
Mysteries of the Half-Vampire's Life

Jessica who has lived with her single mother being a human and is bored with her life, sneaking for some adventure in her life suddenly on her 20th birthday her mom says to her that she is a human but also a vampire, but a kind of special and dangerous vampire. How will Jessica react to her being a vampire? Will she be all have or she will be freaked out? What life will she have being a half-vampire who has lived in the human world for 20 years?

_rosie_petal_ · Fantaisie
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17 Chs


The six of them sat down.

The girls were on one side and the boys on one side with Lia and George in between them.

"Listen carefully, we vampires like any other person want to live a happy life with our loved ones but us being immortal makes it difficult. So nature changed its course for vampires and made us have mates. Mates are like soulmates with whom we spend our entire life" George hoped that the girls would understand what they did.

The girls nodded while thinking something, then looked at the boys who say that they were their mates then looked at each other and nodded. Jessica turned her face to the two sitting in the middle.

"But why do we need mates, when we can stay alone," Jessica asked.

"Sometimes you need someone, even if you think you don't want them," Lia said forming her lips in a line.

The girls turned to the boys again who started to panic, thinking about rejection which they couldn't bear.

"At least introduce yourself first," Soya said. The three nodded.

"I am Leo and Soya is my mate"

"I am Sam and Arni is my mate"

"I am Max and Jessica is my mate"

"But why can't I feel that you are my mate," Jessica asked.

"Because you are still young and on top of that you just found out that you are a vampire, you need some time", George said.

"Now, everyone go to your rooms and take rest," Lia said. Everyone went to their rooms.

With the girls,

Soya went for a night bath, more like to spend some time alone with herself after being with everyone the whole day. Arni being a game addict was on the bed playing games on her mobile with her headphones on. Jessica being a music addict was on the balcony with her headphone thinking about what happened today.

Jessica was standing on the balcony with her hands on the rail and the cold breeze hitting her face made her shiver, telling her that everything is real even though she thought that it is a dream.

'What if when I wake tomorrow morning everything turns out to be a dream, I know my imagination is so good that I can make this up in my mind. But what if this is not a dream? Then what is the reason that mom didn't tell me anything until today? Why did she hide such a big part of my life from me? There is definitely something more than she wanted me to spend some time in my life as a normal human being. There is something big. Though they think that I believed them but I know my mom, now I have to find that something big.' Jessica's thoughts were interrupted by Soya.

"Jess, come on we have to sleep" Soya walks up to Jessica.

"Huh? Yeah, let's go" Jessica says removing her headphones.

Soya and Arni glance at each other, they know that something is on Jessica's mind. They have been with each other since their childhood, and even the slightest change in each other's behavior can be noticed by them. The things the parents don't understand are understood by them about each other.

Soya closed the balcony door and dragged Jessica towards the bed and made her sit down. Jessica felt like she was going to be interrogated when she saw her besties' suspicious gazes at her.

"What is it?" Arni asked.

"What is what?" Jessica asked back.

"You think we don't know that something is going on in your mind, spill it" Arni said in a commanding voice

"What if I don't spill it?" Jessica asked.

"You want all your songs more on your mobile which you struggled so much to find to be deleted?" Soya asked. Jessica shook her head no vigorously.

"Then spill it," Soya said.

"I just think that there is more than just mom wanting me to live like a human for a few years, there is a big secret," Jessica said.

"And why do you think that?" Arni asked.

"You think the mother who doesn't hide anything from me would hide such a big secret of my life?" Jessica asked back raising her eyebrow.

"You are right, there is something big," Soya said.

"We will find it together, no matter what," Arni said. The other two nodded.

"Now, let's sleep," Soya said.

All of them were laying on the bed. Soya is in the middle, Arni on the right side, and Jessica on the left side. The two were in deep sleep but for Jessica, it was not the same she was thinking and thinking about what happened but when her brain was tired then even she slept.

With the boys,

They were happy to have finally met their mates after 500 years of search. They didn't care what type they were vampires or not but knew one thing: to cherish them like no other.

With George and Lia,

They were sitting on the bed with some paper works when something strikes Lia's mind and she looked at George who was very much indulged in the work.

"George" Lia called. The latter hummed in response.

"What if she finds out everything?" Lia asked. George looked at Lia with a questioning look.

"I mean what if she finds out the real reason that we called her back after so many years suddenly," Lia asked worriedly.

"She believes mom and don't worry, everything will be fine" George gave an assuring smile.

They again went back to the paperwork but somewhere Lia knew that Jessica doesn't believe her mom. She has seen their relationship and how they hide nothing from each other, and she knows that Jessica won't buy what her mom said.

She will try to find the truth and when she finds it what will happen, how will she react? Will she agree to it or not? Will she hate them? They have hidden the truth from her because they think they reveal it at the right time but when is it and will it ever come or Jessica will find out? All these things were worrying Lia very much.