
Naruto: Return Of The Flash // Ascendance of the Flash

What if Naruto was more intelligent than he was in the canon. What if he was more like his father than his mother, both in looks and personality? Smart and powerful Naruto! NarutoxTemari! Hiraishin Naruto! Stories created by Kamikaze132. ( fanfiction net/u/11429902 )

MkoPoland · Anime et bandes dessinées
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71 Chs

Chapter 44

Warning: (Possibly awkward) Description of sexual events.

Sleep always came to Naruto quite easily. It was one of the benefits of following a strict training schedule and thus, maintaining his body at its physical peak.

But having a strict timetable also meant that his body had an alarm clock of its own, informing him when it was time to eat, train, drink, sleep, or in this case, wake up. As soon as it was five in the morning, Naruto's eyes fluttered open and as was his habit, blinked his eyes repeatedly to get the sleep out of his eyes. He was about to roll over and get up, but stopped when he felt his hand was hooked with something.

Another hand.

Last night's events flashed into his mind, and a small smile crossed over his face as he got back into his place. His front was pressed against a bare back, his legs tangled with his bed partner's, his left hand resting on her stomach and hooked with her own left hand. His breath brushed against the back of her neck, but she was too deep in sleep to react to that.

He looked under the sheet, and felt a small relief about the fact that they were still wearing their underwear. He had an eidetic memory, but visual confirmation still made him feel a bit better. They had not done sex last night, but came very damn close. Naruto respected Temari's wishes that they not have sex until their wedding night, because she wanted that moment to be special for both of them. However, that did not mean they couldn't try certain…adventurous things.

He looked back up and just pulled Temari closer to him by her stomach. She responded to him in her sleep by shuffling behind, so that they were in full contact under the covers. Naruto then realized that he might have made a a mistake pulling her closer. The reason he thought that way was that he was a teenage boy, and being one of those beings meant he tended to have something of a morning wood. His excitement only rose when his girl shifted closer to him, her hips pressing against his flesh and causing his breath to hitch.

He took a deep breath and tried to strengthen his resolve. There was no getting out of this, well, there was, but a part of him didn't want to. Also, he was sure that Temari would wake up after feeling something pressed against her private parts.

He would just have to wait, as painful as it was.


Temari's eyes slowly fluttered open, as her mind rebooted from REM sleep. She felt warm, which was odd, considering she wasn't wearing her night t-shirt. She looked down and blinked, then cracked a small smile on seeing the slightly larger hand resting over her smaller one.

Memories of last night came to the front of her mind, and her face broke into a large grin at what had happened. She and Naruto had continued their activities for over an hour after they began, after which they had decided to sleep, not even minding the mess on the sheets.

Last night was the first time she and Naruto had ever went this far. But that wasn't anything new for them. Every time they made out, they went a little farther than the last time. What would be more correct to say was, last night was the first time they had engaged in any sort of sexual contact.

She had given her first handjob, and gotten her vagina stimulated by someone else's fingers for the first time as well. And both of them had loved it, regardless of the mess they had made on the sheets.

As more of her memories returned, the sensations to her body returned as well. She became aware how her back was pressed to Naruto's chest, her legs were tangled with his. And, something was poking her in the ass.

Like she could feel Naruto's own heart beating fast at the contact, hers sped up as well. Before she could take a course of action, she moaned at the feeling of feather light kisses brushing the back of her neck. The hand that was overlapping her own started roaming as well.

"I see you had a good night's sleep," she managed to get out.

She felt Naruto's smile against her skin, "I'm sure you did too."

Temari was lightly panting by now, because of Naruto's ministrations. Her delightfully rose up and down, to Naruto's entertainment. Temari slowly shifted so she was lying on her back, legs spreading on their own. Naruto maneuvered himself so he was between her legs, both of their crotch areas in contact.

"We should…probably….get up," Temari gasped out, pleasure increasing as Naruto massaged her nipples.

Naruto didn't even pause, "It's five in the morning right now."

That was enough of an incentive for Temari to grab his head with her hands and bring him down for a ferocious lip-lock. Their tongues dueled as her legs tightened around him. That prompted Naruto to slowly start moving backwards and forwards.

Forty-five minutes later, both of them were panting as they cuddled on the bed, the sheets wet once again. Naruto rested against the headboard, with Temari laying her head on his chest, her legs resting over his under the sheets. She was idly drawing circles with her finger on his chest.

"I can't imagine how sex would feel if only this feels so incredible," Temari commented.

Naruto chuckled, "I'm sure it would be at least ten times more incredible than this."

Temari gave him a sultry look. "I'm sure you can't wait to find out."

Naruto truthfully replied. "You're right, I can't. But I will exercise the incredible willpower I have to restrain myself until our wedding night."

Temari softly giggled and kissed him on his cheek. "And I can't wait to see what happens when you break that restraint."

They both went silent after that, just enjoying the quiet till it lasted. Of course, both of them froze when they heard the light, yet unmistakable sound of a door opening. It was the bedroom right across from them, which meant it was Gaara and Kankuro's room. Light, but sure footsteps exited and slowly made their way to the living room.

That was Gaara.

Naruto released a breath. "I think it's best if you made your way to your room now."

"Good idea," Temari whispered as she got out of the covers.

Naruto's eyes drank in the form of a mostly naked Temari hungrily. His excitement started to rise up once again at the sight, making it uncomfortable for him since it was restrained by his boxers.

As she was picking up her t-shirt from the floor, giving Naruto a great view of her behind, she noticed a tent forming under the sheets and smirked.

"Aren't you a horny one?" she remarked.

"Can you blame me? You are the one tempting me by standing nude like that!" Naruto returned.

Temari looked at him and then the clock. Turning back to him, she said, "You know, I don't wake up until at least six thirty, so my room remains undisturbed. So we still have-"

Warning: Small Lime scene

"a bit of time" was left unsaid as a pair of lips crashed against hers. The t-shirt dropped from her hand to the ground as both of them came to wrap around Naruto's neck, pulling their bodies flush. Her chest pressed against his and his erection pressed against her stomach, his boxers looking like they were close to tearing in half. His hands cupped her behind, pressing her into him even more.

They both furiously made out, standing in the middle of the room for a short while after which Naruto pulled her up. Her legs immediately wrapped around his waist in response. His erection, that was pressing into her stomach, was now pressed directly into her crotch. She moaned lightly as Naruto used his hands to move her up and down.

But he seemed to get a better idea, as he backed slowly until the back of his knees pressed against the bed. He slowly sat down, allowing Temari to comfortably put her weight on his crotch. She began grinding him as his one of his hands came to massage her breast.

Temari broke the lip-lock just long enough to say, "You sure have endurance." She then attacked his neck.

Naruto's hand, that was cupping her behind, pressed against the small of her back to pull them flush. "No one can top an Uzumaki in endurance."

They continued making out for another twenty minutes, before reaching a crescendo once more. The both panted as they made eye contact, neither wanting to leave each other.

Lime scene end

Naruto was the one who broke the silence. "You are making me addicted to you."

Temari smirked before giving him a soft kiss. "I believe that's my line."

She then got up from his lap. Her panties were all wet, as were the bedsheets. She looked at Naruto and raised her eyebrows, "Seriously, can you even run out of that?"

To say Naruto's boxers were a mess was an understatement. He shrugged and got up. "Who knows? Maybe we'll test it out."

Temari blushed before putting on her t-shirt, making her way to the door. She then froze, and turned to him with a slightly panicky look. "Gaara's still outside!"

Naruto waved away her worry. "He likes to take a walk in the ground behind the house at this time, and Kankuro doesn't get up until eight, so you're good."

Temari raised an eyebrow slightly, "I don't know if I should be impressed or creeped out that you know my brothers' timetable so well."

Naruto smirked at her, "I make it a point to know who my guests are, very thoroughly."

Temari shook her head off the blush at the double meaning in the statement, then opened the door quietly, checking whether Gaara was there or not. Upon seeing no one, she exited, winking at him before closing the door.

Naruto released a sigh, followed by a chuckle. "Never thought I would get addicted to something other than training. Might need to correct that."

He would have created clones to clean his room up, but first he needed a shower. He headed into the bathroom and as hot water washed over him, he remarked to himself. "Correct seems a bit harsh. I'll have to control it."


Naruto came out for breakfast when it was five minutes to six-thirty, and found Gaara drinking a cup of tea that he had made for himself. Gaara rose an eyebrow at him, "It's quite unusual of you to wake up this late."

Naruto shrugged as he took a seat, making four clones to start making breakfast for him, Temari and Gaara. Kankuro prepared his own, since he got up later than everyone. "I do have my off days. Sometimes I just like to wake up and lie in the bed, staring up and getting lost in my thoughts."

Gaara nodded as he sipped the last of his tea. "I like to do that too, except I do it when I'm outside."

They both were quiet after that, the only sound coming was from the cooking that the clones were doing. Suddenly, Gaara surprised Naruto with a question. "How are the preparations for the wedding going?"

Naruto frowned a little. "Well, Tsunade baa-chan said they were on schedule. In two days is the wedding, so we should be fine."

Then he frowned a bit more heavily. "On second thought, I might not be so fine. I might have to run an important errand today itself." His eyes narrowed along with the frown, "or two."

Gaara's curiosity grew at Naruto's serious expression. "Must be some very important errands."

Naruto nodded, "They are indeed."

The breakfast was ready and soon, they started eating, occasionally talking about some trivial things or the wedding. Just as they had finished eating it, Temari came out of her room, in her usual attire. She sat down on the dining table beside Naruto.

"Good morning Gaara, Naruto."

"Good morning, Nee-san."

"To you as well."

Temari served herself the breakfast that was reserved for her, and started eating. "So, Naruto, anything special you have to do today?"

Naruto looked up and spoke in a mocking tone. "Hm, let's see. There's training, studying, a meeting with Tsunade….. I think that's it."

He was treated to deadpan look from Temari. "Naruto," she began slowly, "that's what you do practically every day."

Naruto pretended to be surprised, "Oh, do I?"

Seeing as Temari was starting to look irritated, he chuckled and said. "Sorry, just messing with you. I have two important errands to run today, and I also need to talk to you alone about something."

Temari slowly gulped what was in her mouth. "Is it related to the wedding?"

Naruto shook his head.

Temari slowly nodded and said after thinking for a while. "How about we talk in the evening, after you've done your errands?"

"Sounds good to me."

After the breakfast was finished, they got up and got started on their days. Naruto and Temari went to do a bit of personal training, while Gaara went to….do his own thing.


Sasuke heavily panted as he stared at the silver haired man before him. He was training with Kakashi right now, since this was one of the rare days that they weren't doing D-rank missions. As soon as Kakashi had told them that they could do whatever they wanted this day, Sasuke had grabbed the chance and asked him to train with him. Sakura had gone to do some extra medical training at the hospital.

Luckily, it seemed that Kakashi was in a good mood today. He had agreed and for the last three hours, they had been fighting non-stop. Kakashi was trying to get Sasuke used to making some tactical decisions when fighting, instead of letting his emotions get in the way. And he was not afraid to beat his ass, hard.

It seriously irked Sasuke that Kakashi had not even broken a sweat, which meant Sasuke had yet to push the man outside of his comfort zone. Not even that, but Kakashi had not even revealed his sharingan yet, while Sasuke had activated it as soon as the fight had begun. But he appreciated that Kakashi was at least being serious.

"It's good that you want to train your sharingan, but don't make the same mistake that your clan did. Well, most of them anyway."

Kakashi's voice snapped him out of his thoughts, and he snapped back at him. "What mistake?!"

Kakashi looked as lazy as usual, but his voice was serious. "Don't rely on it too much. Doing so would make it a handicap more than a tool."

Anger rose up in Sasuke, but he ruthlessly pushed it back down. Sharingan was his bloodline, and he would use it as he saw fit! But there was a truth in Kakashi's words. Sasuke did use it in every fight, ever since he activated it.

Kakashi walked towards Sasuke. "The sharingan is a part of you, but it is a tool that you make use of in battle. And the tool is only as good as its wielder. In your case, it augments the way you fight. You control the tool, not the other way around. Take ten, then we'll resume."

Sasuke saw the truth in those words. The sharingan was incredible, but useless if you didn't know how to use it. It gave him the ability to predict attacks, but Sasuke was still trying to control his body's reaction upon knowing where the attack would hit. He was automatically moving around the attack according to the sharingan, and that was exactly what Kakashi had taken advantage of. The man knew how he would react and capitalized on it.

Kakashi's understanding of the sharingan was truly genius-level.

Sasuke sat down to take a break, while Kakashi pulled out his book. While Sasuke appreciated how good of a teacher Kakashi was when he put his mind to it, it was rare. Most of the times, Sasuke did his training alone. He would ask Naruto, but the guy was busy in preparations of his wedding (and hadn't that been a surprise!) and not to mention, he trained on his own.

While Sasuke was slowly improving, the pace was still too slow to his liking. Every day, he felt like Itachi was getting further and further away from him, while he desperately tried to keep up. And not just Itachi.

Naruto was leaps ahead of him, and Sasuke didn't even know what he was fully capable of. Still, regardless of what Naruto had told him in the hospital room, Sasuke was getting endlessly frustrated at how slowly he was improving. Was it because of his drive? Lacking motivation?

His desire to get revenge on Itachi was motivation enough, but he was nowhere near Itachi's level when his brother was his age. Itachi was like Naruto, leaps and bounds ahead of everyone. But like Naruto had said, Itachi was a sort of genius that came once in generations. It would be completely wrong of him to say that he could progress with the same pace as his brother.

But Naruto had also said that you can get stronger when you have something to protect. Was that the reason why he was not getting strong quick enough? That he didn't have something to protect? Was his desire to protect Naruto when Itachi was after him fake?

Whatever Naruto said, Sasuke was starting to think that he wouldn't get strong quickly enough if he were to remain in this village. He had nothing to protect. The bonds he had formed…..they had to be strong enough to hurt if he loses them. He empathized with him, that was for sure, but they were not the same. They both had different circumstances while growing up. Which meant, Sasuke couldn't grow strong like the way Naruto did. His means of getting stronger would have to be drastically different.

His re-encounter with Itachi had reminded him what he was supposed to focus on.

The curse mark on his neck burned slightly, causing him to suppress a hiss. It was no good if Kakashi saw, and being the genius he was, would quickly figure out what kind of thoughts were running in Sasuke's head. On the other hand, the burning of the curse mark reminded Sasuke of the person who gave it to him.

Orochimaru was one of the Sannin, like Jiraiya, and one of the most powerful shinobi in the world. Personally trained by the Sandaime, the man was even rumored to become the Yondaime. Ousted because of his highly unethical experimentations, Orochimaru became a S-rank missing nin and an enemy of Konoha.

An epiphany struck Sasuke. Naruto was being trained by Jiraiya, and Sasuke was pretty sure he would become the man's apprentice, given his genius. He had heard from Kakashi that Sakura was taking medical lessons at the hospital, and was the only one who was personally trained by Tsunade, even if it was only sometimes. She was not Tsunade's apprentice, but she was still being trained by a Sannin.

The entirety of team 7 was being trained by a Sannin, save for him. Both Naruto and Sakura are each getting stronger in their own ways, assisted by some of the most powerful shinobi in the world. Why the hell was he being left out?!

Leaving the village to train under the remaining Sannin was looking like a very good idea.

"I could have killed you over five times by now."

The voice snapped Sasuke out of his thoughts and by pure reflex, he stood up and threw a kunai in the direction of the voice.

Naruto lazily caught the kunai with just two fingers. Hooking it with his finger, he rotated it. "Nice reaction time, but unneeded if you were aware of my presence in the first place."

Kakashi closed his book. "So nice of you to visit us, Naruto. I'm really glad you still remember us," he said it with an eye smile.

Naruto rolled his eyes. "I would have apologized for that if I didn't have a really good reason."

Kakashi rose an eyebrow. "Which is?"

Naruto spread out his arms. "I'm preparing for my wedding."

He walked up to them, a lazy smile on his face. His left hand went in his back pocket, and he held out two teal envelopes. "I wanted to personally invite team 7. Normally, you wouldn't be sent invitations, but you know that I don't do normal."

Kakashi and Sasuke took out the invitations from inside. Kakashi was happy, for he would get to see Naruto on his wedding day. 'I wish you were there on the day, sensei,' he thought nostalgically.

Sasuke on the other hand, didn't know what to feel. He tried to feel happy for him, but his mind was wandering elsewhere. He settled for a "Congratulations" in the end.

"So, were you training?"

"Yes, actually. I was training Sasuke to improve on his sharingan."

Naruto raised an eyebrow. "Wow. Learn any new jutsu lately?"

Sasuke dryly remarked, pointing a thumb to Kakashi. "No, he's a selfish man. I thought you would have known."

Naruto snorted. "Never expected a sense of humor from you, but it's a pleasant surprise."

Sasuke got up. "What about you? Have you learnt anything new?"

Naruto's eyes lit up. "Yes, I have."

Kakashi was curious as well. "Do show."

Naruto gazed around, seeing a large rock that had numerous cracks running from a center that showed a repeated, single point penetration. He pointed a thumb at it, "Mind if I have a go?"

Sasuke was about to refuse him, telling him he needed that rock, but stopped himself in time. That actually sounded a bit stupid. "By all means."

Naruto walked over to the rock and asked Sasuke. "You were practicing the chidori on this, right?"

Sasuke nodded, curious to see what Naruto would do. He watched as Naruto slowly lifted his right hand, palm turned upwards. He turned on his sharingan to watch more closely, and he was glad that he did, because one moment, his palm held nothing but air. The next moment, a solid, rotating sphere of chakra, the size of a toy football, hovered in his hand. He heard Kakashi suck in a breath next to him.

He was blown away by what happened next.

Naruto pulled back his arm, and pushed it forward, slamming the sphere of chakra right at the point where Sasuke practiced his chidori. It took only a little more than a second for the rock to completely obliterate into pieces from the cracks that spread out. Nothing remained of the rock that was previously standing there.

Sasuke was gaping at the sheer, destructive power of the jutsu. He was aware that chidori was an assassination jutsu and therefore, not capable of causing such destruction since the electricity was concentrated at a single point to penetrate. But he couldn't help but wonder what would happen if that jutsu were to go against chidori.

"When did you learn the rasengan?"

Kakashi's question gave Sasuke insight into the jutsu's name. He felt like he had read about that somewhere…..

"Ero-sennin taught me while we were searching for our wayward Hokage," Naruto answered while walking back to them.

Kakashi shook his head in wonder. "Even Jiraiya-sama took seven months to learn that, how the hell did you manage to learn it in one month?!"

Naruto shrugged. "Perks of being a genius. Though between the three of us," he leaned in as if sharing a secret, "it frustrated the hell out of me."

Sasuke smirked at the image of Naruto scowling in frustration at his own hand as if it was betraying him. It felt vaguely satisfying. He looked up to see Naruto holding out a scroll to him. He frowned, "What's this?"

Naruto just handed it to him. "A katon jutsu I thought you might find interesting, being a pyromaniac and all that."

Sasuke scowled. "I'm not a pyromaniac!" He accepted the scroll nonetheless.

Naruto smirked. "Could've fooled me. Anyways, I have a few more errands to run today, so I'll see you later. Oh, and don't forget to come at the wedding. If you do, you know what I will do. Kakashi, you better not be late."

He flashed away after that.

Sasuke looked down at the invitation and felt his lips twitching upwards. He knew exactly what Naruto would do.


Sakura was walking back to where she had left her lab coat. The lunch break was over, and she was to work with Arashi-sensei, who would teach her about how to identify poisons and create antidotes.

She found her coat and put it on, frowning when she felt something in her pocket. She took it out and her eyes widened in delight when she found a teal envelope. She instantly knew that it was a wedding invitation to her teammate's wedding.

She found another note in her pocket, this time a folded piece of paper. Unfolding it, she read it.


I'm inviting you, along with Kakashi and Sasuke, to my wedding, seeing as you were the only ones of the rookies to not receive an invitation. Well, except team nine, but I can't invite them, as unfortunate as it is. Seeing as almost all of the genin teams would be there, it wouldn't do for team 7 to not be there.

Don't be late.


Sakura gave a small squeal at the note. She put it into her pocket and happily skipped to the lab. She would have to search for a dress to wear that evening.


Anko was sitting at the dango shop, eating her favorite food in the world, when someone sat down in front of her.

"You will get fat if you don't compensate all of that with some training, you know."

If it had been anyone, she would have chucked a stick at the person for insinuating that she would get fat. She was one of the hottest kunoichis in Konoha, dammit!

But she knew that voice anywhere, and she snapped open her eyes. Naruto was sitting in front of her, smiling fondly.

She leant back in her seat with a smirk. "Well, well, look who dropped by. I was beginning to think you had forgotten me."

Naruto sighed. "I don't know if you were in touch, but Kakashi pretty much told me the same thing."

Anko shrugged, "Well, as much as I want to, I can't blame you. Preparations for a wedding can be hectic, I guess."

Naruto nodded, "That, and spending some time with my fiancée."

Anko leaned forward on the desk, a teasing smile on her face. "Oh, and how do you like the pleasures that the female body has to offer?"

His cheeks went a little red, but he did manage to reply. "We have not done it yet, if that's what you mean."

Anko shrugged innocently. "When did I say anything about fucking?You can do a whole lot of things other than that, and I can see it on your face that you have done other things," she finished with a perverted leer.

Naruto looked away at that. She was not wrong. "Listen, I came to talk to you about something important."

An eyebrow raise. "Oh, and about what?"

Naruto stood up, "I think we need a little privacy."

One moment later, they were standing in a training field. Anko blinked at the sudden change in scenery. "That is handy," she commented.

Naruto smiled softly, "Don't I know it?"

He took a deep breath. He would not hesitate on this. "Would you attend my wedding as my mother?"

That shocked Anko into silence. She could do nothing but stare at him, a hand going to cover her open mouth. Tears prickled her eyes at how high Naruto seemed to hold her. "I-Is this what you wanted to a-ask me?"

Naruto smiled and nodded. "You have been there and taken care of me for years, sensei. Besides the Sandaime, you have been there for me the longest, so it only seemed fit to invite you as my mother. It's totally fine though, if you don't want to, I don't want to pressure you or anythi-"

He was cut off when Anko wrapped him in a hug, tears trickling down her cheeks. "Thank you, Naruto."

That was perhaps the most heartfelt thing Naruto had ever heard from his sensei, and it was beautiful. The hug felt exactly like the one he got from Temari, full of love.

He wrapped his own arms around her, "No. Thank you."


After a goodbye to her, Naruto proceeded to the place that held some of his….not so fond memories. But who cared about the place?

He was there to meet someone.

Naruto walked through the halls slowly, recalling each and every incident or prank he had played, and got punished for it, even if they could never prove it. Only one person believed him, but it was one person against everyone else.

The lunch hour had been over for fifteen minutes, but Naruto was sure that he could hustle Iruka-sensei out for a minute or two. He knew what the chakra signature felt like, and followed it to where it was in the academy. He was surprised though, because it seemed Iruka's class seemed to have changed from the ground floor to the first.

He stopped outside the door that Iruka was standing behind, along with one other chunin level chakra signature. Good, which means the class won't start howling at his absence. He knocked on the door, his keen ears picking up the silence that followed after his knocking.

Thankfully, it was Iruka who approached the door and not the other instructor. The door opened, causing Iruka's eyes to widen in surprise on seeing Naruto.


Naruto was standing behind the door such that the class wouldn't be able to see him. He whispered, "Can we talk?"

Iruka blinked, "S-Sure. One second."

He turned to the other instructor in the room. "Haruki, will you take over for a few minutes? Thanks."

Without waiting for a reply, Iruka exited and closed the door. He turned to Naruto, face laced with concern. "Is everything alright?"

Naruto motioned with his head, "Let's talk on the roof."

Two minutes later, they both were standing on the roof, with Iruka standing in front of Naruto. "So what is this about, Naruto?"

Naruto took a deep breath. "Will you attend my wedding as my father?"

Iruka's blinked first in shock, and then when the question finally settled, his eyes started watering, but he immediately wiped them. He never thought that Naruto saw him as one, since their relationship leaned more towards the older brother-younger brother line. But if Naruto thought he could stand in place of Namikaze Minato, then he would do his best.

He gave a heartfelt smile. "I would be honored, Naruto."


"What's up?"

The moment he had finished the words, four swords were pointed at his throat from four directions. Naruto stood there calmly, not even fazed by the swords.

Tsunade, who was already annoyed that the day's paperwork was increasing, looked up in irritation at the intruder. Naruto did not have an ounce of guilt, barging in her office like that. "You got some nerve, I'll give you that."

Naruto chuckled as the guards went back to their posts after being waved away by Tsunade. "If I didn't, I wouldn't be here."

"So, to what do I owe the displeasure?"

Naruto deadpanned. "That is harsh. Anyway, you were the one who called me today, so you tell me."

Tsunade blinked. "I did?"

She then suddenly remembered. "Oh right! I did have some business with you. Have you read up on what you are supposed to do in the ceremony?"

Naruto rolled his eyes, but replied. "Yes, I did read up on that. I thought that my brain would shrivel up from boredom."

Deciding to ignore that, she stood up. "Alright, make two clones. There is something else we need to get done today itself."

Doing as she asked, two clones of him appeared on his right and left. Tsunade made two clones herself. She then paired one of her own with one of Naruto's and assigned them their jobs.

She pointed to the pair on the right of Naruto. "You, get him fitted with a wedding kimono and tell them we need before tomorrow ends." Naruto's eyes widened as he cursed himself for forgetting that detail.

Pointing to the other pair, she said, "Go with him and make sure everything is properly prepared for the reception at his house."

When they were gone, Tsunade flashed through hand seals, pressing her hand onto a part of the wall. Seals flashed over the room, ensuring their privacy. Naruto had upgraded the seals on the behest of Tsunade, for a very handsome pay.

Naruto rose and eyebrow when Tsunade sat down on her chair. "Grab a chair and sit down."

He internally wondered what was so serious, but complied anyway. Once he was settled, Tsunade pulled out a book from her drawer. "I remembered that since you were practically alone when you were growing up, you missed some very vital education."

'What is she talking abo- oh crap.'

When Tsunade opened a page of the book, Naruto's eyes immediately saw what was in there and he blanked out. Kurama was snickering within him, the utter bastard that he was.

Naruto knew what sex was and how to do it, even if he hadn't done it. But after numerous make out sessions with his fiancée, he had a pretty solid idea of what he was supposed to do. It was human instinct, after all.

"I figured it out that no one has explained the 'Birds and the Bees' to you, so I'm going to remedy that. You should count yourself lucky, since I'm the best medical kunoichi there is," Tsunade nonchalantly said, unaware of the horror that was internally growing in Naruto.

Naruto was torn on the inside. On one hand, he wanted nothing more to flash away from here and hide in his study, where no one can come in. But on the other hand, education on sex was pretty important. He didn't know anything about the dangers of it, or how to prevent those dangers. So with a long suffering sigh, he mentally prepared himself.

Kurama couldn't stop laughing in mirth within him.


"And that's about it," Tsunade finished thoughtfully, trying to think whether she missed anything. She looked up from the copy to see Naruto with a completely blank face, devoid of any horror that is the usual reaction when parents talk to their children about sex. She knew she was, and it was even more awkward because that talk was given to her by her grandfather, because he was the greatest medical nin of his time.

It also did not help that he was the biggest goof she knew before Jiraiya.

Naruto might have looked calm on the inside, but he was mentally asking himself the question that why did it require an hour and a half to do this talk. Right now, he wanted nothing more than to go into a training ground and train himself to exhaustion. Anything to get his mind off this, but it really wouldn't work.

Eidetic memory can be a curse sometimes. Case in point, this.

"Is that all?"

His voice came out calm, yet he was anything but that. Tsunade nodded with a cheerful smile. "Yes, you can go now."

She disabled the privacy seals, and as soon as she did that, Naruto was gone in a flash. She chuckled, "You can't fool me, brat. I know you are completely freaked out on the inside."

Naruto had flashed to the Hokage mountain, and spread out his senses. Once he had what he was looking for, he used the body flicker to get there since the person he was looking for had no marking on his body.


The shout surprised the boy, but he turned around and found Naruto briskly walking towards him. By his expression, he looked calm but his body told him anything but that.

Naruto neared him and spoke, "You and I are going to have a spar, right now."

That shocked him greatly, for Naruto never sought out a fight with him. It was usually the other way around. But he was never the one to turn down a challenge like that. He smirked as he activated his sharingan. "I don't have a problem with that. I've been wanting to test out some of the new stuff I've learnt lately."

One hour later, Sasuke was lying on the ground, fully exhausted. Even lifting an arm seemed like a chore. With great difficulty, he made use of his hands to sit up, leaning against one of the training posts. He then observed Naruto, who was standing ten feet from him and scowled.

Naruto was looking equally exhausted, but the guy still had enough energy to remain standing. Sasuke had started using resistance seals as well, and was sure that Naruto did too, but only at a higher level. Kakashi was the one who put those on him, and the results had shown.

He was faster, his stamina had improved, along with his strength and endurance.

But it was clear that he had a long way to go if he wanted to catch up to Naruto. If the guy was looking that exhausted after just one hour of continuous sparring, Sasuke could only wonder how much resistance Naruto was using. But even then Naruto had held the upper hand.

Naruto was slowly getting his breath back. 'Wow, he really has improved. There were fewer holes in his style, and the ones I could see were difficult to exploit. He also has gotten faster lately, although that could be because of the resistance seals I spotted. He might almost be as good as Lee now.'

He took out a storage scroll from one his his jacket pockets, unsealing two bottles of water. Walking towards Sasuke, he sat down next to him and handed over one bottle. The Uchiha gratefully accepted this with a nod and opened it.

Both of them finished the contents in one go.

"Thanks buddy, I really needed that," Naruto spoke after he had gotten most of his breath back.

"Why did you, though?"

Naruto shook his head, "Had to get my mind off something. Hardly does me any good because of my perfect memory, but I still appreciate it."


The spar had been very good for Sasuke as well. It had been a very long time since he had actually enjoyed a spar like that. No one among his age group was good enough to give him a challenge, except for Naruto. The spar told him a lot about how Naruto fought. Good information, if they ever fought seriously in the future.

Of course, he wasn't naïve enough to think that Naruto did not analyze his fighting style as well. Naruto was a genius of fighting, whether it be ninjutsu or taijutsu.

Naruto got up with a grunt, mumbling. "I'm going to feel that for some time." Louder, he said, "Well, I should go. There is something I have to talk to Temari about."

"Thanks for the spar."

Naruto turned at Sasuke's voice, surprise flickering his face for moment, before being replaced with a smirk. "To you as well."

He was gone in a flash, leaving Sasuke to his thoughts.