
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · Anime et bandes dessinées
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58 Chs

Chapter 54

Again - Underworld - City of Lilith.

In the center you can see Naruto and his group being the center of attention of the surrounding demons and civilians who see them from afar even when some guards want them away from the place, which is not happening, since even the guards themselves guards cannot take their eyes and attention away from Naruto's group because of the Imposing Image they project even without doing anything.

The Maous are Others who see the group.

Fallbium analyzes those present who are a few meters from Him, specifically the Angel in the toga Something divine that surrounds that Other Angel with her arms and although that Angel looks Damn beautiful and hot and does not deny it, she also gives off a slight presence a little Terrifying, Something inside Him is Trying to make the Maou look away from Her, as if it were Something in Him Warning him that it would be bad to keep staring at her, something a little Terrifying in Fallbium's mind since his Instincts have never behaved like this before but Fallbium paid attention to them even with their reluctance to lower their guard with said Threat, so he diverted his Attention to a certain black-haired woman who has a pair of Fallen Wings on her waist, being the first thing that came to the Maou's mind when he saw That was... "Strange."

Ajuka is another one who, in addition to Fallbium, Analyzes the group present and the Infant who is with them, wondering what a child is present in all this and wait... that child does not give off anything... there is no aura, no power and less presence human so it must not be normal and...

Ajuka took a step back unconsciously when the boy noticed him looking at him and smiled innocently at him, which triggered all his alarms that shouted Danger!

Serafall noticed her Maou Partner's movement and frowned in doubt, turning to look at the Strange child.

Sirzechs is the only one least worried about everything of his companions, he only looks at Naruto trying to see the bastard's face under his toga before ending his life and also because he has never seen his face, not even in that transmission that happened, in You could only see their figures but not their faces.

Silence reigned on both sides until a few seconds later it was broken by none other than Sirzechs who stepped forward drawing attention to him.

Sirzechs: naruto... - The super demon mumbled between his teeth, being heard by everyone present and Civilians who, even being far away, their super demonic ears do not fail them.

Demons belonging to the Devils News Channel who are among the Civilians, began to record and broadcast live what is being witnessed in the central Capital of the Underworld.

Naruto gently tilted his head under his robe as did Gabriel curiously.

Naruto: do I know you?... - I ask him curiously when Sirzechs's grimace failed for a second before smiling.

Sirzechs: I... I think you should do it p...

Naruto: why?... - He asked him again, interrupting him in the middle of his words when Sirzechs' eyes flashed in the power of destruction, which made his Maous companions retreat a little when they felt the slight change in their companion but he Naruto's group was unfazed, nor did He Himself still look in their direction without any reaction.

Metatron [ Are you trying to Intimidate Naruto ?]... - He asked himself the silliest thing that not even He could believe his own question and what he sees.

Sariel smiled mockingly at the Action of the demon, poor demon and poor indeed, who doesn't know what he's dealing with ? His older brothers don't take titles of Super Demons as something to back down from. You have to show them but Even if, yes They try it will be of no use, the main and strongest demonic exponent of all is on their side and it is none other than Lucifer, there is no demon stronger than Her or Him, nor will It Exist through Miracles, or anything... So if , all their Intimidation is a Stupidity that will not protect them from anything no matter how strong they think they are, since Naruto has the strongest she-devil that these weak Demons can make.

Lucifer, Ignoring the Action of the red-haired demon, crossed his arms trying to remember, One Sitri and One Astaroth from what he sees, He cannot locate the Other two, could they be Demons from the Extra Houses?, cannon fodder that She Used and then He didn't remember them because... well, he doesn't care about them.

Was what the she-devil thought before looking around, Apparently the main City of the Underworld has changed since her time, it looks more... Modern, blasphemy ... This should be enveloped in flames and Chaos, that was his vision of what The Underworld should be.

Sirzechs: I will ask you not to interrupt me when he spoke ... - He ordered with his cold and imposing voice loaded with pure power that surprised his Friends but not Naruto's group.

Satan raised an eyebrow, surely if this ant addressed his Mother like that, she would have cut off his tongue, in fact he would have destroyed him from the beginning for not kneeling in reverence before his father.

Irina and Jeanne frowned in Anger, This dirty demon dares to speak like this to his lord and Beloved.

Morgana hissed, those are big balls for an Idiot.

Naruto and Gabriel blinked, blinked again... they should purify him directly with the Light going down his throat or Entering through his chest or...

Sirzechs:"As I said, you should... meet me, I am Sirzechs Lucifer, He...

Naruto diverted his attention along with Gabriel to Lucifer who quickly denied when he guessed what They think.

Lucifer: he's not my son... I only had one... I don't even recognize him or know which house he belongs to... he must be new and doesn't even have my signature... - He told them and explained to his brothers with Naruto watching for the first time curious that Lucifer does not lie to him.

Gabriel contemplated this with curiosity, if it has no relationship with Lucifer, why is Lucifer Added ?

Naruto turned to look at the demon child.

Sirzechs Ignored his Action and continued.

Sirzechs: The Current Leader of the Underworld... The Ex-husband of Grayfia Lucifuge with whom you... had two bastards and...

Naruto: Ah,... I interrupted him again to Sirzechs' growl ...Grayfia... yes, She gave me two beautiful girls and is carrying two more... hmn, I just located you, see, I didn't even know about your existence, I don't even know, because it is not of my importance but feel grateful to serve me by keeping Grayfia for me... - He said calmly with Gabriel agreeing, he must feel grateful to at least serve something for his dear older brother. .

Ajuka, Serafall and Fallbium gasped in disbelief at his cynical and self-indulgent words, while Sirzechs froze at what he heard... his mind simply shut down.

The Audience who witnessed everything and listened to Naruto's words simply could not believe such a level of Cynicism and it had been confirmed to them that the Maou's "Wife" was unfaithful to him.

Gabriel: feel honored to serve, being Disgusting... - Angel bellowed coldly before feeling a kiss on her cheek and Naruto's Pampering that made her smile under everyone's attentive gaze.

Lucifer hissed, damn, She's Bad but these two beat her at that even when they don't do it Intentionally.


A small scream was heard when Zekram and Other Demons Including Sairaorg Appeared next to the Maous followed by several Magic Circles that Appeared Around which more Demons and Some heirs came out with their pieces.

Issei looked seriously at Irina, who smiled at him in greeting when she noticed him, something he didn't like at all, since his " Childhood Friend " had left severe trauma and fear in his parents when he denounced them as sinners. God, something that simply broke his family and even more so when he found out what he was, which was the last nail to make his parents lose hope.

Kiba [ She... almost Killed Issei-san ]... - thought the Gremory Knight looking at the brunette seriously, She is dangerous if it hadn't been for Serafall-sama not having retired that time.

Rias looked with some disbelief and a small blush at her prince, and followed by the Gremory group, El Sitri and other groups appeared, all the Demons knowing the Importance of this, since fleeing was not an Option, there was no more Place to go. Which one to run than to protect The Underworld, since outside of It the Angel Faction has hit The Whole World.

Naruto and his group watch everything calmly, not at all disturbed by the Demons that continue to arrive.

Raiser looked seriously at the Angel in the robe who calls himself The Father of Demons.

But as more Demons arrive, they don't look confident or anything like that, it can be said that they even have somewhat nervous and fearful looks where they seem to hope that their large number will make the small group flee, which looks Immutable and Imperturbable even when they are surrounded.

Naruto and Gabriel calmly watch as they are surrounded. Don't they know that a single display of their Auras will easily turn them all into ashes?

Lucifer also found himself reaching the same point as his brothers, the Current Action of the Demons is the silliest thing he has ever seen before, you simply do not surround beings of Light, but you keep your distance even from your companions so that they do not Let them both fall at the same time, in case they decide to display their Light.

Naruto: wow... - I commented looking at the large group of Demons that surround them and have all their attention on them.

Zekram took a step forward being that this Lucifer did recognize him, Zekram's cowardly dog ​​who was trying to play politician in the middle of the Great War in his time and she put him in his place when he took his wife for a few days and then She rubbed it in his face in front of everyone, Expecting something from Him, but, That dog didn't have the Thorns to complain, or do anything, not even conspire something that She would have known, so She let him go and Obviously later he stopped. Trying to gain power under her command, A shame... at that time She wanted to burn Some Houses for losing against her father but among the unfortunate ones the Bael was saved by starting to lick her feet, Some Cunning dogs.

Zekram: What are you looking for with the Underworld Angel?... - I asked him seriously without addressing him by name, or anything by The Style to the Angel, since he did not want to appear weak or docile in his attempt to dialogue.

Ajuka as well as Fallbium let Zekram's Silvertongue speak before Something could happen.

Naruto downplays his lack of importance, he is one of those who will die in the end.

Naruto: It's simple because I'm here, I'm going to take it all... This land you walk on is Mine just like your life... after all, Lilith and I created you... it was because of your Existence that I was locked up for my father for believing that he was trying to compare me to Him by creating life... in this case to you... - I tell you calmly, actually surprising the Demons with his words and revelations.

Draig [ I supposed, he's more of a Monster than I thought and I thought ]... - The Dragon thought seriously, creating life was a power simply out of Logic, not normal but at the same time Terrifying, since it could create any Monster, There is no doubt...like father, like son.

Sona nervously adjusted her glasses, looking out of the corner of her eye at Rias, who seemed oblivious to the current worrying situation.

Lord Agares: Do you think we will simply believe your words and take action...

Naruto: I don't care what you believe... He interrupted him calmly making Lord Agares take a step back... You are just an error of what I was looking for... Lucifer corrupted you and made you what you are... Dirty sinners... Half of you will live, the Other Half will not... I am fixing my World and I do not need sinners in it, those who remain will be Fixed... - He told them forcefully and without any hint of lies that They could Persist in His words, He is going to sacrifice Half of Them.

Lady Sitri: do you look at us like cattle or what? You say you are our "father" and creator but you seek to Murder Half of us for...

Naruto: yes... - He interrupted and affirmed his words, leaving Lady Sitri simply shocked by his forceful response.

The other Demons simply could not believe what this Angel said and claimed.

Zekram frowned.

Zekram: tell me, do you think we'll just stay...

Give me back my Okaa-sama!

A scream was heard interrupting Zekram when a child came out of the crowd running in the direction of the group of Angels, a child that the Demons know very well as their Maou's son.


Venelana screamed in horror calling for her grandson who was running in the direction of the Angels, looking at them with Anger, specifically the one in the toga.

Rias gasped, Serafall did so as did the other Demons who simply could not react to go stop the child who was getting closer and closer to the group of Angels.

Millicas looked angrily at the Angel in the toga, It is He... who took his Mother, just as I heard the Castle Maids describe it... it is He who is destroying his family.

My favorite is Okaa-sama!.

The little demon screamed when he raised his fist still in his race and hit Gabriel in the abdomen, since she is the one Naruto has in front of him while he hugs her from the back.

The Demons gasped in Shock, being there Sirzechs came out of his little Shock just to see what happens.

Satan raised an eyebrow.

Irina was slightly injured.

Gabriel blinked under his black ribbon, he did it again when he lowered his gaze, looking at the child who saw him with anger and some tears coming out of his eyes.

Gabriel's lips opened slightly as if he were going to say something before turning into a grimace, a grimace full of disgust and repudiation.

Lucifer denied, if it were perhaps Naruto, even Lilith whom that child had hit, I would not expect anything bad... but it touched Gabriel, Gabriel who does not differentiate and Hates everything not Angel or related to Them, poor thing.

A vein appeared in Gabriel's neck, this... This... This Disgusting being dared to touch it and...

Give me back...

Millicas didn't finish when he saw Mrs. Angel's palm in front of his face curiously.

Gabriel: " Purification "... - he whispered with his deep voice.



Venelana screamed with pure horror marked on her face as she saw how her grandson was surrounded by Luz, while screaming in Agony.

Issei as well as Draig gasped without believing what they saw, as did the others.


Naruto watched impassively as the boy screamed until he exploded into ashes that fell to the ground but still, it didn't faze him.

Naruto: well... One less... - she said calmly with Gabriel nodding when the vein in her neck receded, feeling calmer although later she would have to change her clothes.

Irina, Jeanne and Morgana were not fazed by what happened for their own reasons, since the first I hope so, she herself would have done the same.

Metatron and Sariel downplayed it.

The only one who denied was Lucifer, about how there were foolish beings who couldn't just see how dangerous Gabriel looks and speaking of that... She would have been a great demon in her time, She is more than sure.

Silence surrounded the two parties...


A purely demonic roar was heard as Sirzechs' power burst outwards followed by that of his fellow Maous with Serafall shedding a few Tears at the loss.


The multiple powers erupted brutally.

Being that Satan smiled and began to walk towards the front.

Satan: Although I will not be your King... I can well Teach you your Place ... - said the little black-haired man who walks towards the front calmly, while a dark Aura begins to come out of him and his eyes shine crimson.

Irina smiled looking at her "wayward friend", she will see how strong he is.

Jeanne still began to walk towards the front while a golden aura surrounded her and when she disappeared, a silver armor remained in its place along with a spear in her hand.

Sariel and Metatron were also surrounded by their shining Angelic Armors.

Naruto, Gabriel and Lucifer looked at everything unperturbed although Naruto raised an eyebrow in curiosity at the redhead who stares at him next to that black haired woman, there is something there... "desire?"

Naruto will ask them well since he released Gabriel.


A strange red being jumped at an impressive speed in their direction but was tackled by Satan halfway along the way, just like the others who came who were turned back.


Naruto: go, have fun Lucifer, Gabriel but, you know... not everyone, just purify Half... - He said softly to the two who nodded, leaving Naruto alone, since Morgana, like Sariel and Metatron, who already know their Orders had jumped into the "battle".



The Chaos quickly began as Naruto looked at that redhead and black-haired woman coming in his direction, although not with the intention of fighting it seemed.


The devil called out to Naruto's curiosity, while the young black-haired girl covered her Friend's Back.

Naruto: I am... you are Rias and Akeno... - He mentioned calmly and the devil and Half-Blood nodded with curiosity because He knows about them and their names.

Naruto: Are you coming to surrender?... - I ask both of them curiously.

Rias: and... I...


A scream was heard when Rias saw her cousin coming in her direction with a serious look, and Akeno also noticed that.

Naruto moved his head slightly up under his robe as Luz surrounded the black-haired boy, turning him into ashes in the middle of his run.


A scream full of horror rang out but it was not Naruto's attention that he turned to see the devils in front of him.

Naruto: You... you like to scream a lot ... - He muttered softly, looking at the shocked Rias and Akeno... "Why does she lick her lips?"


Unknown place.

In what appears to be a multicolored space, you can see a gigantic red dragon lying on the floor of said space, as well as a small black-haired girl floating upside down.

" Grrr ...

The gigantic dragon growled looking at the small figure who was looking at a Sphere in his hand, being none other than the Cause of Him Being Like This.

Being that the small figure that Shows a Woman with large horns and dragonlike features looked in the direction of the Great dragon with a smile.

"Don't look at me like that little girl... it's nothing personal, I just can't let you hit him from behind... He... is the salvation of this World... you don't know it but you would have screwed everything up if you continued Go ahead... He... is the Chosen One better than Elohim...

The Woman vaguely explained her point to the Great Dragon who growled again.

"You would have approached to talk to Him, you know that you need Him to live and be strong, He does not need you and... he is going to begin.

The unknown Woman again saw the Sphere that Shows Naruto who has that red demon in front of Him, ha , This is going to be good just like the fight of the Sekiryuutei Boy who has his Childhood Friend in front of Him, A battle between Childhood Friends... Interesting.












"About Gabriel, I gave them her personality. She's just not going to take a turn, no matter if she's a kid."

Rias... cannon, She is an Envious, Selfish demon and The strongest sin in Her is her desire! in case They expected more reaction from Her... She will simply look for Her first before the others.