
Second Encounter (2)

"Ty what the hell is wrong with you, your shaking and freezing," Alex said angrily. She released her arms from around me as she reached for my door. Fearing the creature was still inside I lunged in front the door blocking her path.

"I had a nightmare," I nearly shouted in fear, "It was horrible, it scared me clean out of the room." "Well you're not sleeping in my room, "She barked. She pushed me out of the way and quickly opened my door. I ran inside ready to take any attack that would have come her way but it was gone. Alex flipped on the light and stared at me angerly. She slapped me across the head, "You better not be on drugs."

I looked around the room amazed that it was gone then turned to Alex and apologized. She clicked her tongue and slammed my door turning off the light in the process. I can hear her door slam across the hall. I looked around the dark room when I heard a faint giggle. Red eyes peered at me from the corner of my room, bouncing up in down as if the person behind them was laughing hysterically.

I glared at the eyes and stepped towards the corner. The giggling grew louder as the eyes peered at me. I stepped closer and closer when suddenly they vanished. I stood there in the now empty room when suddenly I felt the pain coming from my back. I winced as I fell on the ground. The pain felt as if a thousand needles were being jabbed into my wound.

A cold sweat dripped down my face as the pain grew more intense. I fell on my side wincing in agony. A pair of long skeletal claws came out the ground around my head as I listened to the faint sound of sobbing. Its claws wrapped around my neck as I was hoisted into the air. I stared into its mouth as it choked me. I coughed and clawed at its claws trying to break free as I gasped for air.

It reared its head around in a violent manor as it sobbed louder. Its grip around my throat tightened. I kicked at its sides but my feet went through its body.

I can feel my vision sway as I gasped for air louder and struggled trying to break free. I saw a flicker of purple and green light hurdle towards the creature. They struck the creature in the back.

It dropped me to the ground and whirled around sobbing loudly. I coughed violently as I looked at the blurring silhouette of two female figures.

"Naylie get Ty," screamed Veronica as she attacked the creature with green flames. Naylie lunged to my side staring at me with a fearful expression as she tended to my wounds.

She looked at my back and licked the wound. I can feel it close till it appeared as a scar.

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