
Naruto: Ghost Of Snow

A young board of directors of a company is killed and transmigrated in the body of Haku just when his mother was killed. This fanfic will be about the journey of Haku and using his potential. Warning: 1) Mc won't be op asf at the start. (No S-rank mc at like chapter 50) 2)No harem (And probably no romance) 3)Also MC is a free-spirited person and might sound hypocritical sometimes too. 4)Killing and a lot of killing. (The villain and dark tag are there) What to expect: 1)Original arcs 2)Smart Mc 3)Mc trains and explores a lot Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or its characters (except the OCs created by me). I found the cover picture in the internet so if you are the artist and want it taken down just comment on the latest chapter.

Voidgod · Anime et bandes dessinées
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17 Chs

Yuki Clan's Compound

Haku woke up really early in the morning, the sun's rays hadn't even arrived yet.

He skipped his exercise for today and went straight to eating fish!

After about an hour, he readied his weapons and clothes and started water walking towards the island of eternal snow— the island of the Yuki clan's compound!

He guessed that the island was probably looted on the surface level but he was almost sure that there was a secret compartment no one had found. 

And to open it, he needed the blood of a pure enough Yuki Clan member! He guessed that there were probably jutsus and other clan history stuff placed in there.

This was obviously not a new thing. Even in his previous world, there was a bunker full of seeds of almost all plants to use in case they go extinct. Haku was really hopeful about the prospects of the island!


Haku had been running for half a day already. He hadn't really encountered any living beings except some curious dolphins following him for a while.

But that was about to change as he saw a large wooden ship with a flag of a shark approaching him from a distance. 

He could see a few people standing on its deck. They had already noticed him and he was also moving towards them as the island was in that way. Avoiding confrontation with these pirates was impossible!

Yes! Pirates. The sea near the land of water was riddled with pirates, who usually looted civilian ships. But if they see a lonely ninja, they wouldn't mind getting some free explosive tags!

Meanwhile, in that pirate ship, a few muscular men were screaming at each other!

"It's a kid ninja!! Call the captain you bastards!"

"I was gonna do it anyway, ya bald fuck!!"

"Huh! A fat fuck doesn't deserve me to call me bald!"

"What did you say you bald…"

"Shut up you two." A hoarse voice announced. 

"" Yes Captain!"'

"Pass me the binoculars!" The man stretched his hand as someone gave him a pair of binoculars.

Looking through it, "Hmm. The kid looks pretty young. Probably a genin. The demand for ninja slaves is always high."

The man stretched his arms and cracked his knuckles. "Isn't that right? Vice-captain."

He looked behind him where there was a man, silently standing.

"Yes. Kid looks good too. He is gonna sell for good. Maybe we should send him to our main fleet and let them sell him?"

"We will think about that after we capture him." The captain grinned.

After a while.

"He is approaching. The prey is almost here."

But suddenly, thick mist rose from the sea reducing the visibility to almost zero.

The pirates started screaming in confusion.

"Where did this come from!"

"Captain! Save us from this mist!"

'I have heard of this jutsu. This is one of the signature jutsus of hidden mist! The main fleet told me and the vice-captain about this. He should use wind jutsu anytime soon to disperse this!'

Haku on the other hand had already heard the vice-captain performing hand signs for the wind jutsus.

'I need to kill that guy first.'

Haku jumped over the ship and quickly approached the sound. He appeared behind the vice-captain and still silently stabbed the guy's throat— Killing him.

Now, that the main threat was neutralized, Haku was going to test a new jutsu of his.

He made a hand sign with one hand and made a bowl-like structure with the same hand and blew air quickly in the "bowl".

'Ice release: frost breath jutsu!'

"""AAAAAAHHH""" screams ran throughout the ship as some pirates were frozen whilst some others directly breathed in the frost, which led to their lungs being frozen.

Haku once again focused on his hearing, trying to find survivors among the thick mist.

He heard a slight ice-cracking sound from a direction.

'That must be another ninja of This ship.' 

He ran towards the sound. And while looking at the scared man he made an icicle and made it Pierce the man's heart.

The last thing the pirate captain saw was a small ghost-like figure looking at him coldly while he tried to resist his icy fate.


The mist died down.

"Well. That was surprisingly easy. Looks like they were pirates for nothing." Haku looked at the destruction he caused.

All of the pirates were frozen with layers of ice and frost forming over their skin. Some of the ice had even entered their nose, harming their lungs.

Making the frost enter the nose of Ninja's was hard but to do so with civilians was really easy. The active chakra in Ninja's body tends to resist the outside chakra seeking to harm the body.

'They should have some good food right?'

They did. Haku enjoyed his food that day.


More than 12 hours later, A boy was running on the water looking slightly tired. But he looked happy too! Because there was an island covered in snow and still slightly snowing In Front of him! 

The Yuki clan's island!

He entered the island from a snowy shore. The island was quite small. After running among the trees on the island, he could already see the ruins of the Yuki Clan.

The black and white houses made a traditional Japanese styles, were mostly broken. The ones in the best condition had doors and windows broken and a broken wall or two here and there.

That was for the houses in the outer place of the compound. As for the houses deeper in the compound… most of them were almost razed. They were a mere shell of their former shell.

But among the ruined houses, there was one slightly larger house with multiple floors and having great length, still standing.

Haku found the main entrance and entered the main house. He searched almost every room that looked important enough but he didn't find the pedestal. 

The main house was square with a hollow in the middle for a glorious-looking ice fountain.

He searched through most of the important-looking rooms on the three floors of the rooms in the square shape.

'Ugh. Did that woman trick me? Why can't I find the pedestal? It's not even near the fountain. Not good, I need to search again from the start.'

This time haku started looking in seemingly normal locations. And he finally found it!

A seemingly normal-looking pedestal, in a random bedroom, with a rose made of ice placed in a vase on top of it.

The more he looked at the pedestal, the more he felt that it was completely normal and that he should ignore it. But he knew that was not the case!

He approached the pedestal, removed the ice rose, and put a drop of his blood above it.

Nothing happened.

Guys no chapter for the next 3 days or 2 days if things go right. I will still try to maintain the normal 5/week for this week as much as possible.

Voidgodcreators' thoughts