
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantaisie
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57 Chs

Reality and Expectations

It seemed to be my time to go through this ordeal. The stories one hears, the ones that make you shudder, never seem to be in the realm of possibility. He had often pondered what shaped him in this chaotic world, what molded his unique perspective on life.

He had perished.

Yes, he had died, or one could say he met his end at the hands of the person he had considered his confidante, the one who shared his burdens, the person he loved the most—his girlfriend, Maria—and by the traitorous individual he had regrettably called his best friend, Roger.

He died during a period when humanity was experiencing a profound transformation, marked by frequent deaths that occurred in unusual and unexpected locations, such as gates.

The world itself was undergoing significant changes.

Recall when Klauss had mentioned the existence of gates leading to different dimensions and a world overrun by hunters.

All of this transpired a decade ago when Klauss, aged 17, was in his final year of high school, living his carefree life.

He could vividly remember that fateful day, the day everything spiraled into chaos. 

The clock had struck 4pm, the weather striking a balance between cool and warm, perfect for a leisurely post-school stroll. His height offered a vantage point, allowing him to scan the landscape beyond.

As leaves gently descended, they graced his head before touching the earth, making it a typical day after school. Klauss's thoughts wandered as a cool breeze brushed against his neck.

Suddenly, a soft voice, as if it were right beside him, spoke, "what a cute butt this is." Upon hearing that sentence, a delicate touch caressed his posterior, and in his reverie, he relished the sensation, jesting, "Wow, who could be touching me so affectionately?"

Turning around, he discovered Roger with his arm outstretched toward his rear, and Maria, just behind, filming the scene, on the brink of erupting in laughter.

Blushing with embarrassment, Klauss yelled, "How could you dare manhandle someone like that? What do you want?" Roger, grinning, retorted, "You, baby," and winked.

An awkward silence enveloped them as the wind took on a chill, but just as Klauss was about to pounce on Roger, Maria, the cheerful bystander, burst into laughter, tears streaming down her face as she said, "I can't take it anymore. Please, start from the top.

I can make this scene even better." For Maria, Klauss's discomfort was a source of amusement, possibly why they were in a relationship, which had endured for six months.

In fact, the three of them had been friends for quite some time, possibly since middle school. Roger and Maria had known each other even longer, growing up together.

In retrospect, their close bond made more sense now. Regardless, that day transitioned from Klauss being playfully teased to all of them sharing laughter to the most dreadful day humankind had ever seen. 

Humanity has always grappled with war and cruelty, but what happens when you shift from battling fellow humans to confronting monstrous creatures straight out of movies and tales?

This was, and still is, their reality. The emergence of these otherworldly gates had flipped the world upside down, subjecting humanity to its most formidable challenge in history.

Advanced technology and state-of-the-art ballistic weaponry proved futile against the relentless onslaught of the monsters that wreaked havoc globally.

All hope appeared lost until courageous individuals awakened, gaining superhuman abilities and strength, and wrestled the monsters back through the gates.

These formidable heroes came to be known as hunters, and the world transformed dramatically into a realm of monsters, gates, and hunters.

The day when chaos erupted, when these gates and monsters made their appearance, was labeled the Great Catalyst, the day when everything changed, when Klauss's life changed. 

About a year later, the world settled into its new reality. Everyone had acclimated to the altered world, understanding the existence of gates and the emergence of the hero-like hunters.

As more individuals awakened as hunters, the Hunter Association (THA) was established two months after the Great Catalyst, tasked with overseeing, safeguarding hunters and civilians, and managing the gates.

THA was governed by both hunters and public officials, but the majority of its members were hunters, maintaining balance in a world where the power of hunters was evident, and they had the potential to dominate nations.

As hunters multiplied and embraced their newfound abilities, they ventured into the gates, driven by human curiosity. This led to new revelations about the gates, monsters, equipment, mana, mana stones, and the necessity to clear the gates. 

And now, at this late juncture, the protagonist, Klauss, finally disclosed his name. Klauss, 18 years old, an orphan, and now, the day after his graduation, he awoke as a hunter.

Readers might be wondering how one knows when they awaken. The answer was simple—Klauss could see and sense mana. It was the most significant day of his life, for hunters were revered as heroes, regarded as prominent figures in their contemporary world.

Becoming a hunter was the aspiration of many, for it signified becoming the strongest and, naturally, acquiring wealth.

It ranked as the greatest day of Klauss's life, perhaps after finding a girlfriend. Soon after his awakening, Maria and Roger also manifested their hunter abilities, and they collectively decided to visit the Hunter Association to register officially as hunters.

During the registration process, THA had devised three distinct trials to gauge one's aptitude, with a final trial conducted inside a gate reserved for those who passed the initial three trials.

The first test examined the presence of mana to confirm awakening.

The second test allowed for the selection of a preferred weapon to use in the last trial.

The third test, the most challenging, involved combat against an instructor who was a seasoned hunter of THA.

The goal wasn't merely to defeat a seasoned hunter; it was to prove one's worth and talent. Facing this seasoned hunter served as a rite of passage, a necessary step for any aspiring hero.

As the time approached for us to take our first trial, I felt a mix of excitement and apprehension coursing through me. It wasn't nervousness but the sheer thrill of stepping onto the path of becoming a hero.

Our first trial was situated in a dimly lit chamber with a colossal stone at its center, towering like a professional basketball player and as wide as a baseball bat.

Its sheer size was intimidating. A woman in a lab coat, glasses perched on her nose, and long, graceful legs, approached us, trailed by a stern-looking man.

The woman had the air of a stereotypical alluring scientist, her grace evident in every step and smile.

On the other hand, the man, with his unwavering seriousness and a demeanor reminiscent of a retired navy soldier, added an unsettling contrast.

Together, they were a formidable duo that sent shivers down the spine of anyone in their presence.

The lady greeted us with a warm smile and began to explain the upcoming trial. Her demeanor was endearing in my opinion.

She introduced herself, saying, "Welcome, young initiates. I'm Sylvetta, and this is Victor. He's in charge of overseeing your third trial. We'll be your guides through this journey. The first trial, as you know, involves testing your mana sensitivity. Place your hand on the mana stone over there and imagine channeling your bloo–, I mean mana into it. That's all."

Her last sentence, however, sent an unexpected chill down my spine. "Why did she mention blood and mana in the same breath?" I wondered silently. "They shouldn't be related."

I was first to go. As I approached the massive boulder, it loomed like a mountain I was determined to conquer. I was resolved to overcome this challenge no matter the cost.

The stone was etched with markings that represented different levels of mana input. To the untrained eye, it might seem like a mere rock, but to us, it was a gateway to defining our potential.

Below 10% on the marker meant a person possessed a meager mana count, and, in the world of hunters, that made you only slightly superior to the average human.

In the range between 10% and 30%, you were considered a proficient hunter, adept at using mana for combat and everyday tasks.

From 30% to 60%, you were bestowed with the title of a mage, capable of wielding mana with skill. If your mana exceeded 70%, you were seen as a mage with aspirations to become a potent wizard or witch, a coveted position that came with instant fame and respect.

The gap between 60% and 70% was akin to a mystical barrier, rarely crossed. You were considered blessed by the mana Gods if you could surpass that threshold.

With my hand on the stone, I focused on it, taking a deep breath before channeling every ounce of mana within me into my right hand.

The process appeared daunting, but to simplify it, I visualized the transfer of water from my hand to the stone, making the connection. The stone responded, radiating a brilliant light, and to my astonishment, the marker displayed below 10%. I was left speechless and in disbelief.

As I was processing the result, Victor, the hunter supervisor, impatiently barked, "Next!" Walking back to the waiting area, still bewildered, Roger, who was next in line, passed by and playfully slapped me on my ass, urging me to gather my confidence.

"Man up! There are still two more tests ahead," he exclaimed. I clenched my fist, straightened my posture, and retorted, "You better perform better than me, or you'll get twice what you just dished out."

Maria, who had been silently observing, couldn't help but smile and casually said, "Pause."

Sylvetta, the charismatic scientist, wore a smirk that hinted at a hidden agenda.

Deciding not to say more, I returned my attention to watch Roger. Roger possessed a natural self-assuredness, with the physical presence of a bodybuilder, though he wasn't one.

His strong build complemented his height, slightly taller than me. Standing in front of the boulder, he exuded confidence, as if he had performed this feat many times before.

With nonchalance, he channeled his mana into the stone, proving his mastery. Roger's mana reading fell within the 10 to 30% range, marking him as a proficient hunter.

His natural inclination leaned toward physical strength, always opting for it as his primary solution to any challenge. His mantra was simple: "As long as my fists are at the ready, I'll forge ahead."

We returned to our group, and Roger, brimming with confidence, approached Maria and quipped, "Go on, show 'em how it's done."

Maria, typically reserved around strangers, transformed into a vivacious and amusing companion when we were alone.

She approached the boulder at her own pace, a quiet assurance in her every step. Once before the stone, she turned to face us with a smile that seemed like a farewell.

However, she lingered there without taking any action. Sylvetta, the ever motivator, approached Maria and gently placed her hand on her waist, offering words of encouragement.

"My dear, you mustn't be afraid. Bravery is a requisite for becoming a hunter. Now, place your hand on the stone and prove to your boyfriend that you're more than capable of surpassing him."

Her words carried a dual message, one of support and playful rivalry, which sparked a hint of annoyance in me. To my astonishment, Maria's reaction was unexpected.

She playfully slapped her own face, took a deep, steadying breath, and then made her move.

The mana stone radiated with a brilliance that resembled the descent of an angel, revealing Maria's results that left us all utterly flabbergasted.