
-=Meeting... Myself?=-

I died... i can't fucking believe it! i was just going to the store to buy some food... i guess that's it huh? I didn't have much to tie me to my world, it's just... now i will never get to know how all those fics, and novels that i read ends... such a shame...

"Yeah that would be a shame woudn't it?" A voice suddenly said

"Who are you?" I ask

"I am you" Is this guy on drugs or something? he is me?! yeah right...

"Stop with those annoying thoughts, i am you from a distant future, you were going to be reborn at a world of cultivator and after a long time reach its apex, that is me, now i time travelled to give you a different choice" Wait, what? did he just mess with the time were his existance was defined? is he an idiot? he will cease to exist, no?

"Don't worry, you are a copy from my original soul, as not even I can mess with the laws of time with no repercussion..." The future me said, should i call him Mirai me?

"I would rather not..." Stop reading my mind!

"Well here is the deal, i will reincarnate you in any universe you want, and give you a system. No wishes, its all decided except the universe where you go." (if i want in the future i can create another fic were the MC chooses another world instead of Naruto)

"Huh?! not even a wish for how i will look? are you really a future version of me?" How can this guy be so... uh... annoying? i can't call him unfair as he already bent the laws to reincarnate me...

"Nope, as i said all is decided already, i think you will like it anyways... so now, choose your universe." oh damn, fine...

Let's see any universe... i could go to the anime universes, but witch one? dragon ball? nah, depending on were i start i will hate it. One Piece? that's a good choice, but i don't know... Well let's go with the safe choice of Naruto, were even if i need to fight the strongest being it will only be the otsutsukis, no God Of Destruction or a enemy that i know nothing about as a last boss (When i am writing this fic we known nothing about who will be the last boss of One Piece)

"Naruto? that world is a good choice, asides from that reality were Kibo made the cultivators go back to the elemental nations, no one would have any cultivation so your system will make you quite OP..." The future me didn't say anything more, after a while i was covered by light and felt a pull towards somewhere, I guess i'm going then, thanks future me... i may have to do the same as you in the future... anyway let's stop thinking about such paradoxal things such as this future me could have also been visited by a future version of him and such...

Naruto world is not as dangerous as Dragon Ball, but its not peacefull either... i should pay attention to everything.



During the Kyuubi attack.

You can see people running from one place to another, some scared, some going to fight for their village, some lost, but no one is idle.

On top of a hill as Minato Namikaze, the fourth hokage fights a masked shinobi, a floating soul can be seen watching everything with great interest.


It's so cool to watch everything unfold in real life instead of a screen, And this fight is one of the best of this current time... But anyway, why am i here instead of a nwe body?

[Your body is already prepared, i just thought that you would want to see this]

Wha...! Oh! its my system, i got scared there, anyway what can i do with you? do you have a name?

[Currently you can't do much, to unlock the functions you will need to comprehend the respective DAO to a minimal degree, such as the DAO of space for inventory or the DAO of dimensions to travel to a diferent reality. No i do not have a name]

Oh... so i need to unlock the functions... wich functions you have already?

[Stats,shop and missions. they are easy to understand]

Oho, show me my stats then


Name:no name


Chakra level : none

Phisical level : none

comprehended DAOs : none]

Well thats expected since i didn't start my life yet... good thing there are no numbered hp or cp, they make anyone go crazy... and break any short of balance as well.

How can i comprehend DAOs?

[You would need to observe a event, such as fire burning or water freezing, and try to understand how it happens, the hard part will be handled by the system]

So convinient. I guess that guy was really the future me huh... well anyway, when will i 'awake'?

[When your phisical body reaches 4 years old]

Thats quick i guess... good thing i don't need to wait until i enter the academy... well let's observe the fight between Minato and Obito, both use spatial techniques, and to some degree dimensional ones...


As the floating soul watched with interest and tried to learn how the techniques worked, it discovered that the way space was acting was special.

'I can feel space? don't you need some affinity for that?'

[You are right. But the system changed your body and soul to have a affinity for anything, be it elements or DAOs they are all achievable by you]

'So that's it, back to the fight' The soul watched with interest as Minato seamilingly 'cuted' space with his technique and went from one place to another. Obito bent the space around him using his Kamui dimension as a medium to 'phase' through anything, if he praticed with it he would end up being able to make other people intangible as well...

After the fight ended, the soul was draged to his body and went into slumber...


4 years later

A young white haired boy is looking at himself in the mirror of his house.

"So thats me... I got why he said i would like it, but..." The boy had snow white hair, and bright red eyes, looking like a cute kid, but you can see that he would look good when he grows up.

"My new name is Aki i don't have a surname as my true parents died and no one knows who they were, the family that adopted me died during the Kyuubi's invasion, butthey left me some money and a house. Even tough i am only four... responsable people... anyway at least they had someone come here everyday to take care of me until now, yesterday was their last day on thisjob, so now its all me." The boy said to no one, mostly to organize the four years of memories that he got.

[Mission:Tutorial mission 1: shurikenjutsu [completed]

as a ninja one of your most basic skills is shurikenjutsu, so learn it early.


Buy or steal a shuriken 0/1

Pratice shurikenjutsu 0/10

(Opcional) hit the center of your target 0/10]

'System what about the rewards?'

[The rewards are hiden, so you can only discover them by completing the mission, some mission can have penalities as well if you fail, as this is a tutorial mission it does not have a penality or a time limit]

'So that's how it is... Well i need to get a shuriken then, if i walk in some training ground there's got to be some laying around...'

The boy did his daily morning routine, ate some bread as he can't cook yet (yes, he gets allowance by the hokage, cause of his parents identity) and after he changed clothes to a white shirt and some dark green pants, he went out of the house to search for a deserted training ground.

As he walked out of the house he felt like someone was spying on him

'System is there an ANBU spying on me? a ROOT member? or is it just my imagination?'

[There is a ANBU following you, you can feel him because you comprehended the DAO of space to 1%]

'What?! show me my stats'


Name: Aki (no surname)

Age: 4

Chakra level : low Gennin

Phisical level : low Civilian

comprehended DAOs :

Space:1,2% ]

'Well a lot of things changed, but why is my chakra so high? sholdn't it be civial level as well?'

[You have a lot of mental energy, that normaly is what limits the chakra levels of other, but in your case is the physical energy that you do not pocess to have more chakra]

'How do i gain physical energy? training my body?'

[You can either train your body, pratice some body cultivation technique from the system or wait, as your physical energy will slowly grow naturaly]

'Seems like i have a lot to do after i finish my tutorial mission...'


While Aki was talking with his system the ANBU that was following him was very confused

'Why is he standing in front of his house for so long?'

Aki had the same problem that most of the system users face, he doesn't have multi-processing ability... yet.


'well lets see... how can i escape from the ANBU?'

[Mission: ANBU's nightmare

Learn how to escape the eyes of the ANBU

they will dread having to watch over you.


Escape the ANBU following you 0/1]

'That's an easy mission...' Aki started to walk around konoha, he was amazed by how the village was, it was almost as big as a city of his past life and it had a laarge number of cultures spread around the village, some japanese styled buildings right at the side of a european one... fascinating indeed.

After walking for a while Aki saw a training ground that was empty, so he went close to it while paying attention to the ANBU following him. As soon as the ANBU was not looking at him he jumpedinto a bush and stoped moving. The ANBU tried to find him but he was not so enthusiastic about this job so he gave up quickly and went to report to the Hokage, he knows where the kid was probably as he was at the side of a training ground...

'Hey, system? do i have a inventory? i have 1% of the dao of space afterall'

[The system can maintain a inventory of 1 cubic meter for 1 week, as you unlocked the dao of space the system will sell the technique of how to create a personal space in the shop]

'Thats good, they will probably know i will go to the training ground and they would not let me keep the shurikens...' After Aki no longer felt the presence of the ANBU he went inside the training ground and started to search for any shurikens or kunais in the ground, he found 5 shurikens and 2 kunais that he placed in the inventory before a ANBU approached him.

"Kid, you should not be here" Aki acted as if he was surprised and said

"Sorry i didn't know..." he then went out of the training ground and walked home, only after he entered his home he felt the ANBU leaving, He was still there but looking at his door instead of him.

"Okay, so now i need to set a terget to pratice" Aki entered his bedroom and found a paper where he drew a circle with a dot in the middle. He placed it on a tree stump on his backyard, that was closed by walls so the ANBU coudn't see him.

'Strange, i never drew a circle so smoothly before...'

[Its because you have a affinity to the dao of art]

'dao of art? well i am not complaining... is there a dao of cooking?'


'So i will be able to learn how to cook quickly, good.' Aki went back to his pratice of shurikenjutsu, he stood a good distance from the target and started to throw the shurikens at the target, at first he was missing all of them but after 10 times using all the shurikens he started to get better at it.

After 3 hours he finally hit the center for the 10th tme completing the hidden objective, as he tought that there will be bonus rewards for it.

'System what about the ANBU quest?'

[The system did not show the completion of the quest because the ANBU knew where you were.]

'Tought so...'

[Mission:Tutorial mission 1: shurikenjutsu [completed]

as a ninja one of your most basic skills is shurikenjutsu, so learn it early.


Buy or steal a shuriken 5/1

Pratice shurikenjutsu 243/10

(Opcional) hit the center of your target 10/10


100 Sp

100 Sp

500 Sp]

'Sp? System points? must be how i buy things from the shop... system open the shop'

The shop had every jutsu and any kind od defferent thecnique that Aki could even think of.

'Huum, lets see. Buy the inventory creation and the basic telekinesis'

[personal space creation - 500 Sp

Basic telekinesis - 100 Sp]

'Huum, the levels of any thecnique are defined by: basic-intermedium-complete-perfect. the jutsus have their own costs, anyway were is the shadow clone jutsu?'

[Shadow clones technique - 1000 Sp

shadow colne jutsu - 1000 Sp

multi shadow clone jutsu - 5000 Sp]

'Damn thats expensive... system what is this first one?'

[A technique called shadow clone, its uses are basically the same as the shadow clone jutsu but created by a immortal, they can receive hits and not dissipate, to use this technique one must have at least 5% understanding of the dao of shadows]

'Do they use chakra?'

[The shadow clone technique uses no energy as it is a application of the dao of shadows, the clones created by the technique will be able to use any dao techniques or jutsus but they will not be able to generate chakra]

'Makes sense, they are basically my understanding of shadows then huh. if they could generate chakra they would be so OP... wait, can i use shadow clones to understand dao's?'

[No. their understanding would be voided after they dissipate]

'Well can't cheat everything with shadow clone huh? well lets pratice this basic telekinesis then, i can think of so many ways of praticing it, and so much more ways of using it'

Aki then went to his room to pratice his telekinesis, and just got out when he needed to eat.

'I should go to somewhere to eat, as i dont know how to cook yet... Maybe the Ichiraku's or the Yakiniku-q...'

And so Aki went around konoha to find a place to eat. He soon found out that the Ichiraku's and the Yakiniku-q are close to each other and also close to the hokage building that is at the center of the village, a good bussiness place...

He approached the Ichiraku's as he, as any Naruto fan, wanted to know how good it is and how it compares to his past life ramen.

"Welcome boy, this is the menu" Teuchi, the owner of the place gave Aki the menu, in the ninja world because of chakra its not rare to see a 4 years old eating by himself like this.

"One miso pork ramen please" Aki chose the most common ramen and started eating, while he was eating he started to think of how the food is digested and how long it takes in hopes of achieving some sucess at a possible dao of devouring or something like that.

'This is good, they exagerate a little when describing it at other fics, maybe because it was the first time someone treated Naruto like that, that he liked it so much... poor kid' After Aki ate and payed he went home, while thinking what he should do the next day.

Whaat? a new fic? what about the other 2?

For starters, i will not drop the other 2 fics, i just got this idea in my head for some time and it was making it hard for me to think of what to do in the other fics, so i had to write it. i will try to make this fic and I awoke as uzumaki naruto, my main fics while Naruto:the fox, the flower and the crow will be my secondary one, the primary will have more frequent updates than the secondary, i don't promisse one chapter a day but i will try my best.

Anyways, as aways thanks for reading, Cheers~

2667 words, i will try to keep chapters big on this one.

Joao132135creators' thoughts
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