
Veronica (6)

"Yeah," I replied.

I paid attention to Mr. Connor's lecture the rest of the class with an uneasy feeling. The next two classes went by in a blur and before I knew it, it was lunch time. I sat down at the table with the guys. Grayson and Evan where arguing over Evan also wanting to date his sister Lysa.

I started to join in when suddenly a figure sat on my lap. Grayson and Evan grew quiet as they stared at the figure.

Her short hair tickled my nose.

"Who are you?" asked Ryan confused.

She crossed her legs on my lap and sighed.

"Can you please get off," I said.

"Now is that anyway to treat a new student," she replied. I shoved her off my lap. She stood up and sighed then placed her hand on her hip while flipping her short hair with the other. "that's no way to treat a lady Ty," she said.

"Trust me Veronica you're no lady," I snapped back. She clicked her tongue and walked around the table sliding her hand across Grayson's and Hunter's shoulder.

They followed her with their eyes till she stopped behind Evan. She placed her arm around his shoulder and placed her fingers under his chin.

"My don't you seem like quite the handsome fellow, "Veronica teased, "care to show me around later."

Evan shook his head no and avoided her gaze. I looked at her with a stern expression.

"I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself to your friends, the name is Veronica and I'm," she said.

"Just leaving," Naylie said as she cut her off. She clicked her tongue once more then walked around the table. Everybody remained quiet as they stared at her.

She stood in front of Naylie with a scowl on her face. "Naylie, hmmm sorry for cutting in on your time, but you have something that I want," She said with a sly grin.

"Sorry but I don't like sharing my things, but your free to go," Naylie replied as she sat on my lap. She gave Veronica an intimidating look.

She smirked then turned on her heel and walked out the cafeteria. Ryan gulped and turned to me.

"Who was that, she's intimidating," He said fearfully.

"That's Veronica, She's…" I said being cut off by Naylie, "My step sister." She gave me a look and I nodded in agreement.

"Veronica is pretty dark and a handful apparently she just started here today," Naylie said.

"Well keep her away from me, she's scary," choked Hunter. Evan and Grayson nodded in agreement.

The bell rung and we stood up to leave for class. Naylie squeezed my hand and headed for class.

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