
Another Genius from Uchiha clan

Ichinaru walked out of his house which was the farthest house in the Uchiha Compound. He wore a goggle with black lenses along with his white and black kimono with a red coth belt. He walked lazy through the streets of the compound while observing the reactions of his fellow clansmen upon seeing him.

'It seems that I will never get used to their contempts... At the start, when I was younger, I got those contemptuous looks from only the adults. But as time passes, even the children are starting to stare at me with those looks... The only reason why I care about this damn clan is only because of my mother and the Uchiha's fame and prestige, else I wouldn't even mind it being annihilated.

Most of them don't amount to anything, but still there are some exceptions... For example; Shisui, Itachi and even, Fugaku... Those guys genuinely care for the clansmen, in general, without having any discriminations towards anyone of their fellow Uchiha comrades. If only all of the other I had met, were like them.

Anyway, the Uchiha Compound is sure too far away from the village's center, Danzou and Hiruzen didn't play around when they intended to isolate us.'

Ichinaru thought as he was now walking on the path leading to the village's center by going through the old Uchiha Compound.

After 20 minutes of walk.

Ichinaru finally stood in front of the the Academic building of Konoha.

"From now on, there's no turning back... Today will be the day, I set the foundation for me and my mother to survive in this dangerous world, though till now she was the one protecting me."

Ichinaru muttered to himself as he moved forward with determined demeanour.

After walking along two corridors and turning around two corners, Ichinaru finally entered his classroom whose seats and desks were constructed similar to an amphitheatre with the instructor's desk at the centre. He was the last ninja apprentice to enter the classroom among the thirty apprentices in his class. He moved pass the instructor's desk and headed straight to his desk at the back of the room.

A few seconds later, the academy instructor entered the classroom. He had white shoulder-length hair with a slight hint of blue to it and green eyes. He wore the standard attire of the Konoha shinobi which included a flak jacket and a forehead

protector of Konoha that he wore like a bandanna. The academy instructor was Mizuki, a chuunin ninja from the village with a lot of controversies around him.

"Okay, children!... Just like I said last week, today's and this week's classes will be centered around the E-rank clone jutsu... It is a very important jutsu as it can be very useful during several situations in missions and is the jutsu used for the academy's graduation examinations..... Now, I will show

you the hand seals for the technique... First, you have to form the ram hand seals like this... Then, followed by the snake hand seal and finally, finishing with the tiger hand seal.

Now, look attentively I will perform those hand seals more rapidly and perform the technique in front of you. The one after another you will try to perform the technique."

Mitsuki performed the three hand seals rapidly in succession and shouted the technique's name.

" Clone technique!"

Three identical clone of himself appeared out beside him out of nowhere and almost all the apprentices looked at him with eyes filled with admiration.

'Mizuki, the traitor... I have been observing him ever, since he became my teacher when I entered the academy last year... But his personality is the same as in the series and this disgusting personality of his will be useful to me today... Okay, let the game start. '

Ichinaru thought as he stared at Mizuki that was motioning his hands to signal the apprentices to come in front of him.

The ninja apprentices started to perform the E-rank clone jutsu one after another and many failed to create a clone of themselves. Some ninja apprentices from the major clans of Konoha managed to create one clone but the appearance of the clone were not at all identical to theirs. Mizuki motivated the students and pointed out their mistakes one after another, his fake smile hide his true feelings.

' Damn it... So far, all of them are trash, isn't there a hidden gem in this class. I wish that this bastard from the Uchiha clan doesn't let me down, I need an apprentice with the ability and talent to graduate from academy from this class to increase my prestige as an instructor... I can already see their reactions, if I succeed as I will be the one that be the genius instructor with a 5 years old genin coming from his class. This will also finally show my superiority over that loser of Iruka...'

'Those eyes of his are reflecting his ambitions... In them, I see that he sees me only as a tool with the potential to increase his prestige but that's exactly what I needed... If It was anyone else, they may ask that I remain at the academy for one more year even if I excell in today's class but that guy is different... I will definitely use this to my advantage after all a ninja must be able to use everything to complete his mission. '

Ichinaru thought as he moved in front of Mizuki and rapidly performed the hand seals.

Eight clones which are exactly identical to him now surrounded Ichinaru, in such a way that it became impossible to point out the original. Mizuki couldn't hide his happiness for having found his gem.

' This kid never fails to impress me... Now, I have a student to represent me for the next graduation examination next week... All I need to do is to fool that old fart of Sarutobi Hiruzen and that will be easy with this brat's results in theory and practical courses... This brat is another genius from the Uchiha clan and he's stronger that the Uchiha clan Head's second son from Iruka's class. He's the cream of the crop.'

"Well done, Ichinaru!!! You really are a genius that come into existence once in every decades. I'm proud of you as an instructor, young boy and I'm sure it's the same for your clan. You will definitely become a great shimobi."

Mizuki said with eyes full of malice and in his eyes, Ichinaru was no more than a tool for reached his objectives. But at that moment, it was exactly what Ichinaru wanted.

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