
Naruto : Black Rinne-Sharingan at the start

God's child killed a boy who was walking on the road of Manhattan. God realising it's his child's fault,so he gave 5 lucky draw to reincarnate the boy without any memories. Ding - Congratulations you have won the world 'Naruto' Ding - Congratulations you have won two Kekkei mōra (1. All killing ash bones.& 2. A pair of Black Rinnesharingan)

tiko_tiko · Anime et bandes dessinées
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44 Chs

A year with tremendous changes.

While meditating Fugaku talked with his son " Kyouske, we are Uchiha, Greatest and strongest Clan in the Shinobi world, Only Senju can compare with us but they have already become an old history do you understand?"

Kyouske closing his eye nodded.

Fugaku asked, "So what makes us so great?"

Kyouske said "Our eyes father "

Fugaku smilingly said " Yes, that's right, we possess the Sharingan eyes, look at me " then fugaku activated his 3 tomoe Sharingan.

Kyouske looking at his father's eyes was awed, at how cool those eyes were.

Fugaku continued" This is 3 tomoe Sharingan eyes, the highest level of Sharingan, your eyes are a little different but it's Sharingan too, Activate your eyes but try to use less and less Chakra to properly utilize it" Kyouske hearing his father's command activated his Sharingan.

His black eyes churned and 3 circles appeared in his eye. The first circle had 3 tomoe, Second and third circles were blank. Unlike Fugaku whose Sharingan was red, Kyouske's Sharingan was black and with a purple circle borderline.

Seeing Kyouske's eye Fugaku again felt these eyes were different but it's still Sharingan nonetheless.

Fugaku stood up and said " Alright stand up, I'll throw the shuriken into the wall, try to follow its movement"

Kyouske stood up and with an active Sharingan focused on his father's hand which held a shuriken.

Fugaku with extremely fast speed threw the Shuriken into the wall and the shuriken was a little plunged inside.

Fugaku asked, " Can you see the shuriken?"

Kyouske nodded his head and said " Yes, I can see it very clearly"

Fugaku nodding his head said, " We can see very high-speed things, very small things, even chakra flow to some extent, if someone looked into our eye we can also use Genjutsu to control them, We can copy any jutsu we see, be it Ninjutsu, Genjutsu or Taijutsu, do you understand?"

Kyouske was astonished at how powerful his clan is and how awesome they are, that's why every Uchiha had a proud face in his clan.

Kyouske nodding his head said " I understand father"

Fugaku smiled and said, " Alright, Let's see if you can touch me, remember our eyes show us everything we want to know at an extremely slow pace but we have to be in our best body shape to compliment our eyes" then he circled Kyouske, Which Kyouske saw with his eyes activated.

Fugaku seeing this said " Alright try to touch me "

Kyouske slowly extended his hand and touched Fugaku.

Fugaku who got touched stopped with a disbelieving face. He was trying to show his son, how with Sharingan you need to train your body first to catch up to your opponent but his son touched him when he was body flickering all around him.

Fugaku squinting his eyes said " Kyouske, Looks like your eyes are somewhat different"

Kyouske with a sad face asked, " Is it, bad father?"

Fugaku shaking his head smiled and said " No, on the contrary, it's good, alright let's see you dodge this kunai " then threw a kunai with tremendous speed at Kyouske, which Kyouske dodged quite easily.

Fugaku had a revelation and ecstatic face. He thought ' What's with this ability? it makes things slow for him, it's almost like he makes time to slow down for him to catch the object '

Fugaku did some more experiments until Kyouske's chakra finished using his Sharingan.

Fugaku concluded that Kyouske doesn't see things slowly but makes them slow for himself.

Fugaku smiled and took his son back to their home.

Fugaku thought ' This boy, his eyes are too precious '

When Kyouske woke up he was already in his new room lying down on the bed.

Kyouske got up and went towards the sliding gate of his room and opened it.

It was already night time and he felt extremely hungry so he went toward the dining room.

Recently Sasuke and Kyouske were drifting apart, Sasuke always ignored him which in return made him sad but he didn't do anything wrong so he can't even find an excuse to say sorry.

After seeing everyone was present in the dining room Kyouske entered, seeing him Mikoto smiled and said " Come in, you're awake already? mother was going to feed you in your room"

Kyouske hearing this wanted to return to his room but Fugaku laughed and stopped him.

After finishing his dinner Fugaku asked him to stay.

While Mikoto was cleaning the table Fugaku said " I'll teach you how to make your chakra pool bigger from tomorrow onwards, don't tell anyone about your eyes Kyouske, not even Itachi or Sasuke "

Kyouske nodding his head said " I understand father "

Fugaku smiled and said " Do you know why I am giving you so much time? "

Kyouske shaking his head said " No Father "

Fugaku said " You have unlocked your Sharingan at such early age, that I think you're the savior of our Clan Kyouske " Fugaku smilingly continued" Our Clan is so powerful that people are jealous of us and they have been jealous of us since the beginning of our clan Kyouske, don't worry if you can't handle the pressure father is with you ahahaha "

Mikoto smilingly said " Don't pressure him too much, he's still very young "

Fugaku smiled and said " Alright, Kyouske from tomorrow onwards I'll give you a routine to follow, you must make me proud, make Uchiha's name shine "

Kyouske with a motivated face replied" Yes father "

Mikoto and Fugaku smiled.

Kyouske as if hesitating but still asked very timidly "c... can... I grow my hair long? "

Hearing him Fugaku wanted to refuse as it was too much for the little Kyouske but Mikoto held Fugaku's hand and gestured him to stop and said" Kyouske, you can, mother will take care of your hair "

Seeing her mother's smile Kyouske happily went to sleep and as usual, Sasuke ignored him when he knocked on his door.

Kyouske didn't mind because he did nothing wrong, he was talented it's not his fault. Although he was a little sad because they were very close since childhood if Sasuke can ignore him this much Kyouske also can ignore him.

1 year later.

In a training field, a very beautiful long-haired Kyouske was running and practicing his Jutsu which his father has given him yesterday. He was now a lean and exquisite-looking little child.

His father has forbidden him from showing his eyes but he can still do a great amount of [Fire Style: Jutsu] He even used [ Fire Style: Fire clone Jutsu] which greatly surprised Fugaku.

His clones can self-destruct upon touching the enemies and setting them ablaze.

Today as he was practicing he felt something inside him wanted to come out so he called his father and Fugaku came in a hurry as Kyouske had never in his 1 year of practice called him from his office.

Kyouske said, " Father, something want's to come out of me, Should I do it here or ?"

Fugaku understanding said " let's go to the underground hideout"

Kyouske and Fugaku's bodies flickered and appeared in the underground tunnel which Fugaku created one year ago to hide Kyouske's secret.

Fugaku upon arriving said " Alright do it"

Kyouske's in return yelled a little then Fugaku's eye almost popped out because Kyouske pulled out a bone from his hand.

A white bone was coming out of Kyouske's palm and Fugaku touched it only to feel how strong it is, it was more firm than steel.

Kyouske explained how last week sometime in his training he felt this urge to grow his bone.

Fugaku smiled and said " It seems another Kekkei Genkai, wait here I'll come back " then disappeared from there.

Came back with a book in his hand while looking at the book he said " This is indeed a Kekkei Genkai but not of our clan and I don't know how you possess this ability, this is called"


" This ability is of the former Kaguya clan of Kirigakure, can you manipulate any bones of your body Kyouske?"

Kyouske noddingly said " Yes father, I can and I can extend any bones in my body "

Fugaku closing his book said " Don't show this ability to anyone, until you become a genin Kyouske "

Kyouske nodded in agreement.

Fugaku said seriously" From next year you're going to the academy, don't show any of your abilities to others, Just do a little well than Sasuke, We don't need another graduate in our house right now "

Kyouske nodding his head said " I understand father "

Fugaku smiled and said " Alright let's go to the training field show me your Kunai and shuriken practice "

Both of them came to the training ground and Fugaku handed Kyouske 10 kunai which Kyouske threw in a very short time and all of them were surrounding bullseye.

Seeing this Fugaku thought ' Born genius ahahaha"

Patting Kyouske's head he said " As expected of my boy ahahaha, alright from tomorrow onwards let's give you some free time until it's time for your school "

Kyouske with a saddened face asked, " So you're not going to teach me any more father?"

Fugaku smiled and said " Of course, I will but you have to enjoy and play with your friends, from tomorrow I am going to give you time to do that, Friends are very important you know Kyouske "

Kyouske happily nodded and remembered his first friend who was a cute looking girl with Platinum blonde hair.

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