

Watch as Naruto saves Uzushiogakure from destruction and its rise as the Sixth Great Nation. I do not own any NARUTO characters or anything related to it... I am just a fan that's want to write a fanfic... that's all.........

Pawan_Kumar_5909 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Timeline of Narutoverse Part-V



The First Shinobi World War ended with an armistice treaty, but also left the Five Great Shinobi Countries seriously wounded. The treaty led to a PERIOD of PEACE, but after about TEN years, the economic disparity between the countries would become a serious problem. The nations will began to form factions, and under the pretext of expending fair rights, the countries will started using military force to expand their territories. Thus, a world war started.

{{{A/N: According to Kishimoto, there was a peace of about TWENTY years inbetween the First and Second World War.

And Hiruzen died at the age of 69 due to using the Reaper Death Seal to seal away Shodai and Second Hokage.

Let's assume Hiruzen became Hokage at the age of 18.

69-18=51 years remaining.

There was a peace period of 20 years inbetween the First and Second World War.

51-20=31 years remaining.

Minato ruled Konoha around two years before dying due to using the Reaper Death Seal to seal away the Yin-Half of Nine-Tails. After that Naruto's graduated at the age of 12 years and 6months old and Konoha crush happened six months later. so 2+13=15

31-15=16 years remaining.

Now Kishimoto wants to warp the Second Shinobi World War, then peace period, then Third Shinobi World War within these 16 years. I don't think so it's possible because there must have atleast a peace period of Ten years inbetween them, otherwise the economy of the five great Nations will be crushed. And I don't think the Daimyō will agree to something like that. It will be like Warring States Period all over again. That's why i halved the peace period inbetween the First and Second War.}}}

24 AHV: Stabilization and Root


#The Shinobi World begins to stabilize and peace is once again achieved between the Nation's.

#Konohagakure emerged Victorious under the leadership of Hiruzen Sarutobi and were given following compensations:-

i) A part of land from Land of Earth.

{{{A/N: The same land that Ikkyū Madoka, the Fire Daimyō returns to Danjō, the Earth Daimyō; when Iwagakure plans to invade the Land of Flowers, to annex their fertile lands into the Land of Earth's territory.}}}

ii) Konohagakure gets back the ownership of the fertile land given to Sunagakure for farming.

iii) Konohagakure gets back the control of the Sea routes near the Land of Fire from Kirigakure.

iv) Compensation from Land of Lightning.

#With Hiruzen having beaten him to the title of Hokage, Danzō vows to someday attain the title himself and begins planning.

#Hiruzen gives permission to Danzō to create a more ruthless subdivision of the Anbu under his exclusive control, shortly after he became Hokage in order to balance the shortcomings of his empathetic rule.

#Danzo names his organisation 'Foundation' and it's members as Root.

#Danzo's learns about the Kinjutsu of Uchiha clan called Izanagi, when Kagami Uchiha uses it to save his life, astonishing Danzo himself.

#Danzo desires for a sharingan for himself, while developing his Root Division.

#Hiruzen forms 'The Civilian Council' and select Homura, Kohura and Danzō as 'The Go-Ikenban', the personal advisors of the Hokage.

{{{A/N: I highly doubt someone like Tobirama will integrate civilians in the ruling of a Shinobi villages considering his paramagnetic nature and him originating from Warring States Period.

The Root and Anbu division are still in their developing stages.}}}

#Academy Enrollment and Graduation age is lowered to fill-up the vaccum created due to the deaths of several Shinobis during the War.

#Enrollment of the Sanins in the academy.

#Shamon starts focusing all his efforts on strengthening Suna's military power through the use of puppets as a replacement for shinobi, and further developed a way for shinobi to fight with multiple partners(Puppet).

25 AHV: Death of Hashirama Senju


#Hashirama Senju finally succumbed to the fatal injuries he received during the Second Summit. The constant fight between Hashirama's innate Healing and the Chakra poisoning mutated and created an illness which resulted in his death.

{{{A/N: Hashirama didn't looked surprised when he was reanimated alongside his brother to fight Hiruzen so it means he must have mourned Tobirama's death.}}}

#Birth of Nawaki Senju.

#Hanzo rose to fame as Hanzō of the Salamanders and became well known and renowned throughout the shinobi world, so much that enemies have been known to flee at the very sight of him.

26 AHV: Graduation of Sanins


#The Sanins graduates from the academy at the age of 6.

#Tsunade learns many techniques from Uzumaki Mito on Healings and utilising chakra.

#Jiraya develops the Transparent Escape Technique during these years, while doing D-ranks mission, if you can call them missions.

#Orochimaru learns from his parents, while doing D-ranks mission.

#Hiruzen search the recent graduates to create his own team and the Land of Fire undergoes into an age of prosperity.

#Birth of Æ(Future Fourth Raikage).

27 AHV: Eight-Tails


#The Third Raikage  fights the Eight-Tails for the first time and was regarded as the strongest sheild throughout Kumogakure.

#After fighting the Eight-Tails, the Third Raikage  is inspired to develop the black lightning jutsu.

28 AHV: Team Hiruzen


#Hiruzen selects Jiraiya, Orochimaru and Tsunade as part of his Team.

#Jiraiya and Orochimaru learns under Hiruzen.

#Tsunade completes her training and joins Team Hiruzen.

#Team Hiruzen takes Bell Test.

#Sakumo receives the White Light Chakra Sabre.

#Shamon starts taking advantage of the surrounding desert terrain and strengthens the security of his village.

29 AHV: Professor


#Hiruzen learns about every jutsu that existed within Konoha and earns the moniker of 'Professor'.

#Tatsuma Aburame joins Root.

#Root has been formed.

#Death of Orochimaru's parents.

#Shamon also researched the Tailed Beasts with the intent of controlling Shukaku. He was the first to research the jinchūriki in an attempt to enhance the power of his village.

30 AHV: Economic Disparity


#Due to politics, poor policies, high taxation, persistent trade deficits, backlash from the previous war, revolutions, Industrialization, famines, depletion of important resources, and government-induced hyperinflation, overflow of shinobis, etc led the Great Nations on the doorstep of an economic disparity.

#After studying the jinchūriki of Shukaku of the time, Shamon gave that data to the Future Third Kazekage. The Future Third Kazekage became interested and began studying the Jinchuriki of One-Tails.

#Hanzō becomes the LEADER of Amegakure.

31 AHV: Cursed Tongue Eradication Seal


#Danzo starts his research on Cursed Seals.

#The Future Third Kazekage recreated Shukaku's sand-manipulating powers by combining his own magnetic chakra and iron powder, which produced the Iron Sand technique, astonishing Shamon.

#Shamon helps the future Third Kazekage in perfecting the fearsome Iron Sand technique.

#Danzo finally succeeded in his research and creates Cursed Tongue Eradication Seal to maintain secrecy.

32 AHV: Situation Worsen


#Economic disparity started becoming a serious problem for even the Five Great Nations.

#Land of the Sky emerges to challenge the Five Great Nations.

#Some lands started pressurising other countries with the threat of war if they did not hand over the disputed territory which they claimed as theirs by falsifying and claiming to have discovered old documents where a region of interest would be shown, to expand their own territories and to diminish the effects of economic disparity.

#Birth of Minato Namikaze

#Birth of Sasori

#Birth of Kushina Uzumaki.

#Shamon focuses Sunagakure in developing new ninjutsu like One's Own Life Reincarnation, etc; helping Sunagakure achieve ground breaking advancement, while the future Third Kazekage perfects the fearsome Iron Sand technique.

33 AHV: Assassinations and Skirmishes


#The nations began to form factions, and under the pretext of expending fair rights, the countries started using military force to expand their territories, resulting in skirmishes taking place all over the world.

#By this time, it became clear to every nation that the upcoming war is inevitable, they were only waiting to see who will pitch-in first.

#Death of Tsunade's parents and Kagami Uchiha during an escort mission.

#Death of Second Kazekage.

#Appointment of Third Kazekage.

34 AHV: Second Shinobi World War


#Death of the majority of remaining Senju clan due to the betrayal of Land of the Sky, at the hands of coalition of smaller villages seeking fame. This incident marked the official beginning of the Second Shinobi World War.

#As expected, Konohagakure retaliated and attacked the collaboraters and Land of the Sky.

{{{A/N: Nagato referred to it as a war Konoha started.}}}

#Every nation waiting in the line, jumped in the fray and started expanding their territories by annexing the territories of their smaller neighbouring lands.

35 AHV: Hanzō, Ōnoki, Hiruzen and The Third Kazekage


#Kumogakure started conquering the Nations in their eastern side and annexing their territories into the Land of Lightning.

#Kirigakure started conquering the remaining islands around the Land of Waters.

#Konohagakure started punishing the collaboraters and Danzō began his manipulations to isolate Land of the Sky and later destroy it.

#The collaboraters, calls their allies for help and it eventually gave rise to conflicts between Konohagakure, led by the Third Hokage; Sunagakure, led by the Third Kazekage; Amegakure, led by Hanzō of the Salamander and Iwagakure, led by the Third Tsuchikage.

#The majority of the war takes place in minor countries like Amegakure, leaving them devastated.

#Uzushiogakure meanwhile helps Konohagakure in fending off Kumogakure and Kirigakure, earning their hatred. This is probably the main reason why Konoha didn't came in conflict with Kumo or Kiri in the Second Shinobi World War.

{{{{{{{ A/N: Because Uzushiogakure was going to be destroyed in the Second Shinobi World War, in the Third Shinobi World War, Konohagakure has to fight alone all of the Four : (i) Iwagakure led by Ōnoki,

(ii) Kumogakure led by Third Raikage Â

(iii) Kirigakure led by Third Mizukage. (Konoha mustn't have much experience in Naval warfare as much as Uzushio, so they must have suffered heavy losses while trying to defend their port cities.)

(iv) Amegakure led by Hanzo, as Amegakure was turned into a battlefield by Suna, Iwa and Konoha Shinobi.

(v) Sunagakure led by Third Kazekage until his disappearance.(The Third Kazekage must have wanted payback from Konoha for their loss in the second war but after his disappearance and attack of Iwa on their village, Suna must have ended their war with Konoha so that they could use the manpower from that front in search of their Kazekage.)

(vi) as well as many other smaller Shinobi Villages.

#As such, Konohagakure must have been hard pressed in all fronts, not to mention the various Jinchūrikis who had now no fear of suppression by the Uzumaki Clan which was probably the reason why Konoha was on the verge of losing the Third Shinobi World War until the emergence of the Yellow Flash.}}}}}}}

36 AHV: Konoha's White Fang


#Sakumo Hatake rose to fame and earns the moniker of Konoha's White Fang due to his extensive use of White Chakra Saber.

#Hanzō fought Mifune in which he emerged victorious and in the process, poisoned him(Mifune) by slashing his head, leaving Mifune at the door of death. But due to the samurai's strength and faith, he spared his life, went as far as giving him the antidote to his poison to give him a fighting chance, but then left without treating Mifune's injury.

#Hiruzen marry Biwako Sarutobi.

37 AHV: Sunagakure


#Sunagakure became famous for the use of puppetry throughout the world.

#Chiyo destroys an entire castle using Secret White Move: Chikamatsu's 10 Puppets and becomes famous as the strongest puppeteer of Suna.

#Chiyo also encounters Hanzō and learned about his secrets as well as create an antidote to his salamander's poison.

#Chiyo became famous as the most skilled poison maker ever.

#Ebizo becomes famous as the most skilled swordsman from Suna.

#Together Chiyo and Ebizo became famous as Suna's Honoured Siblings.

#The Third Kazekage's Iron Sand Technique became feared throughout the world as the 'most feared weapon in the history of Sunagakure'.

#Danzo acquires a Sharingan but since he didn't know how to use Izanagi, he plots the death of Kagen Uchiha as Kagen never awakened the Sharingan, was a shinobi of unremarkable talent and had no close relatives, making him the perfect target for Root. Root kills Kagen and had the twins Gozu and Mezu — both surgically altered to look like him — replace him and split responsibilities of impersonating Kagen in order to spy on the Uchiha clan. The disguised Gozu and Mezu then collects information for Danzō on the forbidden Uchiha kinjutsu 'IZANAGI'.

38 AHV: Nawaki Senju


#Sakumo Hatake kills Sasori's parents and earns Chiyo's hatred.

#Birth of Yagura Karatachi.

#Death of Nawaki Senju.

#Chiyo introduces Sasori to the Puppet Technique in hopes of cheering him up and lessen the loneliness.

#Kushina moves to Konohagakure, at the age of 6, to become the next Jinchuriki of Nine-Tails due to Mito's failing health.

#The Land of Mountains challenges the Land of Fire thus, Konohagakure and the Kagerō Village comes into conflicts with each other.

39 AHV: Destruction of Uzushiogakure


#Birth of Rasa(Fourth Kazekage)

#Birth of Killer B.

#Kushina joins the Konoha academy, after learning about the basics of sealing from Mito Uzumaki.

#Ōnoki becomes famous as fence-sitter.

#Minato Namikaze joins the Konoha Academy at the age of seven.

#Biwako gave Birth to Konohamaru's parent.

#Uzushiogakure is destroyed by the band of some of the world's nations, leaving Mito and Kushina devastated.

#War further escalated by Konohagakure seeking revenge for their allies.

#Surviving Uzumaki clan members goes in hiding.

#Sasori creates Mother and Father, his first two puppets ever created, modelled after his real mother and father, who were killed by Sakumo Hatake during the war, in an attempt to simulate the parental love he so richly desired.

40 AHV: Destruction of Land of Sky


#Danzo manipulates the other Great Nations and finally succeeds in destroying the Land of Sky and Konohagakure in the midst of it finds the "Scroll to unlock the powers of the Zero-Tails" from the Ancor Vantian.

#Madara sent Zetsu to search for the surviving Uzumaki Clan members in order to implant his Rinnegan.

#Zetsu finds out about Fusō Uzumaki and her son Nagato Uzumaki in the Land of Rain.

#Madara secretly implants the Rinnegan in Nagato Uzumaki.

41 AHV: Destruction of Kagerō Village


#As the war continued, Konohagakure planned a surprise attack on Kagerō Village and attacked them. This operation was conducted by the Third Hokage, Jiraiya and several other Konoha ninja, and the attack was so devastating that three months later, Kagerō Village declared a cease-fire.

#Two weeks later, however, they were wiped out by shinobi from Tanigakure.

#Only Gennō, who had been in Konoha at the time planting explosive tags for a possible counter-attack, survived its destruction.

#Kamizuru clan of Iwagakure led an attempted invasion by Iwa's orders on Konohagakure, only to be repelled and largely killed by Konoha's more experienced Aburame clan.

The entire invasion force was destroyed which resulted in Konohagakure gaining an edge over Iwagakure in the war.

The Kamizuru were so badly defeated that they lost their status and respect in Iwa, to the point that Ōnoki's family discarded the Kamizuru surname and their numbers began to dwindle.

#Konoha Shinobi accidentally kills Nagato's parents.

#Hanzo dubbed Jiraiya, Orochimaru and Tsunade as Konoha's Legendary Sanin.

#Jiraiya began training Ame Orphans and temporary settles down in Land of Rain for the next three years.

42 AHV: End of Second Shinobi World War


#Tsunade successfully counters all of Chiyo's poisons and herald as the world's greatest medic-nin.

#Tsunade starts dating Dan Katō.

#Jiraiya witnesses Nagato's Rinnegan's powers and believes him to be the Savior of the Shinobi World.

#Jiraiya, Orochimaru and Tsunade performs the Three-Way Deadlock and devestates their enemies.

#Birth of Kisame Hoshigaki.

#Death of Dan Katō and Tsunade develops Haemophobia(Blood phobia).

#War ends with the victory of Konohagakure.

#Hanzō lost his conviction after witnessing the destruction inflicted on his homeland by the great nations, and starts believing that no matter what happens one cannot change the warmongering nature of the Shinobi World, thus he decided to stop pursuing peace, after realising that such a method would only bring about perpetual war and thus, leave only death in its wake, thus he completely cast aside his conviction. Afterwards Hanzō became devoted solely to the preservation of the power he had previously amassed, growing arrogant of his own skills in the process and leaving him unaware that they had instead dulled considerably, due in part to the lack of refinement brought about through practice.