
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · Anime et bandes dessinées
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58 Chs

Chapter 16

Human World - England - Pendragon Manor.

Outside a large Ancient-looking Mansion for the current modern human era but no less beautiful was where Irene, Artoria and Mordred appeared with the Last One having in her hands a box in which she has her new pets which she collected in the Underworld and They seem to sleep.

Irene contemplated with her gaze how large the Mansion is where around it there are only Ectarias of the Pendragon House which isolates it a little from the human population where the civilian population closest to the Pendragon territory that Irene can feel is a little away. large radius of distance from the Place, so there are no problems in teleporting during the day to the territory of your " Friend/rival ", which is also private in the human sphere, and not even human Planes can pass over Pendragon territory, something of which which Artoria was in charge of carrying out with some laws and Orders, not for nothing does it control the entire United Kingdom, which is a center of economic and cultural influence worldwide and with which few would like to go against due to its Alliances with large countries.

"Will you stay there to contemplate the Entrance of My House?"

Artoria asked Irene curiously, taking her out of her thoughts as she walked towards the door of her Mansion which was opened by one of her attentive Maid, this being a young brunette with short hair that reached her shoulders and brown eyes. who wears the normal clothing of a Maid or maid as it is called in other Places.

"Welcome Lady Artoria, Lady Modred, Lady Irene."

The Maid greeted her ladies, stepping aside while she received a slight nod from everyone in recognition and Artoria was the first to pass followed by Irene who decided to answer her question.

Irene: your house is truly beautiful and it never ceases to amaze me... - She responded calmly, following her Friend, while Modred followed them both behind, entering the Oriental-looking Mansion, as the door was closed by the Maid who returned. to perform their tasks.

Artoria and her group continued walking until they reached the Stairs that would take them to the upper floor and it was here that Modred deviated from the group in the direction of the large kitchen to look for tuna and milk for her cats who seemed hungry and had just opened the door not seconds ago. her beautiful golden eyes both.


Irene looked askance at little Pendragon who turned in another direction and proceeded to climb the stairs following her friend, sure that she was going to her office, but as she followed her she couldn't help but contemplate the beautiful appearance of the Las Pendragon mansion, which did not She gets tired of seeing and being amazed even though she has only entered This house or Mansion twice before and this Current one, which would count as the third time she has done so.

Irene knows that the mansion is something simple to look at like any other mansion of some rich family in the human world but this one has something different from all of them, even Some mansions of supernatural families that she met before, This Mansion has Ancient objects from all over even from Both Worlds, Books and materials from ancient times, Objects from Fallen dynasties from centuries ago that are seen only as decoration even with how Strange and striking they are, her Dragon side asks her to claim said objects for Her but she knows that it would be something unpleasant to do with his cold and strange rival and he also likes him even with his personality.

"If you are worried about those two strangers being with my daughter, you shouldn't. Modred is strong and intelligent and very capable of treating them both, although from the looks of them it seems that those Girls don't have any strength to even Oppose an average human." .

Irene heard Artoria say that she still turned her back on him and continued on her way towards her Office, being that she could see her, already at the end of the hallway, up to This same hallway is beautiful because of the strange frames on the walls.

Irene smiled.

Irene: So you noticed them... - I told him calmly, not trying to correct him, that he was observing his beautiful Mansion and he still felt that the little Nekoshou are not a Threat, although their race is Interesting and Strange... Like a Mutation among Nekomatas I had heard about this and seen two before but I did not pay much attention to them, which now I could do with these two girls to learn more about this species, of course, if their new owner allowed it.

Artoria glanced over her shoulder at Irene before continuing walking.

Irene pouted.

Irene: Although you are Interesting in my Eyes, you are still very cold Artoria, if you want better relationships you should learn to treat your Friends better.. - He told her and the Pendragon raised her shoulders without Importance arriving at the door of her Office, the which he opened by rotating the Door Handle while removing his Hood and throwing it aside on one of the armchairs in the room.

Irene still happened to look at the typical normal desk as always, along with some furniture around it followed by some nice frames on the walls of the room which make reference to the silly human art. She is not very fond of art.

Artoria: can you sit... - she said while sitting calmly in one of her armchairs and crossing her legs, now showing the clothes she is wearing, being that she is wearing a normal short white blouse with straps that seem to support her perfect breasts, not even so neither big nor small, leaving her flat abdomen visible because of how short her blouse is, she has black shorts that reach up to her thighs, showing her long and beautiful legs, and lastly she has normal black boots to match.

Irene internally contemplated the sensuality that her Friend gives off even in her normal civilian clothes, that together with her disinterested look and her hair tied up in a bun with some strands falling in various directions, She would easily make many fools drool, since Artoria does not enter In The Exaggerated rank not much of a single thing with her beauty, but rather that She is perfect and has an almost unreal resemblance to Mordred, her hair and appearance although Mordred needs to develop more and the latter presents a rebellious attitude where Artoria shows the attitude of a cold Queen.

Artoria raised a curious eyebrow at her Friend's gaze on her.

Artoria: is something wrong?... - She asked her with her soft but firm voice worthy of a Queen and Irene could point out that, Artoria lacks nothing to be Una, hell, She is already definitely Una and not just in title , a shame he didn't want to share much of his past.

Irene shook her head, coming out of her contemplation and taking a seat in a comfortable armchair in front of Artoria.

Irene: no, nothing and what we talked about... " sigh "... I would like to help you... but... no . I'm sure I can manipulate the sacred Energy as I wish and even less in seals... yes I had enough power I could use it to overload said energy and break the seal whatever you want to break... if you would just give me more details and not keep everything in the Dark I could help better by understanding and not just being blind... - He now said seriously to Artoria who sighed.

Artoria wrinkled her mouth in a slight grimace, she thought that Irene could help her... Tsk ... She can but... she doesn't know whether to trust Her... with Naruto she doesn't want to take risks and Morgana is good at Magic of course... but not so much at the level of Irene who is self-taught and also her sister and the Energy of Light now do not go together for some reason that her sister does not want to reveal to her but after it does not become a problem for her she does not will push

Artoria didn't understand why Irene couldn't simply create a spell for Her that would combat the sacred... Something like an " Absolute cancel ", capable of breaking sacred seals, since that is the power that God handles or wielded and which He used to taking Naruto away from Ella, according to the small visions he had in his dreams is a complex but powerful seal made by God.

Irene: If you at least tell me who I think He is...

Artoria: It's a seal that the biblical god created... I just need a silly piece of paper that can combat that... - He responded seriously, making Irene open her beautiful eyes in surprise for a second, she didn't understand what Artoria was looking for or what. was his Objective but Including the God of the Bible now has his full attention.

Irene: tell me everything and maybe I can help you with this... - He said seriously, crossing his legs and Artoria groaned with Annoyance but at least she was going to trust this Largarto for The Moment, since she is the one who most Adjusts with what she needs and it is somewhat true that she was not being rational with her request, since she gave no clues about anything and yet she wanted her help on Something that the Lizard did not understand.

Artoria prepared to reveal part of her objective.

Ground floor - Kitchen Living Room .

Sitting at the Dining Table, Mordred could be seen, now without his hood, wearing simple and light civilian clothes, as he has his gaze focused on two small cats that are on the table. One is eating tuna, this being the cat with dark fur. and the Other, the smallest one with white fur, is drinking milk from a small bowl while the dark-furred cat watches her.

Mordred sighed and leaned back in his chair as he silently watched his new pets silently feed themselves with his beautiful green eyes watching their movements before diving into his mind.

Mordred [ father ]... - she thought about her father that she still doesn't know, she doesn't even know what his face looks like, something that at least she wants to know, do what humans do with their parents, play, run and make them feel proud of that. It's what She wants.

Mordred began to remember a little of his life, which has been a bit monotonous with the passing of time, nothing is so... Interesting, at least in the first and second World War that happened a few years ago, he doesn't remember how many, no. Does it matter, they were Interesting times when She went out to Murder indiscriminately to satisfy her desire to fight a little, perhaps she must have continued supporting the Nazi Leader so that The World would dive deeper into Darkness and find it Interesting, since those two Wars They were the only ones in which his Mother gave him permission to participate anonymously.

Mordred[ hmn... maybe I should have done that ]... - she thought, remembering her time at war and how she was a little underestimated because of her height by her fellow Nazis, but her skill with weapons and pistols helped her avoid it. They were seen as a girl, although also due to the fact that their tortures were some of the most brutal carried out in the concentration camps that even shocked their companions.

Mordred who was still remembering suddenly felt a Strange tug in his mind and a sudden revelation came to him that he was not the Only One.

Artoria who was also talking to Irene on the second floor of the Mansion also felt the same as Mordred but with Her it was more Specific.

"Father?/Naruto... 13 years old."

In some place.

In what seemed to be a Place surrounded by Infinite darkness with a single ray of Light Illuminating it, a pair of golden dots could be seen appearing.

"Heh... Time is running out."

A Strange voice between deep and then soft was heard among the darkness while the golden dots began to disappear again and the darkness once again dominated the place.

Returning to Artoria .

The Pendragon had a smile, no, a big smile on her face at the revelation that had just enlightened and explained to her, part of the gift that Naruto gave her and it is about Naruto because she is happy.

Irene looked with an eyebrow raised in curiosity, The biggest smile she had ever seen on her always cold and distant Friend.

Irene let her be for a few minutes, then she would ask her what was happening or what broke her rival's mask.

Artoria[ 13 years old, Eh,... The disappearance of God made the seal that he placed on Naruto with his own Essence begin to eat away with time and also to come undone... since it was made with his Essence and Aura. the only one capable of subjecting Naruto to something that no normal seal could do, but since He was not there... it began to give way, I didn't wait for that... well, I'll have to tell Morgana to stop her Experiments with that Angel we took and so on. beings... are no longer necessary and neither will Iré's help... no, He... will appear in The Underworld and there will be those Annoyances that can appear and try to make a play... "he sighed"... well... Irene can continue to serve me ]... - thought the Pendragon in a somewhat frivolous way, She never became attached to anyone other than her Family and Friendship? That doesn't matter to her, Naruto does... her friend and companion is all the Friendship you need and will need.

Irene: can I...


The Dragon Queen was interrupted by the sudden scream and watched as Mordred appeared with her two cats in hand looking with an Excited look at her Mother who nodded with a smile of her own that seemed to Excite the youngest of the Pendragons.

Artoria: 13 years... That's how long it will take... - She told her daughter who nodded with a smile of her own.

Mordred: We have to prepare and prepare everything for her arrival... and not have any inconvenience... - She told him and Artoria nodded with a happy smile that her daughter thought the same as Ella.

Irene: I kind of got lost... can someone explain to me, what's happening?... - I ask with curiosity about this whole Mystery.

Artoria smiled and proceeded to be a little, just a little more open that she would need his help and she hoped to have it for Irene's curiosity and that later everything would be Explained.

The two cats in Mordred's Hands shared looks just as curious as Irene to know what was happening and who their new owners were.

And so the passage of time continued calmly and happily for the Pendragons who could not wait. The 13 years would quickly pass for the revelation that came to them to be fulfilled, that their dream and goal would finally be fulfilled after so many centuries being the Most Excited Mordred and Artoria.

Morgana, Guinevere and Jeanne were also curious to finally meet who had fallen in love with Artoria in such a way that she thought of nothing but him and Jeanne to meet her lord.

Irene Silvo curious and Shocked, She was going to meet none other than God's firstborn, The real one, Who was never spoken of.

Kuroka and Shirone , as the two Nekoshou became known with Time to their new Mistresses, also showed signs of curiosity to meet their "Master", who is a descendant of none other than the God Himself of the Bible as they had heard, being that Mordred did not leave them at all and always took them everywhere in their Meetings so they were able to learn more about their family and what they are looking for, their family was aware of Them which led to their revelation of themselves but nothing changed, Them They were already part of the Pendragon family yes or yes, due to their knowledge, Kuroka caught the background of his words but did not give it any importance. She, like her little sister, are happy with their strange family.

Being that Irene, Kuroka and Shirone were the only ones with knowledge of Naruto after the Pendragon, since they did not want attention until Naruto was on their side, being that so much talking about it began to eat away at the trio of girls with curiosity. for meeting him and they entered the same ship as Mordred and Artoria who could not wait to spend the missing years.

But as the Pendragon hoped the passage of time would continue to finally have with them what they had long awaited, the world, both human and supernatural, also continued its course of time with some shocking events arriving.

Being that finally, in centuries came what is known as the first Great Summit between the Three Great Biblical Factions , where both the Leaders of Demons, Angels and Fallen Angels met to talk about peace, A historic day in The World supernatural for being the first great meeting between these three factions that previously had bad blood between them and participated between them in two great wars which they do not do today.

The meeting could not be more historic, since just as the Leaders of their respective Factions met for the first time, so did the bearers of the Celestial Dragons, since these Dragons in the past interrupted the second Great Biblical War and pushed the Three Same Factions to make a Truce just to deal with them and although they lost they were Immortalized as the Greatest Dragons yet below the Dragon Gods no less.

Since the Meeting was completed but it was also Interrupted by those who did not want the Alliance between these three Factions to take place and for the second time, the Alliance between these three Factions fought together against the rebels, defeating them and, in the process, murdering the Original descendant of the Maou Leviathan, Katerea Leviathan, who was the leader of this revolt and a renegade from the demonic faction, and after said event it was revealed that one of the Celestial Dragons was a traitor, this being the white Celestial Dragon, better known as the Hakuryuukou. , but that was not the only revelation, but that this is also a mix between human, Dragon and Demon but not just any Demon, but a descendant of Himself, Lucifer, The Original King of Demons.

Then came the Fight between The Hakuryuukou and The Sekiryuutei who was in favor of peace since the latter is affiliated with the Demons.

The Fight was Interesting and Intense and in the end there was no winner, nor did it escalate further between both Dragons, since The Hakuryuukou withdrew and the Alliance between the Three Great Factions was signed to the surprise of the Supernatural World by the Advancement of These Three Factions.

Time continued and the Alliance between the biblical people seemed to continue and be more solid than expected, since a few months after signing their Alliance, they were already preparing another Alliance with the Asgardians no less and this meeting would take place in the Underworld with The Father of Asgard, The Great Odin.

And time continued and the day of the meeting arrived, being the same day as the meeting of the Young heirs of the demonic houses of the Underworld, everything was normal until an Unexpected Guest arrived trying to avoid the Alliance with the Asgardians, this being the son minor of Odin, Loki Himself , The God of Deception.

The God Fights and Attempts to escalate his struggle only to be subjected to a seal of part from one of the Underworld Maous, in Specific Kill Beelzebub , The second most powerful Demon of the Underworld.

The Demons sealed the "God" and sent him to a remote part of the Underworld before discussing with the other Leaders and Odin Himself what he had to do against the God who would free himself from his seal in a few hours, and everyone decided to leave that a certain Gremory group, Sitri and Odin's Companion, will take care of the God until the Weapon arrives that will help send him to a prison in Asgard for his fault and also in this group was the Exponent and pillar of the Alliance, the Sekiryuutei, Hyoudo Issei.

Current Events - Underworld.

And so we see the group Sitri, Gremory and Odin's Companion in a desolate part of the Underworld covered with small Mountains Waiting for the Liberation of the God of Deception while they plan among themselves how to proceed, without knowing that they are seen by the Leaders of the Alliance, the Young Demonic Heirs plus The Same Council.

The Gremory and Sitri group, which are mainly made up of the little Sisters of the Current Maous, Rias Gremory and Sona Sitri along with their nobility as they plan their steps and strategies suddenly stopped and looked in one direction like the Only Asgardian. .


"I'm sorry too, Sona."

The two Kings of their nobility looked at a specific small hill and their pieces followed their gaze before seeing how a small portal opened and from it several unknown Girls began to emerge who gave off strange but powerful auras that made their hair stand on end. to the demons and surprised the Asgardian.

The leaders of the Alliance, who also watch everything through a portal, raised their eyebrows in curiosity about The New Unexpected group, wondering what they were doing or what they were looking for or were going to support Loki or had a relationship with him.

From the portal came Artoria, wearing her Full Body Armor without her helmet, having her arms crossed and a calm look.

The Queen of Camelot was followed by Irene, who surprised several who knew her, since behind her Mordred appeared with her Armor but like her Mother without her helmet.

Then Morgana Le Fay came out with her witch costume similar to Irene's followed by Guinevere who wears a simple dress and Jeanne who wears her Armor with which she fought for her lord and a flag that Now said, " Naruto/God is my Strength " This was followed by Kuroka and Shirone, both with their Nekoshou features visible, both wearing similar Kimonos that left little to Kuroka's imagination.

Tamamo no Mae was the last to leave the portal that closed behind her, shocking several who knew her.

The imposing group did not move from its place for a few seconds.

Artoria: there is coming... - she said calmly and suddenly, out of nowhere, the sky of the Underworld changed from its greenish color to an Intense Blue in its entirety as if it were, The same sky of the human world and to everyone's surprise a Sun Illuminating The Place followed, while strange particles of Light began to fall in front of the unknown group and began to take shape.

Artoria smiled.

Mordred followed with barely contained excitement.

The Demons did not know what was happening but certain Leaders who saw what shape those particles began to take, their Hearts stopped.


"It just can't be...











Well, to begin with, Artoria's actions and way of being, She was and is A King, Queen... She knows everything Dark about being one and what she did, she does not treat anyone as Friendship but as Usefulness to free Naruto , your first Friend, guide and companion.

Irene considers her a Friend and Rival for beating her one on one and cutting her off.

Artoria slightly has the gift of Clairvoyance, seeing the future in part and receiving revelations, something that was given to her by Naruto.

The liberation of Himself as Explained, God did not set time on it, only God living could retain it in his Experimental seal, upon death, The seal began to deteriorate, since it was maintained with the Essence and power of God... A seal very different from that of The Trihexa, so Naruto could be Free and Artoria, no longer needing to sacrifice his close ones and Friends... Queen, is in line with Cold, brutal, without Empathy, since being King is not only about giving candy and everyone happy has its dark side.

The rest will be explained slowly.

I liked this time skip and not only skip everything, but explain slight events of what happens.