
Chapter Four: Why Did My Family Members Runaway?

She knocked and waited for an order to come in but she got none."Seriously?" She knocked again and there was no answer still."Oh sweet Jesus, this is why I hate coming here, they never seem to welcome anyone not even their own family members". She tried using the door bell but it was out of function, then she decided to knock again for the very last time. Once again, no answer still "Ugh, oh sweet father, what the hell? I will never come back here alone again, never." She turned to leave when the door cracked opened "Hi cousin....Erm, Ella? Which of the Ella are you, L or N?" Jiele said grinning, then started pouted. "Both" replied Lorella. "Where is my pretty aunt?" She asked smiling back at her cousin. " I will not tell you if you do not reply me" Jiele said angrily "I asked you a question first, so tell me, which of the Ella are you? Jiele asked again. "Which of the Jiele are you?" Lorella asked jokingly. "Please be serious, I have something very very urgent and super important to talk to your mom about, so please help me" she said as she pressed her palms together begging Jiele. " That is why I am asking you to tell me which of the Ella are you, remember my mom, your aunt do not like one of you, besides am following her orders, so which of the Ella are you?"  "Ugh" said Lorella making a funny face "Duh, whatever, I am Lorella, the second twin" Lorella replied rolling her eyes. " How do I believe you?" Asked Jiele "It has been over a year I last saw you and your twin sister, so tell me which of your parents do you prefer?" " Well, I love both of my parents, but for some reasons unknown to anyone, even me, I just happen to be closer to my mom than to my dad"

"Yeah,I believe you now, you have just been tested and trusted, only your accent says it all. Since your mom is white and you being close to her automatically makes you to talk like a write girl that you are" Jiele laughed softly, then continued, "Unlike your twin sister, she talks exactly like my mom, I prefer you, you are my favorite cousin because I like white girls that speaks and behaves like a white girl that they are and not like some white girl that...." " That what?" Lorella asked angrily"Hey, please stop, you are talking about my sister here, my twin sister for that matter" "Okay, I am sincerely sorry but that is the truth " she sighed deeply, the continued "I know you are identical twin sisters, you are both my cousins, you may be twins, identical twin sisters but you still have your differences" Jiele rolled her eyes, then she continued, "For example, you both have your own favorite parent" then she winked at Lorella. "Okay, fine, I have heard you and trust me, you are totally right, I agree with you, hundred percent, are there any other questions you may want to ask me now?"

"No" replier Jiele." Okay, please go fetch me your mom" said Lorella. "Give me a minute" said Jiele as she left to go fetch her mom for Lorella.

"Hi Lorella" said Aunt Irene in excitement as she also opened her arms to embrace Lorella. "Aunt Irene" said Lorella as she ran to embrace her aunt to in excitement. "I have missed you dear" said Aunty Irene a she patter Lorella on her back, "so tell me, how long has it been?" Aunty Irene asked. "It has been a year and two months now" answered Lorella, then she continued "The day I and my sister was discharged from the hospital". "Oh dear"aunty Irene exclaimed at Lorella's retentive memory."That is true honey" aunt Irene continued "Am sorry dear, Jiele has been giving me a lot of restless minds. You know, according to her, she is now a big girl, she often gets herself into trouble with boys, you know her mother na, she talks too much just like her late father, that was what got him killed, he talks too much" aunty Irene explained in agony. "Aunty Ire...." Lorella tried to take sides with her cousin when her aunt cut her short " Don't auntie Irene me, it is true. You know, the truth is bitter, but if you say the truth it will set you free, at least that is what my bible tells me. Jiele talks too much and she fights too not even with girls her age, but with big boys, boys that are far way older than her, can you imagine" she paused to reduce the tv volume "But you know the one and only good part of it?" She chuckled "My baby girl beats them, she is a very good fighter. At least, my efforts of pounding fufu and pounded yam  does not go to waste. But you know, she is my only child, she is all I have got left in this world, I just hope she does not get herself killed one day. I wish her father was still alive to see his beautiful girl, his carbon copy, may his soul always rest in the most perfect peace" she said as she glanced at her dear late husband's photograph. "Amen" replied Lorella "I miss him too" Lorella and Jiele said in unison. "Sweet father, you scared me Jiele" said Lorella. "Am sorry" Jiele replied.

"Am sorry dear, I was carried away by my handsome husband and our awesome memories together" said Aunty Irene. "It is okay Aunt Irene" Lorella replied and pouted. Aunty Irene then permitted Lorella to have a seat. "So dear, why are you here?" She asked as she sat down. "Aunty Irene, you know, I have not heard from my dad nor my sister for two days now, since last two nights to be specific, do you happen to know their whereabouts?" Lorella asked worriedly. "No I do not know, what happened?" asked Aunty Irene.

Lorella explained everything she saw and knows about that night. " Oh, I see" aunty Irene said " He has gone to one of his friends to hide, don't worry dear, he will come out of his hiding soon" she paused to clean her glasses and wore them again, then she continued " I know you are very worried about your twin sister, do not worry, she will be fine". Aunty Irene glanced at the very big wall clock in her living room " Oh dear, the time is five thirty PM, you know your mom will be home by six thirty PM, she will be very worried if she just happens to get home before you do. Why don't you just come back tomorrow?" Aunty Irene took a quick glance at her phone screen. "Tomorrow is Saturday" she continued, " I will be home, you can head home now and come back tomorrow. Do not worry, I will be home tomorrow, so that I will tell you everything that have happened, everything I know, you are all grown now, you have to know the truth"

" Okay Aunty Irene, I will. I should start  going back home now, because I do not want to be in the six PM traffic jam, bye big girl Jiele, bye Aunty Irene" Norella said as she quickly ran out and hurriedly left for home.