
My Three Crazy Soulmates

Sheis4thestreets1 · Livres et littérature
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7 Chs

Chapter 3

It's been 7 months since I met Illumi and my life has been hell, apparently my soulmate mark was quite different from others in terms of I needed to have physical contact with my soulmate every now and then otherwise I would get critically ill. This condition would continue until I met all my soulmates which meant I had to meet up with Illumi every few weeks this messed up every job that would be assigned to me.

When I wanted to do assignments that took weeks to do I would have to do them with him, Illumi made sure that in the second month of our I don't even know what to call what we have maybe soulmateship, anyway I met the entire Zoldyk family it might have been an honour to work with them it was just different because in some 4 years I would get married to Illumi. The thing is I wasn't prepared to have dinner with them Illumi just said I would meet them then go home, the Zoldyks are a bunch of crazy people maybe we have 2 or 3 sane ones but the fact they all live like this is weird. When we arrived at the testing gates I had to open them, I opened them all. Illumi just continued walking then I saw a gigantic dog I was a big dog lover so I wanted to pet him them Illumi seemed to notice my intentions because he said "it will kill you if you touch it " I sighed and continued walking towards the manor. At least I wasn't an intruder because I did not feel like killing someone just to get to the house in fact I would have just said darn I can't come in well that's sad and I would have walked back home but no Illumi expected me to do that because I kind of said I would rather not meet his family. When we reached the manor I didn't want to go in it was a house full of very skilled assassins which meant they would look down on a newbie like me.

When we entered the house I was greeted by Illumi's mum Kikyo, she started rambling over how cute I was how I would make such a good wife for Illumi, she talks too much from what I saw but fortunately Silva was around and he told her to control herself so she did, they invited me in. Illumi showed me to the living room and it was honestly a nice area it made me feel a bit calmer in a room full of people who were probably 10 times as skilled as I was in this job. I got to meet Illumi's grandad his name is Zeno he is such a cool grandad, they began to ask me how it has been being an assassin I said "the job is quite easy if you prepare in advance and you are assured of 100% success rate, but I don't do the job because I enjoy it I do it because at this point it's the only thing I am really skilled at". Zeno looked at me and said "where are your parents" I looked at him and simply said "I killed them, it was my first job someone payed me at the age of 7 to kill my parents and because of what they taught me which was to never refuse a job request I killed them". Silva asked a very good question he asked if I would kill one of them if I had been hired and I answered truthfully " if they were to pay the right amount and because I am not a Zoldyk I would kill you without hesitation everyone but Illumi cause I would probably die from depression or something" Silva was impressed with my answer and he commended me for my dedication to my job. We talk for some time and then supper was served

The entire Zoldyk family was at the table and when Killua saw me he said "Y/N what are you doing here don't tell me you're the soulmate Illumi has been talking about" I nodded and he sighed and said I pity you. Killua made me smile because he was the most normal Zoldyk there was, we began to eat and the moment I tasted the food I asked Kikyo how much poison they put in my food. Kikyo seemed so happy with my question she said she asked the chefs to put the poison in my food but hide it well. I was very disappointed in this chef even I could cover up poison better than this, the key was if you are making soup or broth or just a general meal add the poison to the wine mix well then add it to the broth or soup and leave to boil it will give the wine flavour and scent furthermore add strong spices and flavours which blend well together or complement each other very well which draws away attention from the out of place taste in the meal. But I just said it was okay when it seemed like she was hiding the dosage, Illumi looked a bit pissed off but you couldn't tell with that guy facial expression always remained the same.

Supper with the Zoldyk family was very interesting I made small conversation with Kikyo about family but of course I was emphasising the fact I was only 16 years old at the time. When the whole family had finished their meal I thanked them for their hospitality but said I would be leaving since it was getting late. Illumi wanted to take me home, I told him no thanks but when he insisted on taking me home I just agreed and said wake me up when we get there. By the time I arrived at home I was too sleepy to actually come out of the car and get into bed Illumi somehow had a spare key and he carried me into the house and put me on the bed to sleep. Unfortunately I don't know what overcame me cause according to Illumi I told him to stay and when he refused I just pulled him into bed with me and I slept with my head on his chest.

When I woke up the next day and found him with me in bed I assumed the worst but I wasn't irrational I made sure I looked at my clothing and to my surprise it had been changed I was now in my pjs it irritated me knowing he not only changed me out of my clothing but also slept with me while having full knowledge I am a dazed sleeper so to me he was just being pedo. But I cut him some slack and just tried to forget I slept with Illumi.

After the whole meeting the Zoldyk incident a few months passed without anything interesting happening but I grew tired of Illumi quick he never showed emotion was always overprotective and overbearing to a point I couldn't even do my job any more, which frustrated me a lot. So today I will go out to relax myself which meant I was going for a good old spa day, when I finished I had to go home but since I don't have parents or guardians I would stay out till a little after 03 hrs. I went to watch a movie at the cinema then went to a club flashing the bouncer a smile, I was a regular at this club " So Kris how's the family" he told me they were doing alight partied till it was 02 a.m and came stumbling out of the club. But I had made a fatal mistake, today was the day I was supposed to meet up with Illumi because I hadn't been with him in a while I was going to get really sick. I completely forgot about that, just because I needed to get myself no longer stressed.

I happened to stumble across a dark alley and there was a man there he was wearing a clowns outfit he had a star and teardrop painted on his face and on top of that he was extremely good looking, now you might be thinking this girl has a soulmate she shouldn't be eyeing other guys like that. Well in my defense I am still a teenager and my hormones are all over the place so I have the right to crush on the guy. When I saw what he was doing I was extremely impressed he had one of the most intimidating blood lust I had ever seen. He killed 5 guys who surrounded him with such grace he controlled his body so well it was like he had the art of murder down to a T. While I was watching him he killed the men and looked my direction when we made eye contact I couldn't believe what I saw I felt like we made a deep and strong connection from just locking eyes with him. He looked at me up and down and said" it's an honour to meet you soulmate" he said these words with a smirk on his face. All I wanted to do was run cause I didn't need another one I mean it's great that they're good looking but I don't want this I have literally placed a new shackle on myself, and I have never meet a person with worse luck than mine cause one of my soulmates an assassin (I mean I'm also one but that's not the point) the other one is a murderer great I wonder what the third one will be maybe a thief maybe a bomber maybe someone who commits mass genocide.