso ramen, Shoyu ramen and Shio ramen Garou-sama" He said politely and waited for what we will choose.

I turned to look at Tsunade "So which one do you want ?" I asked.

"Hmmm, maybe the Miso ramen ? anything will do I guess" She said with a hand on her chin.

"You heard her Teuchi and I want the same too" I said to which Teuchi nodded happily as he wrote down our order.

"Can you get me 2 shio ramen ?" Yuji asked while scratching his chin lazily.

"Miso ramen like Daifuku-kun for me and my wife please !"

"Miso ramen here"

"Shoyu ramen"

After taking all of our order, Teuchi's demeanour changed to a more serious one and with a smile, he diligently started to prepared what we wanted. I didn't interrupt the guy and turned to look at Yuji.

"You took care of that thief nicely, really good to have that shadow jutsu, right ?" I said and opened up a topic to talk about with Tsunade already talking with the girls about women things I didn't understand.

"It's just some secret technique of our clan, nothing much I guess" He replied nonchalantly.

"What can you do with it tho ? Can you manipulate shadows at will or what ?" I asked and didn't care if it was something confidential or not.

"Pretty much yes, but it's limited and you can't really call it manipulation at will because hand seals are still needed to do the job" He replied.

"So binding and grabbing people is all it can do ?" I asked with some hidden disappointment.

Yuji turned to me and shrugged "Except some few other things then yes I guess" He said.

"Well, that's disappointing. I thought you could teleport from shadow to shadow, or use the shadow of your fallen enemies to fight for you, creating shadow walls or shields, sharp projectiles like kunais, night vision, shadow domain where you are God, shadow sword or a shadow sharp enough to cut things and many other things like that y'know" I said with a disappointed tone.


I turned and looked at Yuji who was staring at me as if I was stupid or something "Do you take me for a one in million genius or what you freak, do you even realise how hard it's to come up with a new jutsu ?! Creating a jutsu needs many years to come up with its theory only and then many other years to create it and most times you won't even succeed" He said with a tired expression while rubbing his forhead.

'Well, Tobirama could do some absurd shit even though he died when he was still in his forties' I thought "Well, I don't have chakra anyways so meh" I said with a shrug.

"Now that you brought this up, how are you so strong in the first place ? I have chakra and I am still not sure I could beat you" He said with a frown.

"Better not say it but if you really wanna know then get to the ground and do some push ups" I said nonchalantly, not wanting to really answer that, so I focus back on Teuchi who was about to finish mine and Tsunade's order.


"Ayo what you two talking about ?" Ken suddenly said as he put his head to forward us to hear better.

"Yuji wants to know the secret of muscles" I replied and flexed my bare arm which was filled with bulging veins that was twitching which made the gang gulp as they looked at my arm that was 3 times the size of baby Shikaku.

"Quite being a narcissist, the order is here" Tsunade said in irritation with her arms crossed.

"But you like it tho" I said which made her glare at me and the other women to giggle at her.

"Here are your orders Garou-sama and Tsunade-hime !" Teuchi said with a warm smile as he put the bowls of ramen infront of us as if he was carrying babies.

"Thanks" ×2

"Please wait and I will get your orders in no time" Teuchi said to the gang and started to work again.

As the steam raised from the bowl of savory ramen, my eyes light up with anticipation. Taking the first slurp, a burst of heavenly flavors immediately hit my taste buds – the rich broth, chewy noodles and toppings.

"Fuck this is so good !" I muttered in surprise with my eyes closed to savour every last bit of the ramen. I opened my eyes and looked Tsunade who was in the same state of surprise as me.

'Was this fucker grinding ramen to the max level all this years or what ?!' I thought as I gulped down the whole ramen without caring about if it was hot or not and hit the bowl on the table then sighh in delight.

Tsunade was still busy with her ramen so the whole gang were looking at me with raised eyebrows.

"So how was it ?!" Ken asked with anticipation. guess my reaction piqued his curiosity.

"Heavenly" I replied calmly and looked at Teuchi who smiled brightly at my compliment.

"Thanks for the compliment Garou-sama ! It means alot to me" He said then started to distribute the finished bowls of ramen to Yuji and others.

"Teuchi..." I called.

"Yes Garou-sama" He replied and listened to what I had to say.

"Bring me a pen and paper" I said.

"Right away !" He replied and quickly took out a paper and pen inside his chef clothes.

I grabbed the tools and under the curious gazes of the gang, without letting them know what I was writing, I started to write down whatever Ramen recipes I still remembered from my world and gave the paper back to him but folded.

'If only this three ramen dishes of his could taste like this then I am curious if this ones from my world will taste the same or better !' I thought in anticipation.

"Don't look what's written inside until we leave and..." I said then put my hand in my underwear which made Ken make a disgusted face, then pulled out a stamp of the Hatake clan.

"Give me another paper" I said and he gave me another one to which I wrote something about business or whatnot then marked the paper with the stamp.

"Teuchi..." I called again while checking what I wrote on the paper.

"Y..yes ?" He answered nervously.

"I know that because of me you have few costumers, so as the major shareholder of the heavenly feels food company, I will sponsor you and give you the right to put up my banner on the walls of your shop, but in return I want %30 of what you get, do you agree to this ?" I said seriously with Teuchi listening to me attentively while the gang were enjoying their food and listening to us in surprise.


"So ?" I asked the now quite guy.

"Garou-sama... everything I have now is all because of you and I still don't know how to repay you enough, so consider this shop as your own and me your employee. I agree to everything" He said with a warm smile and a tear runnin his face which put a genuine smile on my face.

'This dude is too good for this world' I thought.

"Then sign this paper and give it to my friend Satoshi here" I said and pointed at Satoshi who raised his head on his bowl of ramen and smiled at Teuchi.

Teuchi nodded and after signing the paper, he gave it to Satoshi "Send that paper to your father and let him take care of it Satoshi" I said which made the chubby guy nod happily.

"Didn't take you for a businessman Garou" Yuji said to which I arrogantly smiled.

"I am a sort of a smartass myself, after you became a clan head you will understand" I said to which made his eyebrow twitch.

"Yea yea" He said and continued to eat his ramen.

As I was about to tell Teuchi something "You look quieter than usual Garou, what's up dude, some problems you got and need our help ?" Ken suddenly asked and made me frown and not knowing what to say.

'Am I really that easy to read ?' I thought with self mockery.

With reluctance "Nothing, just some clan problems and paper work" I replied with a lie that made my whole body cringe in annoyance as I don't like to lie as it always brings up problems in the future like right now Tsunade holding my hand with worry that was hidden in her eyes.

*pat pat*

"Well, you always have us to help you out, big guy !" Ken patted my shoulder and said with a wide smile to which I just nodded with a grateful nod and focused back to Teuchi...

"I want another 50 bowls of ramen Teuchi" I said with a wide grin that made Teuchi go pale and sweat fearfully at my request.


45 minutes later /

After putting the money inside the pocket of the exhausted and passed out man, we got out and started to bid our farewells.

"Thanks for the treat man, next time it's on me !" Ken said while rubbing his stomach in delight.

"Thanks for the treat"×5

"Don't need to mention it, it's no big deal" I replied and shaked my hand in denial.

"Then this is a goodbye I guess" Yuji said tiredly as he looked at the sleeping Shikaku in his arms enviously.

"Then see you guys soon I guess" I said and grabbed Tsunade's hand who waved at them as a sign of goodbye.

"See you/daifuku-kun soon" ×6

And like that, we separated and left the place.

"Should we go back home too ?" Tsunade asked me after a while.

"The sun is about to set, wanna watch it" I asked but didn't get an answer, so with her quietness as an answer, I just continued on my way towards one of our favourite spots in the death forest that we often come to where it's quite and high from the ground which makes it easy to look at the beautiful scenery in front of a cliff.

After arriving there and sitting on a spot where it was perfect to quietly relax and look at the beautiful nature and the orange sun.

After sitting like this for sometime "You don't need to worry, I will check on your mother regularly and try to come up with a cure, you know I am a genius doctor, so don't worry too much, it's not like you be like this you know" Tsunade said softly while hugging my arm beside me.

I looked at the ground "I always thought that my mom was acting weird this past years which I always thought she was pregnant or at that time of the month but I didn't know it was this severe, I should have known sooner" I said with my teeth and fists clenched which made her hug me tighter.

"Don't blane yourself for this, it was out of your hand hubby. I will study her disease and find a cure, it won't be hard, I promise" She said in my ear and I calmed down a little.

"Thanks" I said.

"Don't mention it hubby 'muah'" She said and kissed my cheek which lifted my mood.

We then sat there quietly for sometime, waiting for the sun to set "I need to tell you something by the way angel" I said and she hummed for me to continue.

"The next years, I may be away from Konoha" I revealed to her and she immediately got away from me then stared at me intensely.

"Explain !" She said in a cold tone.

"I have talked with my parents and I will become a merchant for the next two or 4 years outside Konoha" I said while ignoring her angry stare.

"When will you go ?" She asked with a shadow over her face.

"Maybe next week or this-"

*PAW !* *BAM !* "AGHHH !"

I was hit with a sudden unexpected punch out of nowhere and was thrown towards a tree that was at the back of where I was sitting and my back hit it strongly which made it dent and cracks spread on the tree.

I sat in front of the tree in surprise for moments before realisation hit me then every vein in my body started to bulg and twitch from anger "FUCK TSUNADE !! WHY DID YOU HIT ME HUUUH ?!!" I yelled in anger as I slowly stood up and looked at Tsunade whose fist was emitting smoke with a shadow hiding her face.

"Leaving Konoha and become a merchant ? You don't have the right to choose that !" She said and looked at me with tick marks on her forhead.

"Fuck...! I will fucking come back shortly after, I want to explore and see the world outside you wench !" I shouted at her.

*crack crack*

She cracked her fingers "Seems the disease of your mother is running inside your veins, It seems I need to give you a proper beating to come back to your senses and put you back straight" She said as she slowly walked towards me which made me pissed off more.

'Fuck this shit, she needs a fucking spanking !' I thought as I stretched my shoulders and started to walk towards her slowly too.

*crack crack*

I cracked my neck "And it seems I need to remind you who is the boss of the house, so get yo ass ready bitch" I said in anger and looked at her with veins filling my eyes.

"Ohhh how cute, then why not see about whose ass will get clapped" She said with an angry grin to which I reciprocated with a wide maniacal grin of my own.

And like this, under the watchful gaze of the orange sun in the sky, two lovebirds...

Started to fight for dominance.

The End