
Naruto: Sasuke's Resurgence

Reincarnated into a world not completely unfamiliar and haunted by memories that are not his own. Watch on to see how a new Sasuke Uchiha, armed with knowledge of the future takes the ninja world by storm. Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or its characters. This will also be an AU to an extent but not a crossover with anyother series. No harem Some romance? Not completely sure how much to include. Patreon: patreon.com/Perma_Frost £2 for 5 advanced chapters Cover image generated via the Canva app.

Perma_Frost · Anime et bandes dessinées
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53 Chs

[Ninja Academy (Part 1/3)]

Before Sasuke knew it, a month had already slipped away. Despite the swift passage of time, Sasuke welcomed it, satisfied with the remarkable progress he had achieved in various aspects of his training.

Mastering the two fireball Ninjutsu, meaning he no longer needing hand seals to perform them, was only the beginning. Sasuke delved into more advanced Fire Style Ninjutsu and even dipped his toes into the realm of basic Lightning-style techniques. Having learned the C-Rank Lightning Bind Ninjutsu, where a stream of lightning is generated, immobilising the opponent. However, Sasuke has yet to master this Ninjutsu as he still requires hand seals to perform it.

Remarkably, his chakra control, likely influenced by the unique situation of his soul, saw rapid advancement, allowing him to effortlessly run across the surface of the river until his chakra was depleted. However, he currently hasn't discovered another way to stably increase his chakra control other than simple meditation which takes a very long time to see any actual effect from it.

His proficiency in throwing kunai and shurikens also experienced a rapid surge. The enhanced visual acuity and learning ability granted by his Mangekyou Sharingan played a crucial role in this swift development. Though he wasn't yet at Itachi's level, he was nonetheless rapidly closing the distance.

The once solitary morning jogs took an unexpected turn as Sasuke gradually became acquainted with Guy and Lee. The trio found themselves engaging in morning exercises together, creating a more intense training regimen for Sasuke. Despite the pain, he seamlessly transitioned to heavier weights after just 15 days, restarting the cycle of physical enhancement.

Additionally, Sasuke discreetly adopted elements of Guy and Lee's Taijutsu during their practice sessions, leveraging his Sharingan to mimic their fighting styles. However, true improvement in his fighting consciousness came from sparring directly with Might Guy and Rock Lee.

With his physical strength at a satisfying level, Sasuke contemplated delving into Genjutsu training, an area he had previously neglected in the anime. His curiosity extended to the influence of his soul on Yin Release, a component associated with mental strength.

Outside the realm of combat, Sasuke found snippets of spare time to leverage his modern knowledge for business innovation in Konoha. An idea soon materialised in his mind: a tea house designed to offer a tranquil haven for stressed-out ninjas, incorporating advertising methods unseen in this world, and a strong emphasis on exceptional customer service.

Sasuke wasted no time in implementing his decisions, opening the tea house on the outskirts of the Uchiha compound. The establishment quickly gained popularity among village ninjas, becoming a hub for communication and relaxation. While the precise profits remained to be seen, Sasuke's confidence swelled, considering the potential for additional stores within the village and perhaps even beyond the borders of the Land of Fire.


In the heart of the Uchiha training grounds, Sasuke immersed himself in the practice of a formidable B-rank jutsu. Fluidly, he wove through the intricate hand seals, seamlessly channelling his chakra with the technique.

Rat → Horse → Dragon → Tiger → Dragon

Great Dragon Fire Technique

The Great Dragon Fire Technique unleashed a colossal fireball, metamorphosing into the sinuous form of an Eastern dragon. Sasuke stood captivated as the majestic creature surged forward, toppling trees in its wake.

'This technique is now within my mastery, yet refinement is still key. Streamlining the hand seals, akin to how I did it for the Great Fireball Jutsu which can now be released without a single hand seal, will elevate its efficiency.'

Sasuke thought as he understood that whilst the other Fire Ninjutsu he had mastered were useful in their own right, they lacked lethality as a whole. This B-Rank jutsu is a lethal addition to his arsenal, it promises formidable power without excessive chakra strain and will be his main method of attack for the coming years.

For now, Sasuke estimates that it can be released several times whilst engaged in combat before exhausting his chakra.

Regarding chakra, Sasuke noticed a swift surge in his chakra levels during the past month of training. He deduced that this increase could be attributed to his enhanced physical strength, a factor that contributed to expanding his chakra reserve.

Chakra, being a fusion of physical and spiritual energies, benefited significantly from Sasuke's heightened spiritual prowess. Unique to Uchiha individuals, their formidable mental energy, especially amplified by the Sharingan, played a crucial role. With the added influence of his Mangekyou and his status as a reincarnation, Sasuke possessed mental power far surpassing the average person. Thus currently, the only limiting factor on his chakra growth appeared to be his physical strength.

However, Sasuke did wonder about another reason that could account for this rapid growth in chakra. Throughout this period, he was constantly exhausting his chakra over and over again. 

'Could chakra exhaustion stimulate chakra growth?'

He had wondered if that could also be a reason for it, however, he didn't exactly have much proof to back up the idea.

As dusk settled, Sasuke, still practising hand seals, embarked on the journey home. In the familiar confines of his kitchen, he deftly prepared a meal, the routine a testament to his disciplined lifestyle. After savouring the meal, Sasuke cleaned up, readying himself for a night's rest.

'Tomorrow marks a return to Ninja School. Perhaps I overlooked the importance of mastering the Shadow Clone Jutsu. The ninja scrolls at home are mainly Ninjutsu scrolls of the five chakra attributes with a major emphasis on Fire Style, so the shadow clone jutsu isn't there.'

 His musings continued as Sasuke acknowledged the impending need to attend Ninja School in person.

'Well, at least I have thought about who to go to for learning the Shadow Clone Jutsu.'

With this resolve, Sasuke slowly succumbed to the embrace of sleep.


At the break of dawn, Sasuke rose early, following his usual routine of preparing for the day. After a hearty breakfast, he swiftly adorned his body with training weights, ready for his morning run.

Embarking on his morning jog, Sasuke soon found himself in the familiar company of Guy and Lee, both engaged in their rigorous exercises, the trio forming an unspoken bond of dedication and perseverance.

"Ah, my youthful friend! Greetings! I hope the flames of your spirit are burning bright today! Ready to tackle the challenges that await us with the power of YOUTH? Let's embrace each moment with passion and vigour! YOSH!" Guy greeted, his enthusiasm undeterred by Sasuke's muted response. The Uchiha, accustomed to this daily exchange, simply continued his jog in stride with the duo.

Lee, in his characteristic earnestness, turned the conversation toward the day's plans. "Sasuke, will you be returning to the academy today?"

"Yes," Sasuke affirmed.

"Would you like to accompany me to school after our morning exercise?" Lee proposed.

Considering the offer, Sasuke replied, "Sure, why not."

Completing their regimen, Sasuke briefly refreshed himself at home before rendezvousing with Lee outside the Uchiha compound, ready to embark on the journey to the academy.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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