
My Viewpoint as a Dreamer

We all see dreams, but what are dreams? Our Mc saw dreams about a world. He found his dreams to be too real. One night he went to sleep but when he woke up he was not in his bed, he found himself on an isolated island. Read the journey of a dreamer as he found himself in a world he saw in his dreams. His advantage? He has been dreaming about that world for ten years and he knows about its past, present, and future.

blank2711 · Fantaisie
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78 Chs

Vision 5 - Handling (3)

Sitting on a tree branch was more comfortable than I thought, and the leafy area became a good pillow for me.

I spent two days straight in the forest. I could just go somewhere, but the branch under the sun was warm and the moon under the night was beautiful.

" For how much longer are we going to be here? "

Persephone was getting bored, she wanted to go around the world. Going through the world was too much for now. I didn't know why she was getting impatient, resting is pretty relaxing in my opinion.

And it is not like I did nothing.

" I did go to the city for the walk. "

" Walk? You just went around and picked up useless things. Except for that sword, which is also not that good. "

Obviously, I was not just laying around even though I wanted to, I picked up some stuff during my walk.

" Don't worry it will be useful. Rather shouldn't you be solving the riddle? "

I also found something to kill my time. Just like Persephone, The Nubeculas who were watching me also wanted me to go around doing something interesting.

Since I still had to wait and these higher existence were bugging me. I suggested we play riddles, first, they found my suggestion crazy.

Who would suggest playing a riddle with higher existence who suppose to be like gods? but I was not so normal as well. Once I started asking riddles they all quickly got obsessed with the game.

[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' says your riddle is ridiculous. ]

[ The Nubecula 'Razel' comments " answer is rain. " ]

[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' comments " No, It is food. " ]

[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' wants you to repeat the riddle. ]

[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' wants to join as well. ]

[ Some Nubeculas also want to join as well. ]

Well looks like Hwang Jini got interested, Gumiho must have told others about me asking riddles to Nubeculas.

Hwang Jini was from Joseon Dynasty, she was famous for her charm and intellect. She was considered almost a Myth-like legend in Korean history.

" Okay, one more time. 'I have a head and a tail that will never meet. Having too many of me is always a treat. What am I?' "

[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' Comments " you like to eat snakes. " ]

[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' is wondering about your food taste. ]

[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' Comments " Your wife will have a hard time making your food. " ]

I frowned, these Nubeculas have a wild imagination, How does asking about snakes leads to a wife making food?

" I have no such taste. "

[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' is relieved. ]

I ignored the messages I was getting, and why was she relieved? I have weird Nubeculas watching me.

" Cmon, time is ticking. "

[ Some Nubeculas are seriously thinking about your riddle. ]

[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' is seriously thinking about your riddle. ]

" Head... Tail... too many is a treat... "

Persephone was also thinking about the answer. It has been fun for me as well, more than I thought. If employees knew about this, they will be angry that I was taking all the attention.

I closed my eye to rest again. Since Nubeculas were thinking about the riddle's answer I could have some peace, right now I was waiting for one specific message.

It is been days, but I knew He will come.

[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' is observing you. ]

I opened my eyes, finally the message I was waiting for appeared. I stretched my body like I am doing morning stretches. Persephone saw my movement.

" hmm? Are you again going to pick up useless things? "

I smiled, it was a refreshed smile, because now it was time to work.

" Now it is time to work and greet an honest man. "

" Honest man? "

I nodded my head. I jumped down from the tree and started walking in a certain direction, but then I remembered something.

" Ahh... The answer was 'Coin'. "

[ The Nubecula 'Razel' comments " Coin seems reasonable. " ]

[ 200 points donated.]

[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' says he was going to answer that. ]

[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' wants to play some more. ]

[ 100 points donated ]

[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' likes how intelligent you are. ]

[ 200 points donated. ]

[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' has taken an interest in you. ]

[ Some Nubeculas nods their head in understanding. ]

I ignored all the messages and only focused on points. Riddles helped me to get more points since Nubeculas enjoyed playing with me.

I have accumulated quite a several points considering I am only in this world for a week. I haven't used them because I do not need to. I have Persephone with me.

I walked towards the path that is commonly used by citizens of Brigians. A middle-aged man was walking from the city road towards the forest.

I looked toward the man and activated the Prescient Description.

[ The Active Skill 'Prescient Description' is activated. ]

[ Name: Bob High

Age: 39 years old

Blessing: none

Active Attribute: Wood Cutting Lover ( General )

Active skill: Axe-Wielding Lvl.3, Absolute Sense Lvl.1, Woodcutting Lvl.5

Passive skills: Patience Lvl.2, Analyst Lvl.2

Overall Stats: Strength Lvl 30, Stamina Lvl 29, Agility Lvl 25, Magic Power Lvl 21

Description: He works as an analyst for a local wood corporation in Brigians. His hobby is woodcutting, he is so passionate that he has practice wood cutting on his every free day. ]

As soon as I read Active Attribute of Person walking towards me, a smile formed on my face. This was the person I was waiting for.

It was the person Dionysus often watched, Bob High. He was like any middle-aged man with short black hair and a medium-length beard. He was wearing hiking clothes with two axes in both hands.

I walked toward him. Our eyes meet and spoke with a genuine smile.

" Hello, sir. "

I greeted the man in hiking clothes. He stopped walking and looked me in the eyes.

" Hello. "

" You are Bob High, right sir? "

" Yes? "

The middle-aged man was confused but I could not sense any annoyance in his tone. He really is a simple and honest man. I smiled as gently as I could.

" Good Morning Sir Bob. I am Arthur, I have heard a lot about you and I want you to introduce me to the art of woodcutting. "

" Arthur? What happened to you? How do you become so polite? You have changed. *sniff*"

[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' is laughing at your polite behavior. ]

[ The Nubecula 'Razel' comments " One should be polite. " ]

[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' likes polite behavior as well. ]

[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' want Bad Boy attitude back. ]

[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' has taken an interest in you. ]

[ Some Nubeculas agree with Gumiho. ]


[ 800 total points donated ]


I wanted to roll my eyes, why are they being so dramatic? I am always polite. I ignored Nubeculas and Persephone who were shedding crocodile tears next to me.

Seeing my gentle smile, Bob also smiled. His smile was even gentler than mine, This must be because he is honest in his heart.

" Of course, It is rare to find young people who would take interest in wood cutting. "

My smile thickens, I think I was almost grinning. It went perfectly, Bob loved woodcutting as a hobby but with the technology available all around it was hard to find someone who would take interest in his hobby.

" Wonderful. Thank you so much. "

" It's okay, but it seems you don' have an ax, you can use this one, I always carry an extra. "

I took the ax from his left hand and nodded my head. It is always easy to work with positive people.

" Let's. I will take you to a place good for woodcutting. "

" Sure. "

We both then started to go deeper into the forest, after walking for a half-hour, we arrived at a place filled with trees 5 to 6 ft tall.

It seemed like the sky was covered with leaves and sunlight poured down from the middle of them, there were also some half-cut tree trunks. It was quite a beautiful sight.

" Peaceful. right? "

I nodded, Bob's words were true. I could probably have a peaceful sleep in here.

" I like the forest, that is why I like to work in the Cloud continent. Even though we use almost every technology used in Modern Continent. It is difficult to have this natural atmosphere. "

I get what Bob was trying to say. On earth, there were many talks about making the earth filled with trees to get the original nature we were losing. But that didn't mean people did not want to develop cities and advance as much as possible.

Teraa in that regard was quite well developed. One side embraces nature and tries to preserve it, and one side develops it to its heart's content, with proper balance.

'Too bad dark matter still gonna overload. '

" C'mon. "

" Yes. Actually, it will be my first time cutting a tree, but I will try my best. "

" Everyone starts from somewhere. "

I smiled at the middle-aged person's words. Persephone flew beside me, I quietly moved my mouth to say " little stats ", and she nodded her head.

[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' is observing you. ]

I picked the ax and with the shared stats, I started hammering the sharp side of the ax at the same spot on the tree trunk. I knew the basics of woodcutting.

After, five hours of continuous work. I was able to cut one tree. I depleted my all stamina and I was sweating. I had taken off all my upper clothes at some point.

" You did great for your first time. "

" Thank You. "

Bob cut down 6 trees, it was insane. He made it looked like too easy but actually it was a lot harder.

" But you were amazing sir. your passion for wood cutting can be seen through your work. "

I said that with a calm face, I was earnestly praising him. He cut down 6 trees and even cut them into even smaller pieces so that they can be used as firewood.

" Thank you. You, yourself, are quite amazing, boy. Even though you are young you have maturity in you. I am flattered to have your praise. "

" Is that so? I have always been called someone who makes things worse. So getting praise from someone as honest as you make me feel good. "

[ Some Nubeculas is curious about what you said. ]

" It is getting late and I need to go back. "

" Yes, let's go back. I hope you can come with me again. Are you free tomorrow? "

" I am free. "

" Great. Let us meet at the same time where we meet today. "

We both then walked back towards the city, I split up with Bob after coming out of the forest and went back to the tree branch where I spent two days.

I laid down on the branch tree. I looked toward the moon, as usual, it was beautiful, but I have been feeling an angry feeling for quite some time and it was not settling down because it wasn't mine.

I looked towards the person who was quiet for some reason, She was on the branch next to me.

" What? "

Persephone asked me in an annoyed tone. I kept staring at her, it was not like I could ask her. Nubecula will message me something like ' why am I talking to myself again?'.

" Why are you looking at me like that. "

' You know why? spill it. '

My gaze said that. She try to look away but she could still feel my stare.

" When you said, you are someone who makes things worse. "

Ahh, It was that. why she is asking that? I thought it will something important but it wasn't.

" Isn't it a common thing? "

Everyone heard that once in their lifetime. People always criticize others, it wasn't something unusual.

" But when you said it. I felt like you were saying like, it was too common for you. "

" So? "

" Who used to say you those things? "

I looked towards the Astral Projection of the Persephone. She didn't have any face of pity or unease. She was gazing towards the moon with a calm gaze like she was just asking a normal question.

It made me form a smile on my face, it was easy for me to talk to someone whose emotions I can feel. She was calm.

I took a deep breath and answered her question.

" Everyone. My father, my mother, my friends, my relatives. "

Since I was a little boy. Everyone always told me not to do anything besides studying and that studying is the only thing I was decent on.

Persephone listened to my words and spoke.

" I think you are smart ...And dependable ...and a good person. "

" I am not a good person. "

There was a silence after that. Persephone didn't say anything to my remark. For some reason, I also did not get a message from Nubeculas about any statement I said. It was peaceful.

" Tomorrow we will be busy, Good night. "

I said good night to Persephone and closed my eyes. Tomorrow I will be getting one of the things I needed to survive in this world.

I know, I am taking too much time to publish the last couple of chapters, but I had my practical last week and now I have End-Sem Exams. >=<

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