
Naruto: Merchant in the Shadows

Oleg Orlov is a genius who has risen right to the top with the help of his trade. He became a new important figure in the established world. But the stupid mistake of the employees sent the young guy to another world, that's just... Only he woke up in a place where his life would hang by a thread at every step. The modern world has sunk into oblivion, leaving behind only a huge amount of knowledge. But with the system, Oleg has a chance to survive and not only...

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24 Chs

Chapter 9: Surveillance

In the first minutes of his journey through the village, Sora immediately recognized two people hiding among the common people, their eyes were directed in his direction, and wherever he went, these two followed him backwards.

He had learned to recognize such stupid surveillance in his past world, but outsiders here did not know about it. Therefore, the simplest amateurs were sent for observation. And perhaps there were those who were hiding in the shadows, but it was already difficult to declassify such.

The route was immediately postponed in the memory of the boy, who tried to find at least some signs with his eyes, identifying them, he could go to the place he needed.

After some adventures, he simply joined the flow of people who took him out of the residential area into a quarter where there were small shops on every corner. They seemed to look attractive, but due to the fact that cleaning and restoration were not carried out for a long time, even the brightest and most expensive signs began to wear out. Although people tried to hide places with paint, spoiled by time and various natural disasters.

Then there were forks that also led to neighborhoods where you could buy something or spend your leisure time in the company of friends.

Having stumbled upon clothing workshops, Sora was eager to look there, but now it was necessary to take something ready. And you could order clothes later, when money would not be such an important resource in life.

The first thing Sora did was he decided to find out the total cost of the goods on the market. What exactly were the prices here, and how much are his forty thousand re...

Approaching one of the counters, he picked up a small red tomato filled with juice. He weightily fit into the palm of the boy, who immediately appreciated the ingredient itself. The tomato belonged to the highest grade, which immediately put it on a par with the best products from its former world.

- Hey, boy! Get out of here! - the old man broke out of the shop. Gray hair was perfectly visible on it, which was only accentuated by wrinkles on his face. The old man's stern face added a couple more years to his age from above.

He happened to notice, while rocking on a chair, how some ragamuffin took his sacred products in his hands. In order to stop the theft even before it was committed, he immediately flew out into the street with menacing shouts, adding hot-tempered gestures with his hands.

- Um ... - Sora was taken aback at first by such impudence, but having understood the point of view of the seller, he decided to leave this incident and move on to a more pressing issue. - And why did you decide that I would not buy anything? Just because I look a little rumpled doesn't mean I won't buy anything.

- Yes? I believed you so much! Look for a fool in another quarter, and it's better to get your paws off my products! - the old man did not lower his voice, but only increased it on the contrary, which attracted a crowd of onlookers.

- It turns out that you just don't want to sell this product to me, because you think that I can't pay for it, but you haven't even checked me for cash, do I understand correctly? - Sora put forward the question in such a way that the old man even felt ashamed of clever words. Is it him that it turns out, now a youngster is teaching? People from the outside even began to look askance in his direction, and among these onlookers may be his potential customers.

- No, not at all. I was just afraid because of your appearance that you might commit theft. You can see for yourself that I'm no longer young and I don't have the strength to run after such brats like you. If you are really able to pay for this tomato, then I will not prevent you from doing so. - the old man somehow completely changed in his face, as if he was a completely different person now. Sora was surprised by this again. Although they are all such merchants, they hide their true face behind a mask, as long as it is profitable for them.

This statement managed to curb the crowd, which made it uninteresting to watch further. Therefore, everyone went about their business again, putting aside this incident in memory. Perhaps they will tell their friends about it, if they don't forget.

- So, are you going to buy? An elderly man stood next to the boy, rubbing his hands impatiently.

Instead of answering, the boy walked further along the counters, looking at the cost of certain products. The man watched with great impatience for this. But when Sora stopped evaluating, he looked at the man.

- I will buy this tomato and some fruits from you, but at a reduced price. - he has already calculated the cost of each product in his mind.

Tomato - 9re

Potatoes - 5re

Kilogram of rice - 13re

Plum - 7re

Apple - 10re

Banana - 15re

A Kilogram Of Beans - 11re

Only from these products can we conclude that potatoes and beans are quite cheap, but fruits are popular and they are expensive compared to others.

If you trade in the food sector, it is best to distribute fruits that will be difficult to grow, and their cost will be slightly lower than the existing fruits.

- Why would I lower the already low cost? This is the most adequate price! - the old man seems to have decided to push until the end.

But Sora accidentally noticed a trend that other customers go to other stores, but they don't even come here. And actually the reason lay in one of two. Either the old man's character was too obstinate, which is why they just visited other places, or the price was too high. Now the boy wanted to play on the cost, fishing out the lowest possible price.

- Adequate you say... - he didn't even notice how he switched to you with the seller. Although he was the first to violate the signs of decency, so Sora did not dwell on it. - Then maybe I should go to your competitors, where the price is much lower? So you are also obliged to compensate me for moral damage. You just snapped at an innocent child, and it doesn't matter what you assumed there. I didn't steal it, but you shouted.

Sora was hitting all the possible pain points he could find. Of course, he could still present for uncovered goods or something else, but what has already been said was enough for the complete collapse of the old man. Although he could just turn on his senile unbearable stupidity, but as a merchant, he could not fall face down in the dirt.

- Well, what do you want to buy and name your price. Reasonable price... - he added just in case. Still, there was no desire to argue again today.

- Then I'll take a tomato, five bananas and two apples. I'll give 57 rubles for everything, do you agree?

The old man immediately calculated the cost of each product in the wholesale purchase, and the proceeds from it, but it turned out that he received only one re for everything.

- Ha... Well, let it be according to your ... - he finally gave up and sold everything at the named price, and Sora was once again convinced that the market is the most interesting and economical place in the world. The passive mode trading function is disabled here. If you think you can push your price, then it's better to try your luck to save the extra coins.

In this transaction, Sora also tested a very interesting feature of his system. After thinking about the right amount, he determined the place of its appearance. The guy took a risk, but by pure luck and intuition, he did something that would make life easier for him in the following transactions. The entire sum of 57 rubles was in the pocket of the shorts, which urgently needed to be replaced.

The boy left the store satisfied with his conclusions. But the people following him made some conclusions about an unknown refugee who miraculously ended up in Hatake's house. Now they had to keep an eye on him by order from above. At least he's lucky that he doesn't own anything, and anyway he's too young to notice them. Therefore, they calmly continued to monitor the actions of the boy.

And the path of that lay first in a clothing store, where the guy managed to buy a nice outfit for the eyes. A white baggy T-shirt in tandem with black shorts, which had white stripes on the sides, looked if not perfect, then it was close to it. Comfortable shoes of black shades appeared on the feet, which immediately replaced the rubbing sandals. Now Sora could breathe easy.

But he did not finish his journey through the quarters. He stubbornly followed his goal to find the place where he could conduct the first successful transaction. An inconspicuous place where the woe of the watchers will not be able to get into his plans. And now, after an hour of wandering, the eye caught on what it needed so much. Sora even thought:

"Why didn't I come here right away?"

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