
Lord Ty (4)

I clicked my tongue then began undressing the mannequin pulling off the large black and white two toned jacket with gold trimmings. I put on the black pants and black boots with gold trimmings.

I stepped out of the closest towards Tatianna. "Hmph, took you long enough. Learn this lesson and learn it well Lord Ty, I don't like to be kept waiting and can turn quite nasty and dangerous when I am."

I rolled my eyes. "Noted."

She scuffed the forcibly grabbed my hand pulling me down the large hallway we just emerged from turned down a large path of stairs then kicked open a large brown down once again revealing the grand room full of succubus I emerged from with Chione and Ai Hoa previously.

The entire room peered in our direction as the room began engulfed in complete silence.

Tatianna's voice rang loud and clear across the large room as we stood atop the stairs. "Ladies and Succubus Elites, I would like to introduce your new lord and my partner, Lord Ty Green!"

She turned in my direction signaling me to address the crowd.

I sighed under the sudden change then cleared my throat. "I have nothing to say to you ladies other than to lend me your power in exchange for training, I shall only summon you by request any form of seduction before then shall result in punishment. Elegant Lady Ada and Second Lady Chione please report to my chambers, Good day!"

I quickly turned on my heels leaving the grand hall filled with whispers as I made countless apologies in my heart towards Naylie.

I rushed down the hall to my chambers slamming the door behind me as I ran towards the crystal ball in the corner. I pulled away the large cloth revealing the note taped to the ball.

"I'm not done with your story Ty Green, so accept this crystal ball as new addition to your tale. It should allow you to see whatever you wish."

I recognized the handwriting as it belonged to that creepy little girl.

"Little freak you got me into this mess!" I quickly balled up the note throwing it into the fire place. I turned my gaze back towards the ball as I slowly reached out my hand to touch it.

It glowed faintly under my fingers then an image appeared within a cloud of black mist.

I'm terribly sorry about the extremely late update my fellow readers and would like to humbly apologize for the inconvenience!

Ayokocreators' thoughts