
Is the basics hard?.



"Why isn't anything happening?" Eiji was frustrated; he couldn't perform the most basic Jutsu.

"You're terrible, Eiji-ni," Kakashi said, standing next to him with a disdainful look at his brother. He was getting back at him for the sweets!

"You're not doing any better than me either; you suck!" he yelled at his brother, pointing a finger.

Sakumo was all smiles for his two children; they were doing it right, but at the same time wrong.

They were able to perform something that required many, if not all, weeks of training in such a short time that it was irrational and unfair to most ninjas who worked hard and didn't even get 50% of their results.

"Looks like you won't be enrolling in the academy apparently; I won't even need to make a training regimen for you," he commented quietly, wanting to tease these talented brats.

'Eiji's body has a lot of endurance... It seems to rival that of the Uzumaki.'

He also has a strong body; when he plays with the kids, he hardly gets tired as well. What am I going to do with him? Sakumo had several hypotheses about this; it must be something related to his extinct clan.

"Come here, Kashi-ni, we have to show this old man who won't get into the academy," getting annoyed with Sakumo's comment, their father, the duo united against him.

Sakumo, seeing this, began to laugh.

"Are we doing something wrong? What did you try to do, Kashi?" Eiji asked his brother; something must be wrong.

"When I tried to transform, I imagined something and released my chakra, but I couldn't finish the Jutsu and ended up getting tired," it was making him exhausted, and he even felt a bit of pressure.

"Now I see!" Eiji snapped his fingers while exclaiming; he figured out the problem.

"What?" Kakashi looked strangely at his brother.

"We're fools! The problem is that we're not imagining enough, and it's not just expelling the chakra from the body, we must shape the chakra around it and use the imagined transformation!" He quickly concluded how to use the Jutsu correctly.

"That old man didn't give us any hints on how to do Jutsu. Let's make him pay and teach us how to spit fireballs!" Eiji shouted with his hands in the air.

Kakashi was already used to his brother's antics, but he couldn't help but wonder why he wanted to spit fire; lightning was cooler!

The only way is lightning!

Sakumo just continued laughing heartily.

"Don't laugh, old man; today you'll witness the incredible me, Eiji Hatake-sama!" Eiji boasted, hands on his hips and chest puffed out.

"Ready, Kashi-ni?" He exchanged glances with Kakashi, and the latter just nodded, but it was easily noticed by them that under the mask, he was smiling.

[Transformation Jutsu]

The two turned into Sakumo Hatake. Sakumo's eyes widened; he didn't think they would do it so quickly; his estimate was three days. Although it was an easy Jutsu, it wasn't supposed to be THAT easy... They only took one day; there were still two days left.

To tease the youngsters a bit more: "Great, but you know? You've only learned one Jutsu; there are two more, and the deadline is after tomorrow," he said while looking into their eyes.

Eiji and Kakashi smiled, exchanging glances, and began forming hand seals.

[Tiger → Boar → Ox → Dog]

[Clone Jutsu]

A copy of both appeared at their sides. It was amazing how two geniuses could be born together; the ninja world would be turned upside down by these two, that's what Hatake thought.

He would have to be more discreet; Danzo lurked, always trying to get his hands on promising young ones.

"They are truly talented, but this could boost their egos and unnecessarily inflate their self-confidence. I need to crush that early; such a thing can end up digging its own grave. Also, Danzo... I've always been for Konoha and would die for it, but if he dares to touch them..."

"Surprised, old man?" Boasting of his achievements, it was truly incredible for someone of four years.

"Dad, now there's only one Jutsu left, besides the academy. You said you would train us and teach us Kenjutsu," Kakashi reminded his father of his promise to him. Being taught by his father and trained in something his father was the best at was the best thing he could ask for.

"I'll keep my word, don't worry, Kakashi," promises were something that could never be broken; that's how it worked in the Hatake household.

"I'm looking forward to learning!" Kakashi was completely excited about the idea.

"Do you want to learn Kenjutsu with me, Eiji?" He would obviously teach both, but he had to confirm that Eiji wanted to learn too.

"I do, but there's a small problem," Eiji said hesitantly.

Curious about what it would be, Sakumo asked, "And what would that be?"

"I want to learn Kenjutsu, but I want to learn with a weapon a little different from yours. Have you ever heard of a Katana?"

Katana? He had heard of such a weapon; ninjas usually used a tantō, or a short sword, kunai, bokken... usually used by samurais, so ninjas usually refused to use it.

Curious about this sudden request, Sakumo asked curiously, "Why do you want to learn with a katana?"

At this point, Eiji hesitated a bit, as he reincarnated in this world, he noticed something, and it was his very peculiar appearance. There was no way he could be wrong or mistaken about this.

He looked extremely identical to a character he played years ago, Lass, the son of Hanos (from Grand Chase), also known as a circus doll or Cazeaje's servant, a character from an extremely popular computer game in his country.

He was the best PVP player in this game, playing with his two favorite classes, ninja and destroyer. He always liked their techniques and sword skills. Since then, he decided to do something similar and being trained by the best Kenjutsu user only strengthened his idea.

But he couldn't tell him that, so... "I heard that there are ninjas who use sticks, damn it. I even heard that the Hokage practically uses a piece of wood to fight."

*Cough, cough*

Sakumo choked on his own saliva after Eiji's comment about the Hokage; indeed, he was taller than him, and he was also quite wide, but... wait... he really looks... Why hadn't he thought of that?

Ignoring Sakumo's thoughts and his reaction, Eiji continued, "So, since I heard about this sword at the Higurashi shop, and they showed me a picture of it there, I decided I want to learn with a katana!" Eiji's voice at the end hardened and was firm; he wanted to show his conviction and his desire to learn with the katana.

"Learning to wield such a weapon will be difficult, and you won't have time to regret it. Are you sure?" Sakumo locked eyes with Eiji and exerted a bit of pressure.

Feeling a weight on his shoulders, Eiji understood that this was a test and didn't hesitate. Being firm in what he wanted, he replied firmly, "It's what I want, father."

Nodding and dispelling the insignificant intent he threw at him, showing a gentle and peaceful smile, he said, "One Jutsu remains."

"But what are we going to replace?" Kakashi asked.

"Look around you, there are trees, rocks, branches; you can even use the grass, everything in your field of vision works," Sakumo explained. He already realized there was no need to drag it out.

[Substitution Jutsu]


Soon, the two youngsters exchanged places, one behind a rock, the other behind a branch.

"Dad, I have a request after hearing about your sword."

"And what would that be?"

"Can you give me a chakra katana? Just like your tantō?" I really didn't want a normal sword; it wouldn't be able to use elemental Jutsu on it to implement my ideas.

I needed to focus on something to develop, as I don't have a concrete idea to activate my lineage... However, if it's like the original, I just have to enter a state of extreme rage; that's not easy.

It must be similar to an Uchiha from what I can conclude. Sighing in his mind, he couldn't help but complain; it wasn't something he wanted to go through.

"It will be a bit costly, but I can do that. Consider it a graduation gift from the academy; I'll give you one too, Kakashi, you don't need to look at me with those eyes."

"Who's looking at you? Hn, baka!" Kakashi snorted while blushing; he hated it when they took advantage of him like that.

"Finish this already; it's getting dark, and I'm hungry," Sakumo complained as his stomach rumbled.

"Hahahahaha!" (2x)

[Substitution Jutsu]


I think I wrote about 4 chapters just today, I'm in a good mood. this is almost 2k words.

BrazilNobAutorcreators' thoughts
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