
My Twins Are Seducing Me!

Just a warning This Book contains Incest and Smuts if your uncomfortable reading this type of things please move on. I suck on giving descriptions so I'll Just let the story explain itself. This is Under Major Editing so be aware that there maybe some grammatical errors, lack of punctuation etc...

XyderHale · LGBT+
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42 Chs

Chapter 2

Vince's Pov

Today I was in a good mood to drive so I went to my car and drove to school, Bryan also have his own car well you're maybe asking why we have our own car, well Sam doesn't work but we have our ways with money and no we dont steal.

Its just when we play some sports or tournament there is most likely a money for a price, so that explain the car.

Oh and by the way dont judge me or say im disrespectful on Sam the reason I dont call him dad is because he's so fucking cute, and I like the sound of his name. And I'd prefer he call me "daddy" then the other way around, For someone so Little he has Giants for his Sons. Hehehe

I still cant forget what happen this morning It felt good when his on top of me, I know its weird to have this thoughts about my father but I cant help that his cute even Lucifer would bow down to his cuteness.

It was halfway through our third period and its almost lunch break I just pretend that I was listening until the bell rang plus I dont need to hear about this boring lecture.

I dont want to brag but me and my Twin Bryan are smart, sometimes we are mistaken for Albert Einstein Relative or some shit, Ugh I cant wait to go home.

While I was walking in the Hallway I saw Bryan in his locker I decided to say hi, wow he looks like his in a good mood I wonder what happen but I have a clear guess on what it is, I bet our Cute father did something clumsy or something hahaha I chuckle internally "How long are we going to pretend" Bryan asked me, I know how he feels its been really hard for me to control myself too.

G,Its hard not to fuck the shit out of our cute father when he always do something stupid that makes us horny as fuck, "I dont know" I answer.

I looked at him he was in deep thoughts but after a few moments his face lit up like the sun rising at its highest peak.

"I have a really good idea im sure we'll both enjoy" He told me now I suddenly became curious.

"What is it" I asked being impatient "Let's Play with out Little kitten, Lets break him until he thinks nothing but us, Until his mind, heart, body is all ours alone. No one is going to take him away, Let's seduce him, wont that be a good idea?".

He has a point if we do this maybe he'll break and beg for us to make him ours, to pleasure him And the thought of someone stealing him infuriates me.

If anyone dare to touch him more over steal a glance at him I swear to god they will never see sunlight again.

Sam's Pov


I suddenly felt cold shivers run down my spine, Im thinking of a way on telling them that Im gay I cant just go to them and say 'hey Vince, Bryan Im gay... Yup your father is freakin gay' Ugh its so frustrating to think. Im hungry I wanna eat.

I went on the kitchen to see if there is anything edible to eat besides Vegetable, I see a pack of chips I quickly grabbed it like someone is going to steal it from me and run to my room I sat down on my bed and I turn on the TV Im bored and I need to entertain myself.

I go to Netflix I decided to play THE KISSING BOOTH its about a girl falling in love with his Best friend's Older brother.

I was halfway done with the movie when I suddenly felt sleepy I tried to fight back but the sleepiness over powered me so I just went along like they say "if you cant beat em' join them" now I fall in the land of dreams.

When I woke up it was already 8 p.m and I guess the Twins are downstairs because I hear some clattering in the living room.

When I got down I was met with two shirtless hunk 'fuck' Im mutter to myself shit I think I am drooling again I wipe my mouth.

After some time admiring the greek gods also known as my Sons I decided to say hi.

They look back at me and I caught a glimpse of something in their eyes I couldn't tell what it was so I just shrugged it off and did I mention their still shirtless "W-why are you guys shirtless" I asked them both, And they both grin.

"its a little bit hot in here" Bryan said fanning himself with his hand while flexing his abs and Biceps.

Vince walked in the kitchen, I think he's preparing our meal, and I cant help to notice how his muscles flex everytime he moves his body, I think im going to faint.

I rushed to the bathroom not wanting to fall on my knees because of my shirtless sons in front of me.

What are you doing Sam their your son Get your self together I scolded myself.