
Chapter 25

"Hiruzen, what madness are you spouting? Have you gone insane? I will not be part of this madness anymore. I am leaving." Danzo stood up, flustered, and ready to leave, understanding that staying any longer would only lead to his downfall.

"Stay where you are, Danzo. Answer Hiruzen's question. Did you have anything to do with Kagami's death?" It was not Hiruzen who stopped Danzo, but Homura. Kagami was the kindest soul among them, and Homura had a personal bond with Kagami, just as Hiruzen shared with Danzo.

"Homura, are you insane? Why would I have anything to do with Kagami's death? We all know he simply went missing while performing a mission." Danzo was sweating, not wanting anyone to know about Kagami's death, a matter he desperately wanted to keep hidden. His Mangekyou Sharingan was something he stole from Kagami after killing him.

"Danzo, would you like me to invite Torifu to prove your innocence? And why don't you remove your bandages before we continue this conversation?" Before Hiruzen could complete his sentence, Homura reached for Danzo with exceptional agility, grabbing him by the collar before he could react and questioning him in a threatening way, anger evident in his tone.

"Danzo, did you have anything to do with Kagami's death? Answer me." Danzo, realizing he was exposed, chose to maintain his silence. Koharu, understanding the truth from Danzo's actions, held Homura back to prevent him from doing anything impulsive.

"Danzo, if it were someone else, I should be slaughtering them where they stand. The only reason I am letting you leave is because of the lingering attachment and because of our sensei. And Danzo, don't think for a second that I do not know about your experiments with the Shodaime's cells and the Sharingan in your arms."

"Danzo, Sensei would be ashamed of you; please leave while we still hold onto our sanity," Koharu stated as she held back Homura from attacking Danzo. Homura was currently like a man possessed who, if left alone, would end up tearing Danzo apart. Danzo knew he had no way out, so he didn't react but simply started walking towards the exit with his head held low in frustration.

"And Danzo, I expect you to return the Sharingan back to the Uchiha within the week and stop all experiments regarding Shodaime cells, and I hope, for your well-being, that you don't do something stupid that will make me act. Also, I expect you to return all the orphan kids that you recently recruited back to their respective clans. If I hear of any accidents with any kids, then you will know the consequences," Hiruzen reminded Danzo before he left because he knew the tricks Danzo might play. Danzo realised that he was completely cornered and didn't have any way to refute him, so he simply left silently.


Hidden Root base

"Danzo-sama, here is the report and the current whereabouts of the 'Wandering Nun'."

Danzo quickly went through the report and couldn't help but smirk. She was one of the best Root operatives to have ever worked under him, but she chose to retire from Root. Now, Danzo was planning to bring her back, even though she had already retired. Because the recent blow had completely caught him off guard, he had to remain low-key if he wanted any chance of rising back. Currently, she was leading an orphanage, which only made it easier for him to regain control of her.

"Smart girl, so she chose to remain close to the leaf. No wonder I had to spend so much effort finding her. Go and convey my commands, and if she refuses, you know what to do."

Danzo ordered in a stern manner. Although he may have lost most of his powers, he has not given up yet. Someday, he would return, and when he did, he would make them all pay.

"Danzo-sama, the orphanage is currently being taken care of by the Nara clan. Would you like Root to clash with them directly?"

For all their advantages, the Root operatives were emotionless machines, so they didn't understand the meaning of subtlety. Mentioning clashing with the Nara clan at the current time was beyond stupid.

"Do I have to think of everything myself? Can't you even execute such a simple order? Forget it; have her personally come meet me. Just deliver the message."

Danzo couldn't help but sigh in frustration. Before, he could act blatantly, but now he had to take each step carefully.


Konoha Academy training grounds.

Hiruzen personally presided over the special graduation ceremony under the guise of a surprise visit. Originally, everyone thought that only the Uchiha prodigy, Itachi, would be participating. However, the Hokage announced that there would be one more participant taking the assessment along with Itachi. When Kazuki made an entrance with Jin accompanying him, everyone present couldn't help but wonder if it was Kakashi's younger brother who had come to take the test. This marked Kazuki's first official appearance in public, as he usually spent his time training, and the only other times he ventured out were with the trio. Although many had heard about the Nara prodigy, this was their first time seeing Kazuki.

"Now that everyone is here, why don't we start the assessment? Carry on with the standard procedures."

Hiruzen gave his command, and the academy instructors proceeded with the routine tests needed for graduation. And both Kazuki and Itachi were led through a series of tests and procedures, including checking the proficiency of the three basic jutsus.

"Alright, you guys have completed all the standard procedures. However, Hokage-sama has arranged for an additional activity, which is entirely voluntary. It involves having both of you spar against each other to enrich the knowledge of the kids currently attending the academy. Would you guys like to participate?"

Fugaku had personally requested this from the Hokage. With the Uchiha reintegrating into the village, he wanted to show their willingness to participate. He specifically asked the Hokage to arrange the matter after consulting with the Nara head and Hiruzen. Hiruzen saw this as good exposure and agreed to the plan. However, he directed Kazuki not to showcase any of his fuinjutsu for the time being, to which Kazuki agreed. Even Kazuki was curious to see how strong the most revered character in the Naruto series was at the time of graduation.

The spar was arranged on the largest training ground by the side of the academy grounds. It wasn't too big nor too small, and it featured varied small terrains, such as a small grove of trees, a little pond, and a few scattered boulders. It was a perfect place to display their skills.

With the Hokage personally presiding over the special graduation ceremony, most of the academy students had gathered to watch the upcoming spar.

"Come on, big brother, kick his ass!" Little Sasuke, standing next to Fugaku, was almost three years old and couldn't help but cheer for his brother Itachi from the sidelines. Kazuki noticed a bright smile on Itachi's face when he heard Sasuke cheering for him. Kazuki wondered if that's how he himself smiled with Shikamaru around. Both Kazuki and Itachi greeted each other and stood at the center, ready and waiting for the signal to begin.

The air crackled with anticipation as Kazuki and Itachi faced each other on the expansive training ground. The crowd of academy students, ninjas, and curious villagers held their collective breath, eager to witness a battle that transcended the skills of mere academy graduates. Hiruzen, the Third Hokage, watched with a keen eye, knowing that this spar would not only showcase the prowess of the Uchiha prodigy but also introduce the mysterious Nara prodigy to the village.

The spar began with a subtle nod from the Hokage, unleashing a flurry of movement from both fighters. Itachi, his Shurikens drawn, dashed forward with incredible speed, forming a set of afterimages to create a distraction. In response, Kazuki smoothly shifted into the background, using a body flicker technique to avoid the incoming attack.

Itachi swiftly shifted the battle dynamics, releasing a barrage of shurikens that cut through the air with deadly precision. Kazuki, demonstrating remarkable agility, skillfully evaded each projectile with calculated movements. The Uchiha prodigy, not content with a mere assault, utilised a metallic wire, intricately connected to each shuriken, to redirect the projectiles towards Kazuki.

Seizing the opportunity, Itachi initiated [Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu], conjuring a formidable fireball that surged towards Kazuki. The Nara prodigy, maintaining his composure, executed a series of acrobatic dodges, avoiding both the fiery onslaught and the redirected shurikens. Itachi, however, had planned a more intricate assault.

With a swift transition, Itachi halted the barrage, redirecting the shurikens once again, this time with much more finesse, while simultaneously advancing towards Kazuki. As he closed in, a kunai gleamed in his hand, poised for a lethal strike. It seemed as if Kazuki had been cornered, but the Nara prodigy had a move ready.

In a dazzling display of substitution jutsu, Kazuki's form dissipated into a puff of smoke, leaving behind a wooden log. Itachi, momentarily deceived, found himself attacking an illusion. The real Kazuki, however, had vanished, leaving the Uchiha on guard and meticulously scanning his surroundings for any sign of the imminent counterattack.

Unbeknownst to Itachi, Kazuki's true location remained concealed. Hiding in the water with the aid of a technique, Kazuki observed Itachi's every move from the nearby pond.

The battle between Kazuki and Itachi intensified, with each shinobi showcasing their prowess with a dazzling array of jutsus. As Itachi maintained his vigilance, a sudden burst of water, propelled by [Suiton: Mizu Kamikiri], sliced through a boulder behind him, cleanly splitting it in half. The water wave surged towards Itachi, who agilely leaned to his right, narrowly avoiding the watery onslaught. Seizing the opportunity, he swiftly formed hand seals and unleashed [Katon: En'yari], a horizontal blade of fire that cut through a nearby tree.

Anticipating Itachi's movements, Kazuki leaped from the treetop to dodge the fiery onslaught. Before he could land, Itachi countered with a barrage of flame spears, strategically blocking potential escape routes. Unfazed, Kazuki responded with [Suiton: Suijinheki], creating a massive wall of water that shielded him from the incoming fire barrage. However, Itachi's attention was diverted by a series of kunai, each carrying explosive tags tied to their ends. Attempting to distance himself from the imminent explosion, Itachi retreated but underestimated the potency of the specially crafted explosive tags.

Caught in the blast, Itachi was thrown back, and before he could land, Kazuki flickered to his position, swiftly executing [Suiton: Suirō no Jutsu]. The water prison enveloped Itachi, seemingly marking the end of the intense battle. However, as everyone believed the duel had concluded, the Itachi inside the water prison dispersed into a puff of smoke.

In a surprising turn of events, a kunai was suddenly placed at Kazuki's neck, revealing a single tomoe Sharingan in Itachi's eye. The spectators, including Fugaku, were left dumbfounded by the unexpected revelation of Itachi's Sharingan. The level of skill displayed by the two young Shinobi surpassed expectations, throwing B-class ninjutsus around with veteran-like expertise. Kazuki's proficiency in water release, marked by his one-handed seals and heightened potency, left a lasting impression.

"Are we sure these kids are only graduating today?" An astonished academy instructor voiced the incredulity shared by everyone witnessing the remarkable battle between the two prodigies.

Just when everyone thought it was over, the Kazuki in front of Itachi started melting; it was just a waterclone of Kazuki. Just when the waterclone fell, a thick fog covered the entire battle venue. Fugaku quickly activated his Sharingan to see through the fog, but he realised that the fog was so thick that he could not sense more than three feet in any direction. Fugaku internally couldn't help but gasp, thinking how much chakra the kid even injected into the fog.

In the center of the field, near the pond, Kazuki emerged from the water as Itachi sensed his direction and turned towards him. With Kazuki's control, the fog between them cleared, revealing a determined expression on both their faces.

"Come now, Itachi. I know you've been holding back. With no interruptions and the mist concealing our true prowess, no one else will know of your strength," Kazuki declared, his curiosity about Itachi's true abilities pushing him to seek a genuine challenge.

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