
My Viewpoint as a Dreamer

We all see dreams, but what are dreams? Our Mc saw dreams about a world. He found his dreams to be too real. One night he went to sleep but when he woke up he was not in his bed, he found himself on an isolated island. Read the journey of a dreamer as he found himself in a world he saw in his dreams. His advantage? He has been dreaming about that world for ten years and he knows about its past, present, and future.

blank2711 · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
78 Chs

Vision 19 - Soft side? (3)

After leaving Valerie and Ducas in the room, I was descending the stairs that we took earlier with Charlotte to come to this floor, going to the ground floor, when Persephone asked me. 

Persephone: "So you are really going to that country? Ipritus?"

She asked that in a neutral voice, beautifully rhythmic nonetheless.

I was unbuttoning my black shirt's sleeve button, that I had underneath my dark blue vest with a chain attached to its buttons. I responded while continuing to do so.

-I am, why? don't you want me to?

Persephone: "It's just, You don't really have to. Each family governing this world has been blessed by one of high existence. They would eventually turn to them. Isn't there a saying? 'People often pray to gods for help.'"

I nodded at her statement, as she told me this, telling me some information about this world, which I already knew.

It was true that Viscount and her family must be praying in their hearts for Beako's safety, and I am sure they are dying to ask the higher existence who had blessed their Viscount herself. 

It could be said that they are just not trying to 'disturb' their god until it is extremely necessary. At least That is how people with no blesser would think. But one who has a Blesser, who constantly interacts with them, most of them would know how these gods really are. Immature, thrill-seeking watchers.

I mean look at Lisa and Hekate. The whole Trivia regards, The Goddess of Witchcraft, Hekate, as the goddess and worshiped her. But can you really see her as one? if you look at her in her cat form acting like a pet? So it comes down to how Higher existences actually show themselves.

So it is not that Viscount didn't want to 'disturb' her blesser, it was because-

-Nubeculas won't be able to tell Beako's location. Because even among them no-one knows her whereabouts.

I said, as I folded both of my sleeves up to my elbows. I activated my storage ring and took out a bundle of cash, and dividing it in half, I put my hands inside my black pants. The stepping sound of my brown shoes subsided as I took the last step of the stair, turning towards the hall leading to the front door.

Persephone: "How are you so sure that nobody knows?"

'Well because I know nobody did in my dreams.' I answered inside and didn't say it out loud. I could feel that Persephone knew that I knew something regarding the matter, but I wouldn't be telling anyone about my dreams.

-Because she is in Ipritus. That country is covered with fog. Even though drones capture that place, all you will see is an area covered with fog.

Persephone: "Hmm... I see. In those kinds of areas, if we don't watch an existence, the feed doesn't lock on them. And only by doing that can we observe locations like that."

I nodded once, as I let my shoulder lose backwards, and back straight. I strolled towards the front door, as Persephone kept thinking about something without saying anything else to me.

I was approaching the front door, when through my peripherical view, I spotted someone past the first room's door to my left. My gaze went to one of the offices with a glass window on its door.

Past it, I saw a man standing, his gaze fixed on a stack of paper in his hand and his back to me. A white shirt covering his torso, and in front of him stood a woman with hands crossed behind her back. 

Her brown hair was tied at her crown, she was wearing a blue Legion dress as well. Her face was towards the door, and our eyes made contact through the glass on the door between us. 

I saw her face stiff with surprise, her eyes widened a little. But then she instantly held herself, slowly composing herself as the surprise on her face became unnoticeable.

Our eyes remained connected until it got hidden behind the wall, as I kept walking towards the front door. 

Persephone: "It was that girl's mother."

Persephone pointed out as we reached closer to the front door, and I stepped outside.


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments "That's the mother." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' comments "Beautiful indeed." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "Ugh. Shameless." ]



Persephone: "By the way. There is something that I was curious about."

-What is it?

Persephone: "When did you get their names? Charlotte and Dianne was it? That's what you called those two. But you never let them tell their name to you that day. Also that military man didn't tell you those mother-daughter's names when he visited."

Ah. I halted my step as I became speechless. Oh right, I saw their Profile using [Prescient Description] so I just knew. Persephone, with her arms crossed, stopped beside me, her head held high, and her curious ametrine eyes fixed on me.

-Let's go look around the market. I am sure it must have beautiful jewels and clothes for women.

I deflected as I used my tactic to entice her with jewels and clothes, which was quite obviously ineffective and did not work too well, but she didn't push on the topic any further.


The city was literally like a festival. It was just as beautiful and joyful, as I watched from the carriage. But now being present here, I could actually feel the atmosphere.


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' comments "The festive atmosphere is very good." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' comments "Well, you are god of wine and celebration." ]


The air buzzed with excitement as I stepped onto the cobblestone street, engulfed by the vibrant energy of a festive. Strings of colorful paper lanterns and fairy lights dangled overhead, forming a sparkling canopy that led the way forward.

Stalls lined both sides of the street, showcasing an array of tempting treats and handcrafted treasures. Clothes with color perfectly blended together, which made me wonder how many hides of different beasts were used on them.


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comments "Stuff here aren't too bad for a lower realm." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "Yes. They seem decent." ]


Infront of the shops, Items with crystals embedded in rings, necklaces, and earrings were lined making the whole display panel. It was placed for others to see and looked beautiful.

Persephone: "These items are really good, using the monster crystal to make these requires talent and hard work. They must be selling well, for a lower existence."

She commented as she sometimes looked at the items that caught her eye.


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' is looking in your direction. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' is looking in your direction ]


Even if they are not useful for her, I guess a woman can't help but at least look at beautiful things.


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' is looking in your direction ]


The animals that have evolved can said to be of two types. One, you would call who are passive, these are the pets, ground horses, different types of evolved dogs, and such, some make them their Beast-partners. The Second are called monsters, they are aggressive wild evolved animals, that roam different parts of isolated areas where humans are less, or you could say where they roam humans don't form a civilization there.

Anyway, each evolved animal, has tough skin, some with soft hide or some hard like stone, they are used to make clothes and armor respectively. Some have their parts like bones, or some mystic part of their bodies, which when extracted can be used for jewels which provide some kind of buff. 

But some have Magic Crystals inside, and sometimes if crafted right, can turn out to have some decent skill, like a barrier or like when activated can shoot fire. High level of those are rare and only sell at on high price on secret auctions. For all those to make, a skilled blacksmith is required, the better it is crafted, the better the result. That is how their price varies.

Persephone: "But the ones we have on our storage rings are of higher quality and the quantity we have is immense. So we don't really need them."

-Yes we don't.

Each of the storage rings of Persephone and I have the items that I took from the church of Brigains. Those items are different. In the lower realm, people or adventurers hunt, extract, and then a blacksmith uses the material to form an item. 

But since the items we have are part of the whole wealth of the church, we have the best of the best. That is, among items like those there are also items bought with points, through employees. The items made by the high Existence Makers. They don't stand infront of a furnace, they do all that stuff in their mind, with better materials, at least that's how high Existence does stuff, so they are just better.

Persephone: "Is that why you are only buying things you could eat."

She eyed the stick in my hand, it had a strip of meat, which looked like a bacon strip. But the shopkeeper from before told me that it was the meat of a monster. And it is supposed to increase my Magic, well I didn't get any message but it was salty and spicy so I liked it. 

-Do you see anything you want to eat?

Since I never have seen her eat once. I am sure she has some skill to sustain herself, but that doesn't mean indulging in delicacies is something that would be foreign to her. I believed.

She thought hard as she frowned, I got something uncomfortable feeling like she was deliberating something. I thought maybe she wasn't sure what she should eat, maybe because it must have been long since she had to actually think about it.

Arthur: "Let's see what that shop has."

I spoke, as a shop caught my eye, where the shopkeeper was pouring bread on a big basket, using a big flat spatula, a wooden Peel. Even from afar, I could see steam rising above the loaves of bread, they looked freshly out of the oven. 


[ Some Nubecuals with gourmet are looking in your direction. ]


Several Nubeculas should be watching the area with festive atmosphere, as some kind of entertainment.

I walked further with Persephone beside me, and I came across a group of street performers. Acrobats leaped and twisted through the air, and onto the side, a juggler skillfully tossed flaming torches into the air. Nearby, the audience conveyed a range of emotions with just their expressions and gestures.

As I reached the shop. The shopkeeper, a middle-aged man with brown hair with white on the sides and a thick mustache, vented on with professionalism, as he described the best of his varieties.

Shopkeeper: "A fine morning sir. What would you like to have? I have a variety of breads. Would you like to try yeast bread loaded with eggs and butter, or a slice of sprouted bread, it doesn't contain any sugar. If you prefer sweet, bread with creams would be good, I have cream filled inside as well as poured from the top. If you don't prefer cream, I have muffins, big and small. And If you like flavored ones, I can give you many of fruit flavored."

He wore a simple, white, double-breasted apron that hung low and tied securely at the waist. Stains of chocolate, frosting, and flour had become a part of its story, like a painter's palette of ingredients and flavors.

His lower half was dressed in comfortable, well-worn trousers, typically in a darker shade. On his hands, the shopkeeper wore disposable gloves for hygiene, to handle hot pans and trays.


I messaged Persephone, as I kept my eyes wandering around the items placed. I could see donuts, white bread, garlic bread with a hint of green, and even breadsticks on his shop panel.


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' has taken a huge gulp. ]


[ The Nubecula ''Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' comments "Those seem soft." ]


'They do' I nodded.

Persephone: "Let's just get the cream ones."

-Stuffed one?

Persephone: "...Sure."

She sounded doubtful. I just pointed from one corner of the panel to the other.

Arthur: "Give me each of these, and also one whole pack of cream-stuffed bread."

The shopkeeper showed a startled expression, but only for a second, as he went to pick a Paper bag and started picking the items, putting them inside the bag with a smile. 

It wasn't that weird for someone to order this much. The market, as Charlotte told us, is famous. Many Royal and rich people come here, especially from Atlas, as it is relatively close, hence a large number of Demi-humans here.

As the shopkeeper put everything inside the bag, turned to me, and I extended my hand to take it from him, a shout came from the side.

?: "Hey.! Stop you brat.!"

A brute-like deep voice shouted. I looked to my left and a man with brute style, and huge muscle, was running towards us.

?: "Come here, you little thief.!"

Well not exactly at us, but in our direction. He was chasing behind a kid, a little girl, not looking more than ten. She was running in our direction, with two apples in her hand, tightly clutched in her both hands.

?: "Hey.! Catch her.!"

The man shouted at us. The kid reached closer to us and dashed strongly between me and the shopkeeper. I took the bag closer to my chest and stepped back. The shopkeeper, maybe influenced by my movement, also took a step back with surprise.

The Kid ran without us stopping her and blended into the crowd ahead. As I was looking in the direction where the kid ran. The man who was shouting came closer to us, panting.

He looked at us with scornful eyes, while holding his knees, and spoke as he took deep breaths.

?: "Haah... that damn kid... Haah. Hey.! Why didn't you stop her?"


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' is frowning. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' is looking with dead eyes. ]


Before he could come closer to me, his finger stretched at me. The shopkeeper stepped between us, holding him, by placing his hand on his shoulder.

Shopkeeper: "Calm down, Denis. I was giving this gentleman a bag of the breads he bought, so our hands were full. Anyway, that kid just took two apples, let it go."

As I turned to them, the shopkeeper persuaded the brute man named, Denis. He eyed the bag in my arm and made a scowl face.

Denis: "Two Apples you say. Those were good-quality apples that I put on the front for all to see. I went to the border of the Hidden Forest to get them."

He grumbled, without raising his voice. It seemed the shopkeeper and this man were friends. The shopkeeper turned to me.

Shopkeeper: " I apologize, Sir. He runs a fruit shop, a couple of shops before this one, they are of high quality."

Denis: "Yeah... What he said. And... please come if want good fruits."

Denis spoke with a low voice, almost grumbling again.


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' comments "Merchants. They can be shameless." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments "Gotta sell stuffs." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' comments "Work is work." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' comments "That still is no way treat Arthur." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "I am putting him, in 'I hate him' pile." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comments "You have pile? Why am I not surprised? " ]


Looking through the messages, I took out almost ten of the cash notes from my left pocket, since I was holding the bag with my right, and gave them to the shopkeeper. His expression told me that I was obviously giving him more money.

Arthur: "Take these and also give him the money for those apples that that kid stole."

I spoke eyeing Denis once and left without saying anything else, leaving both of the shop owners with baffled expressions. 

I walked as a symphony of colors, sounds, and sensations of the festive street covered the surroundings once again. The place transformed into the extraordinary, as I continued to explore. 

Each step I took, revealed new surprises and delights, from a whimsical puppet show to a fortune teller with a crystal ball. I walked with a calm face as Persephone spoke to me.

Persephone: "What are looking so seriously for?"

-Does this face look like I am serious?

I retorted, to which Persephone, walking beside me, narrowed her eyes at me.

Persephone: "How many times must I remind you? You say it yourself now. We have a soul contract. I can feel it."

Lifting one of her hands that was crossed below her chest, she flicked her finger at me and herself, indicating the connection between us.

I walked without replying to her, as the wall on my left showed one opening, leading to a dark alley. The alley was wide enough for two people to walk, but it looked so... unfestive.

Roaming around the street with colors all around, this place looked very dull and felt even more muted.

-Maybe here.

Persephone: "A-"

As I messaged that to Persephone, I walked into the alley. I heard the sound of her voice, she was about to say something, but I was already inside the alley.


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' comments "Where is he going?" ]


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' comments "I don't know." ]


On either side, tall walls of an array of houses prevented the sunlight from entering but not completely. Also, a soft glow emanated from a lone streetlamp in the distance.

Patches of moss clung to the cobblestone ground covered with discarded newspapers. The air held a faint scent of dampness, mingled with the distant aroma of a nearby bakery. It was a quiet sanctuary, where time seemed to slow, and the city's chaos faded into the background, offering a moment of respite from the bustling world beyond.


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comments "He is looking for her." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' comments "Her? Who?" ]


The Alley had some wooden boxes, and as I walked inside enough that the festive atmosphere from before seemed to fade away. I stopped infront of a wooden box, from where a small head with gold hair was sticking out like a sore thumb in this shadow atmosphere, and I could hear a soft voice.

?: "Eat slowly. Is it good?"

A thin voice spoke in a hushed voice.

?: "Hm.! It's juicy, you eat too big sis."

The voice that squealed before speaking was also thin, but I could discern it was different.

?: "I will... Later."

I walked closer to the box, behind which the back of gold head sticking out. I stepped calmly and even though I had no intention of hiding, my steps didn't make any sound for some reason, maybe I was subconsciously walking carefully.

Walking closer, I saw the back of a girl, and I couldn't see her face, only her gold hair that was till the middle of her tiny back. Infront of her was another kid, a boy, I assumed as his hair was cut short, it was black like mine. His skin was just a little tan, not brown but not white. He had a cute face with gold eyes, but he was skinny enough, that his jaw was sharp.

He was munching on a red apple with delight, holding it with both hands. He looked like a squirrel. Maybe since my steps didn't make any noise, both of them didn't notice me.


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "It is that Kid.!" ]


As he finished what he was munching on, he raised his head while opening his mouth wide enough to put the whole apple inside, to take another bite. He stiffened up, as he fixated on me, and we made eye contact.

?: "What is that expression? You look like you saw a ghost."

The girl spoke, as the back of her head tilted to one side, her voice containing confusion.

?: "Hm?"

Tracing the boy's gaze, she turned her head to look behind. As she turned, I saw two pairs of black gems, for eyes, stiffened on me.

'Now you look like you saw a ghost.' I sighed inside. From their perspective, they must see a giant man, towering over them, in all black.

The girl recovered then and suddenly stood with her hands stretched, one of which had an apple in it. She made a shield with her tiny frame, which was to my waist.

She, the girl, had gold hair and black eyes, her skin white pale like mine and her nose as well, it was thin, maybe because she was thin just like the boy. She was cute.

Her cute face looked like a growl, as she stood wary of me, showing alert and cautious towards me. The boy was shielded behind, but now I could see he was poking his head to look at me, he wore an uncertain expression, but I could sense his fear.

I put my free hand inside the paper bag. The girl flinched at my movement, and stood with even more vigilance, growling at me.

Arthur: "Want one?"

I spoke taking out one of the stuffed bread. I brought a dozen of these, and since one pack contained twelve of these, so yeah a dozen. The boy looked at the bread, it obviously looked very fluffy. It is even soft to the touch.


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' comments "Obviously." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' is looking at you with soft eyes. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' is scowling. ]


Ignoring the message, I focused on the boy whose eyes drifted to the half-bitten apple that he had eaten earlier. If I remember correctly, that fruitshop owner said it was of good quality. But still, boy has already taken a bite of it, and a child should be curious to eat new delicious food, so I nudged still.

Arthur: "It is fluffy and soft... It even has cream inside."

I spoke carefully. The boy's eyes sparkled at my words, even the girl loosened her stretched hand at this unexpected development, and took a gulp at my explanation, but still defensive.

Before they recovered, I threw the bread in the air. The girl became startled at this and the boy became flustered looking at the bread heading his way. The bread flew in an arc motion going above the girl's head and went towards the boy. The flustered boy fluttered his hand towards the bread and caught it splendidly.

I thought, standing tall I must look intimidating. So I sat down as the girl looked back at the boy, who was looking at the bread with sparkling eyes.

Then as she turned her head back to look at me, she stiffened up. Now sitting, the girl's and my head aligned perfectly, the boy was still a little short.

I looked at her and I noticed, that even though her gold hair was beautiful, it was stuck with mud in some places, same with the boy, but since his hair was black it was unnoticeable. Their face and bodies visibly were covered with dirt, and their clothes were as shabby as one could find, with several holes covered with other fabric by loose stitches.

I took out a breadstick from the bag and flicked it at the girl.

Arthur: "Eat it."

She looked at the breadstick weirdly and then looked back at the boy, and was surprised to see that the boy had already taken a bite. He was eating the bread with delight, as cream stuck at the corner of his mouth.

She moved her head at me, eyed the bread stick, and looked at me weirdly. Then she opened her mouth taking a bite of the breadstick still in my hand. Her eyes widened and she hurriedly took another bite.

Arthur: "Tasty right?"

The girl nodded her head, at which a slight smile formed on my lips. As soon as she ate the whole breadstick, the boy only managed to eat half of the bread. I took out another bread stick which she took in her hand this time, which was free.

A happy light feeling resonated in my heart seeing their expression, but it felt heavy, then I realized. Yes, I feel for two now. I looked at Persephone, she was looking at me with a soft gaze and a coy smile.

Recovering from the sudden situation that I got flown with. I looked back to the children, who looked at me, thinking that I was looking back to check if someone had come behind us.

I deliberated before extending a hand towards the girl's hand holding the apple. I took the apple, and surprisingly she let it go easily with a confused expression.

Arthur: "Stealing is bad, you know."

The girl's eyes widened, as the boy looked at the girl with confusion.

Arthur: "It was you right? You ran past me as you were running from that brute fruitshop owner."

The boy did not seem to be dumb as his eyes widened realizing what I said, and the girl's eyes roamed, avoiding my eyes.

Arthur: "But I guess it was necessary. Are you siblings?"

I questioned, with how close they seemed. At my question, both children looked at me as they nodded.

Arthur: "Well, that's unexpected."

I muttered, since apart from both being cute, their colors were different, but they did hold some resemblance to each other. I pushed the whole paper bag towards the girl's hand, it seemed big enough to cover her torso fully.

As she held the bag with both arms wrapped around it, I stood pushing at my knees, and spoke sticking out the apple in my hand towards them.

Arthur: "I am taking this apple, in return I am giving you that bag, Alright? It's a trade."

I stared at them, checking for any reaction if they understood what I said, but they both kept staring at me. The boy with half-eaten apple and cream on his cheeks and the girl with a paper bag in her hands. 

As they kept staring, I felt uncomfortable, so I turned on my heels. I only took some steps and then looked over my shoulder, both children were still staring at me. I stick out my free hand at them.

Arthur: "Bye."

Then I stepped towards the streets, coming out of the alley. The colorful festive atmosphere once again engulf the surrounding. A happy and prideful feeling assaulted my inside, and it was obviously Persephone's.

Persephone: "So children evokes your soft side?"

-Shut up.

The giggling feeling inside increased which raised my annoyance. I took a bite of the apple that I had taken from the girl before.

Arthur: "Mm. This is sweet. I guess, that fruit owner was telling the truth."

Persephone: "Is that so?"

Arthur: "Ha... I should go back to buy those breads again."

I circled back towards the street from where I bought the bread before. The shopkeeper seemed happy to see me, he even gave me a pack of muffins for free. He was a good man, I might visit him again.


Hello readers,

A new chapter as I promised.

So how you all like it? The festival market seems to be very festive, with all kinds of diffrent people.

Let see how Arthur will like it.

Next chapter would be on Saturday. I will see you then.


blank2711creators' thoughts