
Chapter 31: Wicked Oni

It's been a month since Ares appeared at the Walpurgis banquet, and just like Guy said, Rimuru has been a wonderful host.

At first reluctant to allow Ares into his country, Rimuru's subordinates, well mostly Shion, placated his worries saying they will watch over him day and night, making sure the "traveler", as he likes to call himself, doesn't harm, or show any intention of harming the citizens.

During his stay, Ares stayed to himself mostly.

Because he was a guest essentially sent by Guy, Ares was treated well within Tempest.

He was allowed to visit its finest establishments, and even had privileges not many others had.

He wasn't however able to see the main cast all that much, making his time in Tempest rather monotonous.

Walking along the streets of Tempest, making his way to Treyni's bar, Ares and the passersby on the street heard his name being called.


Turning his head, Ares spotted a familiar muscular green goblin with white hair and no apparent eyes.

"Rigurd." Ares happily said, "Just in time to join me for a drink."

Hearing this, Rigurd frowned slightly but displayed a small smile shortly after.

"You honor me Ares-sama. I wish I could join you but Great Rimuru and the others are currently dealing with a pressing matter. I just wanted to see if things were still going well for you in Tempest."

'The second showdown huh?'

"Everything is fine Rigurd. Is there anything I could do to help?" Ares asked genuinely. "Your country has been more than welcoming for a stranger like myself."

Shaking his head, Rigurd replied, "Just enjoy your stay in Tempest Ares-sama, that is all I ask." He smiled, bowing slightly.

"I see, well my offer for a drink still stands. Whenever you're free, I'd enjoy your company." Ares smiled, slapping Rigurd's back.

"Thank you Ares-sama, I would most like that. I hope you continue to enjoy your stay." Rigurd bowed once again before hastily walking toward the city hall.

'This is why I like Rigurd, so considerate.' Ares thought. 'If I was anyone else I might have taken your advice Rigurd. But it's too bad your not dealing with just anyone else. I wonder if I can get Achilles to act like him?' Ares wondered. 'Hmm, food for thought.'

Continuing his walk, Ares passed his previous destination of Treyni's bar and arrived in a small, secluded clearing.

'Now the question is not if I'm going to fight, but who I'm going to fight?'

No matter how much he wants to, Ares will not interfere in the Rimuru and Hinata altercation.

Although his presence may or may not have affected cannon, he still wouldn't want to alter that fight in any way.

For both of them that fight is necessary and his intervening would affect too much.

For Hinata, that fight was about closure.

For Rimuru, that fight was to prove a point.

Now that leaves Ares with the others.

'It doesn't matter who I fight to be honest, but if I had to choose I would gladly fight Shion. Imagine, a God of War versus a War Oni, what a spectacle that would be.'

Expanding his senses, Ares soon located what he was looking for, teleporting from the small clearing, leaving with a wide smile on his face.

Appearing in a red cloud of smoke high above a grassy plain, Ares couldn't help but tremble in excitement at the happenings around him.

He could see contingents of monsters and humans fighting, hear cries of pain echoing, and destructive magic power being displayed.

'I feel so... euphoric.' Ares thought, a splitting smile across his face.

Breathing in deeply then exhaling, Ares began flying toward a purple, pyramid shaped barrier where he knew Shion was currently entertaining two of the Ten Great Saints.

"Now Shion, lets dance shall we."


"Compliance or death? Ha, a Mystic Oni with bravado. You dare give us an ultimatum? I'll make sure you know your place you beast." A man with short red hair sneered, his spear pointed towards Shion.

"A Mystic Oni you say? Ufufu that's where your wrong. Benimaru and Souei, the one your comrades are fighting, they are Mystic Oni. I don't know why, but for some reason, I evolved differently from them. I'm a Wicked Oni." Shion smirked, her odachi resting in her hand.

"Whether a Wicked Oni or some local dietly none of that matters. What matters is our God, the one and only Luminas-sama." A blonde haired man retorted passionately with a scowl, his grip tightening on his sword handle.

"Who cares about this God? Now, answer my question." Shion retorted.

"Y-You. How dare you insult the one true God? I shall cleanse this world of blasphemers like you!"

In the palm of his free hand, the blonde haired man began collecting bright, white energy that formed an orb and quickly grew in size.

It wasn't just the blonde haired man who formed the orb, but also the red haired man, and other soldiers inside of the barrier as well.


At the blonde mans call, each person who formed an orb released it in the direction of Shion, intending to smite this unholy creature in the name of their God.

Shion didn't move.

With her head was down and hair shadowing her eyes, it looked like Shion would accept her fate.

But just as the orbs were feet away from her, she lifted her head, and like one would swat away an annoying group of gnats, Shion swung her odachi, cleaving and reflecting the orbs with some even being returned to their sender.

On the outside the blonde haired man's face held a neutral expression, but internally, internally he was losing it.

'Shouldn't she be weak against our holy powers?!That attack corrodes magicules! Isn't it supposed to be lethal to monsters like her? But she reflected it! Not dodged, reflected!'

"Is this your answer?" Shion asked menacingly.

There was silence amidst those present.

Seeing this, Shion smiled and was about to speak again until she, and everyone else in the barrier, heard clapping.

"I must say Shion. Your turning me on."

Turning her head to the sky, Shion saw the mysterious traveler Ares floating in the air wearing an all black yukata with his hands hidden in his sleeves, his swords on his back, and a smile on his face.

"What are you doing here Ares-sama? You shouldn't be here?" Shion asked, keeping one eye on her opponents and the other on Ares.

"Well, I was going for drink when Rigurd approached me, and long story short, I'm here to have fun." Ares shrugged.

"Fun? This is not the time for fun. Leave now before-"

"So the beast has a helper, no wonder you talked like you did earlier." The red haired man said, turning his attention from Shion, and toward Ares. "But you, helper, you don't look or even feel like a monster. Why don't you come-"

"Hey cherry boy, sit."


The red haired saint immediately collapsed, his knees cratering the ground.

"What did you do? The blonde haired man asked Ares with narrowed eyes, noticing his comrade was trying but failing to stand.

"Hmm? Oh, increased gravity. Anyway Shion, fight me."

Everyone stumbled forward.

"You came here at this time to fight me? I have orders Ares, and you being here is not helping me fulfill them." Shion growled.

"Haha, I like that look Shion. Now, shall we dance?"

Disappearing from his spot in the air and reappearing next to Shion with his hand on her shoulder, Ares teleported himself and Shion to a more secluded area.


Gasping for air the red haired man stood shakily, finally able to control his own body.

"What was that Lennart?" The red haired man warily asked the now identified blonde haired man, Lennart.

"More importantly Gerald, who was that? I must infor-"

"Oops, I almost forgot." Ares reappeared interrupting Lennart. "Now, I don't need you or your crew telling anyone about my involvement here, so until I come back, stay."

Following his statement Ares teleported away, leaving the two saints and their comrades under an unbearable pressure, before their blood slowed to a crawl and they fainted.


"What are you doing?!" Shion shouted lowering into a fighting stance. "Great Rimuru-sama has been nothing but generous to you and you do this?!" She scowled, her voice laced with anger.

"Rimuru knows of my intentions in this world as I'm sure you and his other subordinates do as well. I came to fight. Not for leisure Shion, but to fight. Only when I am satisfied will I leave." He said nonchalantly. "Ah by the way, the ones you were facing earlier are staying put where they are so you don't have to worry about them. All you have to right now is worry about me."

Ares disappeared in a burst of speed leaving Shion looking around with searching eyes.

Suddenly, Shion felt a sharp pain.

Looking down, she found the fully extended leg of Ares firmly planted in her stomach, causing her to exhale sharply and fly backwards breaking some trees.

Regaining her bearings, Shion used her odachi to stop herself, glaring up at the smiling Ares from her kneeling position.

Kicking of the ground in a burst of speed slightly slower than Ares, Shion appeared feet in front of him, her odachi already mid swing.


The sound of metal resounded throughout the area they were in.

"Your strong." Ares chuckled, blocking Shion's sword swing with his golden greaves made by Brontes.

Narrowing her eyes, Shion began her onslaught, sending a flurry of sword strikes Ares' way.

With every swing of her sword, the more frustrated Shion got.

They've been fighting for minutes now.

It's not the fact that she wasn't able to hit Ares that had her frustrated. Its was the look on his face that frustrated her.

His smile was like he was enjoying this.

And if he came to fight, why hasn't he drawn his blades?

In the midst of her continued onslaught Shion voiced her thoughts, "You said you came to fight but have yet to raise your weapons. What are you waiting for?"

Dodging another attempt to cleave him in two, Ares replied, smiling wider than before, "Has anyone told you how beautiful you look when your mad?"

"Shut up and stay still!" Shion shouted, missing Ares' neck by an inch, his blonde hair falling like leaves to the ground.

"Now wheres the fun in that?" Ares asked with a smirk as he continued to dodge.

"Then fight back!" Shion shouted, stopping her onslaught, and glaring daggers at Ares.

"As you wish my lady."

Unsheathing Sthenthi from his back, Ares raised both arms and brought them down with ferocity, Shion bringing her odachi above her head to block just in time.

Her eyes widened but only slightly, and her knees trembled under the pressure of Ares' strike; for a moment, her body wouldn't listen to her.

Ares relented on the pressure but continued his attack.

Kicking Shion out of their brief power struggle, Ares followed after her, and like a reformed Kenshin, struck Shion in the stomach with the back of Sthenthi.


Shion cratered the ground.

Ares stood ready waiting for the smoke to clear.

As it did, Ares could see Shion standing in the middle of the crater, leaning on her odachi.

Her clothes were slightly torn but nothing was exposed.

A small trail of blood ran from the horn on her forehead, but other that that there were no other apparent injuries.

"How about we call it a day?" Ares asked.

Although he would like to continue he knows if he does, things will get complicated.

If Rimuru and Hinata have finished fighting, then things already have.

"What?" Shion asked, hoisting her odachi over her shoulder.

"Like I said, I just came here to fight. This was my first opportunity at fighting someone here. I tried to see you in Tempest and request things the normal way, but unsurprisingly, the officials of a Tempest are very busy. Thanks to our friend, I'm here, an you were my first opponent." Ares grinned, sheathing Sthenthi on his back.

Waking toward the wary eyed Shion, Ares extended his hand, and as Shion was about to speak, extending her hand as well, they both heard a familiar voice.


(A/N: Hopefully I didn't make Shion too weak. I didn't want a to make the fight between Ares and her a serious one. It's not like they can kill each other anyway.

Thanks for reading. CK)

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