
Oh! My Sis..


The reincarnation of Megumi took place. Actually, she also came from B612 planet. She was part of the blue blood. She died due to inability to sleep .She don't have any appetite to eat and she's too weak to play with her friends.

As a reward for being lovely and cheerful.The main god gave her a second life.She was reincarnated into a poor little girl.Although,her parents doesn't have any idea about it.Her name haven't changed just like her power.

She has the ability to eat anything including evil creations. Actually,its nutritious for her. Megumi already discoved her power on her second life.While having fun with her playmates.She saw a sea alien .Its really hot before ,so she decided to let her feet get wet and encountered unknown thing.Instead,of being scared at that time,she felt hungry and after she yawned.Her tounge caught the sea alien .She can't control her mouth .'

All she knew,that it tastes really well and she can't deny that.Luckily,her friends did not noticed what happened.At first she was shocked at her ability and hid it from her mother,Eventhough she knew it ,she will never believe.

She considered her power as a blessing .She was able to eat without the help of money .Though it wasn't really normal for people.She can left food for her mother and help their fellow beggars.Nobody know what was going to happen tomorrow.Just like Megumi ,who found another chance to live but very different from the type of living she used to be in. In a simple words''You can't hold your future,but you must be prepared.''

''It's really tiring, Um, by the way do you want to go with me in a vacation or to unwind?'' Cometo said. ''Where do we go? So I can find time to join you in your vacation.'' Hikaru replied. ''I decided to spend my vacation in Bunichay Island and I hope you'll join me'' Cometo said. ''Uhm... okay I'll go with you after our training'' Hikaru replied.

They continued to walk until Cometo saw a beautiful tulips with aromatic scent.

''Oh! Hikaru come here I would like you to see this'' Cometo said with excitement on his face.

''What is that Cometo?''.While walking to look for Cometo.

''Look it is so beautiful tulips and it is my favorite flower.'' Cometo said it with a grin on his face.

''Is that so? I think it's a stargazer''

''No it's a tulips, and look it was so cute, like you'' added Cometo.

''HHAHAHAHAHHA Im just kidding..''

Cometo picked the flower and gave it to Hikaru, She was so surprised because it was her first time to received a flower and it made her feel more special .It was Cometo who did.

Hikaru blushed and she was so speechless. She doesn't know what to do. She accepted the flower and gave her full gratitude to Cometo.

''No problem, since it was you'' Cometo said and gave a wink.

Hikaru felt shy but she always put in her mind that they are just really friends and it will never change. After Cometo gave the tulips to Hikaru they sat down on hays and glaring around. The sun that gave its full brightness sweeps the cold weather,filled all beholders. The great scenery made their atmosphere more romantic.

The silence suddenly broke when Cometo told something unexpectedly.

''I saw another side of beauty'' Cometo said it while his eyes got stucked on Hikaru's face. Their eyes slowly met while the ''Perfect song by Ed Sheeran'' came to their heads.

''I found the love for me, darling just dive right in and follow my lead I found the girl beautiful and sweet I never knew you were the someone waiting for me…''

That song pleased the surroundings. It made the creations joined them at glee. They're became the center of everything and the time had stiffened.

~~In a moment~~

By the loud sound of stamp, the momentous scene have been killed for a while..

''Ohoho ,what are you doing? Its seems like you're having fun' 'Master Kunimi snickered.

''Oh yeah, yeah we're just actually having fun.'' Hikaru replied while stuttering.

''No,were not, Were not that close yet.'' Cometo answered in shame.

Hikaru covered her face, ''Im just kidding uhmm I meant I cant describe my feelings being with you.'' Cometo added.

''Ahem.. ahem…'' Their master coughed to tease them, and kill the awkwardness that covered them.

''By the way let's plan for the coming training, I got bored here.'' Hikaru acted in disappointment.

''Okay let's go ahead'' the old lady replied.''We'll go then.'' The two indeed.

Then the three hurriedly look for some resources and planning materials. They found a banana leaf and tree skin to write down their ideas and insights. Cometo was assigned to carry their things such as heavy logs and hunger killer.A way to cease the tiredness,after their practice.

Then something broke the moment and guess what?Hikaru farted.Then suddenly Master Kunimi and Cometo look at her in a mysterious way and they covered their nose.Hikaru didn't know what to do,she feel embarrassed and there's something bothers,on the way she look.Master Kunimi asked if she's the one who farted.''Hi-Hikaru,did you hear something.?the old lady intended to asked .Hikaru ,can't lie so she tell the truth,but ran in shame.The two were left and laughters surrouds them.

It was late ,backwards to the time on the kingdom.At the moment, there was an ongoing parade .The sound of the harp,snare drums'and trumpets filled the momentous event.The people was so excited .It was seen on every faces. A woman with her husband and carrying their baby,a couple on their date,beggars spending time to cease their hungry stomaches.Some participants threw confetties and different stuffs.Flying ballons,and kites. They assigned an exact time to throw their love wishes,offerings and desires written in a letter.They're hoping for a new life,full of happiness and fortune.

The cooperation was inseparable and was chained .Nothing can break it apart.They shouted their chant in unison saying,''Ganbatte

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