
My Vampires

AKEN0X · Fantaisie
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35 Chs

Chapter 19


"Oh, that? It's a portrait of someone I've been searching for, for a very long time now..."




"There's someone I've been searching for for a very long time...practically forever now." "You remind me of her for some reason, so I supposed that's why I was kind to you."

Flashback Ends


"Is it the person you told me about that day at the fountain?"

He looked at me and then began speaking in a very even, calm voice, as if he were telling me a fairy tale before bed.


"A long, long time ago I was feeling so hopeless I wanted everything to end, even my life." "And then she saved me." "But she disappeared. I searched all over for her, but I could never find her." "I held onto a wish deep in my heart. A wish to see her again someday. That was all that kept me going." "But no matter where I went, I couldn't find her. It felt like time was passing right before my eyes." "I didn't want to forget when I met her. So I found a painter in town." "I asked him to paint someone from my memory. He drew her face, her hair, and--" "When it got time to draw her face, I realized...I'd already forgotten it." "No matter how hard I tried to remember it, her face was gone from my memories." "Almost like it had gotten swept away in a sandstorm."

The painter asked Vlad if he was sure he wanted the unfinished portrait, and Vlad told him yes. He kept it by his side and continued gazing at it so he wouldn't forget anymore of her.


"So that's why I can still vividly remember the strength and warmth of her arms as she embraced me." "And the promise we made each other."


"The promise?"

Vlad stared into my eyes and smiled. "I think I'II keep that part to myself."

He murmured as he looked back at the portrait on the wall, his gaze so tender it was like he was looking at a treasure. That look in his eyes made my heart race. Carlos said Vlad would stare at the girl in the portrait as if he were in love with her. He's right. That look in Vlad's eyes– Even though I knew the answer might hurt me, my lips moved on their own accord.






"...Do you love that girl?"



His eyes widened and then his lips formed a tender smile.


"Yes. I've loved her for a very long time. She's incredibly special to me."

His words stabbed through my heart even more painfully than I thought they would. I didn't know what to say in response. I kept thinking I should say something, or at least smile, but I couldn't do either. Suddenly, Vlad pulled me towards him. I was so startled that I reflexively reached out to touch his chest. I glanced up at him and his hand slid to my cheek.


"But...right now I have you."



He looked at me with the same loving eyes with which he had looked at the portrait, and then– He pressed his lips against mine and I forgot to breathe. There was a faint wet noise as he pulled away, and I was finally able to speak.



Why would he kiss me after talking about his long-lost love? I felt hot tears stinging in my eyes as I stared at him. But then he smiled, as if inviting me into a sweet dream.


"I would be crazy not to touch you when you're so close to me." "...Can I do it again?"

Before I could answer, his dark shadow fell upon my face. The more I learn about you, and the closer I get to you--the less I understand you. I can't stop the way I feel about you. My emotions were out of control; there was no stopping the way I felt. All I could think about was him. I greedily wanted him all to myself. I wanted to be special to him. I knew what these feelings that swept through my heart were called. But...I'd never felt it this strongly before.



Just the sound of him calling my name was enough to make me melt. I'm in love with you. And there's no going back. I don't care if you care for someone else. I want to be the person next to you. We kissed until both of us were breathless, then he pulled me into his arms and nuzzled against my ear.


"When the most beautiful flower in my garden blooms, I'll pick it and bring it to you, Kira."


The morning after I realized I was in love with Vlad, it was time to go home.


"What? You're taking me back to the mansion?"


"Of course. We're worried about you going home alone. Right, le Voivode?"


"Yes. Take care of her, Carlos.'


"I think you'll be safer going home by carriage, but Carlos insisted."


"Yep. Let's go, Kira!"


"Okay. Thanks so much for taking care of me during my short time here."

I bowed and then slowly looked up, making eye contact with Vlad. I hope we'll see each other again.


"Will you come see me again, Kira?"


"I was thinking the same thing. You beat me to it…"


"Oh? I'm glad you feel the same way."

It was a little promise, but it was a promise all the same, and it felt like it connected us. I couldn't help but smile.I held that promise dear to my heart as I Left that old castle, which seemed frozen in time. Once the sound of the carriage grew distant and Kira and Carlos were out of sight, Flynn looked at Vlad.


"Are you sure you should have let him?"


"What do you mean?"


"Are you sure it's a good idea to let him go near that mansion." "After all…" "that's the same mansion you're having the playwright spy on for you." "It's a vampire nest, filled with revived historical greats."

Vlad stared into Flynn's eyes for a moment, and then touched the lapel pin on his chest.


"As long as you're wearing that, not even a pureblooded vampire--whose skills have been honed to sense the presence.." ...of other vampires will be able to notice you. Plus, Carlos was a famous executioner. He can't be easily killed."


"..." "When you brought her here, I thought it was a plan to lure the vampires here."


"Ahaha. You thought I was going to use Kira to entice them here?"


"It's a reasonable guess. There have been other kings throughout history who destroyed their kingdoms over love." "But then you let her go so easily. I just don't understand your behavior."


"Flynn. I've never once thought about using Kira."




"She loves the residents of the mansion and she wanted to go home. So l let her. That's all."


"...So she was never in your plans, then?"

Flynn asked, and Vlad gave him a vague smile.


"...In that case, then she will hate you once she finds out the truth."


"Hate me? Why?"




"She might be confused at first. But eventually she'll understand that everything I did was to protect the future."

Vlad's smile deepened. He turned and started to walk away. Although he mercilessly bloodied his hands and did cruel things saying it was to protect the future, he still had a childlike innocence about him. Flynn couldn't reconcile the two things.


"….The lines between right and wrong are even more blurred than they were before."

Flynn narrowed his eyes as he watched Vlad leave. And then he couldn't believe what happened next. A man wearing a military uniform so red it almost looked like it was on fire slowly turned towards him. His eyes looked vacant and lifeless, filled only with hatred.


"Introduce yourself, Flynn. This is the Duke of Wellington."


"..." "Heheh. Le Voivode, you are not a child at all. Honestly…" "You're like a god on earth."


As soon as I got out of the carriage, the familiar scenery of the mansion filled my view. It feels like it's been ages since I was here!


"Hey, Carlos. Wanna come inside for some tea?" "I want to thank you, plus I'm sure Sebastian's got tea and sweets ready."


"That's really nice of you, but there's somewhere I have to go."


"Oh... Right, of course. Don't worry about it. Come back another time."




"Carlos? What's wrong?"


"Hey, Kira? No matter what happens in the future…. please just don't hate le Voivode, okay?" "And...please don't hate us."

Does he feel sad about saying goodbye to me?


"What are you talking about, silly? Of course I'd never hate you all." "Although maybe you'd hate me!"


"Haha. Trust me, that would NEVER happen!"

I gave him a reassuring smile and he grinned back at me.

We promised to see each other again soon and then parted ways. I Tried to suppress my excitement as I ran through the entrance.


"'m home!"

Arthur & Issac



"My, my, look what the cat dragged in. It's been a few days!"

The three of them were sitting down to some apple pie. They exchanged glances and smiled.


"Everyone's been eagerly awaiting your arrival. Myself included."


"Sorry I was gone for so long! And I'm sorry to worry you!"


"Do you want some apple pie? Come over here."


"Are you sure you want to give up your favorite food, Ai-kun?"


"That's right. Don't come crying to us later because you didn't get your fill of apples.


"It's not my favorite food at all! Stop talking about apples so much!"

I had to laugh at their usual banter. It was fun being with Vlad and the others, but this place really feels like home.


"Tonight we'll have everyone here for dinner." "And you know what that means."



"Everyone raise your glasses. A toast to Kira, who's come back to us safe and sound. Cheers!"

Everyone's glasses clinked together and the banquet began.


"There's plenty of food left, so don't be shy and help yourselves."

There was so much food on the table it barely fit. Just looking at it made my stomach grumble.


"Where's Napoleon?"


"He's training right now and he's not back yet." "I told him we were having a banquet to celebrate your return home and everything…"


"He always keeps his promises. I'm sure he'll be home soon."


"Yeah, I'm sure you're right. We'll have to save some of Sebastian's crepes for him."



Theo spoke up, his mouth full of syrup-covered pancakes…


"I've never heard of a hospital that won't let you have visitors!"


"I know. I was so worried about you I could hardly sleep at night."


"Le Comte kept saying he was going to sneak into the hospital to visit you and wouldn't listen to reason."


"That's precisely why that hospital probably doesn't allow visitors. To discourage people like that!"


"...Excuse me?"

As everyone chatted with each other, I realized something was incredibly off about this whole conversation. Wait, why do they think I was hospitalized? Vlad said…



"I really appreciate the gesture, but if I don't go home, all the residents will worry about me!"


"You don't have to worry about that. I told the owner of the mansion that I'd be looking after you until your ankle heals."

Flashback Ends

Maybe he lied to them so that they wouldn't worry about me? Still… Why hasn't anyone even mentioned

Vlad's name? A dark pit of anxiety started to form in my stomach. Just then there was a loud thump, startling everyone in the room.


"What was that noise?"


"It sounded like it was coming from the foyer. I think it's a bit too soon for Santa Claus." "Let's go see who it is."


Dezaki was about to leave the dining room to see when suddenly someone rushed into the room.





Nicholas was panting and he swayed unsteadily. Dezaki caught him just in time before he collapsed.


"Nicholas-kun, you're injured...!"

Dezaki lifted up a hand. It was covered in blood.


"Someone stop the bleeding!"


"Kira, go get the first-aid kit. And..."


"I'm fine…!"

My body jolted when Nicholas suddenly shouted.


"I'm sorry...for startling you. I'm fine. Please just listen to me." "There's something I need to tell you."

Nicholas's eyes were usually so gentle and strong, but right now they were filled with anger and sadness. My anxiety was growing by the second.


"What in the world happened, Nicholas?"


"I was on my way home from teaching the children when I was attacked by a hooded man in the alley." "I tried to dodge him, but he was intent on killing me. I realized that if I didn't seriously fight him, he'd kill me." "So I fought back until I finally knocked him unconscious. I pulled back his hood and couldn't believe what I saw." "It was the same man who defeated me at the Battle of Waterloo."


"Wait--are you talking about the Duke of Wellington?!"


"Yes. He's back--and he's a vampire now, just like us!"




"Comte, please... please tell me this wasn't your doing!"