As the great evil is vanquished by the hero, everything returns to how it once was, with that the hero has lost her job and must settle down. Now a new story will arrive with the hero and her husband, who is also coincidentally the brother of the man the hero has defeated.
The galaxy is ruled by four entities: the Oxward empire, the democratic alliance of Oviel, the Quartic republic and the biantek states.
It is said that in olden times the four countries waged wars in which the galaxy could have been destroyed a thousandfold, but, by which all history books could only describe as a miracle, the countries were able to find peace with eachother. Centuries passed until another great danger threatened the galaxy, a revolution lead by the evil dictator, Osel sunti, overthrew the royal family in the Oxward empire. His eyes unfortunately saw further than the planets which lay in the domain of Oxward, he wished to conquer the entire galaxy.
Osel possessed magic power that had never been seen before, he commanded billions of beasts that were only loyal to his very word, it was said that his army could destroy a planet in a manner of minutes. The three countries fighting Osel were at their wit's end, no weapon could defeat the horrible army and so, no weapon could reach Osel.
But one day a hero courageously stood up to fight, no one knew her before this moment and yet with a sword, forged by the galaxies greatest magicians, in hand she courageously led an army against the beasts of Osel. It took a great many years, but the her sword was able to reach and defeat the terrible Osel and with that his army and the revolutionaries were defeated.
Peace once again filled the galaxy and everything went back to the way it was.
Chapter 1
It's early in the morning, even the sun has yet to fully wake, but I'm already ready to start the day. Normally I wake up around 10 in the morning, but today I woke up a bit earlier, that's because it's time to deepclean the house. My wife, as always, left the house very early and will probably return somewhere late in the afternoon.
Most normal people have a plethora of machines to always keep their house clean, but we don't have those in this household yet, mostly because I just very much like the idea of cleaning the house myself.
I put on an old t-shirt and some latex gloves and start with cleaning the house. Firstly I go through the whole house with a mob and broom (spots I can't ordinarily reach with a broom or mob I clean with magic), I clean all the windows, clean the bathroom and I like to end with kitchen, so I can prepare everything for when I start cooking later.
*phew* it almost feels like I just ran a marathon, doing housework sure ain't easy as the old me thought it would be. After cleaning the whole house and taking a tea brake inbetween I've arrived at the end of the afternoon, all of this is pretty time-consuming, but it feels so rewarding after looking at such a clean house!
And with perfect timing, she comes home, right when I'm done.
"Zer!! I'm home!" She opens the door and with a roar she notifies the whole neighborhood of her activities.
"hahaha" I can't help but laugh whenever she does this. "Yes, welcome home Anna." I give her a kiss and start making dinner.
As I'm preparing dinner, Anna stands next to me helping me out here and there, but still trying to look at every move I make, she says she likes seeing me cook and personally I like it when she looks at me while I'm cooking.
"Wouldn't you think it would be nice to eat out one of these days, go to one of those fancy restaurants?" She says while cutting onions. We don't live in a very big town, but it has a great many restaurants recognized throughout Oviel, many people come here just for the food. "Haha, no way, that would mean I would be out of a job."
I have a confession to make, I'm scared to go out of the house. I'm scared of the outside, I get sad seeing the people living here. The planet we're on right now is very close to the capitalplanet of Oviel, it's a planet filled with those in the upper middle class, they all rank high on the happiness scale and the wealth inequality is especially low, no man could ever complain and yet, for me, it's all wrong..
"well that's no problem, your food is the best anyway!" I would be too embarrassed to put this into words, but thank you Anna, one day I'll bring you to the best restaurant in the galaxy and treat you to its finest cuisine.
the day goes on, eventually we eat dinner, the sun leaves the horizon and the moon rises, we talk throughout, as we talk she only reinforces my feelings, I truly love her. Midnight strikes and it's time to go to bed, any beautiful day must come to an end, but it will surely be followed by a day even brighter.
*knock, knock, knock* The sound of knocking on the door wakes me up, it must be far past midnight, I'm still half asleep and I start questioning myself if I was just imaging the sound, Anna is still sleeping soundly next to me, I must have been imagining it. I try to go back to sleep, but before I can do so a harsh noise can be heard originating from the frontdoor, someone must have kicked in the door. At a quick pace a great many footsteps can be heard coming to this very room.
*bang* Jusr like the frontdoor, the door of the bedroom gets kicked in with one try and I just cleaned this house too...
dozens of soldiers with the ovielian armie's uniform come storming in with guns pointed towards Anna and mine's general direction. "A PERSON USING MAGIC SIMILAR TO OSEL THE TERRIBLE HAS BEEN SUSPECTED OF LIVING HERE, PLEASE COMPLY WITH THE ARREST OR FORCE WILL B-" The man leading all the soldiers standing in front all of them, shouts a sentence I've heard a great many times, but before he can finish it his head gets cut off. Before there's even a moment to react all the soldiers get split in two too. blood showers throughout the room.
"how annoying, I thought we atleast wouldn't be found out for another month." With a sword in hand Anna starts complaining. Her entire body is covered in blood, her long brown hair has almost become a shade darker, it feels like her green eyes turned red and her skin looks even paler than normal with the crimson red liquid as a comparison.
She puts on a giant smile. "Well then how about we get out of here and find a new place to live?"