
Naruto: Reincarnated in Naruto World with Common Sense

This is about a guy from our world who is a huge fan of Aizen and Orochimaru gets reincarnated in Naruto verse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . this fanfic was written just for fun so dont expect anything and take all the shit I write in it and consider it an AU.

Daoistguy8 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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19 Chs

5...Pre-academy and chakra

Naruto POV

Today I woke in my new house . I took bath and ate a few cups or ramen as they were the only thing available , after that anbu came and gave me a few daily necessities , minimum ration required for a month , 25000 ryo and left .

After arranging all this and cleaning the house I began to look for secret compartments and hidden basements in the house . I looked for it for a while and found two of them , one below to table in dining room and the other inside the cupboard of what looked like the master bedroom . Both of them were guarded by blood seals . I decided to check the one below the table first. I bit my thumb and put a few drops of blood on the seal. Symbols began to appear on the floor and it hummed with a slight glow . Then suddenly with a puff the a square lid of 4 feet by 4 feet rose slightly above the floor. I removed the lid and a small staircase came into view with a metal door at the end of it.

I went down and opened the door ,in front of me was the huge basement almost the size of the main house , on the left wall there were 5 racks with symbol of air , fire , water , earth and lightening containers at least a 100 jutsu scrolls in each of them , there was also a 6th rack which had medical ninjutsus , basic chakra theory and exercises and a few books on various different things.

On the right wall there were large scrolls stacked in heaps which contained different types of seals . At the end of the line were a pair of red coloured katana hung on the wall .

On the other side of the door a large table and a chair was kept . There were a few three pronged kunais (yup the flying thunder god ones), a stack of chakra paper and a few incomplete seals on it . After I took a few scrolls related to beginners chakra training I left the room .

After that I went inside the master bedroom and opened the cupboard , then bit my thumb and pressed it at the back wall of the cupboard, the same thing happened as the previous seal and then a drawer of 1 feet by 1 feet came into view , I opened it there was about 300 million ryo in it (I am rich baby) it also had a few blocks of chakra metal in it.

After I closed the drawer I went into my backyard and began to read the scrolls I had taken . Different from what was shown in the fanfictions I read, chakra cannot be unlocked because it was never locked in the first place , because if chakra supply was cut even for a single minute from the body the organism would die .

The scroll said to concentrate on the central region of our stomach, soon we would start to feel warm sensation over there ,that would be Chakra.

The main difference between a civilian and a ninja is that an ordinary civilian would rarely be able to reach chunin levels of chakra and most would never even reach genin levels chakra in their entire lives, whereas people from the ninja clans have the potential to reach jonin level at least in the amount of chakra they have.

I sat upright under a tree and began to concentrate at the central region of my stomach, after some time a warm feeling arose from it , I slowly began to try to move it from my stomach and guide it in different directions, at first it was ridiculously hard and I failed many times . After about an hour I was finally able to circulate chakra through my entire body.

I continued to circulate chakra, by the time I had done it the 7th time, I began to feel different chakra signatures around me in about 5 kilometers of range due to the awakening of kagura's mind eye.I decided to test its limits later.

After that I stopped my practice and got up . It was already noon by now . I cooked my meal and then began to read about the three basic academy jutsus . The most important was the transformation jutsu . It was a very simple jutsu but original Naruto had managed to master it to a degree where he can transform in a bird and he would be able to fly just like it . I was going to replicate the same results . I also found the scroll for normal shadow clone .

For the next few weeks I stayed inside the house and mastered transformation jutsu to an acceptable level and also learned shadow clone .

During that time I also checked my chakra nature which came as a surprise to me because rather than having just wind attribute I had fire and earth as well.

month: November

year : KONOHA year 70 (2 years before uchiha massacre)


I have mastered both transformation jutsu and shadow clone jutsu . I also had an estimate of my chakra level from observing uchiha ninjas from kagura's eye . My chakra was jonin level. But chakra control couldn't even be compared to them as I had yet to start the chakra control exercise.

Today I was going to the market, I checked outside the house and found no anbu or root hidden there. I decided to henge myself into a civilian. I first went to buy groceries and meat enough to feed a family of 4 for a month, then I bought new clothes for myself which were not orange because for some reason the only shade I was given in the orphanage were orange, most probably so that they could easily spot me. Then I went to medical store to buy containers and other equipments I would need for my experiments but I was denied. Apparently you need to have a license issued by hokage to buy those sorts of things.

While I was returning I heard about mercenary market from the gossips among the people. It was like the black market of ninja world ( AN : in future it would be referred as black market ). From stolen jutsu to dead bodies, every thing was sold there . I decided to head there at night and returned home.

At night after having dinner, I transformed myself into a average looking guy , wore a cloak , took a few sealing scrolls and around 50 million ryo and headed there. After reaching there I began to circulate my joinin level chakra through my whole body to give out a false pressure of jonin for extra precaution. Soon I found a shop that was selling what I was looking for . As soon I entered the shopkeeper began to look at me warily (hehehehe looks like false jonin bravado is working ) .

What will happen next we will see in the next chapter of DragonBall....ERROR....ERROR...ERROR

....I mean reincarnated as naruto series.

....Next chapter will be uploaded tomorrow.....

PLS comments for future adjustment or if you wish for story to go in a certain direction...