
Naruto: Return Of The Flash // Ascendance of the Flash

What if Naruto was more intelligent than he was in the canon. What if he was more like his father than his mother, both in looks and personality? Smart and powerful Naruto! NarutoxTemari! Hiraishin Naruto! Stories created by Kamikaze132. ( fanfiction net/u/11429902 )

MkoPoland · Anime et bandes dessinées
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71 Chs

Chapter 63


Yamato looked up at Naruto, looking contemplative. "Let's look at the pros and cons of this, shall we?"

Naruto pointed at him. "Good idea! Pros: We discover his research, future plans, information on Akatsuki, possibly find locations for all his bases, kill him, possibly find Sasuke and drag his pansy ass back."

Yamato looked at him, part amused and part reproachful. "Cons: We're possibly outnumbered, that too against bearers of the curse seal. Not only that, but it's also possible that by the time we get there, it's empty and he's rigged the place to blow."

There was silence for a few moments. Arguments of both sides were sound, but one side carried more weight than the other. Sakura spoke up hesitantly, "I think we should go back."

Naruto turned to face her. He didn't glare at her, or even look surprised. He just silently asked her why. Sakura shrugged, "We've already got Kabuto, didn't we? So we don't really need to go to the base to hunt for information. As Orochimaru's right-hand man and a spy, he's most probably privy to a lot of information the other villages would kill for."

Naruto raised his eyebrows, impressed. "Huh…that's a very good point."

Sakura smirked and crossed her arms. "You aren't the only one intelligent on this team."

Naruto smirked back and pointed out the hole in her argument. "But as you said, he's only the right-hand man. Orochimaru isn't a person who shares everything, even with people he trusts."

"Be that as it may," Haruto interrupted before Sakura and Naruto could really get started, "I too believe that we should head back. We've already prolonged it more than necessary. We got what we came for, so let's not be greedy."

Yamato nodded. "He's right. Better not to be hasty when it comes to dealing with Orochimaru."

Naruto pursed his lips and looked off to the side. He let out a deep sigh- they were right. They already got what they came for. Plus, the fight with Orochimaru shouldn't have even happened. They were just supposed to grab the spy and get out of there.

He felt Kurama's displeasure from within. He knew he could probably take whoever came their way, but that was just being overconfident. He could take care of himself, but as the team leader, he couldn't just afford to think merely about himself. The team always came first.

Sakura and Haruto were good shinobi, but Yamato was right on the end that there was a high chance they would be outnumbered. And separated. United they stand, divided they fall, and all that crap.

"Fine," he said at last, turning back to his team. "We head back." He looked at each member in the eye. "We grab Kabuto, and double-time back to Konoha. Everyone cool with that?"

Haruto and Sakura smiled, and gave him nods. Yamato smiled and gave him an approving nod. "But before we move," he spoke suddenly, gaining quizzical looks, "I need to test something out."

He bent down, taking out a sealing scroll from a vest pocket. Taking out the ink and brush, he started drawing seals on the paper, with swift and precise strokes. Haruto and Yamato knelt beside him, with Sakura leaning over his shoulder. "What are you doing?"

Naruto smirked. "Completing a seal. I put one on Orochimaru."

Sakura had a skeptical look on her face as she tried to remember what little she knew about seals. "He was spitting out bodies like crazy, what makes you think he didn't do it after reaching his base? That way, you could just be tracking another corpse."

"That would be the case if I had just used a normal tracking seal," Naruto reposted as he added the necessary layers to complete the seal. "But we've seen that normal doesn't work with the guy. Which is why I added a different one."

He finished the seal, and packed away the ink and brush. Haruto studied the seal closely- he was still studying fuinjutsu, and he hadn't gotten to the part where layers were added to a seal, but he could take a hint. "You're not tracking his body?"

Naruto smirked as he pressed his palm on the scroll and pushed his chakra, activating it. "Nope."

To the others' amazement, all the seals vanished as if they were never there, leaving a blank paper. A few moments later, a dot named Orochimaru appeared on the upper left side. Naruto then touched the map with his index finger, and pushed his chakra again. This time, a dot named Naruto appeared, on the down left. On the bottom of the scroll, readings appeared of the distance between him and Orochimaru, the direction in which Naruto should go in order to reach Orochimaru.

"I'm tracking his chakra."

"Incredible," Yamato breathed out as he gazed at the scroll. He could already see how beneficial this seal would be to the hunter nin corps and the ANBU.

"Orochimaru can change bodies all he wants, but his chakra signature will not change. The tracking seal is imprinted on his chakra, which I doubt he wants to lose in order to not be tracked. And that's if he manages to discover that I put a seal on him," Naruto explained smugly, with a touch of arrogance to his voice.

Haruto grinned and gave his cousin a disbelieving laugh. "When did you even put it on him?"

Naruto chuckled, "When I grabbed the back of his head and made him kiss a wall."

Yamato made an approving sound. "Not bad." Then he gave Naruto a side glance. "But how do you know you aren't tracking a curse seal?"

Naruto immediately shook his head. "No, that's not possible. Contrary to what many believe, Orochimaru's curse seals only carry a very minute, small portion of his chakra, and even that isn't normal chakra and…" Naruto debated whether to say the next part, but decided against it, shaking his head, "look, I could speak for hours on this but the bottom line is, this seal is tracking his core chakra, the reserves held inside his body, the place that holds the largest concentration of his chakra. Curse seals are a different thing entirely."

He rolled the scroll up and tied it, placing it back in his vest. "I'll give this to Tsunade. It's her job to figure out what to do with this scroll."

He got up and stretched. "Alright guys, let's fetch our guy and get outta here. Hold on to me."

Once everyone had done so, Naruto traced the chakra of the kunai he had planted in the forest, inside the barrier. Ensuring that everyone was holding on, he pushed himself into the slipstream, the shortcut that allowed him to travel instantaneously.

The four of them appeared to an empty clearing. Naruto spent a few moments looking around, checking whether or not someone was tracking them. His team tensed up just as they saw him tensed up, trying to determine the position of any threat that Naruto might be looking for.

"What are we looking for?"

Naruto straightened, his tense posture completely gone at Yamato's question. "Nothing. I was just waiting to see if we would see an owl."

With that, he walked forward, leaving others to stare at his back, bewildered. They watched as he stopped a few feet in front of them, and positioned his hand in the shape of a claw. The tips of his fingers lit up with deep blue chakra, forming kanji characters. He then moved his hand forward, fingers clenching as if grabbing thin air.

"This," he said in a dramatic tone, "is my trap."

With that, he pulled his hand back. Almost like ripping off a curtain, the air literally came off, revealing a blue pyramid that was hidden behind it. And inside the pyramid, lay Kabuto, completely knocked out.

Naruto watched as the others had a, disappointingly predictable reaction to his reveal. They whipped out their kunai, Haruto preferring to whip out his chains. He resisted the urge to scowl. Did they really think his trap was that simple that Kabuto would escape?

Sakura whispered, as if afraid that Kabuto would hear her. "Naruto…what is that?"

Naruto made seals and pressed his palm on the pyramid, which then dissolved into wisps of chakra. "That was an Uzumaki style barrier, meant to keep the prisoners contained."

Sakura tilted her head, slightly impressed. "Huh."

Naruto opened a scroll and quickly began to draw kanji for a seal. The prisoner scroll wasn't the right one for sealing the rogue medic, seeing as he's still alive. But a few tweaks should do it, he mused.

Haruto walked up beside him. "I gotta say, that was one hell of a fight, cousin," he complimented him.

Naruto snorted. "Please, once he started spamming his customized snake skins, he became sort of predictable." He then paused, lifting the brush, looking contemplative. "Then again, I doubt anyone forced him to that so many times before."

He continued writing, finishing the scroll with the last stroke. He lifted it, placed it on the unconscious medic, and pulsed his chakra. In a pop of smoke, Kabuto vanished, sealed inside the scroll.

"Alright fellas," Naruto breathed, tying up the scroll and putting it inside his vest, "mission accomplished."

Yamato nodded, pleased with how the mission had gone despite their encounter with Orochimaru. "Good job team. Not only do we have our spy, but we also acquired Orochimaru's favorite sword."

Naruto stepped forward, looking curious. "Yeah, about that, what's gonna happen to it?"

Yamato shrugged. "It's your loot. You could keep it if you want. Or you could give it to Hokage-sama, if you don't want to keep it."

Naruto put his hand forward, palm facing up. "Then give it to me."

Haruto rose an eyebrow. "You don't even know how to wield a sword, Naruto."

Naruto countered. "I know someone who does, and I think they'll appreciate it greatly. In fact, I think they will benefit from it."

Yamato tossed the sword to Naruto, who caught it by the handle. He took a moment to appreciate the sword, which was considered legendary. He gave it a few experimental swings, testing out the weight and dexterity. Contrary to what his cousin thought, Naruto could wield a sword. He just wasn't an expert at it. Compared to those who used swords regularly, he was an amateur at best.

Which is synonymous with saying, 'I suck at it'.

Naruto just rolled his eyes at the mock. When did I ever ask you?

You don't need to. I offer my services when they're needed.

…no, you offer your 'daily dose of sarcasm' when it is certainly, not needed.

Naruto tuned out whatever Kurama said after that. It was one of those days when the fox felt that it deserved the ultimate props for remaining inside Naruto, and that Naruto should worship him for it.

"Let's go home, guys. Grab on," Naruto instructed the other.

Yamato looked a bit perplexed, but Sakura and Haruto understood his words and looked immensely relieved. No one fashioned tree jumping for consecutive days.

Naruto knelt and put his finger on the ground, switching his chakra to sensory mode. It took him half a minute before he was certain that he had the marker for the Konoha gates in mind instead of the middle of nowhere surrounded by trees.

That was not something he ever wanted to repeat.

Once the others had gripped him firmly, he pushed. The next instant, they found themselves on the entrance of Konoha and right after, surrounded by ANBU whose swords were pointed at their jugulars.

Naruto mockingly rose his hands up, even adding a smile. "We surrender Neko-san."

He had a feeling she was narrowing her eyes at him suspiciously, but signaled the others to back down. Without a word, they jumped out of his team's sights.

Sakura released a breath she hadn't realized she was holding in. "Holy shit," she breathed out, "they sure are fast."

"Team Ro is considered the best ANBU team in Konoha," Yamato told her, and Naruto detected the smallest hint of pride in his voice.

That was probably his old team before he was taken off the force, Naruto theorized.

"By the way Naruto," Naruto turned around to face his co-leader who was smiling at him, "that was a sure-fast and quite an efficient way of getting us back to the village." He gave a thumbs up. "Good job!"

Naruto rubbed his head, a sheepish smile crossing his face. "Aw, you're making me blush."

Sakura nudged him in the ribs, looking slightly annoyed. "Quit it. We have to report to Tsunade-sama."

Naruto nodded in agreement. "Right, let's get that done. Yamato, grab Haruto. I'll grab Sakura. Outside the office."

Yamato rose an eyebrow, and before he could ask Naruto to clarify what he meant, Naruto had grabbed Sakura and vanished in a leaf body flicker.

They appeared right outside the Hokage's office, the leaves from the jutsu falling to the ground. Sakura swayed for a second in dizziness, making Naruto grab her shoulder to steady her. "You alright?"

Sakura glared at him. "Next time, give a warning."

Her whisper might have made someone change their skin color in seconds, but Naruto just nodded absently as he turned to knock on the door three times, just as Yamato and Haruto appeared by their side, the same way Naruto and Sakura did.

"Come in!"

Naruto opened the door and stepped in. "We're back from the mission, Tsunade-sama."

Tsunade looked up, looking shocked for the briefest of seconds before calming down. Naruto frowned. "Something the matter?"

Tsunade shook her head as she rearranged the paperwork on her desk. "Nothing it's just that, you are quite early. I didn't expect you for another weak at least."

Naruto shrugged, grinning. "We took a shortcut on our way back home."

Tsunade deadpanned, knowing exactly what he was talking about. "Clearly."

Then she got serious. "Team 7, I want a verbal account of your mission now. Did you succeed?"

"Believe it or not, we actually did."

Naruto reached into one of his vest pockets, pulling out the prisoner scroll and tossing it to her, causing Sakura and Yamato to nearly gape at him. It was a rule that nothing should be handed to the Hokage the way Naruto did just now, but Naruto and Tsunade never really had the strictest of relationships.

Tsunade deftly caught the scroll in her hand. "What's this?"

Naruto pointed to the scroll. "Your spy. He's still alive, just in a sort of stasis right now. The release mechanism is just the same as a prisoner scroll, so you shouldn't have any problems."

The Hokage leaned forward. "So who was the spy?"

Naruto gave a savage smirk. "Yakushi Kabuto."

Tsunade's shock lasted five seconds longer this time. She snapped her fingers, and an ANBU appeared by her side, wearing a parrot mask. "Get this to Ibiki, and tell him that this is a class-A priority. Take full precautions."

The ANBU nodded and took the scroll, vanishing wordlessly. The next thing to come out of her mouth was a command. "Tell me everything."

Naruto shared a glance with Yamato, before turning back to her. "I'll go. I'll keep it brief, you will read the written report anyways," he said, shrugging in the end.

Tsunade scowled but nodded. "Continue."

Naruto took a deep breath. "We traveled for six days and reached the bridge. I set up a trap and we waited. Yamato disguised himself as Sasori and revealed himself when Kabuto walked out on the bridge. But it turned out he stopped working for the guy long ago, so he really was in cahoots with Orochimaru, who was also present on the bridge. I flashed in and bagged Kabuto, fought Orochimaru and scared him away. We then flashed home."

Tsunade stared at him, looking as if he'd gone insane. Naruto frowned- he hadn't said anything wrong. He looked around and saw Sakura and Haruto gaping at him. Even Yamato was looking at him strangely. "What?"

Tsunade snapped out of her shock and when she spoke, her voice was faint. "You fought Orochimaru, and scared him away?"

Naruto nodded, looking as if it was just a regular day at work. "Yeah, he ran away. Spammed too many bodies and ran low on chakra, so he slipped away. Damn reptilian bastard."

Tsunade carefully kept her face from showing just how absurd the statement sounded. Orochimaru, scared away? What the hell was the world coming too? If Naruto was able to make Orochimaru, one of the craftiest and most powerful shinobi in the world, retreat, then just how powerful was he? Not only that, but Naruto said that they flashed home, which meant the fight had taken place mere hours ago. No, perhaps not even an hour ago. And he didn't even look winded.

What. The. Absolute. Hell?!

Even back when they were kids, Orochimaru was a tough fight even on a good day. She knew that she shouldn't be surprised, considering that Naruto beat Jiraiya in his sage mode, something not even Orochimaru can boast to do. But Naruto was only 16 years old for kami's sake! She subtly activated her limited sensory abilities and tried to get a feel for Naruto's chakra reserves. Her mind boggled when she found out that only a fourth of his total reserves were depleted. And the rest that remained could rival hers when she released her seal. She couldn't even form any sense about this, so she did the only thing she could at the moment.

She groaned, raking her fingers through her hair and clutching it tightly. She ground out in frustration. "Why can't your team have a normal mission for once?!"

Haruto and Sakura glanced at each other nervously. Stroking the Hokage's temper never really ended well for anybody, and Sakura knew that from firsthand experience. Yamato was stoically glancing straight, boring a hole in the wall.

Tsunade's frustration only increased when Naruto looked genuinely confused. "To be honest, even I don't know."

She took a deep breath and told herself to calm down. Calm down Tsunade, the mission was a success. There should be no need for you to get mad at him.

"Do you think you managed to injure him enough that he would succumb?"

Naruto's reply was immediate. "No. I would've killed him, but I got outvoted."

Counting to ten, she opened her eyes. "I see. Anything else you need to inform me right now?"

Yamato stepped forward. "Naruto managed to snatch Orochimaru's sword."

Tsunade raised both of her eyebrows. "The Kusanagi no tsurugi?"

Naruto chuckled as he took out the scroll and unsealed the sword. "You should have seen his face at that moment. He looked spitting mad."

He handed the sword to Tsunade, who gazed at it curiously. Kusanagi no tsurugi was legendary, even more so than the seven blades of the mist. And now, it was in Konoha's hands. In the hands of a skilled kenjutsu user, this blade could do some real damage on the field.

She looked to Naruto. "What do you intend to do with it then? It was you who disarmed him."

Naruto took the sword back and sealed it back inside the scroll. "Actually, I was thinking of giving it to a friend."

Tsunade raised an eyebrow. "You have in your possession, a most legendary blade that can cut anything, and you're giving it away?"

Naruto shrugged. "Hey, I'm no expert with a sword. I'd be doing a disservice to the blade by waving it around like an amateur. It deserves to be in the hands of someone who appreciates it and wield it like it was meant to be."

Tsunade slowly nodded, agreeing with his reasoning. It was rather logical and mature of Naruto to choose not to use the sword, seeing as he wasn't really inclined to the art of kenjutsu. "So who are you going to give it to?"


Tsunade frowned, finding it rather odd. Naruto and Tenten never really struck to her as close friends. Granted, Tenten was a skilled user of swords, but there were better kenjutsu users in Konoha. Like a certain ANBU and Gekko Hayate.

"I suppose there could be…worse choices," Tsunade said at last. "If this is all, you all are dismissed and can collect your fees from the registration office. Except you, Yamato. I need to talk to you. Also, Naruto, report to me at seven in the evening."

Nodding, Naruto and the others turned to leave, but Naruto suddenly paused. He turned around, reaching for his vest pocket. "Oh, I almost forgot!"

He tossed the tracking scroll to Tsunade, ignoring Yamato's frown of disapproval. "Do with it what you will."

Tsunade inspected the scroll. "What is it?"

Naruto rubbed the bottom of his nose in a self-satisfied manner. "I slapped a tracking seal on Orochimaru. Not something he can take off too."

That was another shock for Tsunade. "You what?!"

Naruto nodded, holding back a snicker. "I doubt he even knows that he has a tracker on him. Anyway, to scout his location, you just need to press the tip of your finger on the opened scroll and pulse your chakra. The scroll will do the rest."

With that, he left.

Tsunade was close to gaping, something which no village leader should do, especially in front of their subordinates, if they want to hold on to their dignity. She didn't know what she should be more surprised at: the fact that this mission had succeeded beyond what she could even imagine, or the fact that Naruto had humiliated Orochimaru beyond possible measure. Not to forget, he made it so that the leaf now had a way of tracking down the Sannin anytime they wanted. At the rate he kept surprising her, she was going to need much more sake to calm down her nerves. Deep breathes weren't doing shit.

As soon as the door closed, Yamato turned back to her, expression serious. Tsunade cleared her throat and set down the tracking scroll aside delicately. She was going to need some serious thought and advice on what to do with it.

"Yamato, I need to know how Naruto performed on this mission," she said, looking at him directly in the eye.

Yamato tilted his head a little, a little confused. "Hokage-sama?"

Tsunade closed her eyes. "I'm not talking about his performance as a fighter. It is clear from what he has told me, and you not refuting his statements, that he just might be, no, is the strongest shinobi in the leaf right now. What I want to know is how he performed as a leader."

Yamato nodded. "Hai, Hokage-sama. I would say that his performance as a leader is admirable. He is serious when it is needed, and knows how to boost the morale of his team. He also is well acquainted with his team members, knowing enough about their skills and areas of specialization to pair them such that they cover each other's weaknesses. He isn't afraid to take charge, but prefers to have a second opinion. He is very adept at strategizing as well. He was the one who came up with the plan to capture. As for his decision making…."

Yamato frowned, trying to find the right words.

"….I would say that…he is a bit hasty, but his hastiness defers to his logic."

Tsunade rose an eyebrow. "Elaborate."

Yamato nodded. "When Orochimaru had retreated, Naruto had proposed that we track him down to his base and finish him off, despite knowing that this was a strictly recon mission. I would say that he has a tendency to go beyond mission parameters, but only when he thinks that it can be achieved. A bit short-sighted on his behalf, but I don't know if it can be faulted. With how powerful he is, I would say that he has a right to be that confident."

Throughout his explanation, Tsunade listened attentively. So far, it seemed that Naruto was a capable team leader, if a bit aggressive. Sticking to mission parameters was good, to go beyond them was better. She didn't doubt that Naruto could handle whatever minion came his way, but a team leader should always think of his team first before himself.

"He said he got outvoted. What did he mean by that?"

"The team was divided on opinion when Naruto suggested we track Orochimaru down to his base. He raised a few good points, but I believe that it was part reason, and part adrenaline talking. We voted to return since we already had captured Kabuto. He didn't object to the overall opinion, but he seemed a tad bit disappointed by it," Yamato answered, looking contemplative at the end.

Tsunade closed her eyes, deep in thought. A few minutes of silence passed, where Yamato kept standing at attention, waiting for his next order.

Tsunade was mentally cataloguing the points that Yamato made about Naruto. Overall, it seemed like Naruto handled it pretty well for his first mission as a team leader. He took charge, planned well, listened to his teammates, made the logical decision.

Looks like he's shaping up to be a good leader, she thought with a small smile.

"Thank you for that Yamato. You may leave."

Yamato nodded, and turned to leave. Once he was gone, Tsunade let out a big sigh, and all but sunk into her chair. She reached down, opened her drawer, pulled open the secret compartment and took out her secret stash of sake. So many shocks to her system in one day wasn't healthy.

I really need a drink right now.


"Alright, I'll see you guys later!" Naruto waved to Haruto and Sakura and turned away, walking in the direction of his house. He created a clone and sent it off to Asuma to ask him if his team was free this evening. A chance to utterly humiliate and thereby motivate his comrades? Yes sir!

He smiled as he thought of the most recent conversation. Haruto asked Sakura to lunch and- he was still finding it hard to believe that happened – Sakura said yes. This was actually a good sign. Their outing proved to him that Sakura really had moved on from crushing over their former teammate. To be honest, it would have been unbearably sad if Sakura still wanted to wait for Sasuke to come over.

The thought of his estranged friend brought a frown to his face. He didn't know what kind of crap Orochimaru had been filling in Sasuke's head for the last three years, but one thing he couldn't stop worrying about was that Orochimaru was planning on taking Sasuke's body. He knew Sasuke wouldn't let go of his revenge for the world- what a selfish ass – but how the hell would he fight his brother when he was already dead?

He let out a deep sigh. Sasuke wasn't right in the head, and how the village let him be like that for so long was something he didn't want to think about. The guy had the superiority complex and the inferiority complex the size of Konoha. The village let him think he was too weak, something that drove him away.

Seriously, he kept thinking he was weak if he couldn't defeat Kakashi. One would think he held Itachi on a pedestal that went as high as the moon.

That's the problem with Sasuke, brat. Your former teammate is one of a kind, a kind that still exists in this world.

Constantly comparing himself to everyone is not something a healthy person does, Kurama. In his eyes, everyone is weak if they're not Itachi. And if he can't beat them, he sees himself as weak.

Hmph! The truth is, even as much as he says that he hates his brother more than anything else in this world, he places him on a ridiculously high pedestal.

…you know, you might be closer to the truth than anyone else. Sasuke had this tunnel vision when it came to getting revenge from Itachi. He always thought that no one could beat Itachi….except himself.

That's the bitter truth about revenge, Naruto. If you're not careful, it will swallow you whole until you can see nothing but darkness. The cycle of revenge is an unending one. First, there is love, followed by betrayal, which gives way to hate, which then gives birth to revenge.

Naruto had no reply to Kurama's wisdom. He couldn't refute it, because he couldn't find a hole. Sasuke would cut down anyone who stood between him and his revenge. He was out of rational thought.

Man, I really hope there's something redeemable left inside him. I'd hate to fight him to the death.

Given your luck, that's exactly what would happen. And perhaps next time, he might not give you a choice.

Naruto shook his head. He really didn't want to be depressed for the remainder of the day. A sudden rush of memories informed him that he would be fighting Team 10 at six in the evening, on training ground 10. Looking up, he was mildly surprised that he had arrived at his home.

Huh, I was really out of it.

He jumped over the gates and landed right in front of the door. Pushing it open, he called out. "I'm home!"

"I'm at the back!"

Naruto followed Temari's voice and came into their backyard, where she was sitting on a chair under the umbrella, reading a book. She looked at him and smiled, standing up to greet him. "How was the mission?"

"A resounding success," he answered, smiling against her lips when she gently kissed him.


Naruto pulled back. "You sound surprised."

Temari just sighed in relief as she embraced him. "I'm just glad you're safe. S-ranks are no joke."

Naruto hugged her back and they just stood there for a few moments. It suddenly struck to him, the severity of their profession. They were killers in a world full of killers, and going out every time raised their chances of dying drastically. And they were entering a war now. A war with people who won't hesitate to kill them for the sake of their goal. His arms tightened around her just a bit more. Temari didn't take anything higher than a B-rank by herself, A-rank occasionally, but he found it hard to accept the thought of her being alone in the field.

Even if she had become a lot more skilled and stronger, he couldn't help but worry. And it was true on her end as well.

"You got that right. This mission could have gone off the rail so badly it wouldn't even have been funny," Naruto agreed.

Temari pulled back with a concerned frown. "Why, what happened?"

Naruto grabbed her hand and led her to the chairs. "We ran into Orochimaru."

Temari felt her eyebrows shoot up. "Oh my god…."

Naruto sat down in a chair, pulling Temari into his lap. "More specifically, he ran into us."

He rested his head in the crook of her neck, taking a deep sniff of her scent. The scent of the sunflower soap that Temari always used hit him full force, and the muscles he didn't know that were tensed loosened.

Temari ran a hand through his hair. "So how did you escape?"

That question caused him to grin. "Oh, we didn't. He did."

Temari tilted her head slightly. "What do you mean?"

Naruto's eyes glinted devilishly. "You're not gonna believe this."


"Oh my god!"

Temari felt like she was on a constant orgasm, with how deep Naruto was thrusting into her. The tip of his shaft was kissing her womb with each thrust, and he wasn't delicate about it either. She supposed she should be thankful that she was on her hands and knees, for she had run out of strength for what felt like ages ago. Naruto had made her cum for…..she forgot the number, but it was clearly high enough to make her lose count.

Naruto, on the other hand, had cum only three times. And each load was large enough that his cum came out of her pussy in rivulets, dripping down on the bed and making a puddle, a testament to the large amount of semen he seemingly didn't seem to be running out of.

Kami, the Uzumaki really had legendary stamina.

Naruto's mind was clouded in the haze of lust as he continued to plow Temari. The sight of his shaft disappearing into Temari's pussy and coming out, coated with a mixture of his and her love juices really drove him wild. Her ass gave a small ripple every time his hips collided with hers, and he couldn't help himself.


Temari gave a yelp as Naruto spanked her, hard. Her hands balled into fists around the sheets below her, the mixture of pain and pleasure pushing her to the edge faster. She could feel another orgasm nearing.

"Naruto…..I'm-oh! Cumming!"

Naruto's thrusts continued with renewed vigor, spanking her occasionally. He was also nearing his edge, and the feeling of her juices washing over his cock might push him over as well. One particularly hard thrust sent Temari moaning loudly, as her pussy tightened around him. She used what little strength she could muster to move back and forth, almost as if milking him.

Naruto groaned like an animal as he leaned forward, biting down on the curve of her neck and shoulder as he thrust in as deep as he could, attempting to cram every inch of his cock into her. "Fuck, me too!"

He continued giving small thrusts as the first shots of his seed exploded inside her, painting her womb white with his thickness and texture. She could never get amazed enough at the amount he let out each time. Her already full womb was bombarded with another large dose, bloating it a little more. The mixture of their juices leaked out of her pussy, forming yet another puddle below their joined hips.

Both heaved deep breaths as his cock finally stopped shooting out ropes of thick semen. Temari's arms couldn't hold out any more and she collapsed, giving out a moan when a surprised Naruto landed on top of her, moving his still hard cock around her. Juices spilled out of her pussy when her bloated stomach was pressed against the bed.

Temari let out a weak moan. "I don't think….I can go any longer Naruto."

Naruto panted as well as he nuzzled her neck, hands brushing over her arms as they intertwined with her fingers tightly. "Don't worry. I think that was my last shot as well. Give me a minute."

He moved off her and beside her, spooning her. His softening cock came out of her, letting out the juices that it was blocking. His eyes flickered to the wall clock and his lips stretched into a smirk.

"Huh. Not bad. Three hours is a new record."

Temari carefully rolled over, snuggling into his chest and weakly hitting him with a fist. "You can still speak?"

Naruto chuckled as he ran a hand through her hair. "I might be exhausted, but not so much that I can't even lift my head up."

Temari groaned and just wrapped her arm around him. "Just hold me. I'm going to sleep."

The sudden fear and vulnerability in her voice gave him a pause. "Temari?"

She was quiet for a few moments, but when she spoke, her voice was like that of a scared child. "I could have lost you today."

Naruto let out a sigh, then pressed a kiss to her crown. "No, you wouldn't have."

She shifted against him. "If it was a recon mission, why didn't you just flash away when you already had Kabuto? Why stay and fight?"

Naruto stared at the ceiling for a few moments, trying to decide the best way to answer. "If I had the opportunity to remove a stone from our path, why would I let it go? I knew that I was capable of beating him, love."

He took her silence as his cue to continue. "Plus, there were others with me. Can you imagine just how scared I get when you go out in the field alone?"

Temari sighed against his chest. "Well then, fortunately for you, I can't do that anymore."

Naruto frowned. "Why, what happened?"

That got her attention, and she lifted her head to lock perplexed eyes with him. "You mean you don't know?"

"Know what?"

Temari sighed and plopped back down. "Then it's better if you hear it from Tsunade herself."

Before he could ask what she meant, Temari had dozed off. Frustration and confusion swam through his mind.

Did I miss something?


After two hours of snoozing, Naruto opened his eyes and let out a silent groan. Temari was buried into his side, her warm breaths tickling his rubs. Her legs were entangled with his, and he could feel his arousal growing. As gently as he could, he eased Temari's arms off him and sat up. He took a look at the wall clock and winced.

Shit, I'm going to be late.

He got up and stretched, blinking away the sleep. He took a moment to gather his thoughts. He just returned from an S-rank mission, had an incredible three hours of sex with Temari, was supposed to humiliate Asuma's team and meet the Hokage. Last but not the least, he had two weeks off.


"Now that is a view I could get used to seeing when I wake up."

He turned around to see Temari looking at him with sleepy eyes, an adorable smile on her face. He snorted as he moved over to where his clothes were. "You like seeing my behind?"

"It is a gorgeous ass if I do say so myself." Somehow, she managed to sound completely serious even when sleep was clogging her throat.

"Why, thank you." Naruto began putting on his clothes. Temari shifted on the bed, sitting up.

"Where are you going?"

"Asuma asked me a favor. He wants to test how his team holds up against an S-rank shinobi. So I've been invited to beat them up," Naruto cheerfully answered, putting on his shirt.

Temari snorted. "You shouldn't be sounding so happy about beating your comrades up."

"Jiraiya used to do it all the time. He said it improves perspective on life," he replied nonchalantly.

Of course, that was complete horseshit. It was just an excuse to beat someone up, and they both knew it.

"Well, don't hurt them too much," Temari cautioned, though there was a flicker of amusement in her eyes.

Naruto finished putting on his vest. "No promises," he chirped.

He stole a quick kiss from her and headed out. Temari flopped on her back, hissing a bit. "Wow…I'm going to feel this for a while."