
my vampire daughter

One day I suddenly received a cardboard box, and there was a little lolita in white stockings lying inside. Whether you are a European vampire, a Japanese shikigami, or a zombie girl in the grave, in short, all you weird creatures are here. Come to me, we can cooperate for mutual benefit and raise the cutest daughter.

Daoist2ootOY · Urbain
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90 Chs

Uncle, you've hit a ghost

The young lover was greatly frightened, trembling all over with a ghastly pallor. In ascending the stairs, Zhu Changfeng had sensed something amiss in the alley. Witnessing his lover's distressed state, he couldn't help but feel uneasy.

"Xiao Ling, don't be afraid. What happened? Please don't scare me."

Zhu Changfeng embraced Xiao Ling, continuously glancing towards the bathroom. Trembling, Xiao Ling explained, "Look, the washing machine started by itself, and there was a ghostly face in the mirror."

Xiao Ling's eyes dared not open. Anxious, Zhu Changfeng comforted her and cautiously approached the bathroom.

He turned off the washing machine and inspected the mirror, finding nothing unusual.

"Nothing is here. Are you sure you didn't accidentally start the washing machine?"

Zhu Changfeng asked. Xiao Ling, shivering, looked up at him. Suddenly, she saw a bald ghostly figure with a gaping mouth in the mirror.


She screamed loudly, and in a panic, rushed out. Zhu Changfeng, looking back, was also scared, tumbling backward and crawling out, screaming in terror.

The mischievous Green Hair and Baldy in the bathroom burst into laughter. Seeing this, Ye Shu and Liu Youyou, who were waiting, inquired about the situation.

Green Hair pointed outside, saying, "Listen."

The sound of chaotic footsteps and panting reached their ears. Terrified, Xiao Ling and Zhu Changfeng rushed down, heading straight for the car.

Ye Shu snapped his fingers, gesturing towards the car, "Go scare them in the car, don't let them escape."

Green Hair and Baldy chuckled wickedly and floated over. Following Zhu Changfeng and Xiao Ling into the car, they waited.

After about ten seconds, the car remained stationary. Zhu Changfeng, panicking, was the first to scramble out, followed by Xiao Ling, who had fallen to the ground and couldn't move.

"Let me go after Zhu Changfeng. You, Yu Yu, better stay hidden. Everything is within my control."

Ye Shu smirked, and Liu Youyou rolled her eyes, "Understood, just go."

Without further ado, Ye Shu, who had previously studied the layout of Guihua Street, circumvented behind the alley and headed directly towards Zhu Changfeng.

Zhu Changfeng, terrified and with weak legs, couldn't run fast. In no time, Ye Shu caught up with him, emerging from the dark alley.

"Sir, why such panic?"

Ye Shu smiled at the alley's entrance, startling Zhu Changfeng, who exclaimed, "Who are you?"

Ye Shu approached slowly, saying gently, "I am a disciple of a fortune teller at the City God Temple. Just passing by, I felt something amiss."

Naturally, this was a fabricated story, and in normal circumstances, people would dismiss it as nonsense. However, Zhu Changfeng, already frightened, believed it without hesitation.

"Master, why so scared?" Zhu Changfeng trembled, and Ye Shu supported him, saying, "Mr. Zhu, please don't panic. I need to understand the situation. Follow me."

Guiding Zhu Changfeng to a well-lit street corner, Ye Shu carefully examined him. Then, he randomly felt Zhu Changfeng's forehead and shoulders and spoke solemnly, "Mr. Zhu, if my assumptions are correct, you are a doctor."

Zhu Changfeng was taken aback, surprised, "Master, how did you know?"

Ye Shu lightly smiled, "Mr. Zhu, although you're elderly, your fingers are long and full, and there's a hint of death aura. However, it's not your death aura; it's your patients'. Additionally, I noticed dark lines on the inner corners of your eyelids, a sign of lingering Yin energy. You probably spend a lot of time in the hospital."

Ye Shu continued with his fabricated explanations, and Zhu Changfeng, already believing him, nodded vigorously, "Yes, Master, you're amazing. Can you help me?"

Feigning seriousness, Ye Shu continued, "Mr. Zhu, residing in a hospital and neglecting your family will attract malicious spirits. If you misuse your authority for personal gain, the evil spirits will haunt you. Furthermore, you must do more good deeds and be generous with your wealth, for money earned through wrongdoing requires generous spending."

Having stated these three conditions, Ye Shu waited for Zhu Changfeng's response.

Zhu Changfeng hesitated but eventually nodded, "Master, I will follow your guidance."

Ye Shu nodded in return, "Very well, let me help you. Regarding the fees, just provide what you can. We only seek to sustain ourselves, not wealth and luxury."

Suppressing a laugh, Ye Shu inwardly celebrated his success. Zhu Changfeng, thoroughly trapped, knelt down and

 pleaded, "Master, I'm willing to offer 500,000. Please help me find peace."

Ye Shu, maintaining a calm demeanor, said, "Let's not discuss financial matters now. Follow me; we need to resolve the issue with the malicious spirit."