
U.A Entrance Exam

Izuku stood on the walkway, he looked at the beach and the sea beyond it, it was a beautiful sight. He was one step closer to his desire. All Might only expected him to clean 50-70% of it, especially since he had been throwing balls and sometimes even stealing the items Izuku was carrying and putting them back in aid to increase his strategic mind. However, as he came to the beach to meet Izuku and finally allow him to become his successor, he saw a completely clean beach and Izuku stood on the side watching the waves roll in and out.

Today was the entrance exam for U.A and somehow, Izuku was able to go beyond what he was expecting. All Might couldn't help but think of the motto of U.A he turned into his hero form and smiled, he went forward and stood next to Izuku.

"I didn't expect this Midoriya Izuku, you truly went beyond. All your hard work has finally paid off, so now it's time for the award ceremony." - All Might

Izuku was tired from all the last-minute cleaning, but he still faced All Might with his calm smile. All Might couldn't help but be impressed, he pulled out one his hairs and continued to speak.

"You truly have matured, from that go-getter fanboy who couldn't even speak in front of me and stuttered, till this strong young shounen who can wear the smile of peace at all times, even when you're weak. You have certainly become a suitable vessel. This is something I was once told: 'Something that you receive because you're lucky and something you are given because you are recognised are different in essence'. Take that to heart, this is a power you earned because of your effort. Eat This." - All Might

Izuku who had kept his calm smile through the speech finally had a change of expression, he didn't expect this, he expected something grand, like lights coming out of All Might and merging into himself and he could feel himself growing stronger. All Might saw this and began to explain in his normal manner.

"Well, it doesn't really matter what it is, as long as you take in my DNA" - All Might

"[So it was about DNA, I guess it beats having to eat his skin or flesh but still, to think such a big quirk can be passed on throw a small hair, it seems to figure out how 'One for All' works is going to be more difficult than I imagined]." - Izuku

Izuku brought the hair closer to his mouth, he hesitated for a while before All Might pointed out that he was going to be late for the exam, putting on a firm face Izuku titled his head towards the sky and dropped the hair down his throat. He almost vomited a few times before All Might gave him a bottle of water to wash it down.


Izuku stood outside of the U.A entrance, he looked at everyone walking into the building and thought.

"[I wonder how many of these people will pass, I wonder how many of these people would have a quirk that I want]" - Izuku

Maybe it was because of his innocent looking face but Izuku had a calm smile on his face, not giving anyone the impression the meaning behind it was so cold. His thoughts were interrupted rudely.

"Move out of the way or I'll kill you... Deku" - Katsuki Bakugou

Izuku knew who it was without even turning around. Izuku slowly turned but didn't move out of the way, a brief staredown began between Izuku and Katsuki before Katsuki snorted and walked past Izuku to the building. Izuku just watched him leave with no emotion but a calm smile, after Katsuki walked far enough away Izuku started walking towards the building as well.

For an unexplainable reason Izuku who was walking just fine a moment ago tripped on something, fortunately, Izuku was able to react and started moving his hands forward to flip himself to stand straight, however, another thing that Izuku didn't expect happened, he felt a touch and became light and weightless. His hands were already in motion, and when he flipped he ended up going higher than he expected, his weight suddenly came back but luckily he was able to land on his feet. Izuku quickly started looking around to see what happened, first, he tripped out of nowhere and then he lost his weight? What was going on? A few feet away from him he saw a panicking young girl of short height, she had big round brown eyes and shoulder-length brown hair, her hair sported two long locks beside her face and a short bob at the back.

"I'm really sorry, I saw you falling and wanted to help because it would have been bad luck, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to use my quirk on you with permission and I didn't know you could do that so I'm sorry..." - Panicking Girl

"[So it was her quirk that affected my body and made me lightweight, is it a gravity quirk? But then what made me fall?..] it's okay, you were only trying to help me. You don't need to apologise that much, but that's quite a quirk you got there, what is it? A zero gravity quirk?" - Izuku

Izuku with his calm smile talked to the girl, it was his first time talking to a girl but he didn't care about that much. Although he had a slight interest in her quirk, Izuku was secretly looking around to pinpoint what or who made him trip.

"Ah, yeah it is, but anyways are you okay, you ended up going really high... That was cool though, do you know martial arts?" - Gravity Girl

"Not really, it was just a reflex, anyway, we should get going or we're going to be late, it was nice meeting you." - Izuku

"You too." - Gravity Girl

Izuku started walking ahead while the Gravity Girl hung back a little, remembering the cool move Izuku just did, soon Izuku was mixed into the crowd and Gravity Girl couldn't see him anymore.

"[Ah, I forgot to ask him his name]." - Gravity Girl.


Izuku was sitting at his assigned spot, coincidently it was next to Katsuki, at first they had another glaring contest, well Katsuki was glaring and Izuku was just starting back, after that they decided to ignore each other and just stayed silent. After a while, everyone started to settle down and someone came up to the podium.

"For all you examinee listeners tuning in, welcome to my show today!

Everybody say 'Hey'!" - Examiner


Izuku saw all this and decided to just get back into his thoughts.

"[So he is Present Mic, his quirk is to allow him to increase the volume of his voice creating loud high pitched sounds. It's a body quirk and those are the ones I'm aiming for at the start, to build a solid foundation. I should add him on to the list. Anyway, I read about how U.A do their entrance...]...exam, so I know the details, I just don't get the part of the zero pointers, U.A wouldn't just throw a big robot to make student avoid it, it can't just be to allow the students to know there are stronger enemies or to make them aware of the surroundings. Whatever I'll figure it out if it comes up luckily I have looked up the weak point of the robots they use, so I should be able to take them out with a quirk. I don't want to use my quirk after what All Might said, too think all that training only allowed me to wield the quirk and not be able to use it without harming myself, I'll only use it when it's absolutely necessary. I should also..." - Izuku

Unknowingly Izuku started muttering, this was a habit Izuku was aware off but just couldn't seem to get rid off. Although it was annoying to Izuku but he didn't really care as he only ended up muttering things that he didn't care if people knew, his secrets were always going through his head but never muttered.

"In addition, you over there with the curly hair..." - Examinee who stood up

Izuku looked up to see everyone staring at him, and someone pointing at him.

"You've been muttering this whole time, it's distracting. If you're here on a pleasure trip, then you should leave immediately." - Examinee who stood up

Izuku just stared with a calm expression. Until Present Mic decided to calm 'examinee number 7111' down and continue with his presentation. Izuku just went into his own world again, he didn't mutter this time, it was his fault so he didn't speak out but he noted that guy down.

"[if he has a quirk that useful that would be perfect, but if he doesn't... Then well, I'll kill him anyway]" - Izuku

"PLUS ULTRA, now, everyone, good luck suffering" - Examiner

Izuku then got up and started heading to where his test was going to be conducted, Battle Center B.


As Izuku was waiting for the exam to begin, he decided to check out the other examinee. Although they had that slight nervousness, they all seem pumped and ready. Izuku then saw someone he knew, it was that Gravity Girl.

"[i wonder how she is going to fight, maybe make them float and then drop them or drop something heavy on them. Now that I think about it, the quirk could be quite useful, it affects the entire molecular structure of the object it is targeting to make it lightweight... Hmm, that could be the key to quirks that emit things from your body but I'm not sure. The quirk doesn't seem to need any external things to work, it could also be added to something I need my founda... Wait what's that on her hands, looks like little pads. Is that needed for the quirk? Need to get s closer look]" - Izuku (just so you know Izuku can think really fast since he's smart, that's how I can fit this entire paragraph into this small time frame of Izuku finding the Gravity girl and...)

A hand came and landed onto Izuku's shoulder, he turned around to see the previous Examinee 7111 who told him to stop muttering in a blue skin-tight bodysuit. He looked towards the Gravity Girl that Izuku was walking towards.

"[that girl appears to be trying to focus.] what are you doing here? Are you taking the entrance exam to interfere with everyone else?" - Examinee 7111

Izuku was already annoyed by this guy and now he walks up to him and starts questioning him for no reason. Izuku throws his hand off his shoulder and pushes him away from being too close. The examinee 7111 staggers and then looks up at Izuku angry.

"Shut up" - Izuku

Izuku spoke before he could speak and looked at him with his calm smile.

"What proof do you have that I'm interrupting other people? I'm just walking and you grab on to me aren't you the one who's disrupting others? Do you think you can be a hero with such an attitude? You're just stuck up and you think everything you do is right and if anyone doesn't follow your rules they're 'disrupting'. Don't talk to me again or I'll get angry, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry." - Izuku

Izuku started walking away, he was annoyed and felt he might do something if he carried on staying, he had already forgotten to go check on the Gravity Girls hands to see if she had pads there and just got ready to start the exam.

"Okay, Start" - Examiner

As soon as Izuku heard that he began to run and look for the robots, he could hear some confusion from the crowd behind him and the Examiner saying something, probably explaining but he didn't care. he was ahead of everyone and he wanted to use this advantage, a one-point robot came crashing into the lane. Izuku prepared himself and as soon as the bot swiped at him he dodged and attacked the joint.

"[Even though I wasn't able to dodge the balls All Might threw once he went Past the limited of 3% of his strength, I was still able to dodge quite a few of them, not to mention I dodge all the balls he threw at 1% and a majority of them at 2%, it seems that training is finally paying off, it was the right choice to make even though it increased my workload.]" - Izuku

The attack had crippled the robot and Izuku finished up by attack the weak spot near its 'neck'. Izuku carried on running as he could hear the other examinee catching up, he was able to get 4 more one point robots and 4 two-point robots bringing his score to 13. He was midway battling a three-point robot when it was stolen with a quirk attack, the three-pointers were still kind of difficult for Izuku to deal with but he could have gotten it if it wasn't stolen. Izuku didn't have much to do after that, if he found another robot, it would be stolen by a quirk before he could even fight it. Izuku saw the advantage quirks had but still held back on using his own.

As he was strolling through the carnage left of the battle he came across the Gravity Girl, after a close examination he was able to see small pads on her fingers, they were hardly noticeable but they were there.

"[So it was padding that I saw, hmm maybe I won't be able to get that quirk then... But they're not really noticeable and really small, maybe I could get around them somehow and take the quirk, I'll test it in the future, no harm in trying... Well no harm to me at least.]" - Izuku

He then saw the annoying examinee 7111, who was battling a robot a little down the street.

"[He has speed from those engine legs of his. So I can't use his quirk. I'll get rid of him once I have the chance. Hmm, however, if I can get the nanobots to replicate the engines in his legs, would I be able to use the quirk? Another test in the future, I should focus on the exam now. This is a bit worry though, they all seem to be saying points that are a lot higher than mine... Should I use my quirk? But then I'll be immobilised and even if I do use my quirk, the most I could get would be 12 before I can't get anymore.]" - Izuku

While Izuku was fretting over whether to use his quirk or not he heard a loud commotion behind him, he looked over to see a giant robot, he recognised this as the zero pointer robot. Everyone around him started to scatter.

"[Everyones leaving, maybe I could use this as an opportunity to farm the robots that are here with no one to steal them from me.]" - Izuku

Izuku started looking around to find any robot stragglers left behind until he heard someone shout in pain. He looked towards that direction and saw the Gravity Girl stuck under some rubble. At that moment something clicked in Izuku's head.

"[A zero-point robot that is too strong to take on so everyone runs... But because of this danger it also allows you to rescue people when they're in danger, the qualities of a hero, so that's the use of this zero point robot.]" - Izuku

Izuku began to run towards the Gravity Girl and plan his next moves.

"[its time to use the quirks], Use your Gravity on the rubble and me!!" - Izuku

Izuku's shout broke the Gravity Girl out of the daze she was in from having rubble fall on her she used her quirk on the rubble on top of her. Izuku reached her and grabbed her hand to pull her out, he could feel the quirk work on him and he felt light, with his left hand hold the Gravity girls hand Izuku started to turn around and throw here towards the other student and to safety. In that same motion he had picked up the gravity less rubble with his right hand and threw it up into the air, no one expected that and got distracted for a while.

Izuku finally finished his spin motion from throwing the Gravity girl and the rubble and was facing the zero point robot again. He didn't stop for one second as he jumped towards the robot, he had no weight so just his leg muscles carried him far, the robot raised and hand and tried to swat Izuku. Izuku just relaxed his body and because of his zero gravity, the wind from the hand of the robot ended up pushing him through the gaps of the robot's hand. Izuku used this chance to kick off the robot's hand and he picked up speed as he travelled towards the robots head.

Izuku flexes back his left hand and clenched, he didn't want to use his right hand as that is his main hand and he might have the opportunity to continue fighting. As soon as he was close enough to the robots head he let out his first 'smash' of his life. The robots head shattered into pieces as it fell backwards and everyone on the ground was stunned in awe at the power of Izuku's quirk. Izuku himself, however, was hurtling back from the knockback of the blow, the zero gravity was still in effect, the Gravity Girl wanted to stop her quirk but Izuku was too high up and the fall would be dangerous, she was panicking but then her mouth dropped, as did everyone else's that was watching.

As Izuku was hurtling back he spun to aim his feet the direction he was going in, and coincidently there was a piece of rubble that was just floating in the way of his trajectory. Everyone's mind flashed a small snip-it of Izuku throwing the rubble into the air. As Izuku touched the rubble he used his quirk once again to zoom to the ground, his landing spot was on top of a three-point robot he had spotted earlier. Izuku landed on top of the three-point robot and crushed it, bringing his points to 16. Everyone is further shocked and stayed still, even the pro heroes watching, especially All Might. Izuku, on the other hand, is saying every curse word that came to mind, the adrenaline was started to wear off and the pain that was still showing through it started to increase. His left hands' bones were shattered in quite a few places and the muscles and flesh were ruptured, on the other hand, while his right hand and legs were in better condition than it, you couldn't say that the flesh and muscle were ruptured and the bones were fractured instead of shattered. This was the second-worst pain Izuku ever felt in his life and he was struggling to remain conscious, but when the alarm rang to tell everyone that time was up, Izuku couldn't hold on and passed out.


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Long chapter, long long chapter, really long long chapter, super long long chapter... 3236 WORDS. This should keep you guys fed for a while right?

Honestly I got bored from doing work that could affect my life so I started writing this to rest my mind... Don't know how that worked but it did, so back to assignment work for me.

Bodhisattva_Pandacreators' thoughts
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