
Naruto - Konoha no Raijin

what is Death? Can it be really possible to retain memory after death? Are will you cease to exist completely. I cannot comprehend about death, death is mysterious To some it is purely evil, to some it’s a redemption and what’s death to you..? …. ….. …. But in the end you cannot escape death, no matter what you do Cover art by : XClemz I don't own anything except for MC even the Jutsu's aswell

Wandering_Author · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs


🔺Hokage Office,

The third Hokage sitting in his chair smoking his tobacco, suddenly an Anbu appeared and kneeled in front of Hokage and spoke "Hokage-sama, Orochimaru deserted the village.."

"What! What do you mean?" shouted Hiruzen, "yes Hokage-sama, since you have ordered us to get Orochimaru, but he was nowhere to be found, Hokage-sama you need to come and see that"

🔴 Next Day 5:45 AM

🔺Konoha's Training Ground 5

Yukio already arrived at Training Ground 5 and started meditating, training on his chakra sensing, and increasing his chakra reserves, "Kushina-Sensei" Yukio slowly opened his eyes and stood up and bowed. "Where are the others?" asked Kushina. "They are yet to arrive sensei"

Just then, both Kimiko, Raido arrived, and then Kushina spoke "Since all of you arrived, let's start the Genin, if you failed to pass the test you will be sent back to Academy dattebane"

"WHAT!!! Haven't we have passed the Genin test already???:" shouted Kimiko, "Aren't we already Genin? don't we go to Missions directly Sensei? Why the new Genin Exam??" asked Raido

"Becaus-" before Kushina could speak Yukio spoke "because the academy test have lacked real-life scenarios, the academy test is only to check if we are qualified enough to leave the academy or not, if we have failed then we are cut out for being a shinobi" "and if we pass this test which would be conducted by sensei determines if we can take the missions are not because there will be some kind of missions where your actions will make not only but also your teams die, that is the reason this test is important" "right sensei?"

Kushina is dumbfounded but also very impressed by Yukio's Intelligence. "Whatever! I just need to pass this test to become a strong kunoichi, lets start it already!!" spoke Kimiko energetically

"Alright, you need to take these two bells from me, those who are able to take to bell from me, will be able to pass the test dattebane" said Kushina

"Sensei! But they are only two bells" said Raido "yes only two of you will be able to pass dattebane, now come at me with an intent to kill!" said Kushina

"Then you better be prepared Sensei!" said Kumiko and dashed towards Kushina and threw a punch at Kushina, Kushina stopped that punch and held the fist of Kumiko, "you really think this weak punch will be able to stop me?" said Kushina and threw her towards a tree, when Kumiko was about hit that tree, she stopped herself and slid away, and ran towards Kushina, Raido who also seen this and ran towards Kushina, they both threw punches towards Kushina, Kushina caught both of their fists, and threw both of them away fiercely, In an instant Yukio formed three handsigns Bird > Dog > Rat, and ran towards Kushina suddenly three clones formed from Yukio, 'Shadow clones?, no they are after image clones.' Thought Kushina, two of the clones of Yukio caught both Kimiko and Raido before hitting trees

While running towards Kushina, He formed Handsigns in insane speed Horse > Ram > Tiger > Serpent, 'handsigns at that speeds, he is strong' thought Kushina, suddenly the air started to vibrate from Yukio, Yukio took his tanto Lightning generated from Yukio's body, his speed also increasing rapidly, 'what a strong lightning release!' exclaimed Kushina in her mind with a swift movement Yukio cut down the threads which holds the bells and caught the two bells, Kushina didn't even have time to speak, the attack from Yukio looked like a lightning struck her, it didn't even hurt, but the bells are missing which were tied to her trousers, Kushina was shocked she didn't expect that Yukio would be this strong, she let her guard down that's the reason Yukio was able to cut the bells, "Lightning Release : Thunderclap and Flash / Raiton : Hekireki Issen " spoke Yukio in a very low tone, the lightning also died down from Yukio. Yukio sheathed his tanto

Kimiko and Raido were also shocked, "WHAT WAS THAT!!!" shouted Kimiko, same feeling for Raido as well.

"well, Yukio you passed the test dattebane, now who would you give the bell to?" spoke Kushina, both Kimiko and Raido became nervous when they heard that, then Yukio gave the two bells to each of them Kimiko spoke "Take it! I don't need your pity! Hmph!", "Yukio what about you? You will fail, if you give those bells to us" spoke Raido giving the bell back to Yukio, "No, its okay we have already passed this test, since the test is also based on Teamwork also right sensei? " Kushina spoke "yes you passed dattebane!"

🔺Meanwhile Orochimaru's Hideout in Konoha

Hokage along with few Anbu arrived at Orochimaru Hideout in Konoha, when they have seen that place it is bloody, there are multiple bodies are tied up to the walls, it was a very sick to see, In those bodies there are some Kid bodies also. "this…." Hiruzen couldn't even speak after seeing that place, when Hiruzen was inspecting that place, there was one thing which caught his attention, there is a small envelope there was a label attached to it which is written as Danzo's DNA

*To be continued*

(A/N): Sorry for the late update, and sorry for the short chapter, and I have very tight job schedule I get a very little time to write this fanfic, I hope you guys would understand, This Fanfic will never be dropped, I promise that.

Thanks a lot ,thanks for all your support guys it means a lot to me

Daoisto0M3es, xKiNgxSaMx, Leef_Power, Arman_lesmana, B4u_Shout ,Adrian_Pionce , Prudhvi_2470, gsjxbijsb Soumil564_Sood , Nsss_Nsss, SlowDown, PolTosik, Raven148, HellKing, uhwr_qweqwe, Justin_Harris_4368, Nipun_45, 1si2 and all the others who have put it in their library and those who have commented Thanks a lot,

I'm thinking of changing the MC's name what do you think?

Any suggestions on how this fanfic would continue?

Any mistakes on this chapter? Let me know, I will improve it in the next chapter.

See you again , in the next chapter